572 resultados para Tabebuia rosea


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Purpose: The memory-enhancing effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract (RRLE) on normal aged mice were assessed. Methods: In the open-field test, the effect of RRLE (150 and 300 mg/kg) on mouse locomotive activities was evaluated by investigating the extract’s influence on CAT and AchE activities in the brain tissue of mice. Results: Compared with aged group, high dose of RRLE reduced the total distance (3212.4 ± 123.1 cm, p < 0.05) significantly, increased catalase (CAT) activity (101.4 ± 12.2 U/mg pro, p < 0.05), and inhibited acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) activity (0.94 ± 0.12 U/mg pro, p < 0.05) in the brain tissue of aged mice. Conclusion: The results show that RRLE improves the memory functions of aged mice probably by increasing CAT activity while decreasing AChE activity.


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Uma alternativa para controle do mofo-branco do feijão (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Ss) é o uso de agentes de controle biológico (ACB). Trichoderma sp. (Tr) e Clonostachys rosea (Cr) podem competir, parasitar e produzir metabólitos tóxicos contra fitopatógenos. Avaliou-se a capacidade de três isolados de Tr e um de Cr, previamente selecionados para o controle de Ss, em produzir metabólitos tóxicos contra o patógeno. Os ACB foram crescidos em caldo batata dextrose sob agitação (100 rpm) por sete dias. Após, o caldo foi filtrado a vácuo (membrana bacteriológica 0,22µm) e adicionou-se uma alíquota (2 ml) do filtrado ou de ADE (testemunha) a BDA fundente em placas de Petri. Após o resfriamento, adicionou-se no centro da placa um disco de micélio de Ss. As placas (cinco repetições/tratamento) foram incubadas a 20˚C ou 25˚C. Diariamente mediu-se o diâmetro das colônias até a testemunha atingir as bordas da placa. A 25˚C verificou-se significativa redução (Tukey, 5%) do crescimento micelial de Ss pelos filtrados dos três isolados de Tr (72 a 79%) e por Cr (50%). A 20ºC, apenas dois isolados de Tr inibiram Ss (45 a 65%). Os resultados indicam que os ACB podem atuar por antibiose, porém a eficiência é influenciada pelo ambiente.


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Seven Dactylopius tomentosus (Lamarck) biotypes were collected from a range of Cylindropuntia spp. in Mexico, South Africa and United States of America (USA) and imported into quarantine facilities at the Ecosciences Precinct. Host range trials were conducted for each biotype and further assessed against the Cylindropuntia species that are naturalised in Australia to determine the most effective biotype for each species. Host range was confined to the Cylindropuntia for all seven biotypes. In the efficacy trials, C. imbricata (Haw.) F.M.Knuth was killed by the ‘imbricata’ biotype within 16 weeks and C. kleiniae (DC.) F.M.Knuth died within 26 weeks. Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata (DC.) Backeb. and C. imbricata were killed by the ‘fulgida’ biotype within 18 weeks. On-going trials suggest that C. rosea (DC.) Backeb. could be controlled by either the ‘acanthocarpa’ or the ‘acanthocarpa × echinocarpa’ biotypes. Cylindropuntia spinosior (Englem.) F.M.Knuth was not susceptible to any of the D. tomentosus biotypes assessed. A clear designation of which D. tomentosus biotype is most suited for each Cylindropuntia species will improve and increase the effectiveness of biological control of these weed species


