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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper describes the preparation, characterization, and use of poly (methylene blue) (PMB)-modified glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) (GCE-PMB) in the detection of the thiols L-cysteine (L-CySH) and N-acetyl cysteine (Acy), and the herbicide glyphosate (GLYP) in pH 5.3 aqueous solution. The polymer film prepared by electropolymerization showed different characteristics such as robustness, stability, and redox properties satisfactorily. The surface coverage concentration (Gamma) of PMB was found to be 7.90 x 10(-9) - mol cm(-2). Moreover, we observed strong adhesion of the polymer film to the electrode surface. The results using GCE-PMB as a sensor indicated that this modified electrode exhibited electrocatalytic activity toward the detection of thiols and glyphosate in 0.1 mol L-1 KO (pH 5.3). Meanwhile, strong adsorption of the analytes on the GCE-PMB electrodes was also observed. Otherwise, using a low concentration (1 x 10(-4) mol L-1) of L-cysteine and N-acetyl cysteine and 8.9 x 10(-6) mol L-1 of glyphosate, separately, it was possible to observe a well-defined electrochemical response, thus providing an opportunity to further understand the applicability of PMB as a sensor for amino acid-based molecules. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nitrogen substitution in carbon materials is investigated theoretically using the density functional theory method. Our calculations show that nitrogen substitution decreases the hydrogen adsorption energy if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed on both nitrogen atoms and the neighboring carbon atoms. On the contrary, the hydrogen adsorption energy can be increased if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed only on the neighboring carbon atoms. The reason can be explained by the electronic structures analysis of N-substituted graphene sheets. Nitrogen substitution reduces the pi electron conjugation and increases the HOMO energy of a graphene sheet, and the nitrogen atom is not stable due to its 3-valent character. This raises an interesting research topic on the optimization of the N-substitution degree, and is important to many applications such as hydrogen storage and the tokamaks device. The electronic structure studies also explain well why nitrogen substitution increases the capacitance but decreases the electron conductivity of carbon electrodes as was experimentally observed in our experiments on the supercapacitor.


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Unique bimodal distributions of single crystal epitaxially grown In2O3 nanodots on silicon are shown to have excellent IR transparency greater than 87% at IR wavelengths up to 4 μm without sacrificing transparency in the visible region. These broadband antireflective nanodot dispersions are grown using a two-step metal deposition and oxidation by molecular beam epitaxy, and backscattered diffraction confirms a dominant (111) surface orientation. We detail the growth of a bimodal size distribution that facilitates good surface coverage (80%) while allowing a significant reduction in In2O3 refractive index. This unique dispersion offers excellent surface coverage and three-dimensional volumetric expansion compared to a thin film, and a step reduction in refractive index compared to bulk active materials or randomly porous composites, to more closely match the refractive index of an electrolyte, improving transparency. The (111) surface orientation of the nanodots, when fully ripened, allows minimum lattice mismatch strain between the In2O3 and the Si surface. This helps to circumvent potential interfacial weakening caused by volume contraction due to electrochemical reduction to lithium, or expansion during lithiation. Cycling under potentiodynamic conditions shows that the transparent anode of nanodots reversibly alloys lithium with good Coulombic efficiency, buffered by co-insertion into the silicon substrate. These properties could potentially lead to further development of similarly controlled dispersions of a range of other active materials to give transparent battery electrodes or materials capable of non-destructive in situ spectroscopic characterization during charging and discharging.


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Mechanical flexibility is considered an asset in consumer electronics and next-generation electronic systems. Printed and flexible electronic devices could be embedded into clothing or other surfaces at home or office or in many products such as low-cost sensors integrated in transparent and flexible surfaces. In this context inks based on graphene and related two-dimensional materials (2DMs) are gaining increasing attention owing to their exceptional (opto)electronic, electrochemical and mechanical properties. The current limitation relies on the use of solvents, providing stable dispersions of graphene and 2DMs and fitting the proper fluidic requirements for printing, which are in general not environmentally benign, and with high boiling point. Non-toxic and low boiling point solvents do not possess the required rheological properties (i.e., surface tension, viscosity and density) for the solution processing of graphene and 2DMs. Such solvents (e.g., water, alcohols) require the addition of stabilizing agents such as polymers or surfactants for the dispersion of graphene and 2DMs, which however unavoidably corrupt their properties, thus preventing their use for the target application. Here, we demonstrate a viable strategy to tune the fluidic properties of water/ethanol mixtures (low-boiling point solvents) to first effectively exfoliate graphite and then disperse graphene flakes to formulate graphene-based inks. We demonstrate that such inks can be used to print conductive stripes (sheet resistance of ~13 kΩ/□) on flexible substrates (polyethylene terephthalate), moving a step forward towards the realization of graphene-based printed electronic devices.


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Boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes are are prepared by the arc discharge between carbon electrodes or by the transformation of nanodiamond under appropriate atmospheres. Using a combination of experiment and theories based on first principles, systematic changes in the carrier-concentration and electronic structure of the doped graphenes are demonstrated. Stiffening of the G-band mode and intensification of the defect-related D-band in the Raman spectra are also observed.


