144 resultados para Tess


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Many housebound older adults lack meaningful social relationships. In this study we explore the phenomenon of social connectedness in the volunteer-older adult relationship through the experiences of frail and isolated older adults and volunteers. We conceptualise this relationship as a journey whereby each traveller plays an active role in its direction and outcome. The emergent phenomenological essence of social connectedness from these dyad’s narratives provides meaning for both differences and similarities into the way the construct is conceptualised. When volunteers maintain the boundaries of the relationship through structured conversation and visits, it is described as friendly. Transgressing the boundaries involves doing extra for the elder and is both a function of the dyad’s compatibility, and the volunteer’s sense of ongoing agency and lack of elder expectations. The sense of social connectedness inherent in these relationships often feels like that of friendship or family, and these relationships are perceived as meaningful and close for both parties. Social connectedness in family-like relationships is a function of the playing out of an otherwise missing family role. However, if volunteer volition is compromised, this results in feelings of obligation and responsibility, similar to the dynamic between blood relatives. Participants’ narratives suggest that when the boundaries of the relationship are mutually negotiated, this serves to strengthen the relationship’s socioemotional quality, and potential for the continuity of the unique sense of social connectedness that has already been established.


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Obesity is a well-recognized risk factor for Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In this study a high percentage of older adults were either overweight or obese. The aims were to assess older adults' tolerance for excess weight, and to compare self-perceptions of an acceptable weight with national guidelines. Participants were 76 males and females aged between 65 and 97 years. Results indicated that 60 per cent accurately identified their own body size. Further, participants were more tolerant of excess weight in males compared to females, regardless of age. It was concluded that this cohort remains vulnerable to weight-related illnesses.


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The novel explores the journey towards completion for two women and, through its concerns and structure, plays with the notion of research in the creative arts. The exegesis comments upon the concerns of the novel, and the writing and research processes.


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This thesis explored older adults' experiences of successful ageing. Self-acceptance, attitudes to ageing, and flexibility emerged as influencing factors. Acceptance was described as a personal struggle and underpinned criteria of successful ageing. Overall, ageing successfully seems anchored in our need to become integrated and find meaning in life.


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Identifying the barriers to achieving an appropriate body size is important for health. This study investigated young adults' tolerance of excess weight in other adults. Participants were 172 students (65 male, 107 female) with a mean age of 22.24 years (SD = 1.61). Half the participants resided in Australia, and half in Hawaii. Students from both countries were found to be tolerant of body sizes larger than those recommended for good health. These results help inform our understanding of the factors that may influence weight gain, and have important implications for the worldwide obesity problem and related health issues.


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In this study we explored the attitudes and beliefs of nine heterosexual adults towards gay male and female couples parenting children. We conceptualised participants' perceptions as one primary lens through which gay parenting is viewed. Based on the narratives provided, this lens comprised hetero-normative, homophobic or heterosexist assumptions and coloured the way in which participants perceived aspects of the concept of gay couples parenting children. At times, participants attempted to adjust their primary lens and adopt different views that initially suggested ambivalence and sometimes contradictory positions. Despite the range of attitudes and assumptions about same-sex parenting, consensus over the potential negative developmental impact on children raised by same-sex parents remained evident. Evidence suggests that same-sex parenting is already a reality in Westernised nations and has little or no bearing on the sexual orientation of children. However, concern that children be brought up with every opportunity to 'become' heterosexual, whether they are the product of same-sex or opposite-sex parents, remains evident.


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This study investigated the association between environmental mastery and depression in a sample of 96 older adults (aged 64–98 years) in residential care. The participants completed a scale that assessed depression along with measures for risk factors for depression such as functional capacity, self-evaluated physical health, bereavement experiences and environmental mastery. The results showed that 49 per cent of the variance in participants’ scores in depression could be attributed to their self-reported level of environmental mastery. Given the complexity of depression and the likelihood of reduced environmental mastery among older adults in residential care, the construct was further assessed as a mediating variable between the risk factors and depression. With environmental mastery taken as such, the explained variance in depression increased to 56 per cent. It was concluded that environmental mastery may be one of the more important factors affecting the mental health of older adults living in residential care and that strategies for increasing the residents’ environmental mastery are important to their psychological wellbeing. The discussion notes that among the questions needing further investigation are whether older adults who experience high environmental mastery make the transition from community living to residential nursing home care more successfully than others, and whether perceived mastery diminishes over time or occurs at the point of transition from community independent living to dependent supported living.


