220 resultados para TPC


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Global climate change and a growing population require tackling the reduction in arable land and improving biomass production and seed yield per area under varying conditions. One of these conditions is suboptimal water availability. Here, we review some of the classical approaches to dealing with plant response to drought stress and we evaluate how research on RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASES (RLKs) can contribute to improving plant performance under drought stress. RLKs are considered as key regulators of plant architecture and growth behavior, but they also function in defense and stress responses. The available literature and analyses of available transcript profiling data indeed suggest that RLKs can play an important role in optimizing plant responses to drought stress. In addition, RLK pathways are ideal targets for nontransgenic approaches, such as synthetic molecules, providing a novel strategy to manipulate their activity and supporting translational studies from model species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, to economically useful crops.


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Although Ca transport in plants is highly complex, the overexpression of vacuolar Ca2+ transporters in crops is a promising new technology to improve dietary Ca supplies through biofortification. Here, we sought to identify novel targets for increasing plant Ca accumulation using genetical and comparative genomics. Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping to 1895 cis- and 8015 trans-loci were identified in shoots of an inbred mapping population of Brassica rapa (IMB211 × R500); 23 cis- and 948 trans-eQTLs responded specifically to altered Ca supply. eQTLs were screened for functional significance using a large database of shoot Ca concentration phenotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. From 31 Arabidopsis gene identifiers tagged to robust shoot Ca concentration phenotypes, 21 mapped to 27 B. rapa eQTLs, including orthologs of the Ca2+ transporters At-CAX1 and At-ACA8. Two of three independent missense mutants of BraA.cax1a, isolated previously by targeting induced local lesions in genomes, have allele-specific shoot Ca concentration phenotypes compared with their segregating wild types. BraA.CAX1a is a promising target for altering the Ca composition of Brassica, consistent with prior knowledge from Arabidopsis. We conclude that multiple-environment eQTL analysis of complex crop genomes combined with comparative genomics is a powerful technique for novel gene identification/prioritization.


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The Euphorbiaceae produce a diverse range of diterpenoids, many of which have pharmacological activities. These diterpenoids include ingenol mebutate, which is licensed for the treatment of a precancerous skin condition (actinic keratosis), and phorbol derivatives such as resiniferatoxin and prostratin, which are undergoing investigation for the treatment of severe pain and HIV, respectively. Despite the interest in these diterpenoids, their biosynthesis is poorly understood at present, with the only characterized step being the conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate into casbene. Here, we report a physical cluster of diterpenoid biosynthetic genes from castor (Ricinus communis), including casbene synthases and cytochrome P450s from the CYP726A subfamily. CYP726A14, CYP726A17, and CYP726A18 were able to catalyze 5-oxidation of casbene, a conserved oxidation step in the biosynthesis of this family of medicinally important diterpenoids. CYP726A16 catalyzed 7,8-epoxidation of 5-keto-casbene and CYP726A15 catalyzed 5-oxidation of neocembrene. Evidence of similar gene clustering was also found in two other Euphorbiaceae, including Euphorbia peplus, the source organism of ingenol mebutate. These results demonstrate conservation of gene clusters at the higher taxonomic level of the plant family and that this phenomenon could prove useful in further elucidating diterpenoid biosynthetic pathways.


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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and RET/PTC rearrangements represent key genetic events frequently associated to this cancer, enhancing proliferation and dedifferentiation by activation of the RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Recently, let-7 microRNA was found to reduce RAS levels in lung cancer, acting as a tumor suppressor gene. Here, we report that RET/PTC3 oncogenic activation in PCCL3 rat thyroid cells markedly reduces let-7f expression. Moreover, stable transfection of let-7 microRNA in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation. As a result, let-7f was capable of reducing TPC-1 cell growth, and this might be explained, at least in part, by decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of cell cycle stimulators such as MYC and CCND1 (cyclin D1) and increased P21 cell cycle inhibitor mRNA. In addition, let-7 enhanced transcriptional expression of molecular markers of thyroid differentiation such as TITF1 and TG. Thus, reduced expression of let-7f might be an essential molecular event in RET/PTC malignant transformation. Moreover, let-7f effects on thyroid growth and differentiation might attenuate neoplastic process of RET/PTC papillary thyroid oncogenesis through impairment of MAPK signaling pathway activation. This is the first functional demonstration of an association of let-7 with thyroid cancer cell growth and differentiation.


