937 resultados para Swedish-speaking Finns
v. 2
[Contents] Introduction. Objectives. Methodology. Results. Characteristics of the sample. Substance use (Psychoactive substances, Performance-enhancing substances). Profile of sportive adolescents using substances. Mixed substance use. Other factors related to substance use. Inactivity. Conclusions. References. Annexes. Annex 1. Questionnaire. Annex 2. Sample weighting procedure. Annex 3. Sports type.
Background and aims: Family-centred care is an expected standard in PICU and parent reported outcomes are rarely measured. The Dutch validated EMPATHIC questionnaire provides accurate measures of parental perceptions of family-centred care in PICU. A French version would provide an important resource for quality control and benchmarking with other PICUs. The study aimed to translate and to assess the French cultural adaptation of the EMPATHIC questionnaire. Methods: In September 2012, following approval from the developer, translation and cultural adaptation were performed using a structured method (Wild et al. 2005). This included forward-backward translation and reconciliation by an official translator, harmonization assessed by the research team, and cognitive debriefing with the target users' population. In this last step, a convenience sample of parents with PICU experience assessed the comprehensibility and cultural relevance of the 65-item French EMPATHIC questionnaire. The PICUs in Lausanne, Switzerland and Lille, France participated. Results: Seventeen parents, including 13 French native and 4 French as second language speakers, tested the cognitive equivalence and cultural relevance of the French EMPATHIC questionnaire. The mean agreement for comprehensibility of all 65 items reached 90.2%. Three items fell below the cut-off 80% agreement and were revised for inclusion in the final French version. Conclusions: The translation and the cultural adaptation permitted to highlight a few cultural differences that did not interfere with the main construct of the EMPATHIC questionnaire. Reliability and validity testing with a new sample of parents is needed to strengthen the psychometric properties of the French EMPATHIC questionnaire.
In Belle Epoque towns marked by the industrial and medical surge, a new technical therapy, called mechanotherapy, emerged, stemming from Swedish medical gymnastics and auxiliary to orthopaedics. Aiming mostly at treating scoliosis, this therapy by movement attracted a sizeable female clientele to these towns, because of the hygienic and social conceptions feeding collective imagination linked to the bodies of scoliotic young girls. Taking the French-speaking Swiss towns of Lausanne and Geneva as examples, the article first seeks to describe the emergence of mechanotherapy as a medical and urban phenomenon. It then addresses the role played by scoliosis in this orthopaedic practice, and examines the clientele attracted to the towns, among which well-born young girls seem to be predominant.
CONTEXTE: Pour diverses raisons, les adultes et en particulier les parents croient que la pratique sportive à l'adolescence est un facteur de protection contre les comportements à risque tels que la consommation de substances. Les preuves présentes à l'intérieur de la littérature ne sont toutefois pas concluantes à ce sujet. Le principal objectif de notre étude était donc de comparer la prévalence de la consommation de substances psychoactives (licites et illicites) et de substances ergogéniques et dopantes entre les jeunes de Suisse Romande pratiquant un sport et ceux n'en pratiquant pas.METHODES: À l'aide de plusieurs méthodes de recrutement, des adolescents sportifs et non sportifs âgés de 16 à 20 ans furent invités à répondre à un questionnaire anonyme en ligne sur leur consommation de substances. Les substances psychoactives étudiées furent principalement le tabac, l'alcool, et le cannabis. Le dopage a été limité à la volonté d'améliorer les performances tout en utilisant des produits interdits selon l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage (liste 2009). Plusieurs produits légaux liés à la pratique sportive ont également été étudiés. Sur une période de 10 mois, un total de 1303 questionnaires ont été complétés. De l'échantillon final pondéré, les réponses de 1247 sujets éligibles ont été analysées.RESULTATS ET CONCLUSIONS: Dans l'ensemble, l'effet protecteur d'une pratique sportive contre l'utilisation de substances psychoactives semble dépendre de la substance à l'étude.Les jeunes non-sportifs sont plus susceptibles de fumer que les sportifs, et, parmi ces derniers, ceux évoluant dans un contexte de loisir sont plus susceptibles de fumer que ceux en pratique compétitive. Au contraire, aucune