976 resultados para TUMOR CELLS


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that exert antitumor activity can do so by virtue of their effector function and/or their ability to signal growth arrest or cell death. In this study, we demonstrate that mAbs which have little or no signaling activity—i.e., anti-CD19, CD20, CD21, CD22 and Her-2—can become potent antitumor agents when they are converted into IgG–IgG homodimers. The homodimers exert antigrowth activity by signaling G0/G1 arrest or apoptosis, depending upon which cell surface molecule they bind. This activity is specific and, in the case of the anti-CD19 mAb, did not require an Fc portion. These results offer the possibility that homodimers of other tumor-reactive mAbs which have little antitumor activity as monomers might be potent, antitumor agents.


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Inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase, typified by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), induce the expression of genes transcriptionally down-regulated by de novo methylation in tumor cells. We utilized gene expression microarrays to examine the effects of 5-Aza-CdR treatment in HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. This analysis revealed the induction of a set of genes that implicated IFN signaling in the HT29 cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR. Subsequent investigations revealed that the induction of this gene set correlates with the induction of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1, 2, and 3 genes and their activation by endogenous IFN-α. These observations implicate the induction of the IFN-response pathway as a major cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR and suggests that the expression of STATs 1, 2, and 3 can be regulated by DNA methylation. Consistent with STAT’s limiting cell responsiveness to IFN, we found that 5-Aza-CdR treatment sensitized HT29 cells to growth inhibition by exogenous IFN-α2a, indicating that 5-Aza-CdR should be investigated as a potentiator of IFN responsiveness in certain IFN-resistant tumors.


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A model system for the in vivo control of tumor cell proliferation by the immune system has been used to assay for the possible immunosuppressive activity of retroviral proteins. Expression vectors for the entire or the transmembrane subunit of the Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope protein were constructed, as well as control vectors for irrelevant transmembrane proteins—or no protein. They were introduced either into MCA205 murine tumor cells, which do not proliferate upon s.c. injection into an allogeneic host, or into CL8.1 murine tumor cells, which overexpress class I antigens and are rejected in a syngeneic host. In both cases, expression of the complete envelope protein or of the transmembrane subunit resulted in tumor growth in vivo, with no effect of control vectors. Tumor cell growth results from inhibition of the host immune response, as the envelope-dependent effect was no more observed for MCA205 cells in syngeneic mice or for CL8.1 cells in x-irradiated mice. This inhibition is local because it is not observed at the level of control tumor cells injected contralaterally. These results suggest a noncanonical function of retroviral envelopes in the “penetrance” of viral infections, as well as a possible involvement of the envelope proteins of endogenous retroviruses in tumoral processes.


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Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30–100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.


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Early detection is an effective means of reducing cancer mortality. Here, we describe a highly sensitive high-throughput screen that can identify panels of markers for the early detection of solid tumor cells disseminated in peripheral blood. The method is a two-step combination of differential display and high-sensitivity cDNA arrays. In a primary screen, differential display identified 170 candidate marker genes differentially expressed between breast tumor cells and normal breast epithelial cells. In a secondary screen, high-sensitivity arrays assessed expression levels of these genes in 48 blood samples, 22 from healthy volunteers and 26 from breast cancer patients. Cluster analysis identified a group of 12 genes that were elevated in the blood of cancer patients. Permutation analysis of individual genes defined five core genes (P ≤ 0.05, permax test). As a group, the 12 genes generally distinguished accurately between healthy volunteers and patients with breast cancer. Mean expression levels of the 12 genes were elevated in 77% (10 of 13) untreated invasive cancer patients, whereas cluster analysis correctly classified volunteers and patients (P = 0.0022, Fisher's exact test). Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed array results and indicated that the sensitivity of the assay (1:2 × 108 transcripts) was sufficient to detect disseminated solid tumor cells in blood. Expression-based blood assays developed with the screening approach described here have the potential to detect and classify solid tumor cells originating from virtually any primary site in the body.


