909 resultados para Sub-genotype IA


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Mutations in the exons of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene CDKN2A are melanoma-predisposition alleles which have high penetrance, although they have low population frequencies. In contrast, variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene, MC1R, confer much lower melanoma risk but are common in European populations. Fifteen Australian CDKN2A mutation-carrying melanoma pedigrees were assessed for MC1R genotype, to test for possible modifier effects on melanoma risk. A CDKN2A mutation in the presence of a homozygous consensus MC1R genotype had a raw penetrance of 50%, with a mean age at onset of 58.1 years. When an MC1R variant allele was also present, the raw penetrance of the CDKN2A mutation increased to 84%, with a mean age at onset of 37.8 years (P=0.1). The presence of a CDKN2A mutation gave a hazard ratio of 13.35, and the hazard ratio of 3.72 for MC1R variant alleles was also significant. The impact of MC1R variants on risk of melanoma was mediated largely through the action of three common alleles, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, and Asp294His, that have previously been associated with red hair, fair skin, and skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light.


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In mid-January 2000, the reappearance of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus activity in the Australasian region was first demonstrated by the isolation of JE virus from 3 sentinel pigs on Badu Island in the Torres Strait. Further evidence of JE virus activity was revealed through the isolation of JE virus from Cidex gelidus mosquitoes collected on Badu Island and the detection of specific JE virus neutralizing antibodies in 3 pigs from Saint Pauls community on Moa Island. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of the premembrane and envelope genes were performed which showed that both the pig and mosquito JE virus isolates (TSOO and TS4152, respectively) clustered in genotype I, along with northern Thai, Cambodian, and Korean isolates. All previous Australasian JE virus isolates belong to genotype II, along with Malaysian and Indonesian isolates. Therefore, for the first time, the appearance and transmission of a second genotype of JE virus in the Australasian region has been demonstrated.


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There have been no reports of DNA sequences of hepatitis B virus (HBV) strains from Australian Aborigines, although the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was discovered among them. To investigate the characteristics of DNA sequences of HBV strains from Australian Aborigines, the complete nucleotide sequences of HBV strains were determined and subjected to molecular evolutionary analysis. Serum samples positive for HBsAg were collected from five Australian Aborigines. Phylogenetic analysis of the five complete nucleotide sequences compared with DNA sequences of 54 global HBV isolates from international databases revealed that three of the five were classified into genotype D and were most closely related in terms of evolutionary distance to a strain isolated from a healthy blood donor in Papua New Guinea. Two of the five were classified into a novel variant genotype C, which has not been reported previously, and were closely related to a strain isolated from Polynesians, particularly in the X and Core genes. These two strains of variant genotype C differed from known genotype C strains by 5.9-7.4% over the complete nucleotide sequence and 4.0-5.6 % in the small-S gene, and had residues Arg(122), Thr(127) and Lys(160) characteristic of serotype ayw3, which have not been reported previously in genotype C. In conclusion, this is the first report of the characteristics of complete nucleotide sequences of HBV from Australian Aborigines. These results contribute to the investigation of the worldwide spread of HBV, the relationship between serotype and genotype and the ancient common origin of Australian Aborigines.


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MC1R gene variants have previously been associated with red hair and fair skin color, moreover skin ultraviolet sensitivity and a strong association with melanoma has been demonstrated for three variant alleles that are active in influencing pigmentation: Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, and Asp294His. This study has confirmed these pigmentary associations with MC1R genotype in a collection of 220 individuals drawn from the Nambour community in Queensland, Australia, 111 of whom were at high risk and 109 at low risk of basal cell squamous cell carcinoma. Comparative allele frequencies for nine MC1R variants that have been reported in the Caucasian population were determined for these two groups, and an association between prevalence of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, solar keratosis and the same three active MC1R variant alleles was demonstrated [odds ratio=3.15 95% CI (1.7, 5.82)]. Three other commonly occurring variant alleles: Val60Leu, Val92Met, and Arg163Gln were identified as having a minimal impact on pigmentation phenotype as well as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma risk. A significant heterozygote effect was demonstrated where individuals carrying a single MC1R variant allele were more likely to have fair and sun sensitive skin as well as carriage of a solar lesion when compared with those individuals with a consensus MC1R genotype. After adjusting for the effects of pigmentation on the association between MC1R variant alleles and basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma risk, the association persisted, confirming that presence of at least one variant allele remains informative in terms of predicting risk for developing a solar-induced skin lesion beyond that information gained through observation of pigmentation phenotype.