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A new polymeric zinc(II) complex with thiophene-2-carboxylic acid (-tpc) of composition [Zn2(C20H12O8S4)]n was obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and infrared spectroscopies. Upfield shift in the 1H-NMR spectrum is explained by the crystalline structure, which shows the thiophene rings overlapping each other in parallel pairs. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c, with a = 9.7074(4) angstrom, b = 13.5227(3) angstrom, c = 18.9735(7) angstrom, = 95.797(10)degrees, and Z = 4. Three -tpc groups bridge between two Zn(II) ions through oxygens and the fourth one bridges between one of these ions and the third one, symmetry related by a twofold screw axis. This arrangement gives rise to infinite chains along the crystallographic a direction. The metal atoms display an approximate tetrahedral configuration. The complex is insoluble in water, ethanol, and acetone, but soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide.


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O presente trabalho realiza uma validação experimental, através da técnica de injeção de falhas por software, de sistemas de informações que utilizam gerenciadores de banco de dados distribuídos comerciais. Estes experimentos visam a obtenção de medidas da dependabilidade do SGBD utilizado, levantamento do custo de seus mecanismos de tolerância a falhas e a real aplicabilidade de SGBDs comerciais em sistemas de missão crítica. Procurou-se avaliar e validar as ferramentas de injeção de falhas utilizadas, no caso específico deste trabalho a ComFIRM e o FIDe. Inicialmente são introduzidos e reforçados os conceitos básicos sobre o tema, que serão utilizados no decorrer do trabalho. Em seguida são apresentadas algumas ferramentas de injeção de falhas em sistemas distribuídos, bem como os modelos de falhas em banco de dados distribuídos. São analisados alguns estudos de aplicação de ferramentas de injeção de falhas em bancos de dados distribuídos. Concluída a revisão bibliográfica é apresentado o modelo de software e hardware que foi implementado, destacando o gerador de cargas de trabalho GerPro-TPC e o gerenciador de injeções e resultados GIR. O GerPro-TPC segue as especificações TPC-c para a simulação de um ambiente transacional comercial padrão e o GIR realiza a integração das ferramentas de injeção de falhas utilizadas, bem como a elaboração do cenário de falhas a injetar e a coleta dos resultados das falhas injetadas. Finalmente são descritos os experimentos realizados sobre o SGBD PROGRESS. São realizados 361 testes de injeções de falhas com aproximadamente 43.000 falhas injetadas em experimentos distintos. Utiliza-se dois modelos de falhas: um focado em falhas de comunicação e outro em falhas de hardware. Os erros resultantes das falhas injetadas foram classificados em erros ignorados/mascarados, erros leves, erros graves e erros catastróficos. Dos modelos de falhas utilizados as que mais comprometeram a dependabilidade do SGBD foram as falhas de hardware. As falhas de comunicação somente comprometeram a disponibilidade do sistema alvo.


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A Teoria das Restrições surgiu no início da década de 80 revolucionando a teoria da manufatura e tendo um desenvolvimento rápido em diferentes países como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Holanda, Israel entre outros. No Brasil a difusão dessa metodologia, inicialmente concebida para o ambiente de manufatura, não está suficientemente desenvolvida. Pelos resultados que se acredita poderem decorrer de sua aplicação, é objetivo desta pesquisa detectar empresas que implementaram o sistema TPC em nosso país, verificar quais as vantagens que podem ser obtidas do seu uso e mostrá-las no relatório final, para difundir uma metodologia que acredita-se ser de fácil aplicação nas empresas brasileiras, possibilitando melhorar a competitividade de nossos produtos.