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The Australian Child Support Scheme impacts on the lives of many Australian families. Yet the Australian evidence base informing child support policy development is relatively sparse and lacks coherence. In this article, we employ an equity framework to consolidate the published Australian empirical child support research in order to identify gaps in current knowledge and assess the various layers of competing interest inherent therein. While researchers have begun to examine the financial outcomes of the new Australian Child Support Scheme, work is urgently needed to understand the effects that the new scheme has on children, payees and payers, and how these effects operate. We conclude by proposing an agenda for future Australian child support research that focuses on the aims of the scheme and the four equity principles we employ, namely, horizontal, vertical, gender, and intergenerational equity.


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This study investigated factors controlling blow fly infestation of simulated remains (meat baits) in Victoria. Temperature, light and dark and level of decay are most influential in determining infestation by maggots. This knowledge will assist in more accurate forensic estimations of the minimum time since death of a corpse.


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lmpro Exchange brought together practicing artists primarily from NSW but also from other states in Australia to articulate questions and as physically expressed and evoked through improvisation. It was curated by two of Australia's most senior and respected performing artists in the contemporary dance/performance scene- Tess De Quincey and Martin Del Amo. Dialogue across the different backgrounds was both challenging and stimulating. For example, dancers came from Japanese, Pacific Islander, Aboriginal, German and Anglo-Saxon Australian cultural backgrounds. These dancers also spoke/danced from their respective cultural understandings about dance and from the ways of moving these cultures embody. The dancers also ranged across different generations thus requiring negotiation as to what dance means at different ages and how dialogue can be achieved with such different physical capacities. Made possible by the flexibility of improvisation as a medium, the dialogue was important in a sector where dancing careers usually end when dancers reach their early thirties. Equally important, and with such a large group of dancers, was the 'working through' of performance problems about how improvisation can be improvised and composed with such a multiplicity of voices, backgrounds, styles and practices. These negotiations were presented in a one-hour public performance.


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To examine the extent of nutritional vulnerability seen in a cohort of asylum seekers in Australia. Twenty-one asylum seekers (15 males, 6 females) that used a food bank were interviewed over a 6 week period at the Melbourne based Asylum Seeker Resource Centre about foods consumed in the previous 24-h and any non food bank foods obtained. A basket audit was conducted after participants accessed the food bank on the day of interview, Participants obtained significantly less than the minimum requirements for the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating in the vegetables and legumes (P < .001, 95% CI −3.5, −1.7) fruits (P < .001, 95% CI −1.7, −.1.2), dairy (P < .001, 95% CI −1.8, −1.5) and meat and meat alternatives core food groups (P = .001, 95% CI −0.8, −0.3) using foods accessed from the food bank, their primary or sole food source. A high level of nutritional vulnerability was seen in this cohort due to their inability to meet minimum nutritional requirements from their primary food access point. Health professionals working with asylum seeker populations need to be aware of this issue and the resulting potential for longer term ill health as a consequence.


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Body image and its relationship to self-esteem was examined among Asian, Pacific Islander, and White women and men from Hawaii and Australia (n = 172). Although Pacific Islander and White participants had higher body mass indices than Asians, Pacific Islanders were more satisfied than Asians with their health and more satisfied than Asians and Whites with their appearance. Thus, higher body weight and greater body satisfaction may co-occur among Pacific Islanders, whereas lower weight and lower body satisfaction may co-occur among Asians. The findings suggest different levels of risk for body image dissatisfaction, and its associated psychological consequences, across ethnic groups.