998 resultados para Sublime, The.


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This paper will contend that as literary studies elevates creative writing to the highest level, by studying and analysing creative texts; creative writing is similarly enhanced when it is underpinned by theory. This flies in the face of the view that theory has no relevance to the needs of contemporary writers. This paper will examine the way in which theoretical insights and their applications are essential to the creative writing process and propose that without theory, creative writing classes might be at risk of constantly going over the same ground, with no way of being elevated to the next level.
Without the study of literary theory in creative writing, writers are in danger of producing imitations of acclaimed literature. Similarly, without studying creativity in literary studies, writers are at risk of imitating the language of French theorists in translation and failing to harness imaginative ways to create new ideas and theories. This paper encourages new ways of thinking about the union of literary studies and creative writing by focusing on theories and poetry of the sublime. This can assist creative and analytical writers with the anxiety of the blank page and the problem of the ineffable, through an examination of the role of imagination and reason in this process. Creative writing and theory should be studied simultaneously; they invigorate one another and this paper focuses on this important reciprocal relationship.


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In this paper I examine two particular aspects of sounding science fiction film: first, the ulterior, Othering sounds of the alien, whether it is creature, object, technology or environment; and second, the soundscape that accompanies or underscores the type of space travel that crosses temporal and spatial thresholds. In both instances of sounding science fiction film I suggest that human limits are reached and breached, leading to a deterritorialization of the self and a hearing that touches the future which is a moment of pure becoming. I focus on the womanly sonority of the alien to suggest that patriarchal and heterosexist sound devices can be ultimately corrupted. In the analysis of sounding space travel I suggest that science film can create a series of moments in which one experiences the double sublime. This spectacular rendering of a liquid chaos enables the viewer to experience the logic of sensation beyond bodily integrity. In this paper my over-arching position is one that hears in science fiction film the profound potential of a radical alterity that exists beyond the sonorous limit.


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The Sublime: Process and Mediation expounds on the concept of a 'Material Sublime' as relevant to the development of artistic practice. The author maintains that the creative process is generative, highlighting the connection between nature, the body, and latent forms of knowledge as revealed through material interaction significant in the activity of painting.  She argues for a co-emergence maintaining the sublime experience traverses a liminal space wherein binary oppositions such as the distinction between mind and matter are negotiated.   


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A major solo exhibition of paintings (25) by Liza McCosh. Inspired by the volcanic topography of the South West Victorian landscape.  The artwork is abstracted in nature and worked in the media of acrylicand oil glaze on canvas.


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Rain Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table - In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe.


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Conception of ‘star performance’ through popular music is stratified which generates diverse and often contradictory forms of thought. For example, stars and celebrities plausibly act as a ‘culture medium’ in which, through imagination, one’s identity is assembled, realised or constructed. What to become and how to be are questions we individually and collectively contend with throughout our lives to varying degrees (Maslow, 1954; 1968). Predominant use of digital technologies has seen the delivery of sound much altered. Music, be it Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata or Iron Maiden’s The Number of the Beast, once sourced via analogue legacy devices such as ‘old-school’ tape cassette or vinyl record is now a series of zero and one digits. Advocates argue that the key benefit of digitalisation is the ability to compress data because sound generates large files of information. The discourse of digitalisation begs the question of how a series of ones and zeros, albeit in a plethora of configurations, registers with listening bodies and affects ‘the sublime’. It is without doubt that some musical experiences afford indescribable, unlocatable sensation—even enchantment (as defined by Bennett, 2001: 5 and called forth by Redmond: 2014: 126). Such musical experiences might be in the presence of the performer or in their absence such as in the case of recorded music. In this context, any sense of ’real’ space and place is less definitive allowing for ‘special encounters’ to be imagined and felt. For these reasons, music and all that the use of the word might convey, the proposed notion of phaino-ken here, acts as the lens through which to examine the meaning and value of celebrity and star embodiment.


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Este ensaio aborda afinidades entre Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) e Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), principalmente em relação à Crítica da Faculdade do juízo kantiana. Investiga-se assim o diálogo teórico que implícita ou explicitamente permeia o texto goethiano e a obra do filósofo de Königsberg envolvendo temas, tais como Arte, Natureza e Sublime.


