897 resultados para Surgical Procedures, Operative.


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Objectives: To assess the potential source of variation that surgeon may add to patient outcome in a clinical trial of surgical procedures. Methods: Two large (n = 1380) parallel multicentre randomized surgical trials were undertaken to compare laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy with conventional methods of abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy; involving 43 surgeons. The primary end point of the trial was the occurrence of at least one major complication. Patients were nested within surgeons giving the data set a hierarchical structure. A total of 10% of patients had at least one major complication, that is, a sparse binary outcome variable. A linear mixed logistic regression model (with logit link function) was used to model the probability of a major complication, with surgeon fitted as a random effect. Models were fitted using the method of maximum likelihood in SAS((R)). Results: There were many convergence problems. These were resolved using a variety of approaches including; treating all effects as fixed for the initial model building; modelling the variance of a parameter on a logarithmic scale and centring of continuous covariates. The initial model building process indicated no significant 'type of operation' across surgeon interaction effect in either trial, the 'type of operation' term was highly significant in the abdominal trial, and the 'surgeon' term was not significant in either trial. Conclusions: The analysis did not find a surgeon effect but it is difficult to conclude that there was not a difference between surgeons. The statistical test may have lacked sufficient power, the variance estimates were small with large standard errors, indicating that the precision of the variance estimates may be questionable.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente as 20 primeiras ovário-histerectomias vídeo-assistidas com único portal (SPVA-OSH), realizadas por um cirurgião não proficiente nessa técnica. Vinte cadelas foram submetidas à laparoscopia para SPVA-OSH, com o auxílio de um endoscópio de 10mm, com canal de trabalho de 5mm, inserido por um trocarte, posicionado na região pré-púbica, e coagulação bipolar. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 22,95±5,17 minutos. Os cinco primeiros procedimentos consumiram mais tempo cirúrgico do que os demais. A abordagem aos pedículos ovarianos direito e esquerdo foram as etapas que apresentaram maior tempo de execução. Houve complicação leve ou moderada em seis (30%) das 20 cadelas operadas. As complicações foram: hemorragia leve ou moderada em um dos pedículos ovarianos em quatro (20%) cadelas e hemorragia grave, devido à punção do baço com agulha de Veress em dois (10%) animais. A SPVA-OSH foi realizada em cadelas por um cirurgião no início da curva de aprendizado, sem complicações maiores.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar qualidade do serviço prestado aos pacientes de cirurgia cardíaca no período hospitalar, em serviço do SUS, identificando as expectativas e percepções dos pacientes. Relacionar qualidade de serviço com gênero, faixa etária e circulação extracorpórea. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 82 pacientes (52,4% do sexo feminino e 47,6% do masculino) submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca eletiva, operados por toracotomia médio-esternal, idade: 31 a 83 anos (média 60,4 ± 13,2 anos), período: março a setembro de 2006. Avaliou-se a qualidade do serviço em dois momentos: expectativas no pré-operatório e percepções do atendimento recebido no 6º dia de pós-operatório; mediante aplicação da escala SERVQUAL modificada (SERVQUAL-Card). O resultado foi obtido pela diferença da somatória das notas das percepções e expectativas por meio de análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A escala SERVQUAL-Card foi validada estatisticamente, apresentando adequado índice de consistência interna. Encontrou-se maior frequência de revascularização do miocárdio 55 (67,0%); primeira cirurgia cardíaca 72 (87,8%) e utilização de CEC 69 (84,1%). Verificaram-se altos valores para expectativas e percepções, com resultados significantes (P<0,05). Observou-se relação significante entre qualidade de serviço com gênero, na empatia (P=0,04) e faixa etária, na confiabilidade (P=0,02). Não se observou significância entre CEC e qualidade de serviço. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade dos serviços foi satisfatória. O paciente demonstrou expectativa alta ao serviço médicohospitalar. Mulheres apresentaram maior percepção da qualidade na empatia, jovens na confiabilidade. A utilização de CEC não está relacionada com qualidade do serviço nesta amostra. Os dados obtidos sugerem que a qualidade deste serviço de saúde pode ser monitorada pelo emprego periódico da escala SERQUAL.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução pós-operatória de pacientes com divertículo faringoesofagiano submetidos aos tratamentos cirúrgico e endoscópico. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados de maneira retrospectiva 36 pacientes com divertículo faringo-esofagiano atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP. Os pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos, na dependência do tratamento: grupo 1 (n=24) - diverticulectomia associada á miotomia do cricofaríngeo, através de cervicotomia esquerda; grupo 2 (n=12) - diverticulostomia endoscópica usando grampeador linear. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade operatória foi nula em ambos os grupos. Complicações precoces: grupo 1 - dois pacientes desenvolveram fistula cervical e outros dois, rouquidão; grupo 2 - sem complicações. Complicações tardias: grupo 1 - sem complicações: grupo 2: recidiva da disfagia em quatro pacientes (p=0,01). O seguimento médio foi 33 meses para o grupo 1 e 28 meses para o grupo 2. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois procedimentos foram eficazes na remissão da disfagia. O tratamento cirúrgico apresentou superioridade em relação ao endoscópico, com resolução da disfagia com um único procedimento. O tratamento endoscópico deve ser reservado para os mais idosos e portadores de comorbidades.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi a valiar o nível de stress de mães acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas para realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos, relacionando-o com variáveis demográficas da criança e experiência prévia no contexto. Participaram 54 mães acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas para realização de cirurgia eletiva. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp e, para levantamento das variáveis da criança, um questionário elaborado para o estudo. Os resultados apontaram que 82% da amostra apresentavam stress, prevalencendo a fase de resistência e sintomas psicológicos. Observou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença de stress materno e o fato de o filho não ter experiência anterior com cirurgia (p=0,052). Por outro lado, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a presença de stress materno e a idade e gênero da criança. Conclui-se que o impacto dos procedimentos cirúrgicos acomete a criança e a família, o que deve ser levado em consideração a fim de que sejam propostas intervenções para a preparação pré-operatória.


