170 resultados para Sylvian fissure
Water table response to rainfall was investigated at six sites in the Upper, Middle and Lower Chalk of southern England. Daily time series of rainfall and borehole water level were cross-corretated to investigate seasonal variations in groundwater-level response times, based on periods of 3-month duration. The time tags (in days) yielding significant correlations were compared with the average unsaturated zone thickness during each 3-month period. In general, for cases when the unsaturated zone was greater than 18 m thick, the time tag for a significant water-level response increased rapidly once the depth to the water table exceeded a critical value, which varied from site to site. For shallower water tables, a linear relationship between the depth to the water table and the water-level response time was evident. The observed variations in response time can only be partially accounted for using a diffusive model for propagation through the unsaturated matrix, suggesting that some fissure flow was occurring. The majority of rapid responses were observed during the winter/spring recharge period, when the unsaturated zone is thinnest and the unsaturated zone moisture content is highest, and were more likely to occur when the rainfall intensity exceeded 5 mm/day. At some sites, a very rapid response within 24 h of rainfall was observed in addition to the longer term responses even when the unsaturated zone was up to 64 m thick. This response was generally associated with the autumn period. The results of the cross-correlation analysis provide statistical support for the presence of fissure flow and for the contribution of multiple pathways through the unsaturated zone to groundwater recharge. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of surface deformation at Nyamuragira Volcano between 1996 and 2010 reveal a variety of co-eruptive and inter-eruptive signals. During 7 of the 8 eruptions in this period deformation was measured that is consistent with the emplacement of shallow near-vertical dykes feeding the eruptive fissures and associated with a NNW-trending fissure zone that traverses the summit caldera. Between eruptions the caldera and the summit part of this fissure zone subsided gradually (b3–5 cm/year). We also find evidence of post-eruption subsidence around the sites of the main vents of some flank eruptions (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2010). In the 6 months prior to the 2010 eruption a10-km wide zone centred on the caldera inflated by 1–2 cm. The low magnitude of this signal suggests that the presumed magma reservoir at 3–8 km depth contains highly compressible magma with little stored elastic strain energy. To the north of the caldera the fissure zone splits into WNW and NE branches around a zone that has a distinct InSAR signal. We interpret this zone to represent an elevated, 'stable' block of basement rocks buried by lavas within the Rift Zone.
The Amazonian craton in the Sao Felix do Xingu city, southeast region of the Para state, north of Brazil, hosts exceptionally well-preserved Paleoproterozoic bimodal magmatic units grouped in the Sobreiro and Santa Rosa formations. These formations are correlated to the Uatuma magmatic event, which is largely distributed in the Amazonian craton occupying more than 1,500,000 km(2). Geological mapping and petrographical observations reveal distinct spectra of volcanic facies in both formations. The basal calc-alkaline Sobreiro Formation is composed mainly of andesitic and dacitic lava flows and associated volcaniclastic facies of autoclastic origin, with subordinate pyroclastic flow deposits. This formation shows inferred eruption style that is similar to those in Flood Basalt Provinces, with rare scutulum-type lava shields. The upper A-type Santa Rosa Formation was generated by multicyclic explosive and effusive episodes predominantly associated with large fissures and is materialized by voluminous ignimbrites with subordinated ash-fall tuff, crystal tuff, lapilli-tuff, co-ignimbritic breccias, rhyolitic dikes and domes, and associated granitic porphyries and equigranular granitic intrusions. Ignimbrite and rhyolite dikes reveal conspicuous vertical flow pattern pointing to a fissure-controlled eruption, similar to Sierra Madre Occidental ignimbrite province. The proposed evolutionary model for the Sao Felix do Xingu units differs from those of other occurrences related to the Uatuma magmatic event in the Amazonian craton, characterized by predominance of A-type volcanism and contemporaneous granites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nossa pesquisa consiste no estudo esquemático macroscópico na placenta de gatos e a sua caracterização como tipo, placenta zonária, que 62,5% dos casos apresenta uma fissura na área distal do funículo umbilical. Esse é formado por uma área justa fetal, área justa placentária e área média, encontrando achados histológicos de 2 artérias, uma veia, 2 pedículos vitelínicos e 2 pedículos alantoidianos. Na fissura, encontramos um epitélio alantoidiano cobrindo esta área em 10% dos casos e, em 90% dos achados foram encontrados um trofoblasto diminuído comparado com outras áreas placentárias fora da fissura. Portanto, a placenta felina, com sua relação materno fetal mostra uma placenta zonária incompleta, diferente do ocorrido nos outros carnívoros.