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This work aims to locate Adélia Prado’s poetry in the scenery of the contemporary Brazilian literature in order to comprehend some issues that are part of the manner how the poet constructs her poems and which may elucidate, through the lyric speaker, the relation of her poetry with the historical and cultural moment in which her work is placed. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to analyze Adélia Prado’s poetic construction by emphasizing the female voice of her lyric speaker and the superposition of elements from the semantic fields of the prosaic and the sublime, since we have identified these aspects as basic ones for the development of an interpretation on this poetry. This way, we have tried to comprehend the connection that the poet establishes between the material and the spiritual, the erotic and the religious, the immanent and the transcendent and we have concluded that, for the poet, everything can be subject to poetry. For this work, we used the volume Poesia reunida (1995) for it provides a wider view over Adélia Prado’s poetry


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This  paper  attempts  to  investigate  a  part of  Brazilian’s modernism poetic tradition starting  from the notions of “sublime”,”essential poetry” and “pure poetry”. Such notions seem to constitute both the critical projects of Alceu Amoroso Lima and Graça Aranha, as well as they allow to consider partially the trajectories of Joaquim Cardozo, Emílio Moura, Henriqueta Lisboa and Augusto Frederico Schmidt in face of the vanguards.


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Current paper discusses manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry as one of the distinguishing characteristics within the Parnassian orientations predominant in his cultural context. The particular way that Kilkerry employs the sublime´s expedients demonstrates the dialogue of his poetry with Romantic ideals, whose traits in his lyrical stance are directly linked to Symbolist influence, far from traditional Parnassian models. The sublime in Kilkerry develops through an elliptical and suggestive language that demonstrates the impossibility of the ideal being directly expressed and shows the affinity of his poetic work with the idealist crisis that marks post-Romantic poetry and provides the basis on which the poetics of Modernity is structured. The poetry of Pedro Kilkerry develops within a complex zone of convergence between the models provided by the Parnassian aesthetic, Romantic idealism with an atavic presence to Symbolism, and the search for new answers to old idealistic concerns. The meeting of these three conflictive currents, perceptible in the manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry, demonstrates his lyrical sensitivity to the trends of Modernity.


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We have designed and built a laboratory facility to investigate the spectro-photometric and morphologic properties of different types of ice-bearing planetary surface analogs and follow their evolution upon exposure to a low pressure and low temperature environment. The results obtained with this experiment are used to verify and improve our interpretations of current optical remote-sensing datasets. They also provide valuable information for the development and operation of future optical instruments. The Simulation Chamber for Imaging the Temporal Evolution of Analogue Samples (SCITEAS) is a small thermal vacuum chamber equipped with a variety of ports and feedthroughs that permit both in-situ and remote characterizations as well as interacting with the sample. A large quartz window located directly above the sample is used to observe its surface from outside with a set of visible and near-infrared cameras. The sample holder can be easily and quickly inserted and removed from the chamber and is compatible with the other measurement facilities of the Laboratory for Outflow Studies of Sublimating Materials (LOSSy) at the University of Bern. We report here on the results of two of the first experiments performed in the SCITEAS chamber. In the first experiment, fine-grained water ice mixed with dark organic and mineral matter was left to sublime in vacuum and at low temperature, simulating the evolution of the surface of a comet nucleus approaching the Sun. We observed and characterized the formation and evolution of a crust of refractory organic and mineral matter at the surface of the sample and linked the evolution of its structure and texture to its spectro-photometric properties. In the second experiment, a frozen soil was prepared by freezing a mixture of smectite mineral and water. The sample was then left to sublime for 6 h to simulate the loss of volatiles from icy soil at high latitudes on Mars. Colour images were produced using the definitions of the filters foreseen for the CaSSIS imager of the Exomars/TGO mission in order to prepare future science operations.


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"This paper discusses the work of contemporary artist James Turrell as framed by the philosophy of the sublime. Focusing on the artist’s use of the medium of light, it addresses Turrell’s scientific approach to creating artworks and discusses his resolution of the problematic relationship between science and spirituality. This relationship is discussed through the examination of the artist’s use of total visual fields known as ganzfelden and other perceptual phenomena, such as those encountered while piloting aircraft"