991 resultados para Tachigali vulgaris


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento de um grupo de cultivares de feijão vagem de crescimento determinado, assim como a influência da densidade de população sobre a produção das mesmas, visnado cultura de mesa ou para indústria. Os cultivares usados foram: 'Contender', 'Tendercrop', 'Gallatin 50', 'Early Gallatin', 'Harvester' e 'Eagle'. Os melhores cultivares foram: 'Contender', 'Early Gallatin' e 'Tendercrop'. Destacou-se pela precocidade o 'Contender'. A produção de vagens por planta diminui com o aumento da população, porém, o rendimento por área aumentou com a densidade. Os mais altos rendimentos foram observados com 28 plantas por metro quadrado.


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Folhas de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) normais e deficientes em potássio dos cultivares Rosinha Precoce e Goiano Precoce foram analisadas para determinação das atividades de transaminase glutâmico-oxaloacético (E.C. e transcarbamilase de ornitina (E.C. Em plantas deficientes em potássio houve aumento na atividade das duas enximas estudadas e nos dois cultivares. Esses resultados explicariam o acúmulo de citrulina e arginina em plantas deficientes em potássio devido a maior atividade da transcarbamilase de ornitina, que possivelmente seria um mecanismo de reduzir a toxidez por amônia.


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Transcarbamilase de ornitina (E.C. extraída de folhas de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. carioca) com 31 dias de maturidade foi parcialmente purificada com sulfato de amônio em pH 7,2 e 7,8. A enzima apresentou as seguintes propriedades: pH ótimo 7,8, temperatura ótima 40°C, Constante de Michaelis para ornitina de 3,18mM e para carbamil-fosfato de 3,93mM.


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Foi estudado o efeito da deficiência de potássio sobre as atividades da glutamato desidrogenase (EC. e glutamato sintase (EC. em folhas de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os resultados mostraram que a atividade específica da glutamato desidrogenase aumentou nas plantas deficientes em potássio nos dois cultivares estudados. Foi detectada redução na atividade de glutamato sintase nas plantas deficientes em potássio.


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Neste estudo foram determinados os efeitos de reguladores vegetais na altura, na formação foliar, nos teores de nutrientes acumulados (N total, protéico e amínico; P, K e Ca, na anatomia e na produtividade do feijoeiro 'Carioca', sob condições de casa de vegetação. A semeadura foi realizada em 22/07/88, sendo que em 22/08/88 foi efetuada a pulverização das plantas com giberelina 50ppm, ácido naftalenacético 50ppm, chlormequat 1000ppm, daminozide 3000ppm, chlorflurenol 100ppm e Figaron 50ppm, tendo-se mantido um controle. Foram portanto realizados 7 tratamentos, tendo-se estabelecido 7 repetições, num delineamento inteiramente casualizado. A altura das plantas e a formação foliar foram determinadas 7, 14, e 21 dias após a aplicação, sendo que na colheita procedeu-se à coleta de amostras para a análise das diferentes formas de N, do P, K e Ca nas plantas, anatomia foliar, além do estabelecimento da produtividade do feijoeiro 'Carioca'. Os resultados obtidos, revelaram que as plantas tratadas com giberelina, mostraram maior crescimento e aumento no número de folhas desenvolvidas, sendo que chlorflurenol causou a maior redução nesses parâmetros. Daminozide e chlormequat tenderam a apresentar maiores teores de N total, sendo que daminozide através de aumento em N protéico e chlormequat incrementando N amínico. Chlorflurenol aumentou os níveis de K e Ca, reduzindo o teor de P, Figaron aumentou o conteúdo de Ca, sendo que daminozide aumentou o nível de K. Análises histológicas das alterações, induzidas por chlorflurenol, revelaram um acúmulo atípico de grãos de amido, nas células do parênquima medular dos pecíolos dos feijoeiros tratados. Ácido naftalenacético, chlormequat e daminozide reduziram o peso das vagens e das sementes, sendo que chlorflurenol inibiu a produção.