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The host range of two newly imported biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus and their potential as biological control agents of Cylindropuntia spp. were investigated. A third biotype (imbricata) of D. tomentosus previously released in Australia to control C. imbricata was also screened to determine if it will feed on other species of Cylindropuntia occurring in Australia. Efficacy trials were conducted to evaluate the ability of the biotypes to retard the growth or kill those plant species supporting development of four or more individuals in the host test trials. The host range of the three biotypes of D. tomentosus was restricted to the genus Cylindropuntia. However, the biotypes showed varying degrees of specificity within this genus. The imbricata biotype was the only biotype to develop on Australian C. rosea provenances, albeit with a range of developmental success on all C. rosea provenances tested. The Spanish provenance supported the highest development success followed by Grawin (NSW), Lorne Station (NSW) while the least preferred was the Mexican provenance. The rosea and cholla biotypes were unsuitable candidates to control C. rosea in Australia. However, the efficacy trials showed that the cholla biotype had a high impact on four of the eight naturalised Cylindropuntia species in Australia. This biotype established rapidly and the sustained feeding of one fecund female and her progeny killed potted plants of C. imbricata and C. fulgida at week 18. This biotype has the potential to be an effective agent against C. fulgida, C. imbricata, C. kleiniae and C. tunicata and, as a consequence, an application seeking its release in Australia has been lodged.


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Eight Cylindropuntia species have naturalised in Australia and pose serious economic, environmental and social impacts. Two biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus have been used as bio-control agents to control different Cylindropuntia species. The host range of four additional biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus from southern USA was investigated. Feeding and development were restricted to the genus Cylindropuntia. However, they showed differences in specificity within this genus and some biotypes discriminated between the provenances of C. rosea and C. tunicata. Efficacy trials were conducted to determine whether populations of each biotype could be sustained on the naturalised Cylindropuntia species and if these populations could retard the growth or kill these plants. The acanthocarpa biotype offers potential control of C. rosea (Lorne Station), while the cylindropuntia sp. biotype shows great potential to control C. rosea (Grawin). The cylindropuntia sp. biotype also had a high impact on C. kleiniae and C. imbricata, and a moderate impact on C. leptocaulis and C. prolifera. The acanthocarpa X echinocarpa biotype had its greatest impact on C. tunicata (Grawin), killing this plant in 18 weeks. A fourth biotype, leptocaulis, was damaging to some species, but was less effective than the other biotypes. Cylindropuntia spinosior is the only naturalised species in Australia where no effective biocontrol agent has been found.


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Earthworm burrow systems are generally described based on postulated behaviours associated with the three ecological types. In this study, we used X-ray tomography to obtain 3D information on the burrowing behaviour of six very common anecic (Aporrectodea nocturna and Lumbricus terrestris) and endogeic (Aporrectodea rosea, Allolobophora chlorotica, Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea icterica) earthworm species, introduced into repacked soil cores for 6 weeks. A simple water infiltration test, the Beerkan method, was also used to assess some functional properties of these burrow systems. Endogeic worms make larger burrow systems, which are more highly branched, less continuous and of smaller diameter, than those of anecic worms. Among the anecic species, L. terrestris burrow systems are shorter (9.2 vs 21.2 m) with a higher number (14.5 vs 23.5) of less branched burrows (12.2 vs 20.2 branches m(-1)), which are also wider (7.78 vs 5.16 mm) than those of A. nocturna. In comparison, the burrow systems made by endogeic species appeared similar to each other. However, A. rosea burrows were short and narrow, whereas A. icterica had a longer burrow system (15.7 m), more intense bioturbation intensity (refilled macropores or soil lateral compaction around them) and thus a greater number of burrows. Regarding water infiltration, anecic burrow systems were far more efficient due to open burrows linking the top and bottom of the cores. For endogeic species, we observed a linear relationship between burrow length and the water infiltration rate (R (2) = 0.49, p < 0.01). Overall, the three main characteristics significantly influencing water infiltration were burrow length, burrow number and bioturbation volume. This last characteristic highlighted the effect of burrow refilling by casts.