différence concernant l'abus d'alcool n'a été observée entre les adolescents sportifs et non-sportifs, indiquant que la pratique sportive ne représente pas une protection contre l'abus d'alcool. Bien que les jeunes non-sportifs soient deux fois plus susceptibles d'être utilisateurs actuels de cannabis, un jeune sportif sur neuf en a néanmoins consommé dans le dernier mois.Les trois quarts des jeunes sportifs interrogés indiquent utiliser activement des produits pour améliorer leurs performances, confirmant la tendance actuellement perçue. Parmi les substances utilisées pour améliorer les performances sportives, les produits contenant de la caféine, les boissons sportives et les suppléments alimentaires sont les trois plus souvent signalés.Peu de jeunes sportifs en Suisse Romande semblent utiliser des substances bannies par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage, le cannabis étant celui le plus fréquemment cité.Parmi les jeunes sportifs, ceux en pratique compétitive semblent plus susceptibles d'utiliser des produits pour améliorer leurs performances que ceux évoluant dans un contexte de loisir. En outre, Un lien entre les substances psychoactives et celles prises pour améliorer les performances sportives semblent exister: tous les jeunes sportifs signalant soit fumer, avoir abusé de l'alcool récemment ou consommer actuellement du cannabis ont démontré une consommation plus élevée de produits dopants. L'usage du cannabis comme un moyen d'améliorer les performances sportives semble assez fréquent chez les consommateurs récréatifs de cette substance.Les jeunes sportifs évoluant au niveau international ont montré des taux plus bas d'abus d'alcool et de cannabis.
Cette recherche étudie dans quelle mesure l'origine géographique d'un locuteur influence son accent dans une langue étrangère. L'anglais et le français parlés par des Allemands et des Suisses alémaniques sont examinés à travers une expérience de perception et d'analyses phonétiques. L'expérience de perception démontre que les participants sont bien capables d'indiquer si une phrase est lue par un Allemand ou un Suisse alémanique; les participants de langue maternelle allemande y réussissent le mieux. L'analyse prosodique permet d'observer de nettes différences entre les deux groupes de locuteurs. Dans la lecture des phrases françaises, les Suisses alémaniques ont tendance à accentuer la première syllabe des mots, en montant avec leur intonation et en prolongeant la durée des voyelles. Les Allemands, en revanche, accentuent par une intonation fortement montante la dernière syllabe des mots.
This research was commissioned by Derry Well Woman and carried out on its behalf by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland in association with the Institute for Conflict Research and Rethink.The research had two distinct aims:- to improve understanding of the impact of the border and of the conflict on both sidesof the border on women’s health- to improve understanding of women’s roles, particularly as they impact on mental health, in post conflict society.- The research was conducted with a view to its recommendations being used to inform the work of the Cross Border Women’ Health Network as well as other cross border health forums or organisations responsible for service planning and delivery.- The findings of this research are based on a series of 31 in-depth interviews and one focus group with women both north and south of the border and on one focus group and six interviews with women who were specifically consulted as service providers.
Most studies about the higher-order dimensions to be considered in order to parsimoniously describe Personality Disorders (PDs) have identified between two and four factors but there is still no consensus about their exact number. In this context, the cultural stability of these structures might be a criterion to be considered. The aim of this study was to identify stable higher-order structures of PD traits in a French-speaking African and Swiss sample (N = 2,711). All subject completed the IPDE screening questionnaire. Using Everett's criterion and conducting a series of principal component analyses, a cross-culturally stable two- and four-factor structure were identified, associated with a total congruence coefficient of respectively .98 and .94 after Procrustes rotation. Moreover, these two structures were also highly replicable across the four African regions considered, North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and Mauritius, with a mean total congruence coefficient of respectively .97 and .87. The four-factor structure presented the advantage of being similar to Livesely's four components and of describing the ten PDs more accurately.