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Gelatin hydrogel electrolytes (GHEs) with varying NaCl concentrations have been prepared by cross-linking an aqueous solution of gelatin with aqueous glutaraldehyde and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic chronopotentiometry. Glass transition temperatures for GHEs range between 339.6 and 376.9 K depending on the dopant concentration. Ionic conductivity behavior of GHEs was studied with varying concentrations of gelatin, glutaraldehyde, and NaCl, and found to vary between 10(-3) and 10(-1) S cm(-1). GHEs have a potential window of about 1 V. Undoped and 0.25 N NaCl-doped GHEs follow Arrhenius equations with activation energy values of 1.94 and 1.88 x 10(-4) eV, respectively. Electrochemical supercapacitors (ESs) employing these GHEs in conjunction with Black Pearl Carbon electrodes are assembled and studied. Optimal values for capacitance, phase angle, and relaxation time constant of 81 F g(-1), 75 degrees, and 0.03 s are obtained for 3 N NaCl-doped GHE, respectively. ES with pristine GHE exhibits a cycle life of 4.3 h vs 4.7 h for the ES with 3 N NaCl-doped GHE. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.


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Three new cationic amphiphiles bearing anthraquinone moieties at the polar headgroup region were synthesized, The single-chain amphiphile, N,N-dimethyl-N-octadecyl-N-(9,10-dihydro dioxoanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 1, in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide upon dispersion in water gave co-micellar aggregates containing covalently attached anthraquinone residues at the polar aqueous interfaces. The other two double-chain amphiphiles, N,N-dioctadecyl-N-methyl-N-(9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 2 and N,N-dimethyl-N-(1,2-bispalmitoyloxypropanyl)-N-(9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 3, however, on dispersion in aqueous media produced vesicular aggregates. The critical temperatures for the gel to liquid-crystalline-like phase transition processes for the vesicular systems were determined by following temperature-dependent changes in the ratios of keto-enol tautomeric forms of benzoylacetanilide doped within respective. vesicular assemblies. The redox chemistry of the these supramolecular assemblies was also studied by following the time-dependent changes in the ITV-VIS absorption spectroscopy in the presence of exogenous reducing or oxidizing agents, Electrochemical studies using glassy carbon electrodes reveal that redox-active amphiphiles adsorb on to the glassy carbon surfaces to form electroactive deposits when dipped into aqueous suspensions of either of these aggregates irrespective of the micellar or vesicular nature of the dispersions.


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There are several ways of storing electrical energy in chemical and physical forms and retrieving it on demand, and ultracapacitors are one among them. This article presents the taxonomy of ultracapacitor and describes various types of rechargeable-battery electrodes that can be used to realize the hybrid ultracapacitors in conjunction with a high-surface-area-graphitic-carbon electrode. While the electrical energy is stored in a battery electrode in chemical form, it is stored in physical form as charge in the electrical double-layer formed between the electrolyte and the high-surface-area-carbon electrodes. This article discusses various types of hybrid ultracapacitors along with the possible applications.


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The prime thrust of this dissertation is to advance the development of fuel cell dioxygen reduction cathodes that employ some variant of multicopper oxidase enzymes as the catalyst. The low earth-abundance of platinum metal and its correspondingly high market cost has prompted a general search amongst chemists and materials scientists for reasonable alternatives to this metal for facilitating catalytic dioxygen reduction chemistry. The multicopper oxidases (MCOs), which constitute a class of enzyme that naturally catalyze the reaction O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O, provide a promising set of biochemical contenders for fuel cell cathode catalysts. In MCOs, a substrate reduces a copper atom at the type 1 site, where charge is then transferred to a trinuclear copper cluster consisting of a mononuclear type 2 or “normal copper” site and a binuclear type 3 copper site. Following the reduction of all four copper atoms in the enzyme, dioxygen is then reduced to water in two two-electron steps, upon binding to the trinuclear copper cluster. We identified an MCO, a laccase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus strain HB27, as a promising candidate for cathodic fuel cell catalysis. This protein demonstrates resilience at high temperatures, exhibiting no denaturing transition at temperatures high as 95°C, conditions relevant to typical polymer electrolyte fuel cell operation.

In Chapter I of this thesis, we discuss initial efforts to physically characterize the enzyme when operating as a heterogeneous cathode catalyst. Following this, in Chapter II we then outline the development of a model capable of describing the observed electrochemical behavior of this enzyme when operating on porous carbon electrodes. Developing a rigorous mathematical framework with which to describe this system had the potential to improve our understanding of MCO electrokinetics, while also providing a level of predictive power that might guide any future efforts to fabricate MCO cathodes with optimized electrochemical performance. In Chapter III we detail efforts to reduce electrode overpotentials through site-directed mutagenesis of the inner and outer-sphere ligands of the Cu sites in laccase, using electrochemical methods and electronic spectroscopy to try and understand the resultant behavior of our mutant constructs. Finally, in Chapter IV, we examine future work concerning the fabrication of enhanced MCO cathodes, exploring the possibility of new cathode materials and advanced enzyme deposition techniques.