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The insects oviposition behavior is fundamental to study population dynamics, life history evolution, insect-plant and parasitoid-host interactions. Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman, 1833) females oviposition behavior in the presence and absence of a host is unknown. The main objective of this study was to describe in detail the oviposition behavior of host deprived or non-deprived females, and observe how the several situations of deprivation (days without host) influence oviposition. Six groups were assembled, three deprived of the host (for 2, 5 and 8 days) and three control groups (with host), each containing one newly-emerged couple (0-24h) of wild Z. subfasciatus, The non-deprived (control) groups received the hosts every day (5 bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris (Fabaceae)) and the others were deprived for 2, 5 and 8 days, respectively. For each group 12 repetitions were made. Consequently, 12 couples were host deprived during two days, 12 couples were host deprived during five days and 12 couples were host deprived during eight days. When the seeds of the deprived groups were added the experiments started. There was a control group for each deprived group. The experiments and the insects were maintained at constant temperature 29 ± 2ºC and 70-80% relative humidity. At 15 minutes interval, the number of times the females manifested the different categories of behavior was observed (frequency). The behavior categories were: rest inside the box, locomotion, resource exploration (seeds), copulation and oviposition. The deprived females stayed most of the time in contact with the host to carry out oviposition, while the non-deprived (control) females spent most of the time at rest. This was observed in all the deprivation times. The results show that host deprivation influences the oviposition behavior of the studied species and also shows the flexibility in the oviposition strategies that these females present when the environment changes (absence and presence of resources)


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Zonas citoplasmáticas de atividade redutora de TTC foram evidenciadas em células de Proteus vulgaris examinadas ao microscópio eletrõnico. As experiências foram realizadas em vários intervalos de tempo, sendo a reação, em alguns casos, estabilizada por meio de formol. Verificou-se que as granulações de formazana podiam ser removidas no interior do corpo bacteriano por meio de tratamento com acetona. O bombardeamento pelos eléctrons, quando os germes não tinham sido fixados com formol, determinou a saída das granulações do interior dos bacilos, deixando vestígios de sua presença (rompimento das membranas celulares nos pontos onde estavam localizados). A fixação com formol evitava a saída dos grânulos. O acúmulo dos cristais de formazana, internamente, nos pólos ou ao longo do corpo bacteriano, provoca sérias alterações morfológicas.


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Esferoplastos foram obtidos em Proteus vulgaris, cultivado em meio sintético simples, tendo como agente indutor a penicilina, em diferentes concentrações. Estabelecida a dosagem ótima, de sensibilidade da bactéria ao antibiótico, para obtenção de "grandes corpos" do Ciclo "L", definidos, morfologicamente, como esferoplastos, foi feita a coloração de massas nucleares, em diversas fases do crescimento bacteriano. A colheita do material foi feita por impessão em lamínula, usando-se ácido ósmico como fixador, seguindo-se hidrólise clorídrica, com aquecimento, e coloração pela fucsina. Dos resultados conseguidos ficou evidenciado: 1º - a posssibilidade de obtenção de "grandes corpos" em Proteus vulgaris em um meio sintético simples, a base de sais minerais e glicose; 2º - que houve uma concentração ótima de penicilina para surgir o efeito indutor de esferoplasto, na fase logarítmica de crescimento; 3º - a facilidade de coloração de massas nucleares nos esferoplastos em vários períodos de crescimento; 4º - a reversão ao tipo morfológico normal, depois de 24 horas de crescimento no meio com o antibiótico; 5º - modificação no crescimento do Proteus vulgaris em superfície de agar, com dose mínima de penicilina formando colônias localizadas.


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Se ha realizado un estudio sobre los efectos de la temperatura en el crecimiento de O. vulgaris en tanque en tierra, con el fin de trasladar esta información a un posible futuro cultivo de esta especie en la bahía dels Alfacs. Se incide en los efectos que las temperaturas extremas tienen sobre las tasas de ingestión relativa, el crecimiento absoluto y relativo y la supervivencia. Los resultados indican como rango óptimo de alimentación y crecimiento el comprendido entre 15-24ºC.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollen and seed dispersal in herbaceous insect-pollinated plants are often restricted, inducing strong population structure. To what extent this influences mating within and among patches is poorly understood. This study investigates the influence of population structure on pollen performance using controlled pollinations and genetic markers. METHODS: Population structure was investigated in a patchily distributed population of gynodioecious Silene vulgaris in Switzerland using polymorphic microsatellite markers. Experimental pollinations were performed on 21 hermaphrodite recipients using pollen donors at three spatial scales: (a) self-pollination; (b) within-patch cross-pollinations; and (c) between-patch cross-pollinations. Pollen performance was then compared with respect to crossing distance. KEY RESULTS: The population of S. vulgaris was characterized by a high degree of genetic sub-structure, with neighbouring plants more related to one another than to distant individuals. Inbreeding probably results from both selfing and biparental inbreeding. Pollen performance increased with distance between mates. Between-patch pollen performed significantly better than both self- and within-patch pollen donors. However, no significant difference was detected between self- and within-patch pollen donors. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that population structure in animal-pollinated plants is likely to influence mating patterns by favouring cross-pollinations between unrelated plants. However, the extent to which this mechanism could be effective as a pre-zygotic barrier preventing inbred mating depends on the patterns of pollinator foraging and their influence on pollen dispersal.


