89 resultados para Supernoves (Estels)
Observational and theoretical studies point to microquasars (MQs) as possible counterparts of a significant fraction of the unidentified gamma-ray sources detected so far. At present, a proper scenario to explain the emission beyond soft X-rays from these objects is not known, nor what the precise connection is between the radio and the high-energy radiation. We develop a new model where the MQ jet is dynamically dominated by cold protons and radiatively dominated by relativistic leptons. The matter content and power of the jet are both related with the accretion process. The magnetic field is assumed to be close to equipartition, although it is attached to and dominated by the jet matter. For the relativistic particles in the jet, their maximum energy depends on both the acceleration efficiency and the energy losses. The model takes into account the interaction of the relativistic jet particles with the magnetic field and all the photon and matter fields. Such interaction produces significant amounts of radiation from radio to very high energies through synchrotron, relativistic Bremsstrahlung, and inverse Compton (IC) processes. Variability of the emission produced by changes in the accretion process (e.g. via orbital eccentricity) is also expected. The effects of the gamma-ray absorption by the external photon fields on the gamma-ray spectrum have been taken into account, revealing clear spectral features that might be observed. This model is consistent to the accretion scenario, energy conservation laws, and current observational knowledge, and can provide deeper physical information of the source when tested against multiwavelength data.
A short duration burst reminiscent of a soft gamma-ray repeater/anomalous X-ray pulsar behaviour was detected in the direction of LS I +61 303 by the Swift satellite. While the association with this well known gamma-ray binary is likely, a different origin cannot be excluded. Aims. We explore the error box of this unexpected flaring event and establish the radio, near-infrared and X-ray sources in our search for any peculiar alternative counterpart. Methods. We carried out a combined analysis of archive Very Large Array radio data of LS I +61 303 sensitive to both compact and extended emission. We also reanalysed previous near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope of the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán and X-ray observations with the Chandra satellite. Results. Our deep radio maps of the LS I +61 303 environment represent a significant advancement on previous work and 16 compact radio sources in the LS I +61 303 vicinity are detected. For some detections, we also identify near infrared and X-ray counterparts. Extended emission features in the field are also detected and confirmed. The possible connection of some of these sources with the observed flaring event is considered. Based on these data, we are unable to claim a clear association between the Swift-BAT flare and any of the sources reported here. However, this study represents the most sophisticated attempt to determine possible alternative counterparts other than LS I +61 303.
Galactic microquasars are certainly one of the most recent additions to the field of high energy Astrophysics. These new objects are just X-ray binaries with the ability to generate relativistic jets and their interest has been growing during the last decade. Today, they represent primary targets for all space based observatories working in the X-ray and [gamma]-ray domains. Behind such interest, there is hope that their study will assist us to understand some of the analog phenomena observed in distant quasars and active galactic nuclei, wich share with microquasars practically the same scaled-up physics. Microquasars are also believed to be among the different kind of sources responsible for the violent and ever changing appearance of the [gamma]-ray ski. In this paper we review the general situation of the microquasar topic, their identification and study, including comments on the recent observational and theoretical discoveries most relevant in our opinion.
Context. The interaction of microquasar jets with their environment can produce non-thermal radiation as in the case of extragalactic outflows impacting on their surroundings. Significant observational evidence of jet/medium interaction in galactic microquasars has been collected in the past few years, although little theoretical work has been done regarding the resulting non-thermal emission. Aims. In this work, we investigate the non-thermal emission produced in the interaction between microquasar jets and their environment, and the physical conditions for its production. Methods. We developed an analytical model based on those successfully applied to extragalactic sources. The jet is taken to be a supersonic and mildly relativistic hydrodynamical outflow. We focus on the jet/shocked medium structure in its adiabatic phase, and assume that it grows in a self-similar way. We calculate the fluxes and spectra of the radiation produced via synchrotron, inverse Compton, and relativistic bremsstrahlung processes by electrons accelerated in strong shocks. A hydrodynamical simulation is also performed to investigate further the jet interaction with the environment and check the physical parameters used in the analytical model. Results. For reasonable values of the magnetic field, and using typical values of the external matter density, the non-thermal particles could produce significant amounts of radiation at different wavelengths, although they do not cool primarily radiatively, but by adiabatic losses. The physical conditions of the analytical jet/medium interaction model are consistent with those found in the hydrodynamical simulation. Conclusions. Microquasar jet termination regions could be detectable at radio wavelengths for current instruments sensitive to ~arcminute scales. At X-ray energies, the expected luminosities are moderate, although the emitter is more compact than the radio one. The source may be detectable by XMM-Newton or Chandra, with 1-10 arcsec of angular resolution. The radiation at gamma-ray energies may be within the detection limits of the next generation of satellite and ground-based instruments.