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随着工农业生产的迅速发展,重金属污染问题越来越严重。由于重金属能 够在土壤、水体等环境中不断积累,并且通过食物链而进入人体内蓄积,因此对 人类健康构成潜在的危害。当人体内重金属含量过量时,会导致各种疾病的发生。 所以对痕量重金属污染物进行监测和分析,在食品安全、临床诊断和环境监测等 方面具有重要的现实意义。因此,研究快速、准确、灵敏、方便的检测重金属的 新方法十分必要。 近年来,化学修饰电极由于能够赋予电极新的、特定的功能,在提高电化 学选择性和灵敏度方面有着独特的优越性,因而成为电分析化学领域研究的热 点,并且被广泛应用于重金属元素的测定。但是,由于电极材料的限制,灵敏度 虽然有所改进,却始终很难达到一个新的高度。要提高化学修饰电极对重金属检 测的灵敏度,必须加入一些辅助的方法。 最近,纳米材料在很多分析方法中得到广泛应用,这些材料表现出很多它 们在常规尺度时所没有的独特的性质,如量子尺寸效应、表面效应、小尺寸效应、 量子隧道效应以及介电限域效应等。因此,作为一种新型的电极材料在电化学检 测和分析方面受到人们的日益关注。由于纳米材料本身具有大的比表面积和高的 表面自由能,这种纳米材料修饰电极的灵敏度得到大幅度提高。 离子载体是一类具有一个特定空腔的大环分子,能够从溶液中实现对某一 特定离子的萃取使之进入到有机相中。离子载体是电位型传感器敏感膜中的核心 成分,尽管它具有很高的选择性,但是除了电位分析外,在其它方面的用途却很 少被关注,可能是由于其本身的非导电性能所致。本论文采用纳米材料所特有的 对重金属离子强大的吸附性能和离子载体优良的选择性,制备了纳米材料及离子 载体修饰玻碳电极并用来对实际水样中痕量的重金属进行检测。主要内容包括以 下几个方面: 1.制备新型碳纳米管/铋膜复合修饰电极,研究了重金属钴在电极上的电化 学性能。结果表明,这种新型复合修饰电极的灵敏度得到显著提高,能实现最低 检测限为8´10-11 M的钴的吸附富集溶出。 2.利用羟基磷灰石的强吸附能力和碳纳米管的优异电化学性能,制备了新型 新型纳米材料及离子载体化学修饰电极的制备及其在痕量重金属污染物检测中的应用 II 的碳纳米管-纳米羟基磷灰石的双纳米复合材料,并将其用于金属镉的富集溶出。 结果表明,双纳米复合材料具有比单一材料更优异的性能,更有助于金属镉的富 集溶出。采用碳纳米管-纳米羟基磷灰石的双纳米复合材料修饰电极,能实现最 低检测限为4´10-9 M的镉的富集溶出,灵敏度得到明显提高。 3. 将导电性好、抗氧干扰能力强的铋膜与对重金属具有良好选择性的离子 载体相结合,制备了基于铋膜/离子载体的新型修饰电极,研究了金属铅在其表 面的富集溶出。结果表明,这种新型修饰电极的灵敏度和选择性都大为提高,具 有更高的溶出峰电流和更好的抗干扰能力,可以实现最低检测限为4.4´10-11 M 的铅的富集溶出。 4. 利用羟基磷灰石的强吸附能力和其三维多孔结构、离子载体对重金属离 子优异的选择性以及Nafion 膜良好的离子交换作用和化学稳定性,制备了基于 纳米材料和离子载体的新型化学修饰电极。这种方法不仅有助于提高对金属铅的 选择性和灵敏度,而且大大提高了富集效率。采用该新型化学修饰电极,能够实 现最低检测限为1´10-9 M的铅的富集溶出。


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We studied the effects of hydrogen plasma treatment on the electrical and optical properties of ZnO films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. It is found that the ZnO H film is highly transparent with the average transmittance of 92% in the visible range. Both carrier concentration and mobility are increased after hydrogen plasma treatment, correspondingly, the resistivity of the ZnO H films achieves the order of 10(-3) cm. We suggest that the incorporated hydrogen not only passivates most of the defects and/or acceptors present, but also introduces shallow donor states such as the V-O-H complex and the interstitial hydrogen H-i. Moreover, the annealing data indicate that H-i is unstable in ZnO, while the V-O-H complex remains stable on the whole at 400 degrees C, and the latter diffuses out when the annealing temperature increases to 500 degrees C. These results make ZnO H more attractive for future applications as transparent conducting electrodes.


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Heterogeneous electrocatalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by C-60 is reported for the first time. C-60 is embedded in tetra octyl ammonium bromide (TOAB) film and is characterized by scanning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Electrocatalytic studies show that the trianion of C-60 mediates the electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 in aqueous solution containing 0.1 M KCl. Application of such film modified electrode as an amperometric sensor for H2O2 determination is also examined.