82 resultados para Superovulation


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Estrogens influence the differentiation and maintenance of reproductive tissues and affect lipid metabolism and bone remodeling. Two estrogen receptors (ERs) have been identified to date, ERα and ERβ. We previously generated and studied knockout mice lacking estrogen receptor α and reported severe reproductive and behavioral phenotypes including complete infertility of both male and female mice and absence of breast tissue development. Here we describe the generation of mice lacking estrogen receptor β (ERβ −/−) by insertion of a neomycin resistance gene into exon 3 of the coding gene by using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Mice lacking this receptor develop normally and are indistinguishable grossly and histologically as young adults from their littermates. RNA analysis and immunocytochemistry show that tissues from ERβ −/− mice lack normal ERβ RNA and protein. Breeding experiments with young, sexually mature females show that they are fertile and exhibit normal sexual behavior, but have fewer and smaller litters than wild-type mice. Superovulation experiments indicate that this reduction in fertility is the result of reduced ovarian efficiency. The mutant females have normal breast development and lactate normally. Young, sexually mature male mice show no overt abnormalities and reproduce normally. Older mutant males display signs of prostate and bladder hyperplasia. Our results indicate that ERβ is essential for normal ovulation efficiency but is not essential for female or male sexual differentiation, fertility, or lactation. Future experiments are required to determine the role of ERβ in bone and cardiovascular homeostasis.


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En la actualidad los resultados de la combinación del semen sexado y superovulación (SOV) no han sido muy alentadores debido a la baja cantidad de espermatozoides así como a la corta vida media de los mismos. En un trabajo previo realizado en Brasil en vacas Holstein, se demostró que usando el protocolo de SOV P36/Lh60 e inseminando con semen sexado a las 18 y 30 horas de aplicado el inductor de la ovulación (intervalo de 12 hs entre inseminaciones) se obtiene igual cantidad de estructuras transferibles que inseminando a las 12 y 24 horas con semen no sexado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue ajustar las horas de la inseminación artificial (IA) en vacas superovuladas e inseminadas con semen sexado para lograr mejor sincronía con las ovulaciones y así aumentar la cantidad de embriones transferibles. Este ajuste evaluó 2 momentos de IA en los cuales el intervalo entre ambas se disminuyó a 6 hs. Para esto se usaron 30 vacas Holstein en producción superovuladas con el protocolo P36/LH60 y se dividieron en tres grupos en forma aleatoria; en el grupo IA18/30 (control; n=10) las inseminaciones se realizaron a las 18 horas y 30 hs de la aplicación del inductor de la ovulación (GnRh); en el grupo IA18/24 (n=10) sé inseminó a las 18 y 24 hs de la GnRH y al grupo IA24/30 (n=10) se inseminó a las 24 y 30 (se usó 2.1x106 espermatozoides sexados / inseminación). No se encontró diferencia estadística en los tres grupos, sin embargo el grupo IA18/24 mostró ventaja numérica sobre el grupo IA24/30 y el Control (4,1±1,5 vs 1,3±0,4 y 1,9±0,6 respectivamente) en la cantidad de embriones transferibles, con lo que concluimos que el ajuste en las horas de IA con semen sexado en vacas Holstein superovuladas puede ser usado con resultados similares a los trabajos anteriores


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This study aimed to evaluate the Color Doppler ultrasound as a substitute for laparoscopy for couting of corpora lutea (CL) in superovulated sheep. In conclusion, the Color Doppler ultrasonography is highly efficient to estimate the number of CLs in superovulated ewes. This represents an important advance because it replaces invasive laparoscopic procedure, avoids fasting, drugs use and unnecessary handling in animals that did not respond to the treatment. Therefore, the Color Doppler ultrasound can replace the laparoscopy for the assessment of superovulated sheep.


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The objective of this study, was to evaluate the exogenous FSH dose effect on gonadotrophic treatment over ewes ovulatory follicle dynamics.


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The aim was to verify the correlation between follicular population count, superovulatory response and the recovery of viable structures in the in vivo production of sheep embryos. In conclusion, there is a median correlation between follicular population observed by ultrasonography and viable recovered structures after superovulation protocol. Therefore, this tool is not indicated as a screening tool, alone, in the selection of Santa Inês sheep embryo donors.


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This study aimed to evaluate two hormonal protocols for synchronization of follicular wave emergence on in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions. The greater PRCL rate in GT probably contributed to the smaller number of viable embryos. Thus, it is suggested the appliance indicated the GEm protocol for in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions.