102 resultados para Telenomus remus


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Mapeamentos geológicos feitos pelo autor na região do Arroio Cambaizinho - são Gabriel/RS, resultaram na definição do Complexo Cambaizinho, representado pelas seqüências meta-sedimentar e máfica-ultramáfica, intimamente associadas ao longo de toda a extensão da associação supracrustal. A seqüência meta-se dimentar é constitu1da por gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos dominan tes, anfibolitos bandados e quartzitos subordinados, derivados de sedimentos areno-pelítico-carbonatados estruturados, de forma ritmica em ambiente subaquoso. Niveis composicionais de ocorrência restrita contendo estaurolita, definem o grau metamórfico (médio) para esta região. Intercalações de serpentinitos, xistos magnesianos variados e anfibolitos a granulação fina, na forma de camadas e/ou lentes interestratificadas nos meta-sedimentos indicam suas derivações a partir de derrames e/ou intrusões , ígneas de pequena profundidade de composição básica-ultrabásica. Este juntamente com níveis de sedimentos qu1micos intercalados e corpos de gabros, constituem a seqüência máfica-ultramáfica. O complexo, representa o segmento norte de um cintu rão supracrustal polideformado de forma geométrica aproximadamente linear, com orientação NNE, que se extende desde a localidade de Passo do Ivo, situado mais a sul, até a região objeto deste trabalho. Quatro fases de deformação dúcteis foram das para a área, estando as duas primeiras (Dl e D2) identifica associadas xx aos eventos metamórficos regionais Ml e M2. O metamorfismo mais antigo (Ml), assinalado por paragêneses diagnósticas em metapelitos alcançou o fácies anfibolito (zona da estaurolita), estando representado em outras litologias pela ocorrência de olivina metamórfica em paragênese com tremolita e/ou talco (meta-serpentinitos) e hornblenda mais oligoclásio/andesina em meta-básicas. O M2, mais jovem, atingiu o fácies xistos verdes, cujas assembléias mineralógicas se associam à foliação S2, de distribuição ir regular ao longo do cinturão. As condições fisicas de Ml foram de média P/T, similares às do metamorfismo Dalradiano. Intrusões graniticas na forma de lâminas (corpos ta bulares) durante a segunda fase de deformação D2, datados pelo mé todo Rb/Sr em 661 :: 29 Ma e agrupados sob a denominação de Granatóides Sanga do Jobim, fornecem idades mínimas para o complexo. Os vários grupos composiciconais da seqüência máfic~ -ultramáfica, individualizados com base em critérios petrográf~ cos e conteúdo de elementos maiores correspondem a: serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos (cumulados komatilticos); xis tos magnesianos à talco e clorita e anfibólio xistos (komatiitos); clorita-hornblenda xistos (basaltos komatiiticos), litos e metagabros (basaltos e gabros tolelticos). anfibo Estes vários tipos litológicos foram originados através de diferentes graus de fusão parcial do manto como indicado pelo hiato composicional de MgO (11 à 17%) e os diferentes padrões de ETR existentes entre os anfibolitos/metagabros (toleitos) e os serpentinitos/xistos magnesianos (komatiltos).As variações composicionais no interior de cada grupo, foram controladas pelo fracionamento (acumulação ou extração) de olivina e pouco ortopiroxênio (serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos)clinopiroxênios (clorita e anfibólios xistos, clorita hornblenda xistos), clinopiroxênio e plagioclásio (anfibolitos e metagabros). As abundâncias e os padrões de ERTL (elementos terras raras leves) enriquecidos, juntamente com os baixos valores das razões A1203/Ti02 e CaO/Ti02 das amostras de xistos magnesiinos das camadas A e B sugerem derivações deste material a partir de baixas percentagens de fusão de um manto enriquecido em mentos incompatíveis. As anomalias negativas de Ce e Eu na ele maio ria das rochas da seqüência máfica-ultramáfica indicam que protólitos ígneossofreram alterações em ambiente submarino.