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness during a twelve-month period, of resin-modified glass ionomer (Vitremer@) used as fissure sealants compared to supervised teeth brushing in the prevention of oclusal caries in permarient molars of pubIlc school children from 5 to 7 years of age. A total of 91 children participated in the study, being randomly divided up into three groups of investigation: group with sealant (n=31), group of supervised brushing (m=30), and control gorup (n=30). After 12 months, a total of 28.5% of tosses in the sample of 26 children was registered, and although there wasn t a significant diference between these losses and the groups studles (p = 0.6355), there was a considerable reduction in the sample. The results showed that none of the independentIy studied variables (present caries experience, biofilm, bleeding, sealant retention, position of the tooth in the arch, and sex) interfered in the final results, and that there was no significant difference between applying the sealant in question, perfornling supervised dental brushing, or not intervening at alI (p=0.542). These results could have been a consequence of the limitations found alI through the study, especially relating to the losses occurred because of school evasion, transfer, or because of the accident in the Marise Paiva Municipal School, Keeping students away for approximately one semester, so tht a new reseach had to be developed sos as to better clarify the effects among the treatments done there
Among the non-invasive techniques employed in the prevention of caries highlights the sealing pits and fissures which is a conservative maneuver, in order to obliterate them to protect them from attack acid bacteria. Influenced by the studies of pre-heating composite resin, which has experienced great improvement in some of their physical properties, this study aimed to evaluate in vitro the superficial and internal marginal adaptation of different materials and sealants in pre-heating or not. A total of 40 extracted human third molars (n=10) that had their occlusal surfaces prepared to receive sealant. We tested two types of sealing materials: resin sealant (Fluoroshield) and low-viscosity resin (Permaflo), where 50% of previously received heated material and the other half received sealant material at room temperature. All samples were subjected to thermal cycling and pH, simulating a cariogenic oral environment, and later were analyzed appliance OCT (optical coherence tomography). The images obtained alterations were recorded and analyzed statistically. Change was considered as the emergence of bubbles, gaps and cracks in the sealant. Comparisons of the same material, assessing the fact that it is not sealed or preheated material, as well as comparisons between different materials subjected to the same temperature were carried out. The nonparametric Tukey test was used (p < 0,05). The results showed that there was statistically significant difference between both the materials analyzed, as between the situations in which the sealant material was submitted (preheated or not). On the issue of marginal adaptation and internal surface, seen through Optical coherence tomography, may suggest that there is a difference between the use of one type or another of the sealing material analyzed, with superiority attributed to resin Permaflo compared to sealant Fluroshield, telling is the same for the different techniques used
OBJECTIVES: To estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy in comparison to healthy eyes using digital photography and digital image analysis.INTRODUCTION: Graves' ophthalmopathy is the main cause of eye proptosis. Because these protrusions cause clinically perceived distortions in orbital architecture, digital photographs can be used to detect and quantify these changes.METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study comprising 12 healthy volunteers and 15 Graves' ophthalmopathy patients with the purpose of evaluating the use of simple, non-invasive digital photography to estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy and compare them with the parameters of unaffected eyes. Facial photographs of cases and controls were taken in a standardized manner. Oculometric parameters were compared between the groups and then correlated to proptometer measures.RESULTS: All estimated oculometric variables showed significant differences between the groups, in particular with regard to mediopupilar aperture, lateral height, distance from the iris edge to the lateral boundary of the palpebral fissure, and distance from the higher point of the iris to the lateral limit of the palpebral fissure. The product of medial aperture and horizontal palpebral fissure also revealed greater discrepancy between the groups. Proptometer measures showed significant linear correlation between the distance from the iris edge to the lateral boundary of the palpebral fissure and between the distance from the higher point of the iris to the lateral limit of palpebral fissure (p<0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Comparative analysis of oculometric parameters in Graves' ophthalmopathy suggests that eye proptosis is related to an asymmetric increase in lateral oculometric measures. Standardized digital photographs can be used in clinical practice to objectively estimate oculometric parameters of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients.