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Vaccination with cytokine-producing tumor cells generates potent immune responses against tumors outside the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS, however, is a barrier to allograft and xenograft rejection, and established tumors within the CNS have failed to respond to other forms of systemic immunotherapy. To determine what barriers the "immunologically privileged" CNS would pose to cytokine-assisted tumor vaccines and what cytokines would be most efficacious against tumors within the CNS, we irradiated B16 murine melanoma cells producing murine interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, gamma-interferon, or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and used these cells as subcutaneous vaccines against tumors within the brain. Under conditions where untransfected B16 cells had no effect, cells producing IL-3, IL-6, or GM-CSF increased the survival of mice challenged with viable B16 cells in the brain. Vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-4 or gamma-interferon had no effect, and vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-2 decreased survival time. GM-CSF-producing vaccines were also able to increase survival in mice with pre-established tumors. The response elicited by GM-CSF-producing vaccines was found to be specific to tumor type and to be abrogated by depletion of CD8+ cells. Unlike the immunity generated against subcutaneous tumors by GM-CSF, however, the effector responses generated against tumors in the CNS were not dependent on CD4+ cells. These data suggest that cytokine-producing tumor cells are very potent stimulators of immunity against tumors within the CNS, but effector responses in the CNS may be different from those obtained against subcutaneous tumors.


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The major hurdle to be cleared in active immunotherapy of cancer is the poor immunogenicity of cancer cells. In previous attempts to overcome this problem, whole tumor cells have been used as vaccines, either admixed with adjuvant(s) or genetically engineered to express nonself proteins or immunomodulatory factors before application. We have developed a novel approach to generate an immunogeneic, highly effective vaccine: major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-positive cancer cells are administered together with MHC class I-matched peptide ligands of foreign, nonself origin, generated by a procedure we term transloading. Murine tumor lines of the H2-Kd or the H2-Db haplotype, melanoma M-3 and B16-F10, respectively, as well as colon carcinoma CT-26 (H2-Kd), were transloaded with MHC-matched influenza virus-derived peptides and applied as irradiated vaccines. Mice bearing a deposit of live M-3 melanoma cells were efficiently cured by this treatment. In the CT-26 colon carcinoma and the B16-F10 melanoma, high efficacies were obtained against tumor challenge, suggesting the universal applicability of this new type of vaccine. With foreign peptide ligands adapted to the requirements of a desired MHC class I haplotype, this concept may be used for the treatment of human cancers.


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Hyaluronic acid is a proteoglycan present in the extracellular matrix and is important for the maintenance of tissue architecture. Depolymerization of hyaluronic acid may facilitate tumor invasion. In addition, oligosaccharides of hyaluronic acid have been reported to induce angiogenesis. We report here that a hyaluronidase similar to the one on human sperm is expressed by metastatic human melanoma, colon carcinoma, and glioblastoma cell lines and by tumor biopsies from patients with colorectal carcinomas, but not by tissues from normal colon. Moreover, angiogenesis is induced by hyaluronidase+ tumor cells but not hyaluronidase- tumor cells and can be blocked by an inhibitor of hyaluronidase. Tumor cells thus use hyaluronidase as one of the "molecular saboteurs" to depolymerize hyaluronic acid to facilitate invasion. As a consequence, breakdown products of hyaluronic acid can further promote tumor establishment by inducing angiogenesis. Hyaluronidase on tumor cells may provide a target for anti-neoplastic drugs.


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Human gene MAGE-1 encodes tumor-specific antigens that are recognized on melanoma cells by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. This gene is expressed in a significant proportion of tumors of various histological types, but not in normal tissues except male germ-line cells. We reported previously that reporter genes driven by the MAGE-1 promoter are active not only in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1 but also in those that do not. This suggests that the critical factor causing the activation of MAGE-1 in certain tumors is not the presence of the appropriate transcription factors. The two major MAGE-1 promoter elements have an Ets binding site, which contains a CpG dinucleotide. We report here that these CpG are demethylated in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1, and are methylated in those that do not express the gene. Methylation of these CpG inhibits the binding of transcription factors, as seen by mobility shift assay. Treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine activated gene MAGE-1 not only in tumor cell lines but also in primary fibroblasts. Finally, the overall level of CpG methylation was evaluated in 20 different tumor cell lines. It was inversely correlated with the expression of MAGE-1. We conclude that the activation of MAGE-1 in cancer cells is due to the demethylation of the promoter. This appears to be a consequence of a genome-wide demethylation process that occurs in many cancers and is correlated with tumor progression.