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Bisphosphonates are pharmacologic compounds characterized by high tropism to bone tissue. They affect bone metabolism by inhibition of osteoclast recruitment, proliferation, differentiation, and function. Because they can reduce bone resorption, bisphosphonates are used mainly for the treatment of osteometabolic conditions. However, the use of bisphosphonates has been associated with the onset of osteonecrosis of the jaws and indication of dental implants. As a result of this, the aim of this study was to present the risks and the care that health professionals should take in cases of surgical procedures such as placement of dental implants in patients who make use of bisphosphonates.


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The knowledge of the normal anatomy and variations regarding the management of tumors of the sellar region is paramount to perform safe surgical procedures. The sellar region is located in the center of the middle cranial fossa; it contains complex anatomical structures, and is the site of various pathological processes: tumor, vascular, developmental, and neuroendocrine. We review the microsurgical anatomy (microscopic and endoscopic) of this region and discuss the surgical nuances regarding this topic, based on anatomical concepts.


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Apert Syndrome, also called acrocephalosyndactylia type 1, is characterized by craniostenosis with early fusion of sutures of the vault and/ or cranial base, associated to mid-face hypoplasia, symmetric syndactylia of the hands and feet and other systemic malformations. CNS malformations and intracranial hypertension are frequently observed in these patients. Early surgical treatment aims to minimize the deleterious effects of intracranial hypertension. Fronto-orbital advancement, the usual surgical technique, increases the intracranial volume and improves the disposition of encephalic structures previously deformed by a short skull. This study analyzes CNS alterations revealed by magnetic resonance in 18 patients presenting Apert Syndrome, and the conformational alterations in the encephalic structures after surgical treatment. The patients' age in February 2001 ranged from 14 to 322 months (m=107). Image study included brain magnetic resonance showing ventricular enlargement in five cases (27.8%), corpus callosum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), septum pellucidum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), cavum vergae in two cases (11.1%) and, arachnoid cyst in the posterior fossa in two cases (11.1%). Absence of CNS alterations was noted in 44.4% of cases. A corpus callosum morphologic index was established by dividing its height by its length, which revealed values that ranged from 0.4409 to 1.0237. The values of this index were correlated to the occurrence or absence of surgical treatment (p=0.012; t=2.83). Data analysis allowed the conclusion that the corpus callosum morphologic measure quantified the conformational alterations of the cerebral structures determined by the surgical treatment.