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As afecções gastrintestinais dos cavalos são agravadas por complicações como a laminite, cuja etiopatogenia está relacionada à degradação da membrana basal do tecido laminar por metaloproteinases (MMPs). A ativação das MMPs pode ocorrer devido à liberação local de citocinas inflamatórias ou enzimas provenientes de leucócitos infiltrados no tecido laminar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações morfológicas do tecido laminar de equinos com síndrome cólica letal e sua provável associação com parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Observou-se intensa destruição da arquitetura laminar, principalmente nos animais com alterações físicas e laboratoriais mais acentuadas, como tempo de preenchimento capilar prolongado (TPC), membranas mucosas congestas, taquicardia, hemoconcentração e redução nas contagens de plaquetas e leucócitos. Os resultados sinalizam o provável momento do desenvolvimento de lesões do tecido laminar em equinos com síndrome cólica, no qual é possível adotar medidas preventivas contra a laminite.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar diferentes cultivares de brassicáceas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva e preferência para alimentação e oviposição da traça-das-crucíferas. Os experimentos foram realizados utilizando-se as cultivares de repolho Midori, Chato-de-Quintal, híbridos da Top Seed® - Agristar (TPC 308, TPC 681 e TPC 668), couve-flor Bola de Neve, couve brócolis Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce e couve Manteiga da Geórgia, sendo esta última utilizada como padrão de suscetibilidade. Por meio dos dados biológicos de P. xylostella foram estimados os parâmetros necessários para a construção de tabela de vida de fertilidade, para comparação das cultivares testadas em relação à capacidade reprodutiva da praga. em gaiolas de criação da traça-das-crucíferas foram colocados quatro quartos de folha, dois a dois, que justapostos formavam um círculo de 8 cm de diâmetro, confrontando-se os materiais dois a dois. As partes foram dispostas equidistantemente, para realização do teste de dupla chance de escolha (preferência para alimentação e oviposição) e de múltipla chance de escolha, confrontando todos os substratos (preferência para alimentação). As cultivares que proporcionaram melhor desenvolvimento e reprodução para a traça-das-crucíferas foram couve Manteiga da Geórgia e couve brócolis. Para preferência alimentar constatou-se alta suscetibilidade em couve Manteiga e TPC 681 e para preferência de oviposição alta preferência para couve-flor Bola de Neve. Com isso, sugere-se a divisão das cultivares estudadas em quatro classes distintas: repolho Midori como moderadamente resistente (MR); couve-flor Bola de Neve e repolho Chato-de-Quintal como suscetíveis (S); couve brócolis, TPC308, TPC681 e TPC668 como moderadamente suscetíveis (MS); e couve Manteiga como altamente suscetível (AS).


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Solid substrate cultivation (SSC) has become an efficient alternative towards rational use of agro industrial wastes and production of value-added products, mainly in developing countries. This work presents the production and functional application results of phenolic extracts obtained by solid substrate cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) residues associated to soy flour and bioprocessed by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Two experimental groups were tested: (1) 9g of fruit residue and 1g of soy flour (A9 or G9); (2) 5g of fruit residue and 5g of soy flour (A5 or G5). After SSC, 100ml of distilled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flask containing 10g of bioprocessed material in order to obtain the phenolic extracts. Samples were taken every two days for total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity evaluation by DPPH test during 12-day cultivation. The 2-day and 10-d ay extracts were selected and concentrated by ebullition until 1/10 of original volume was reached. After that, both non-concentrated and concentrated extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica and a-amylase inhibitory capacity. It was observed an inverse relationship between total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity during the cultivation. Besides that, the concentrated pineapple samples after two days were able to inhibit both pathogens tested, especially S. aureus. Guava concentrated extracts after 2 days showed expressive inhibition against S. enterica, but negative results against S. aureus growth. When it comes to a-amylase inhibition, A9 extracts after 2 days, both concentrated or not, completely inhibited enzyme activity. Similar behavior was observed for G9 samples, but only for concentrated samples. It was shown that concentration by ebullition positively affected the enzymatic inhibition of G9 and A9 samples, but on the other side, decreased antiamylase activity of A5 and G5 samples


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The food industry is interested in natural products. Anthocyanins are phenolic antioxidants of great importance with health-relevant applications. Several studies have linked the intake of fruits and vegetables with reduced risk of chronic degenerative diseases because of its antioxidant properties. This study aimed to compare different strategies for obtaining natural pigments from red jambo (Syzygium malaccence) and analyze its functional potential. Two different strategies were studied: (1) solid-liquid extraction (SLE) in reactor with controlled parameters, (2) powder obtention. The investigation of the functional potential was conducted taking into account the total phenolic content (TPC), the antioxidant activity (AA), the total anthocyanins concentration (TA) and α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition. The best extracts obtained by SLE showed TPC of 174.15 mg GAE/100g, AA of 3.56 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 133.59 mg cyd-3-glu/100 g. The best results for the second strategy were TPC of 1024.22 mg GAE/100 g, AA of 29.03 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 1193.41 mg cyd-3- glu/100 g. It was observed moderate amylase inhibition (26.30%) and high glucosidase inhibitory activity (97.47%). Skin extracts showed, in general, superior results when compared to whole red jambo, with superior values for dehydrated products. Based on our result, red jambo can be considered as a rich source of phenolic antioxidants, as well on amylase and glucosidase inhibitors


