94 resultados para THYSANOPTERA


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Diagnostic insect damage to cocoa tree leaves and fruits were compared in situations with and without the presence of the little fire ants, Wasmannia auropunctata and the closely related and sympatric W. cf rochai. No significant differences in thrips, lepidopteran, or chrysomelid beetle damage to fruits, or to young and old leaves, were associated with these ants. However, significant increases of pseudococcids Planococcus citrii, associated with areas dominated by W. auropunctata, and to a lesser degree with W. cf rochai, were present. W. auropunctata has been reported to be a canopy mosaic dominant in cocoa farms, but the lack of reduced herbivore incidences and its lack of spatial permanence do not support favoring its populations for the management of phytophagous insect control.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O cacauí (Theobroma speciosum) é uma fruteira típica da Região Norte, cujas flores sapromiofílicas atraem dípteros. Os recursos que os insetos utilizam são muito variados e entre eles estão as flores, as quais podem ser utilizadas como alimento e local para reprodução. Este trabalho visou fazer uma comparação do sistema de polinização de T. speciosum em duas áreas de preservação distintas, contribuindo para a avaliação das estratégias de conservação da espécie. O trabalho foi realizado nos anos de 2000 a 2002, no Centro de Pesquisa do Trópico Úmido da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA/CPATU) e na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFPn/MPEG). Foram realizados estudos sobre estrutura populacional e fenologia de T. speciosum nas duas áreas de preservação, observação comportamental dos insetos no campo, coletas de insetos visitantes das flores de cacauí, análise de carreamento de pólen pelos insetos e verificação dos insetos emergentes no laboratório. As árvores de cacauí, em ambos os locais, florescem em períodos mais secos e frutificam em períodos mais úmidos. As populações de cacauí nas duas áreas diferem pela distribuição espacial e etária dos seus indivíduos. A falta de jovens e subadultos na área de preservação ex situ, mostra falha no "tum over' populacional, demonstrando fragilidade no sistema estabelecido. As inflorescências de T. speciosum são utilizadas por uma grande diversidade de invertebrados. Nove ordens de insetos, e pelo menos duas ordens de outros invertebrados, visitaram as flores de cacau'. As ordens com maior quantidade de indivíduos foram Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera e Coleoptera. Os visitantes das flores de cacauí foram classificados como: oportunistas, predadores e polinizadores. Drosofilideos foram indicados como polinizadores de T speciosum, com a possibilidade da participação de alguns forídeos. As guildas dos drosofilídeos foram distintas nas duas áreas de preservação e mais diversa na área de preservação in situ. Quatro espécies foram comuns as duas áreas. A perda de diversidade e alteração na composição na guilda de polinizadores parece não ter afetado a população de T. speciosum na área de preservação ex situ. No caso em estudo o sistema de polinização apesar de profundamente alterado, ainda apresenta sinais de viabilidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Background: Tospoviruses (Genus Tospovirus, Family Bunyaviridae) are phytopathogens responsible for significant worldwide crop losses. They have a tripartite negative and ambisense RNA genome segments, termed S (Small), M (Medium) and L (Large) RNA. The vector-transmission is mediated by thrips in a circulative-propagative manner. For new tospovirus species acceptance, several analyses are needed, e. g., the determination of the viral protein sequences for enlightenment of their evolutionary history. Methodology/Principal Findings: Biological (host range and symptomatology), serological, and molecular (S and M RNA sequencing and evolutionary studies) experiments were performed to characterize and differentiate a new tospovirus species, Bean necrotic mosaic virus (BeNMV), which naturally infects common beans in Brazil. Based upon the results, BeNMV can be classified as a novel species and, together with Soybean vein necrosis-associated virus (SVNaV), they represent members of a new evolutionary lineage within the genus Tospovirus. Conclusion/Significances: Taken together, these evidences suggest that two divergent lineages of tospoviruses are circulating in the American continent and, based on the main clades diversity (American and Eurasian lineages), new tospovirus species related to the BeNMV-SVNaV clade remain to be discovered. This possible greater diversity of tospoviruses may be reflected in a higher number of crops as natural hosts, increasing the economic impact on agriculture. This idea also is supported since BeNMV and SVNaV were discovered naturally infecting atypical hosts (common bean and soybean, respectively), indicating, in this case, a preference for leguminous species. Further studies, for instance a survey focusing on crops, specifically of leguminous plants, may reveal a greater tospovirus diversity not only in the Americas (where both viruses were reported), but throughout the world.