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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that is thought to add telomeric repeats onto the ends of chromosomes during the replicative phase of the cell cycle. We tested this hypothesis by arresting human tumor cell lines at different stages of the cell cycle. Induction of quiescence by serum deprivation did not affect telomerase activity. Cells arrested at the G1/S phase of the cell cycle showed similar levels of telomerase to asynchronous cultures; progression through the S phase was associated with increased telomerase activity. The highest level of telomerase activity was detected in S-phase cells. In contrast, cells arrested at G2/M phase of the cell cycle were almost devoid of telomerase activity. Diverse cell cycle blockers, including transforming growth factor beta1 and cytotoxic agents, also caused inhibition of telomerase activity. These results establish a direct link between telomerase activity and progression through the cell cycle.


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High-affinity folate receptors (FRs) are expressed at elevated levels on many human tumors. Bispecific antibodies that bind the FR and the T-cell receptor (TCR) mediate lysis of these tumor cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In this report, conjugates that consist of folate covalently linked to anti-TCR antibodies are shown to be potent in mediating lysis of tumor cells that express either the alpha or beta isoform of the FR. Intact antibodies with an average of five folate per molecule exhibited high affinity for FR+ tumor cells but did not bind to FR- tumor cells. Lysis of FR+ cell lines could be detected at concentrations as low as 1 pM (approximately 0.1 ng/ml), which was 1/1000th the concentration required to detect binding to the FR+ cells. Various FR+ mouse tumor cell lines could be targeted with each of three different anti-TCR antibodies that were tested as conjugates. The antibodies included 1B2, a clonotypic antibody specific for the cytotoxic T cell clone 2C; KJ16, an anti-V beta 8 antibody; and 2C11, an anti-CD3 antibody. These antibodies differ in affinities by up to 100-fold, yet the cytolytic capabilities of the folate/antibody conjugates differed by no more than 10-fold. The reduced size (in comparison with bispecific antibodies) and high affinity of folate conjugates suggest that they may be useful as immunotherapeutic agents in targeting tumors that express folate receptors.


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To generate a potent cell-mediated immune response, at least two signals are required by T cells. One is engagement of the T-cell receptor with peptide-bearing major histocompatibility complex molecules. The other signal can be delivered by various molecules on the antigen-presenting cell, such as B7-1 (CD80). Many tumor cells escape immune recognition by failing to express these costimulatory molecules. Transfection of the B7 gene into some murine tumor cells allows for immune recognition and subsequent rejection of the parental tumor. We have studied an alternative approach for the introduction of B7-1 onto the surface of tumor cells. This method involves purified glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins which can spontaneously incorporate their lipid tail into cell membranes. We have created and purified a GPI-anchored B7-1 molecule (called GPI-B7) which is able to bind its cognate ligand, CD28, and incorporate itself into tumor cell membranes after a short incubation. Tumor cells that have been reconstituted with GPI-B7 can provide the costimulatory signal needed to stimulate T cells. These findings suggest an approach for the introduction of new proteins onto cell membranes to create an effective tumor vaccine for potential use in human immunotherapy.


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We have identified verotoxin 1 (VT1) as the active component within an antineoplastic bacteriocin preparation from Escherichia coli HSC10 studied over two decades. Recombinant VT1 can simulate the toxicity of anticancer proteins (ACP), and the antineoplastic activity of ACP (and VT1) was abrogated by treatment with anti-VT1 antibody. Similarly, VT1 mimics the protective effect of ACP in a murine metastatic fibrosarcoma model. Prior immunization with VT1 B subunit prevents the effect of VT1 or ACP in this model. The activity of ACP against a variety of human ovarian cell lines was mimicked by VT1, and multidrug-resistant variants were significantly hypersensitive. Primary ovarian tumors and metastases contain elevated levels of globotriaosylceramide compared with normal ovaries, and overlay of frozen tumor sections showed selective VT binding to tumor tissue and the lumen of invading blood vessels. Our contention that VT1 could provide an additional approach to the management of certain human neoplasms is discussed.