597 resultados para TRACHEAL INTUBATION
Delayed recovery has been advocated to limit the postoperative stress linked to awakening from anesthesia, but data on this subject are lacking. In this study, we measured oxygen consumption (V(O2)) and plasma catecholamine concentrations as markers of postoperative stress. We tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery and extubation would attenuate metabolic changes after intracranial surgery. Thirty patients were included in a prospective, open study and were randomized into two groups. In Group I, the patients were tracheally extubated as soon as possible after surgery. In Group II, the patients were sedated with propofol for 2 h after surgery. V(O2), catecholamine concentration, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were measured during anesthesia, at extubation, and 30 min after extubation. V(O2) and noradrenaline on extubation and mean V(O2) during recovery were significantly higher in Group II than in Group I (V(O2) for Group I: preextubation 215 +/- 46 mL/min, recovery 198 +/- 38 mL/min; for Group II: preextubation 320 +/- 75 mL/min, recovery 268 +/- 49 mL/min; noradrenaline on extubation for Group I: 207 +/- 76 pg/mL, for Group II: 374 +/- 236 pg/ mL). Extubation induced a significant increase in MAP. MAP, HR, and adrenaline values were not statistically different between groups. In conclusion, delayed recovery after neurosurgery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence from general anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: In this study, we tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery after neurosurgery would attenuate the consequences of recovery from general anesthesia. As markers of stress, oxygen consumption and noradrenaline blood levels were higher after delayed versus early recovery. Thus, delayed recovery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence after neurosurgery.
We conducted a study assessing the quality and speed of intubation between the Airtraq with its new iPhone AirView app and the King Vision in a manikin. The primary endpoint was reduction of time needed for intubation. Secondary endpoints included times necessary for intubation. 30 anaesthetists randomly performed 3 intubations with each device on a difficult airway manikin. Participants had a professional experience of 12 years: 60.0% possessed the Airtraq in their hospital, 46.7% the King Vision, and 20.0% both. Median time difference [IQR] to identify glottis (1.1 [-1.3; 3.9] P = 0.019), for tube insertion (2.1 [-2.6; 9.4] P = 0.002) and lung ventilation (2.8 [-2.4; 11.5] P = 0.001), was shorter with the Airtraq-AirView. Median time for glottis visualization was significantly shorter with the Airtraq-AirView (5.3 [4.0; 8.4] versus 6.4 [4.6; 9.1]). Cormack Lehane before intubation was better with the King Vision (P = 0.03); no difference was noted during intubation, for subjective device insertion or quality of epiglottis visualisation. Assessment of tracheal tube insertion was better with the Airtraq-AirView. The Airtraq-AirView allows faster identification of the landmarks and intubation in a difficult airway manikin, while clinical relevance remains to be studied. Anaesthetists assessed the intubation better with the Airtraq-AirView.
Objective To compare the cardiorespiratory effects and incidence of gastroesophageal reflux with the use of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or endotracheal tube (ET) in anesthetized cats during spontaneous (SV) or controlled ventilation (CV).Study design Prospective randomized experimental trial.Animals Thirty-two adult crossbred cats, weighing 2.7 +/- 0.4 kg.Methods the cats were sedated with intramuscular (IM) methotrimeprazine (0.5 mg kg(-1)) and buprenorphine (0.005 mg kg(-1)), followed 30 minutes later by induction of anesthesia with intravenous (IV) thiopental (12.5-20 mg kg(-1)). An ET was used in 16 cats and an LMA in the remaining 16 animals. Anesthesia was maintained with 0.5 minimum alveolar concentration (0.6%) of halothane in oxygen using a Mapleson D breathing system. Cats in both groups were further divided into two equal groups (n = 8), undergoing either SV or CV. Neuromuscular blockade with pancuronium (0.06 mg kg(-1)) was used to facilitate CV. Heart and respiratory rates, direct arterial blood pressure, capnometry (PE'CO2) and arterial blood gases were measured. Gastric reflux and possible aspiration was investigated by intragastric administration of 5 mL of radiographic contrast immediately after induction of anesthesia. Cervical and thoracic radiographs were taken at the end of anesthesia. Data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls, Kruskal-Wallis or Friedman test where appropriate.Results Values for PaCO2 and PE'CO2 were higher in spontaneously breathing cats with the LMA when compared with other groups. Values of PaO2 and hemoglobin oxygen saturation did not differ between groups. Gastroesophageal reflux occurred in four of eight and two of eight cats undergoing CV with ET or LMA, respectively. There was no tracheal or pulmonary aspiration in any cases.Conclusions and clinical relevance the use of an LMA may be used as an alternative to endotracheal intubation in anesthetized cats. Although aspiration was not observed, gastric reflux may occur in mechanically ventilated animals.