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Modulations in the excitability of spinal reflex pathways during passive rhythmic movements of the lower limb have been demonstrated by a number of previous studies [4]. Less emphasis has been placed on the role of supraspinal pathways during passive movement, and on tasks involving the upper limb. In the present study, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to subjects while undergoing passive flexion-extension movements of the contralateral wrist. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and abductor pollicus brevis (APB) muscles were recorded. Stimuli were delivered in eight phases of the movement cycle during three different frequencies of movement. Evidence of marked modulations in pathway excitability was found in the MEP amplitudes of the FCR muscle, with responses inhibited and facilitated from static values in the extension and flexion phases, respectively. The results indicated that at higher frequencies of movement there was greater modulation in pathway excitability. Paired-pulse TMS (sub-threshold conditioning) at short interstimulus intervals revealed modulations in the extent of inhibition in MEP amplitude at high movement frequencies. In the APE muscle, there was some evidence of phasic modulations of response amplitude, although the effects were less marked than those observed in FCR. It is speculated that these modulatory effects are mediated via Ia afferent pathways and arise as a consequence of the induced forearm muscle shortening and lengthening. Although the level at which this input influences the corticomotoneuronal pathway is difficult to discern, a contribution from cortical regions is suggested. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Background: Heterozygotes for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene may have altered hematology indices and higher iron stores than wild-type subjects. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of 1488 females and 1522 males 20-79 years of age drawn from the Busselton (Australia) population study to assess the effects of HFE genotype, age, gender, and lifestyle on serum iron and hematology indices. Results: Male C282Y heterozygotes had increased transferrin saturation compared with the wild-type genotype. Neither male nor female heterozygotes had significantly increased ferritin values compared with the wild-type genotype. Younger (20-29 years) wild-type males, but not heterozygous males, had significantly lower ferritin values than wild-type males in the older age groups. Compound heterozygous subjects had increased means for serum iron, transferrin saturation, corpuscular volume, and corpuscular hemoglobin compared with the wild-type genotype, and the males also had increased ferritin values (medians 323 vs 177 mug/L; P = 0.003). In both male and female wild-type subjects, an increased body mass index was associated with decreased serum iron and transferrin saturation and increased ferritin values. There was a significant increase in ferritin concentrations in both genders with increasing frequency of red meat consumption above a baseline of 1-2 times per week and alcohol intakes >10 g/day. Conclusions: Male C282Y heterozygotes had significantly increased transferrin saturation values. Compound heterozygous (C282Y/H63D) subjects formed a separate category of C282Y heterozygotes in whom both iron and red cell indices were significantly increased compared with the wild-type genotype. (C) 2001 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.


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Estimates of Wolbachia density in the eggs, testes and whole flies of drosophilid hosts have been unable to predict the lack of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) expression in so-called mod(-) variants. Consequently, the working hypothesis has been that CI expression, although related to Wolbachia density, is also governed by unknown factors that are influenced by both host and bacterial genomes. Here, we compare the behaviour of the mod(-) over-replicating Wolbachia popcorn strain in its native Drosophila melanogaster host to the same strain transinfected into a novel host, namely Drosophila simulans. We report that (i) the popcorn strain is a close relative of other D. melanogaster infections, (ii) the mod(-) status of popcorn in D. melanogaster appears to result from its inability to colonize sperm bundles, (iii) popcorn is present in the bundles in D. simulans and induces strong CI expression, which demonstrates that the bacterial strain does not lack the genetic machinery for inducing CI and that there is host-species-specific control over Wolbachia tissue tropism, and (iv) infection of sperm bundles by the mod(-) D. simulans wCof strain indicates that there are several independent routes by which a strain can be a CI non-expressor.