The aim of this study was to analyze the replicability of Zuckerman's revised Alternative Five-factor model in a French-speaking context by validating the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ) simultaneously in 4 French-speaking countries. The total sample was made up of 1,497 subjects from Belgium, Canada, France, and Switzerland. The internal consistencies for all countries were generally similar to those found for the normative U.S. and Spanish samples. A factor analysis confirmed that the normative structure replicated well and was stable within this French-speaking context. Moreover, multigroup confirmatory factor analyses have shown that the ZKA-PQ reaches scalar invariance across these 4 countries. Mean scores were slightly different for women and men, with women scoring higher on Neuroticism but lower on Sensation Seeking. Globally, mean score differences across countries were small. Overall, the ZKA-PQ seems an interesting alternative to assess both lower and higher order personality traits for applied or research purposes.
BACKGROUND: Missense mutations in three different genes encoding amyloid-β precursor protein, presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 are recognized to cause familial early-onset Alzheimer disease. Also duplications of the amyloid precursor protein gene have been shown to cause the disease. At the Dept. of Geriatric Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden, patients are referred for mutation screening for the identification of nucleotide variations and for determining copy-number of the APP locus. METHODS: We combined the method of microsatellite marker genotyping with a quantitative real-time PCR analysis to detect duplications in patients with Alzheimer disease. RESULTS: In 22 DNA samples from individuals diagnosed with clinical Alzheimer disease, we identified one patient carrying a duplication on chromosome 21 which included the APP locus. Further mapping of the chromosomal region by array-comparative genome hybridization showed that the duplication spanned a maximal region of 1.09 Mb. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of an APP duplication in a Swedish Alzheimer patient and describes the use of quantitative real-time PCR as a tool for determining copy-number of the APP locus.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and the reliability of the French versions of the Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3) and the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS) in a sample of college students (N = 457, 18 to 25 years old). Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the hypothesized three-factor solution of the ISI-3 identity styles (i.e. informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant styles), the one-factor solution of the ISI-3 identity commitment, and the three-factor structure of the U-MICS (i.e. commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment). Additionally, theoretically consistent and meaningful associations among the ISI-3, U-MICS, and Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ) confirmed convergent validity. Overall, the results of the present study indicate that the French versions of the ISI-3 and UMICS are useful instruments for assessing identity styles and processes, and provide additional support to the cross-cultural validity of these tools.
This study was designed to investigate the lifestyle and substance use habits of dance music event attendees together with their attitudes toward prevention of substance misuse, harm reduction measures and health-care resources. A total of 302 attendees aged 16-46 years (mean=22.70, S.D.=4.65) were randomly recruited as they entered dance music events. Rates for lifetime and current use (last 30 days) were particularly high for alcohol (95.3% and 86.6%, respectively), cannabis (68.8% and 53.8%, respectively), ecstasy (40.4% and 22.7%, respectively) and cocaine (35.9% and 20.7%, respectively). Several patterns of substance use could be identified: 52% were alcohol and/or cannabis only users, 42% were occasional poly-drug users and 6% were daily poly-drug users. No significant difference was observed between substance use patterns according to gender. Pure techno and open-air events attracted heavier drug users. Psychological problems (such as depressed mood, sleeping problems and anxiety attacks), social problems, dental disorders, accidents and emergency treatment episodes were strongly related to party drug use. Party drug users appeared to be particularly receptive to harm reduction measures, such as on-site emergency staff, pill testing and the availability of cool water, and to prevention of drug use provided via counseling. The greater the involvement in party drug use, the greater the need for prevention personnel to be available for counseling. General practitioners appeared to be key professionals for accessing health-care resources.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-fourth edition (i.e. WISC-IV) recognizes a four-factor scoring structure in addition to the Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) score: Verbal Comprehension (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning (PRI), Working Memory (WMI), and Processing Speed (PSI) indices. However, several authors suggested that models based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory with 5 or 6 factors provided a better fit to the data than does the current four-factor solution. By comparing the current four-factor structure to CHC-based models, this research aimed to investigate the factorial structure and the constructs underlying the WISC-IV subtest scores with French-speaking Swiss children (N = 249). To deal with this goal, confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were conducted. Results showed that a CHC-based model with five factors better fitted the French-Swiss data than did the current WISC-IV scoring structure. All together, these results support the hypothesis of the appropriateness of the CHC model with French-speaking children.