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Purpose: Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is one of the most devastating surgical complications that can occur in women. The primary cause remains an abdominal hysterectomy. Approach to this condition can be transvaginal or transabdominal. Laparoscopic repair of VVF may be an alternative approach to this treating rare condition. We present seven cases of VVF treated with transperitoneal laparoscopic technique and our results. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 7 women ranging from 37 to 74 years in age (mean age 52.8 years) at our institution who underwent laparoscopic transperitoneal repair of VVF between February 2004 and March 2006. Etiology of the VVF, surgical technique, operative time, length of hospital stay, and complications were reviewed. Results: Six of the seven VVFs we repaired laparoscopically resulted from gynecologic procedures, and one patient presented with a VVF after a ureterolithotripsy. Mean operative time ranged from 130 to 420 minutes (mean 280 minutes), and mean hospital stay was 7 days. In one patient conversion to open surgery was necessary due to prolonged operative time. Two complications occurred a urinary tract infection in one patient and an inferior limb compartment syndrome in another. Conclusion: Transvaginal laparoscopic repair of VVF is feasible and safe and provides excellent results. It is a good alternative to the abdominal approach. However, advanced laparoscopic skills are mandatory. © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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The treatment of Class II adult individuals with mandibular deficiency has been the combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Therefore, a study was conducted in which cephalometric analysis was used to evaluate the influence of dentoalveolar decompensation in Class II patients submitted to orthodontic and surgical treatment for mandibular advancement, by bilateral osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A sample of 15 leukoderma adult female patients were selected and three cephalometric radiographs of each patient, taken before the orthodontic treatment, before surgery and after at least 6 months postoperatively, were analyzed in a total of 45 roentgenograms. The tracings were made by the manual method and the points were digitalized using software. The results showed that values of SNB increased from 75.6 to 78.6°. The measures BNP and PGNP were reduced from -12.7 to -7.7 mm and -12.7 to -6.6 mm, respectively. For ANB there was a reduction of 3.23° (from 8.1° to 4.9°). Likewise, the values of AOBO were diminished by 6.3 mm (from 7.6 to 1.3 mm), and in the values of OJ there was a reduction of 5.7 mm (from 9 to 3.3 mm). It was concluded that the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment promoted minimal and variable dental and skeletal changes in the final result. The surgical treatment caused significant skeletal changes, especially in the measurements related to the mandible (SNB, BNP, PGNP and SNPM) or indirectly to it (ANB, AOBO and OJ).


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Objective and design: The effects of anesthetics on cytokine release in patients without comorbidities who undergo minor surgery are not well defined. We compared inflammatory cytokine profiles in adult patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery who received isoflurane or propofol anesthesia. Methods: Thirty-four patients without comorbidities undergoing minor surgery were randomly assigned to receive an inhaled anesthetic (isoflurane; n = 16) or an intravenous anesthetic (propofol; n = 18). Blood samples were drawn before premedication and anesthesia (T1), 120 min after anesthesia induction (T2), and on the first post-operative day (T3). Plasma concentrations of interleukins (IL-) 1β, 6, 8, 10 and 12 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were measured using flow cytometry. Results: The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 was increased in the isoflurane group at T2 and T3 compared to T1 (P < 0.01). In the propofol group, IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly increased at T3 compared to T1. However, there were no significant differences in cytokine concentrations between the isoflurane and propofol groups. Conclusion: An inflammatory response occurred earlier in patients who received an inhaled agent compared with an intravenous anesthetic, but no differences in plasma cytokine profiles were evident between isoflurane and propofol anesthesia in patients without comorbidities undergoing minimally invasive surgeries. © 2013 Springer Basel.


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Exacerbation of the immune response against Mycobacterium leprae can lead to neuritis, which is commonly treated via immunosuppression with corticosteroids. Early neurolysis may be performed concurrently, especially in young patients with a risk of functional sequelae. We report the case of a young patient experienced intense pain in the left elbow one year after the treatment of tuberculoid-tuberculoid leprosy. The pain was associated with paresthesias in the ulnar edge and left ulnar claw. After evaluation, the diagnosis was changed to borderline tuberculoid leprosy accompanied with neuritis of the left ulnar nerve. Early neurolysis resulted in rapid reduction of the pain and recovery of motor function.