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações morfológicas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados, sob ventilação com tubo traqueal (TT) ou máscara laríngea (ML). MÉTODOS: Doze cães adultos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo TT (n-6) e grupo ML (n-6), submetidos à anestesia venosa e ventilação mecânica, em sistema sem reabsorção de CO2. Foram registrados parâmetros hemodinâmicos e ventilatórios, temperatura timpânica, temperatura, umidade relativa e absoluta do ar ambiente e dos gases inalados durante 3 horas. Ao término do experimento, os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e realizadas biópsias ao longo do segmento traqueal para estudo morfológico. Três cães saudáveis foram utilizados para controle morfológico. RESULTADOS: A temperatura dos gases inalados manteve-se entre 24ºC e 26ºC, a umidade relativa entre 10% e 12%, e umidade absoluta entre 2 -3 mg H2O.L-1 sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. em ambos os grupos a análise histológica evidenciou processo inflamatório epitelial e congestão no córion, e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou agrupamento e desorganização ciliar. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão detectou maiores alterações no grupo TT do que no ML, como alargamento das junções intercelulares, desorientação ciliar, vacuolização citoplasmática, alterações nucleares como pcinose e condensação da cromatina. CONCLUSÃO: A máscara laríngea determinou alterações menos pronunciadas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados.
Sixty patients with no clinical indicators of a difficult airway were selected to undergo a fibreoptic assessment after induction of general anaesthesia using both the Berman Intubating Airway and the Williams Airway Intubator. The bronchoscopic view and ease of railroading a tracheal tube during fibreoptic orotracheal intubation were studied. The bronchoscopic views obtained by the Berman Airway and the Williams Airway were significantly different (p < 0.008, test of symmetry). The estimated odds ratio of obtaining an obstructed path was 3.06 times higher for the Berman than the Williams Airway. However, if the glottis could be reached with the bronchoscope, there was no significant difference in the degree of ease of intubation between the two airways.
Background. Previous studies have identified no strong correlation between patients' height and tracheal length in anaesthetized patients. We have attempted to compare vocal cords-carina distance (VCD) in Chinese patients with the dimensions of five commonly used tracheal tubes. In addition, we attempted to find a surface anatomy measurement that would identify patients with 'short tracheas'. Methods. We measured VCD in 130 anaesthetized Chinese patients with a fibreoptic bronchoscope. Also measurements were obtained of the distal ends of five commonly used tracheal tubes. We undertook various surface anatomy measurements on the patients' chest and neck region to predict those patients with short tracheas. Results. VCD averaged 12.6 ((SD) 1.4) cm. In seven patients (5%) this distance was particularly short (between 8.8 and 10.4 cm). Many of the commonly used tracheal tubes would be placed close to or beyond the carina when the black intubation guide mark(s) is (are) at the level of the vocal cords. The VCD of
The inflation pressure of the endotracheal tube cuff can cause ischemia of the tracheal mucosa at high pressures; thus, it can cause important tracheal morbidity and tracheal microaspiration of the oropharyngeal secretion, or it can even cause pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation if the pressure of the cuff is insufficient. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the RUSCH® 7.5 mm endotracheal tube cuff, this study was designed to investigate the physical and mechanical aspects of the cuff in contact with the trachea. For this end, we developed an in vitro experimental model to assess the flow of dye (methylene blue) by the inflated cuff on the wall of the artificial material. We also designed an in vivo study with 12 Large White pigs under endotracheal intubation. We instilled the same dye in the oral cavity of the animals, and we analyzed the presence or not of leakage in the trachea after the region of the cuff after their deaths (animal sacrifice). All cuffs were inflated at the pressure of 30 cmH2O. We observed the passage of fluids through the cuff in all in vitro and in vivo experimental models. We conclude that, as well as several other cuff models in the literature, the RUSCH® 7.5 mm tube cuffs are also not able to completely seal the trachea and thus prevent aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions. Other prevention measures should be taken.
Objective: To provide a detailed description of the nasopharyngeal intubation (NPI) technique and photographs, which should be helpful for those who may need to perform it for treating the airway obstruction in Robin sequence. Design: To describe and illustrate the NPI technique and the necessary considerations for its application. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalias Craniofacial of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Result: The NPI procedure involves the use of a whitish, Portex, number 3.0 or 3.5, silicone tube, introduced 8 cm deep into the infant`s nostril and fixed with Micropore tape. The tube is to be removed at least twice a day for proper hygiene (with running water, detergent, and swabs) and should be changed every 7 days. This procedure is taught to the children`s parents or caretakers by the nurse during hospitalization. Conclusion: The technique is so simple that it can be performed by the parents themselves, allowing continuation of the treatment at home.