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Inbreeding depression is one of the hypotheses explaining the maintenance of females within gynodioecious plant populations. However, the measurement of fitness components in selfed and outcrossed progeny depends on life-cycle stage and the history of inbreeding. Comparative data indicate that strong inbreeding depression is more likely to occur at later life-cycle stages. We used hermaphrodite individuals of Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Swiss Alps to investigate the effect of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on fitness components among successive stages of the life cycle in a glasshouse experiment. We detected significant inbreeding depression for most life-cycle stages including: the number of viable and aborted seeds per fruit, probability of germination, above ground biomass, probability of flowering, number of flowers per plant, flower size and pollen viability. Overall, the intensity of inbreeding depression increased among successive stages of the life cycle and cumulative inbreeding depression was significantly stronger in the first generation (delta approximately 0.5) compared with the second generation (delta approximately 0.35). We found no evidence for synergistic epistasis in our experiment. Our finding of more intense inbreeding depression during later stages of the life cycle may help to explain the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of genetic load is less likely to occur.


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In gynodioecious species, sex expression is generally determined through cytoplasmic male sterility genes interacting with nuclear restorers of the male function. With dominant restorers, there may be an excess of females in the progeny of self-fertilized compared with cross-fertilized hermaphrodites. Moreover, the effect of inbreeding on late stages of the life cycle remains poorly explored. Here, we used hermaphrodites of the gynodioecious Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Alps to investigate the effects of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on sex ratio and gender variation. We detected an increase in females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for female and male fertility. Male fertility correlated positively with sex ratio differences between outbred and inbred progeny, suggesting that dominant restorers are likely to influence male fertility qualitatively and quantitatively in S. vulgaris. We argue that the excess of females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for gamete production may contribute to the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of the genetic load is less likely to occur.


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AimWe take a comparative phylogeographical approach to assess whether three species involved in a specialized oil-rewarding pollination system (i.e. Lysimachia vulgaris and two oil-collecting bees within the genus Macropis) show congruent phylogeographical trajectories during post-glacial colonization processes. Our working hypothesis is that within specialized mutualistic interactions, where each species relies on the co-occurrence of the other for survival and/or reproduction, partners are expected to show congruent evolutionary trajectories, because they are likely to have followed parallel migration routes and to have shared glacial refugia. LocationWestern Palaearctic. MethodsOur analysis relies on the extensive sampling of 104 Western Palaearctic populations (totalling 434, 159 and 74 specimens of Lysimachiavulgaris, Macropiseuropaea and Macropisfulvipes, respectively), genotyped with amplified fragment length polymorphism. Based on this, we evaluated the regional genetic diversity (Shannon diversity and allele rarity index) and genetic structure (assessed using structure, population networks, isolation-by-distance and spatial autocorrelation metrics) of each species. Finally, we compared the general phylogeographical patterns obtained. ResultsContrary to our expectations, the analyses revealed phylogeographical signals suggesting that the investigated organisms demonstrate independent post-glacial trajectories as well as distinct contemporaneous demographic parameters, despite their mutualistic interaction. Main conclusionsThe mutualistic partners investigated here are likely to be experiencing distinct and independent evolutionary dynamics because of their contrasting life-history traits (e.g. dispersal abilities), as well as distinct hubs and migration routes. Such conditions would prevent and/or erase any signature of co-structuring of lineages in space and time. As a result, the lack of phylogeographical congruence driven by differences in life-history traits might have arisen irrespective of the three species having shared similar Pleistocene glacial refugia.


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Paronychia is a rare complication of pemphigus vulgaris (PV), and the immunological profile of patients with digital disease has not been assessed so far. We report 2 cases of PV with oral mucosa and periungual involvement, who had high titers of anti- desmoglein (Dsg)-3 circulating antibodies. These observations raise the possibility that expression of Dsg-1 and Dsg-3 in distinct areas of periungual skin is disease specific and that anti-Dsg-3 antibodies alone may have an as yet unrecognized importance for the development of paronychia in PV.


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Knowledge of the genetic structure of plant populations is necessary for the understanding of the dynamics of major ecological processes. It also has applications in conservation biology and risk assessment for genetically modified crops. This paper reports the genetic structure of a linear population of sea beet, Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (the wild relative of sugar beet), on Furzey Island, Poole Harbour. The relative spatial positions of the plants were accurately mapped and the plants were scored for variation at isozyme and RFLP loci. Structure was analysed by repeated subdivision of the population to find the average size of a randomly mating group. Estimates of F-ST between randomly mating units were then made, and gave patterns consistent with the structure of the population being determined largely by founder effects. The implications of these results for the monitoring of transgene spread in wild sea beet populations are discussed.