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El estudio se realizó en la Finca El Plantel, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, para evaluar el establecimiento de Hymenaea courbaril, Tabebuia ochracea y Caesalpinia violacea con el propósito de conocer su comportamiento en sobrevivencia, diámetro y altura. La plantación se estableció en parcelas con dimensiones de 15 x 15m , teniendo un distanciamiento de 3 x 3m entre cada planta. Considerando el efecto de borde la cantidad de plantas evaluadas por especie es de cuarenta y ocho, para un total de 144 individuos. Efectuándose dos mediciones con respecto a variable sobrevivencia, diámetro y altura; donde la primera se realizó en octubre 2009 y la segunda en octubre de 2010. Al final del periodo de la evaluación se realizó un monitoreo de los daños observados en la plantación (octubre del 2010). La plantación obtuvo una sobrevivencia global de 63%, siendo C. violacea la especie que obtuvo mayor porcentaje 69%, H. courbaril con 63% y Tabebuia ochracea (57.6%) la que obtuvo el menor porcentaje. Caesalpinia violacea obtuvo un notorio incremento en altura con 123.3 cm superando a T. ochracea (37 cm) y H. courbaril (15.1 cm). En cuanto al incremento en diámetro Hymenaea courbaril (4.43 mm) obtuvo casi el doble del incremento que las otras dos especies, C. violacea (2.29 mm) y T.ochracea (1.79 mm). Haciendo una valoración general de los principales daños registrados en la plantación corresponden a la categoría defoliación 64.9%. Las especies T. ochracea y C. violacea reportaron mayor del 80% de las plantas afectadas por defoliación, causada por zompopos del género Attacephalotus, sin embargo; Hymenaea courbaril se encontraba sin ningún tipo de daños.


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El presente trabajo evaluó el efecto de coberturas muertas procedentes de hojas y ramas podadas de las especies: Simarouba glauca D.C., Clusia rosea Jacq y Giricidia sepuim (Jacq) Steud., sobre la reducción de los grupos de malezas de una plantación de café (Coffea arabica L.), manejada bajo sombra. Para ello se estableció un ensayo en la finca La Nacional, Masatepe, Nicaragua; colocando en las parcelas experimentales, material vegetal cortado de cada una de estas especies, en tres diferentes grosores de cubrimiento. Las malezas procedentes de semillas y de retoños se mantuvieron controladas a los 17, 31, 45 y 65 días después de establecido el ensayo. El testigo promedio 385 individuos por m2 y los diferentes tratamientos promediaron 22 individuos por m2 en malezas de semillas. El testigo para malezas de retoños promedio 619 brotes por m2, los diferentes tratamientos promediaron 85.5 brotes por m2. En el muestreo para determinar biomasa fresca de malezas, hubo diferencias significativas en malezas de semillas y retoños, con promedios de 21 g/m2 para el testigo, comparado con 3 g/m2 para los m2 para los tratamientos en malezas de semillas y para malezas de retoños el testigo promedio 233 g/m2 y en los tratamientos promediaron 52 g/m2. En general los grosores dobles y triples alcanzaron a reducir mayormente las malezas.


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Este estudio realizado en el Centro Experimental de Café del Pacffico, Masatepe, Nicaragua, enfoca el papel de las hojas y ramas podadas y su efecto como cobertura muerta en el control de malezas. Las hojas frescas y pequeñas ramas de Gliricidia sepíum (Jacq) steud, lnga paterno Harms, Simarouba glauca D.C y Clusia rosea Jacq, fueron colocados en parcelas de 1.5 x 1.5 m dentro de un cafetal en producción en dos grosores antes de las primeras lluvias en mayo de 1991. Cada uno de los cuatro bloques también tenía un testigo sin una cobertura de hojas. Durante los dos meses del ensayo la cobertura de Madero Negro se descompuso más rápido, perdiendo 63-66% de su peso, mientras las tres otras especies perdieron 12-18% de su peso inicial. las coberturas redujeron el número de individuos de malezas a las 2, 4 y 9 semanas en comparación con el testigo (F=22**, 23** y 36**). Referente a biomasa de las malezas a las 5 semanas no hubo diferencia significativa entre el testigo y las coberturas, ya que cada maleza individual era más grande en la cobertura. A las 2, 4 y 9 semanas las coberturas de descomposición lenta tuvieron menos malezas que la cobertura de rápida descomposición (F = 15**, 17* * y 67* *). Coberturas dobles lograron disminuir el número de individuos pero no en todas las fechas. En conclusión, los árboles de sombra según la especie tienen un posible papel en el manejo de malezas en café.