996 resultados para Tang Dynasty (China)


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AXIS(14)C dating and grain-size analysis for Core DD2, located at the north of the Yangtze River-derived mud off the Zhejiang-Fujian coasts in the inner shelf of the East China Sea, provide us a high-resolution grain-size distribution curve varying with depth and time. Data in the upper mud layer of Core DD2 indicate that there are at least 9 abrupt grain-size increasing in recent 2000 years, with each corresponding very well with the low-temperature events in Chinese history, which might result from the periodical strengthening of the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM), including the first-revealed maximum temperature lowering event at around 990 a BP. At the same time, the finer grain size section in Core DD2 agrees well with the Sui-Tang Warming Period (600-1000 a AD) defined previously by Zhu Kezhen, during which the climate had a warm, cold and warm fluctuation, with a dominated cooling period of 750-850 a AD. The Little Ice Age (LIA) can also be identified in the core. It starts around 1450 a AD and was followed by a subsequent cooling events at 1510, 1670 and 1840 a AD. Timing of these cold events revealed here still needs to be further verified owing to some current uncertainty of dating we used in this study.


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Global warming has become a notable trend especially since an abrupt climate change in 1976. Response of the East China Sea (ECS) to the global warming trend, however, is not well understood because of sparse long-term observation. In this paper, hydrographic observation data of 1957-1996 are collected and reviewed to study climatological variability in northern ECS. Significant warming trends are found in both summer and winter. In summer, the average SST is about 0.46A degrees C higher during the period of 1977-1996 than that of 1957-1976, and the Taiwan Warm Current Water (TWCW) was strengthened. In winter, despite of the cooling effect in the coastal areas adjacent to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary (CRE), the average SST increase was about 0.53A degrees C during the same period. The causes of this SST warming up in summer are different from in winter. The warming trend and intensification of the TWCW in summer were primarily influenced by the strengthening of the Kuroshio transport, while the warming in winter was mainly induced by the variability of the climate system.


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Seasonal variations of water exchange in the Luzon Strait are studied numerically using the improved Princeton Ocean Model (POM) with a consideration of the effects of connectivity of South China Sea (SCS) and monsoons. The numerical simulations are carried out with the strategy of variable grids, coarse grids for the Pacific basin and fine grids for the SCS. It. is shown that the Mindoro Strait plays an important role in adjusting the water balance between the Pacific and the SCS. The SCS monsoon in summer seasons hinders the entrance of the Pacific water into the SCS through the Luzon Strait while the SCS monsoon in winter seasons promotes the entrance of Pacific water into the SCS through the Luzon Strait. However, the SCS monsoon does not affect the annual mean Luzon Strait transport, as is mainly determined by the Pacific basin wind.


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A group of statistical algorithms are proposed for the inversion of the three major components of Case-H waters in the coastal area of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea. The algorithms are based on the in situ data collected in the spring of 2003 with strict quality assurance according to NASA ocean bio-optic protocols. These algorithms are the first ones with quantitative confidence that can be applied for the area. The average relative error of the inversed and in situ measured components' concentrations are: Chl-a about 37%, total suspended matter (TSM) about 25%, respectively. This preliminary result is quite satisfactory for Case-H waters, although some aspects in the model need further study. The sensitivity of the input error of 5% to remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) is also analyzed and it shows the algorithms are quite stable. The algorithms show a large difference with Tassan's local SeaWiFS algorithms for different waters, except for the Chl-a algorithm.


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Copepod communities in onshore and offshore waters show a gradient from primarily near shore to primarily oceanic species. Understanding the transition between these communities is fundamental to determining the range of coastal influence. Copepod communities in the northern South China Sea (nSCS) were studied based on samples collected by vertically towing a net in 10 February-6 March (winter) and 26 August-6 September (summer) of 2004. Calanoida species richness, total copepod abundance, Shannon-Weaver diversity index, and onshore-offshore occurrence of dominant species showed obvious change from onshore to offshore waters. Although the offshore stations had lower abundance than the shelf stations, they had more species and larger diversity index. Abundance of some species (groups) with dominance index > 5% (Calanus sinicus, Euchaeta spp., Temora spp., Paracalanus parvus, and Subeucalanus subtenuis) declined from onshore to offshore waters. Warm water species (Pleuromamma abdominalis, P. gracilis, and P. robusta) occurred in offshore waters in both cruises. Station (q-type) cluster analysis in winter and summer separated copepod community into onshore and offshore communities at similar to 40% level of similarity. The two communities were divided at the position of similar to 100-m isobath. In summer, C. sinicus occurred in the upwelling area east of Hainan Island, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock of this species.


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We used the eddy covariance method to measure the M exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine meadow ecosystem (37degrees29-45'N, 101degrees12-23'E, 3250m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China in the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons. The maximum rates Of CO2 uptake and release derived from the diurnal course Of CO2 flux (FCO2) were -10.8 and 4.4 mumol m(-2) s(-1), respectively, indicating a relatively high net carbon sequestration potential as compared to subalpine coniferous forest at similar elevation and latitude. The largest daily CO2 uptake was 3.9 g cm(-2) per day on 7 July 2002, which is less than half of those reported for lowland grassland and forest at similar latitudes. The daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine ecosystem might behave as a sink of atmospheric M during the growing season if the carbon lost due to grazing is not significant. The daytime CO2 uptake was linearly correlated with the daily photosynthetic photon flux density each month. The nighttime averaged F-CO2 showed a positive exponential correlation with the soil temperature, but apparently negative correlation with the soil water content. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.