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Tropical fruits have been extensively studied due to their functional potential attributed to the presence of natural bioactive compounds. The exotic fruit jambolan (Syzygium cumini) has been reported for its appreciable amount of phenolic compounds, especially anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. Nevertheless, there are hardly any derived jambolan products in the Brazilian market. In addition to that, considerable volumes of fruit are lost due to their high perishability. Dried fruits have become an important fruit market segment due to its weight and volume reduction and decreased transportation and storage costs. Thus, this study evaluated the jambolan pulp submitted to spouted bed drying (JLJ) and lyophilization (JLI), besides assessing the drying impact on the final product. In order to achieve this, the process performance was calculated and compared, as well the physicochemical and bioactive characteristics (moisture, water activity (aw), solubility, hygroscopicity, density, color, structure through images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), concentration of bioactive (total phenolic compounds (TPC), anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid) and antioxidant activity. The results showed drying efficiency higher than 60% for both products and that JLJ group showed higher moisture and water activity when compared to the JLI group (p<0.05). The two types of drying were able to produce stable final product in the microbiological point of view, given that both showed aw < 0.6. The final products exhibited high solubility (73.7 to 81.6%) and low hygroscopicity (9.8 to 11.6%), desirable characteristics for dehydrated foods. Despite the losses caused by drying, the dried jambolan pulp by both methods showed high TPC (468.6 to 534.0 mg GAE/100g dm), anthocyanins (from 491.9 to 673.4 mg. eq. cyanidin-3-glicoside/100g dm), proanthocyanidins (66.9 to 76.6 mg QTE/g dm) and ascorbic acid (156.4 to 186.8 mg/100 g dm). Taken together, the results of this study reveal spouted dried and freeze dried jambolan pulp as bioactive-rich natural products with suitable physicochemical and functional characteristics to be used as food ingredients. The data also demonstrate the drying techniques as rational strategies for the exploitation of the exotic fruit jambolan


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The Brazilian caatinga is characterized by low annual rainfall and arid soils. Several cactaceae, either native or adapted species, grow in this semi-arid region, including the prickly pear (Opuntia fícus indica) and facheiro ((Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter) which produce underexploited edible fruits. In addition to these species, the algaroba is a leguminous with little studied technological applications and bioactive potential so far. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the physicochemical, bioactive and functional attributes of the prickly pear and facheiro fruit pulps and the algaroba flour. Specifically, this study approaches the physicochemical characterization, total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the betalain identification and quantification by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. It is also investigated the DPPH antioxidant capacity and the antienzymatic activities against alpha-amylase and alphaglucosidase of water and ethanolic extracts of these food material. In order to address their potential to be used as food ingredients, juice blends prepared with mixtures of cajá and prickly pear, biofilms with facheiro and cereal bars with algaroba flour were elaborated and analyzed. The prickly pear fruits presented low acidity and high sugar content when compared to facheiro. The Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter fruits had higher protein and ash content, but the algaroba flour was the species with higher protein and sugar content among all. The algaroba flour also presented outstanding food fiber content, which reveals its potentiality to be used as a natural intestinal regulator. The TPC of water and ethanol extracts ranged from 3.87 to 16.21 mg GAE/100g for algaroba flour, 79.24 to 110.20 GAE/ 100g for prickly pear and 412.23 to 539.14 mg GAE/100g for facheiro. The 70% (w/v) ethanol extract reached the highest DPPH antioxidant activity, which was linearly correlated to its high TPC content. In regard to the enzymatic inhibitory activities, the best performance was observed for the prickly pear extracts which presented a moderate inhibition for both investigated enzymes, but interestingly, no alpha-glucosidase inhibition was observed for facheiro extracts. This work shows, for the first time in the literature, the functional attributes of facheiro fruits, as well as the presence of betacianins and isobetanin in the pulp of this exotic fruit. When it comes to the food products developed here, the sensory attributes that better described the juice blend cajá-prickly pear were sweetness, acidity, color yellow-orange, body, turbidity and cajá flavor. The discriminative test applied for cereal bars produced with and without algaroba revealed that the texture was the only sensory attribute that differed (p<0.05) between these two samples. It was also observed that the addition of facheiro extracts did not influence the visual characteristics of the biofilms. Overall, this work unveils the physicochemical and bioactive attributes of these commercial and technologically underexploited species widely found in the Brazilian caatinga and presents alternatives for their rational use


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Total antioxidant activity (TAA), total phenolic compounds (TPC), and physicochemical characteristics of ready-to-drink orange juice and nectar from the most consumed brands available in Brazil were evaluated. TPC ranged from 18.7 to 54.2 mg of gallic acid/100 mL, and TAA varied from 57.88 to 349.32 mu mol TEAC/100 mL ready-to-drink orange juice and nectar. The ascorbic acid content was the only physicochemical parameter that showed strong variation among packages and brands. Correlation of TPC with TAA showed that the higher the level of TPC the higher the TAA. Correlation of ascorbic acid content with TAA is higher for ready-to-drink orange juice than nectar. The same was found for the correlation of ascorbic acid content with TPC. The results confirm the contribution of the TPC to TAA.