Quan alcem els ulls en una nit estel·lada d'estiu, sovint veiem una banda de llum que travessa la volta del cel amb una lluentor blanquinosa ...
RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 has been recently proposed to be a radio emitting high mass X-ray binary. In this paper, we present an analysis of its X-ray timing and spectroscopic properties using different instruments on board the RXTE satellite. The timing analysis indicates the absence of pulsed or periodic emission on time scales of 0.02-2000 s and 2-200 d, respectively. The source spectrum is well represented by a power-law model, plus a Gaussian component describing a strong iron line at 6.6 keV. Significant emission is seen up to 30 keV, and no exponential cut-off at high energy is required. We also study the radio properties of the system according to the GBI-NASA Monitoring Program. RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 continues to display moderate radio variability with a clearly non-thermal spectral index. No strong radio outbursts have been detected after several months.
Les binaries o estrelles dobles fisiques son sistemes formats per dues estrelles lligades gravitatoriament. Avui en dia sabem que aquest és un fenomen molt comú a la galaxia, on aproximadament la meitat de les estrelles s'han format i han donat lloc a aquesta mena de sistemes...
We present new optical and infrared photometric observations and high resolution H α spectra of the periodic radio star LSI+61◦303. The optical photometric data set covers the time interval 1985-1993 and amounts to about a hundred nights. A period of ∼26 days is found in the V band. The infrared data also present evidence for a similar periodicity, but with higher amplitude of variation ((0.m 2). The spectroscopic observations include 16 intermediate and high dispersion spectra of LSI+61◦303 collected between January 1989 and February 1993. The H α emission line profile and its variations are analyzed. Several emission line parameters -- among them the H α EW and the width of the H α red hump -- change strongly at or close to radio maximum, and may exhibit periodic variability. We also observe a significant change in the peak separation. The H α profile of LSI+61◦303 does not seem peculiar for a Be star. However, several of the observed variations of the H α profile can probably be associated with the presence of the compact, secondary star.
We present the results of analyzing H$\alpha$ spectra of the radio emitting X-ray binary LS I+61303. For the first time, the same 26.5 d radio period is clearly detected in the H$\alpha$ emission line. Moreover, the equivalent width and the peak separation of the H$\alpha$ emission line seem also to vary over a time scale of 1600 days. This points towards the $\sim4$ yr modulation, detected in the radio outburst amplitude, being probably a result of variations in the mass loss rate of the Be star and/or density variability in the circumstellar disk. In addition, the dependence of the peak separation from the equivalent width informs us that the LS I+61303 circumstellar disk is among the densest of Be-stars.
In this note we report high time resolution V Johnson photometry of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3-2525 - XTE J1819-254). This source was discovered as an X-ray transient by BeppoSAX and RossiXTE satellites (In't Zand et al. 1999; Markwardt et al. 1999). On 1999 September, a very fast transient optical and X-ray outburst was observed, reaching up to ...