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OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A performance trial was conducted with broiler chicks to Study the effect of phytase (PHY) supplementation in diets formulated With reduced AME, Ca, and P. The nutrient digestibility was determined during the 14- to 21-d and 28- to 35-d periods. The treatments consisted of 3 diets (NC1, NC2. NC3) differing ill nutrient content and each diet with Or without supplemental PHY (NC1, 0 oi 500; NC2, 0 or 750; NC3, 0 or 1,000 U of PHY/kg feed) and I positive control diet (PC). Compared with the PC diet. negative control diets (NC) resulted in lower AME and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility for some amino acids. Phytase Supplementation of the NC diets increased AME. apparent ileal amino acid digestibility, and apparent ileal crude protein digestibility. Phytase addition also increased mineral absorption in 2 1 - and 35-d-old broilers fed NC diets. Reduced nutrient digestibility appears to be I factor in the weight gain and feed intake results. Reducing Ca and P content reduced feed intake in a stepwise fashion in the NC diets. Phytase increased feed intake and generally improved nutrient digestibility, which resulted in an increase in digestible nutrient intake. Averaged across NC diets. PHY improved body weight. Bone-breaking strength was the most consistent predictor of Ca and P reduction. All NC diets had significantly lower bone-breaking strength than the PC. Phytase supplementation of the NC diets gave bone-breaking strengths that were comparable to the PC. Diets with PHY had the highest bioeconomic index.


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The meta-analysis was used to evaluate the performance of piglets in post-weaning period, without imposition of sanitary challenge and fed diets containing blood plasma, obtained by spray-dried process (SDBP). Piglets are faced with normal challenges in post-weaning period such as environmental stress and the substitution of the liquid diet to a solid one. References regarding sanitary challenges were disregarded in this study. Only data regarding normal and expected challenges were considered. Data were obtained from indexed journals with information extracted from the material, methods and results sections of pre-selected scientific articles. First, the database was analyzed graphically to observe the distribution of data and presence of outliers. Afterwards correlation analysis and variance-covariance analyses were carried out. The database contained a total of 23 articles. The average initial weight of the piglets was 8.02. kg (4.00-9.28. kg) and the average initial age was 27 days (14-32 days). The average duration of feeding diets containing spray-dried blood plasma (SDBP) was 9 days (6-28 days). SDBP increased the feed conversion by 20.2% (P<0.05) during the initial period. Feed conversion during the total period was 10.2% higher (P<0.05) for animals fed with SDBP. Average daily weight gain and daily feed intake were not affected (P>0.05) during the entire period, but average daily gain was higher (P<0.05) for animals fed with SDBP during the initial period. The initial age of supplementation influenced the average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake of animals fed with SDBP. Better results were obtained than those obtained for animals up to 35 days of age fed diets without added SDBP supplementation. In early post-weaning period for piglets weaned up to 35 days of age, the SDBP supplementation positively influenced the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Piezodorus guildinii Westwood and Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are important soybean pests. P. guildinii causes more injury and is less susceptible to insecticides compared to N. viridula. N. viridula egg parasitoids are well studied; however, little is known about parasitoids of P. guildinii. Alfalfa, soybean and red clover were sampled during several seasons to characterize the abundance of both stink bugs, to determine their egg parasitoids, and to estimate parasitoids impact. In the field, Telenomus podisi (Ashmead),Trissolcus urichi (Crawford) and Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from P. guildinii, while only T. basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from N. viridula. The proportions of parasitized eggs (i. e., the parasitoid impact) and egg masses, as well as the number of parasitized eggs/total number of eggs of the parasitized egg masses, were similar for alfalfa and soybean. Parasitism was not observed in red pclover. Parasitoid impact was lower during the dry growing seasons. Although P. guildinii field parasitism by T. urichi was less significant, laboratory experiments from the bibliography indicate that this wasp species performs well on this host. Trissolcus urichi would be an important biological control agent against P. guildinii, principally when the stink bug is more abundant.