915 resultados para Tales Thailand
Recent and current initiatives in Southeast Asia for data harmonization, country reports, statistcs, data collection, stock assessment initiatives, recommendations and workplan
Develop recommendations and workplan to establish environmental baselines and monitoring;alternative livelihoods; planning and management; and institutional arrangements.
Review of available data and assessments for Hilsa (Tenulaosa ilisha) and Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Identification of future assessment approaches and data needs and stock status advice.
Data, information gaps and related monitoring requirements including trans-boundry issues; alternative livelihoods; critical habitat and develoment issues; policy, planning and institutional development.
The purpose of the meeting was to: discuss and reach consensus on the implications of the FAO Marine Protected Area(MPA) guidelines; provide further input for BOBLME brochure and policies; agree on actions on the BOBLME MPA review; produce concept proposals for MPA pilot sites and to formalise the establishment of the BOBLME MPA working group.
This workshop was implemented as part of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA). The main focus was on the shrimp and fish aquaculture sectors and addressed issues such as aquatic animal health and transfers of aquatic animals and plants.
The BOBLME Project supports member countries to produce fishery management plans for hilsa and Indian Mackerel using an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). The EAFM has three tiers: technical studies to provide information; a Regional Fisheries Management Committee (RFMAC) to interpret the information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice; and a Regional Fisheries Management Forum to deliberate on the advice as it relates to national actions.
Student projects included: conservation and protection of critical coral habitats in Phuket; assessing the carrying capacity on conservation and protection strategies; proactive stakeholder strategy to tackle an environmental threat; improving the environmental management through participation and sustainable freshwater management. All of these projects were conducted on Racha Yai Island in Phuket.
The goals of the workshop were to: present verified data, draft a report containing visual descriptors and information on the structure and function of BOBLME ecosystems; identify information gaps and transboundary issues and develop capacity of national scientists on data integration techniques.
The workshop's aim was to consolidate and validate the information collected by the CSIRO project during the first regional ecosystem characterisation workshop held in February. This information includes; descriptions of broad scale biophysical drivers of ecological systems in the region; and descriptive narratives and illustrations of each ecosystem sub-region in the Bay of Bengal.
The workshop's objective was to provide information to improve a regional Ecopath with Ecoism (EwE) model.The workshop described the basis and principles underlying the software, encompassing the basics of Ecopath to Ecospace, economics and management strategy evaluation.
The objective of the workshop was to begin a structured discussion on regional governance in the BOBLME, drawing on lessons from a region with similar issues, the Carribean. Conclusions were made about principles, regional governance arrangements, national-regional interface and national science-policy interfaces. Future work was also planned.
The objective of the workshop was the first assessment of marine coastal ecosystems in the BOBLME environment. The workshop: endorsed the report assessing, demonstrating and capturing the economic value of marine & coastal ecosystem services; acknowledged further data was was needed for ecosystem valuation analysis; recommended information from this report be added to the BOBLME Strategic Action Programme; identified economic instruments that might be used in conservation and sustainable management, and proposed future work.
Country overviews of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) for Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. Policies, scale and practices - what works and what does not work. Conclusions, limitations and suggestions
The role of the Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) is to interpret information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice. The meeting was able to deliver Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advisories for the hilsa and Indian Mackerel fisheries.