Objectives: Severe glottic/subglottic stenosis (complex laryngotracheal stenosis) is a rare but challenging complication of endotracheal intubation. Laryngotracheal reconstruction with cartilage graft and an intralaryngeal stent is a procedure described for complex laryngotracheal stenosis management in children; however, for adults, few options remain. Our aim was to analyze the results of laryngotracheal reconstruction as a treatment for complex laryngotracheal stenosis in adults, considering postoperative and long-term outcome. Methods: Laryngotracheal reconstruction (laryngeal split with anterior and posterior interposition of a rib cartilage graft) has been used in our institution to manage glottic/subglottic stenosis restricted to the larynx; laryngotracheal reconstruction associated with cricotracheal resection has been used to treat glottic/subglottic/upper tracheal stenosis (extending beyond the second tracheal ring). A retrospective study was conducted, including all patients with complex laryngotracheal stenosis treated surgically in our institution from January of 2002 until December of 2005. Results: Twenty patients (10 male and 10 female patients; average age, 36.13 years; age range, 18-54 years) were included. There were no deaths, and the postoperative complications were as follows: dysphonia, 25%; subcutaneous emphysema, 10%; tracheocutaneous fistula, 20%; wound infection, 15%; and bleeding, 5.0%. Eighty percent of the patients were completely decannulated after a mean of 23.4 months of follow-up (range, 4 -55 months). Conclusions: Laryngeal split with anterior and posterior cartilage graft interposition as an isolated procedure or associated with a cricotracheal resection is a feasible and low-morbidity alternative for complex laryngotracheal stenosis treatment.
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effects of antenatal steroids and tracheal occlusion on pulmonary expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in rats with nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia. STUDY DESIGN: Fetuses were exposed to nitrofen at embryonic day 9.5. Subgroups received dexamethasone or were operated on for tracheal occlusion, or received combined treatment. Morphologic variables were recorded. To analyze vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression, we performed Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Morphologic variables were analyzed by analysis of variance and immunohistochemistry by Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia decreased body weight, total lung weight, and lung-to-body weight ratio. Tracheal occlusion increased total lung weight and lung-to-body weight ratio (P < .05). Fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia had reduced vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression, whereas steroids and tracheal occlusion increased their expression. Combined treatment increased expression of receptors, but had no additive effect. CONCLUSION: Vascular endothelial growth factor signaling disruption may be associated with pulmonary hypertension in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Tracheal occlusion and steroids provide a pathway for restoring expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors.
Objective: To test the viability of a tracheal autotransplant, with an original technique using a prefabricated flap from a complete tracheal neovascularized segment (CTNVS) of the sternohyoid muscle anastomosed by a microsurgical technique. Study Design: An experimental study using dogs as an animal model. Methods: Ten mongrel dogs weighing 23 to 40 kg were divided into two groups: group I (control), five animals submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS without a microsurgical vascular anastomosis; and group II, five dogs submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS with a microsurgical vascular anastomosis. Results: All group I dogs developed respiratory insufficiency and died because of necrosis and stenosis of the autotransplanted CTNVS, whereas all group II dogs completed a minimum period of 90 days of observation without any clinical changes. Macro- and microscopic analysis revealed intact tracheal structures. Conclusions: The present clinical and morphological findings demonstrate that the CTNVS autotransplant is viable, when a microsurgical vascular anastomosis is used.
Objective: To study the prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux in infants with Robin sequence who had severe respiratory obstruction treated with nasopharyngeal intubation and to evaluate the efficacy of nonsurgical treatment. Design: Longitudinal prospective study. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalias Craniofaciais, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients: Twenty infants with severe isolated Robin sequence treated with nasopharyngeal intubation. Interventions: We performed 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring on each child at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Respiratory and feeding status were evaluated. We considered abnormal gastroesophageal reflux as reflux index values above the 95th percentile of the Vandenplas reference for normal children. Results: The prevalence of reflux index above the 95th percentile at the first exam was 6/20, a value significantly higher than the reference (5/103, p < .01). At the second and third exams, reflux index values were decreased. Ninety percent of the infants showed improvement of respiratory difficulty and developed oral feeding capacity. Conclusions: The prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux is higher in infants with severe cases of Robin sequence than in normal infants. Nonsurgical procedures improved respiratory and feeding difficulties of most of these infants.