Relatamos um caso de aneurisma da bifurcação da artéria carótida interna, cuja ruptura se deu para dentro de cisto de aracnóide da fissura silviana. em revisão da literatura apenas 3 casos foram descritos. Discutimos ainda os aspectos clínicos atípicos do caso, as características dos achados cirúrgicos e uma correlação etiopatogênica entre as duas patologias.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar quantitativamente as mudanças da posição palpebral e as medidas da fenda palpebral de indivíduos acima dos 50 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, tendo sido avaliados 325 indivíduos, com idade acima de 50 anos, segundo distância intercantal, largura e altura da fenda palpebral, ângulo palpebral externo e interno, distância entre o reflexo pupilar e a margem da pálpebra superior (distância reflexo-margem) e a área total da fenda palpebral. Utilizou-se filmadora Sony Lithium para obtenção das imagens digitais, com o indivíduo fixando um objeto a 1 metro de distância, sendo as imagens transferidas posteriormente para computador McIntosh G4 e processadas pelo programa NIH 1.58. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Os participantes apresentavam dermatocálase (96,5%), ptose do supercílio (60,8%), prolapso de gordura orbital (50,0%) ou ptose palpebral (39,1%). As alterações foram bilaterais em 68,8% dos indivíduos. A distância intercantal aumentou com a idade; a largura da fenda palpebral, a distância reflexo-margem e a medida do ângulo externo diminuíram nos mais idosos. As diferenças foram mais significativas quando os olhos foram estudados separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: A distância intercantal aumenta, ao passo que a largura da fenda palpebral, a distância reflexo-margem e a área total da fenda palpebral diminuem com o aumento da idade.
Purpose: To compare visual inspection (VI), radiographic examination (RX) and the laser fluorescence device DIAGNOdent (L), as well as their combinations in vitro regarding treatment decisions for occlusal surfaces. Methods: 72 extracted human permanent teeth (molars and premolars) were used. Treatment decisions were recorded by three calibrated examiners, and the options available were fissure sealant and conservative restoration. For validation of treatment decisions, the teeth were sectioned and examined in a stereomicroscope. Thereafter, dental slices were scanned and the images were edited to facilitate classification of existing carious lesions. Intra and inter-examiner reproducibility for the determination of treatment plans were calculated using Cohen's kappa test (95%-CI). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and the area under the ROC curve were also calculated. Results: VI and L provided on average the greatest intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility, respectively. Although the combination of diagnostic methods may decrease both intra- and inter examiners reproducibility, combination of VI, L and RX resulted in the greatest sensitivity, being statistically superior to RX and L. There was more inter-examiner agreement for the option of restorative treatment, while the use of sealants as a treatment option yielded the lowest values. Negative predictive values were numerically inferior to positive predictive values, indicating that the examiners preferred not to restore a carious tooth than to proceed operatively in an intact tooth. The combination of the three methods studied showed the best results in determining treatment plans for occlusal surfaces, when compared to the other types of exams. on the other hand, radiographic examination and laser fluorescence were less efficient when used alone.