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Las trampas adhesivas habitualmente se emplean para monitoreo pero como las de mayor tamaño también se recomiendan para control, se examinó el efecto del tamaño de las amarillas en la captura total de Frankliniella occidentalis. En pimiento en floración se utilizaron trampas de 5 tamaños en un diseño de bloques al azar (n = 10), replicado 5 veces. La comparación de la captura en ambas caras de la placa, mediante la prueba t-pareada, arrojó diferencias significativas en el 96 % de las pruebas. Los datos fueron separados para los análisis posteriores. La diferencia en la captura/cm2 entre los tamaños de trampa se comparó mediante ANOVA y Tukey. Por no registrarse diferencias significativas en el 90 % de los ensayos la eficacia de todos los tamaños fue similar. La captura total se ajustó al modelo de regresión: log Y = b log X + log a siendo Y = número de insectos capturados y X = medida lineal de su tamaño (raíz cuadrada de la superficie). El ajuste al modelo fue significativo y la pendiente se aproximó a 2. Por lo tanto, la captura total fue proporcional a la superficie total, no al perímetro ni a la relación perímetro/superficie. La utilización de trampas grandes resultaría antieconómica dado su dudosa eficacia como sistema de control.


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Vols. 1, 2, 5-7, 9 reprinted 1922; v. 3, 1927; and vols. 4, 8, 10, 1923.


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--VI. Insects, pt. II. Hymenoptera continued (Tubilifera and Aculeata), Coleoptera, Strepsiptera, Lepidotera, Diptera, Aphaniptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura. By David Sharp. 1901.--VII. Hemichordata, by S.F. Harmer. Ascidians and Amphioxus, by W.A. Herdman. Fishes (exclusive of th systematic account of Teleostei) by T.W. Bridge. Fishes (systematic account of Teleostei) by G.A. Bonlenger. 1904.--VIII. Amphibia and reptiles, by Hans Gadow. 1901.--IX. Birds, by A.H. Evans. 1900--X. Mammalia, by F.E. Beddard. 1902.


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The Paraneoptera (Hemipteroid Assemblage) comprises the orders Thysanoptera (thrips), Hemiptera (bugs), Phthiraptera (lice) and Psocoptera (booklice and barklice). The phylogenetic relationships among the Psocodea (Phthiraptera and Psocoptera), Thysanoptera and Hemiptera are unresolved, as are some relationships within the Psocodea. Here, we present phylogenetic hypotheses inferred from SSU rDNA sequences; the most controversial of which is the apparent paraphyly of the Phthiraptera, which are parasites of birds and mammals, with respect to one family of Psocoptera, the Liposcelididae. The order Psocoptera and the suborder that contains the Liposcelididae, the Troctomorpha, are also paraphyletic. The two remaining psocopteran suborders, the Psocomorpha and the Trogiomorpha, are apparently monophyletic. The Liposcelididae is most closely related to lice from the suborder Amblycera. These results suggest that the taxonomy of the Psocodea needs revision. In addition, there are implications for the evolution of parasitism in insects; parasitism may have evolved twice in lice or have evolved once and been subsequently lost in the Liposcelididae.


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Since the damage of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindemann) first occurred on white cabbage in Hungary several observations have been carried out, both in Hungary and abroad, to assess varietal resistance. The use of a new evaluation method for field screening is described and the result of the monitoring of 64 varieties is reported. The most susceptible varieties were ‘Bejo 1860’, ‘SG 3164’, ‘Quisto’, ‘Green Gem’ and ‘Ramada’. On the other hand, ‘Golden Cross’, ‘Balashi’, ‘Riana’, ‘Autumn Queen’, ‘Leopard’, Ama-Daneza’ and ‘Galaxy’ suffered the least damage under natural infestation. Methods for testing the patterns of resistance are also described and evaluated. In case of plants at the few leaf growth stage significant negative correlation was found between egg mortality and the egg laying preference of adults. The results of the other antibiotic and antixenotic tests were greatly affected by differences in the physiological age and condition of the varieties.