Crec que un resum lleugerament informal pot animar al lector a endinsar-se en el seriós contingut del llibre. S'aixeca el teló (fa uns tretze mil set cents milions d'anys) amb un "chupinazo" que deixa en ridícul als dels "sanfermines". L' entropia comença a augmentar ... i ja no pararà! L'empat inicial entre la matèria i l' antimateria es decanta a favor de la matèria, encara que per molt poc! Matèria i antimatèria s'anihilen, però el lleuger excés de matèria fa que en l'anihilació en quedin suficients traces per a que la funció pugui continuar. Existeix un antimón d'antimatèria que transcorre en un antitemps i en el qual un antiCastells format de D-aminoàcids i L-carbohidrats ha escrit un antillibre? L'univers ja s'ha refredat suficientment per a que el deuteri pugui perviure un xic: via lliure a la formació de l'heli-4 (etapa còsmica). La matèria s'organitza ostensiblement: neix el Sistema de Períodes (etapa estel·lar). Els estels exploten i la pols formada embruta tot l'espai interestel·lar (etapa interestel·lar). Visita al "zoo molecular": molt carboni i molt enllaç triple. Espècies molt reactives que no reaccionen ... per no trobar amb què! El futbol, va també envair l'espai? En el tebi oceà, la matèria continua la seva escalada de la complexitat (etapa planetària). Apareix la vida: però, què és la vida? Fi de l'evolució determinista i començament de l'evolució contingent (etapa biològica). Justificada alarma entre els anaerobis: qui ha deixat escapar aquest gas (oxigen) tan verinós? El miracle de la vida en un univers hostil. L'arsenal d'armes preventives i defensives: vitamines C i E, catalasa, peroxidases, dismutases superoxídiques, etc. La meravella del transport electrònic. Com es possible tanta perfecció? L'escalada de la complexitat prossegueix acceleradament. Finalment, s'arriba a l'Homo sapiens sapiens: podria no ser com és? Millor canviar l'entorn que canviar l'Homo: l'evolució biològica s'ha acabat. Comença l'evolució cultural o social. La possible existència de vida i de vida intel·ligent extra-terrestres. La inevitable protagonisme de la Química dels derivats del carboni. El Principi antropo-cosmològic: realment, estem sols?
We present Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the high mass X-ray binary LS I +61˚303, carried out with the European VLBI Network (EVN). Over the 11 hour observing run, performed ~10 days after a radio outburst, the radio source showed a constant flux density, which allowed sensitive imaging of the emission distribution. The structure in the map shows a clear extension to the southeast. Comparing our data with previous VLBI observations we interpret the extension as a collimated radio jet as found in several other X-ray binaries. Assuming that the structure is the result of an expansion that started at the onset of the outburst, we derive an apparent expansion velocity of 0:003 c, which, in the context of Doppler boosting, corresponds to an intrinsic velocity of at least 0:4 c for an ejection close to the line of sight. From the apparent velocity in all available epochs we are able to establish variations in the ejection angle which imply a precessing accretion disk. Finally we point out that LS I +61˚303, like SS 433 and Cygnus X-1, shows evidence for an emission region almost orthogonal to the relativistic jet
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los procesos que han posibilitado la transnacionalización del movimiento independentista catalán entre 2010 y 2014. Por tal motivo, el análisis de este estudio de caso permitirá comprender con mayor profundidad las dinámicas de transnacionalización de una causa nacional, con las que dicho movimiento ha conseguido conectar lo local con lo global. Para ello, la recolección de datos cualitativos se hace imprescindible en la caracterización de este fenómeno social, a partir del uso de herramientas como la observación participante, entrevistas y el análisis documental. Esto, con el propósito de facilitar la obtención de información proveniente de fuentes primarias y secundarias, respetando la perspectiva de los actores involucrados. De tal manera, será posible evidenciar que estos procesos transnacionales se impulsan mutuamente, propiciando la proyección del debate sobre la independencia fuera de las fronteras catalanas.
Here we discuss two consecutive MERLIN observations of the X-ray binary LS I +61° 303 . The first observation shows a double-sided jet extending up to about 200 AU on both sides of a central source. The jet shows a bent S-shaped structure similar to the one displayed by the well-known precessing jet of SS 433 . The precession suggested in the first MERLIN image becomes evident in the second one, showing a one-sided bent jet significantly rotated with respect to the jet of the day before. We conclude that the derived precession of the relativistic (beta=0.6) jet explains puzzling previous VLBI results. Moreover, the fact that the precession is fast could be the explanation of the never understood short term (days) variability of the associated gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 / 3EG J0241+6103