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of cleaning pits and fissures with on aluminum oxide air abrasion system on the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using laser fluorescence (LF) and visual examination. Methods. The sample comprised 65 pit and fissure sites on extracted primary teeth suspected to be carious. The sites were submitted to 2 visual examinations (examiner JAR) and 2 LF readings (examiner TMV). Next, the occlusal surfaces were air-abraded and re-examined thereafter using both methods. The teeth were sectioned, and the histological analysis of the sites with a stereoscopic magnifying lens at X32 magnification was used as the gold standard Results. Cohen's kappa statistic for LF and visual examination were, respectively, 0.282/0.884 before and 0.896/0.905 after air abrasion. LF showed a sensitivity of 0.28 increasing to 0.49 and 0 specificity of 0.50 increasing to 0.92. Visual examination showed sensitivity of 0.78 and specificity of 0.73. Both increased after air abrasion. Conclusion: The findings suggest that cleaning pits and fissures with aluminum oxide air abrasion increased the accuracy of LF and visual examination for detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the relationship between laser fluorescence values and sealant penetration depth on occlusal fissures. One hundred and sixty-six permanent molars were selected and divided into four groups, which were each treated using a different sealant (two clear and two opaque). The teeth were independently measured twice by two experienced dentists using two laser fluorescence devices-DIAGNOdent (LF and LFpen)-before and after sealing, and then thermoclycled. After measuring, the teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. Digital photographs of the cut sealed sites were assessed, and the sealant penetration depth was measured. All 166 sites were measured by one of the examiners taking as limits the outer and inner surface of the sealant into the fissure. For each device (LF and LFpen) and each group, the difference between the values at baseline and after sealing was plotted against the sealant penetration depth and scatter plots were provided. It could be observed that most of the points were concentrated around the zero line, for both LF and LFpen in the four groups. In conclusion, there is no relation between changes in DIAGNOdent values and increasing of depth sealant penetration within the occlusal fissures.
Aim the purpose of this article is to report the 10-year follow-up of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus' that was root filled.Summary 'Dens invaginatus ' is a rare malformation of teeth, probably resulting from an infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development. It has alternatively been called 'dens in dente' and 'dilated composite odontome'. Radiographic examination may clearly demonstrate this feature, although no signs may be recognized clinically. If no entrance to the invagination can be detected and there are no signs of pulp pathosis, then no treatment is required other than fissure sealing of the invagination. In deep invaginations, it is likely that root-canal treatment may be required. Occasionally, when the tooth has an immature root, apexification is necessary. Root-canal treatment of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus ' is described along with 10-year follow-up.Key learning pointsBoth clinical and radiographic examinations are necessary to determine morphological features of teeth before root-canal treatment.Sensibility testing to determine the pulp condition is critical prior to treatment.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 435441 Background. Hydrophilic adhesives may be used as pit and fissure sealants (sealants), but there is concern about the ability of self-etching adhesives to bond sealants to enamel. Aim. To study the bond strength (BS) and morphology of adhesive systems used as sealants. Design. OptiBond FL, OptiBond All-in-One, combined OptiBond All-in-One + OptiBond FL adhesive, and Fluroshield were applied to the occlusal surfaces of 16 primary molars (n = 4). Teeth were stored in distilled water (24 h at 37 degrees C) and sectioned through the interface to obtain sticks (0.8 mm2) tested under a tensile load (0.5 mm/min). Failure modes were observed. Data were analysed by ANOVA and Tukeys tests (a = 5%). The morphology of 12 primary molars was examined in terms of the etching pattern and resin reproduction. Results. Differences in the BS were found (P = 0.001), with OptiBond FL showing the highest (36.84 +/- 5.7 MPa), Fluroshield (24.26 +/- 2.13 MPa) and OptiBond All-in-One (17.12 +/- 4.97 MPa) similar, and OptiBond All-in-One + OptiBond FL adhesive the lowest (9.8 +/- 2.94 MPA). OptiBond FL showed the best results in terms of morphology. Conclusion. Under the conditions of this study, OptiBond FL was the best material to be used for sealing.