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The magnitude of genotype-by-management (G x M) interactions for grain yield and grain protein concentration was examined in a multi-environment trial (MET) involving a diverse set of 272 advanced breeding lines from the Queensland wheat breeding program. The MET was structured as a series of management-regimes imposed at 3 sites for 2 years. The management-regimes were generated at each site-year as separate trials in which planting time, N fertiliser application rate, cropping history, and irrigation were manipulated. irrigation was used to simulate different rainfall regimes. From the combined analysis of variance, the G x M interaction variance components were found to be the largest source of G x E interaction variation for both grain yield (0.117 +/- 0.005 t(2) ha(-2); 49% of total G x E 0.238 +/- 0.028 t(2) ha(-2)) and grain protein concentration (0.445 +/- 0.020%(2); 82% of total G x E 0.546 +/- 0.057%(2)), and in both cases this source of variation was larger than the genotypic variance component (grain yield 0.068 +/- 0.014 t(2) ha(-2) and grain protein 0.203 +/- 0.026%(2)). The genotypic correlation between the traits varied considerably with management-regime, ranging from -0.98 to -0.31, with an estimate of 0.0 for one trial. Pattern analysis identified advanced breeding lines with improved grain yield and grain protein concentration relative to the cultivars Hartog, Sunco and Meteor. It is likely that a large component of the previously documented G x E interactions for grain yield of wheat in the northern grains region are in part a result of G x M interactions. The implications of the strong influence of G x M interactions for the conduct of wheat breeding METs in the northern region are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examined the burst swimming performance of two Antarctic fishes, Trematomus bernacchii and T. centronotus, at five temperatures between -1 degreesC and 10 degreesC. As Antarctic fishes are considered one of the most cold specialised and stenothermal of all ectotherms, we predicted they would possess a narrow thermal performance breadth for burst swimming and a correlative decrease in performance at high temperatures. Burst swimming was assessed by videotaping swimming sequences with a 50-Hz video camera and analysing the sequences frame-by-frame to determine maximum velocity, the distance moved throughout the initial 200 ms, and the time taken to reach maximum velocity. In contrast to our prediction, we found both species possessed a wide thermal performance breadth for burst swimming. Although maximum swimming velocity for both T. bernacchii and T. centronotus was significantly highest at 6 degreesC, maximum velocity at ah other test temperatures was less than 20% lower. Thus, it appears that specialisation to a highly stable and cold environment is not necessarily associated with a narrow thermal performance breadth for burst swimming in Antarctic fish. We also examined the ability of the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki to acclimate their burst-swimming performance to different temperatures. We exposed P, borchgrevinki to either -1 degreesC or 4 degreesC for 4 weeks and tested their burst-swimming performance at four temperatures between -1 degreesC and 10 degreesC. Burst-swimming performance of Pagothenia borchgrevinki was unaffected by exposure to either -1 degreesC or 4 degreesC for 4 weeks. Maximum swimming velocity of both acclimation groups was thermally independent over the total temperature range of -1 degreesC to 10 degreesC. Therefore, the loss of any capacity to restructure the phenotype and an inability to thermally acclimate swimming performance appears to be associated with inhabiting a highly stable thermal environment.


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The BRCA2 N372H nonconservative amino acid substitution polymorphism appears to affect fetal survival in a sex-dependent manner, and the HH genotype was found to be associated with a 1.3-fold risk of breast cancer from pooling five case-control studies of Northern European women. We investigated whether the BR 2 N372H polymorphism was associated with breast cancer in Australian women using a population-based case-control design. The BRCA2 372 genotype was determined in 1397 cases under the age of 60 years at diagnosis of a first primary breast cancer and in 775 population-sampled controls frequency matched for age. Case-control analyses and comparisons of genotype distributions were conducted using logistic regression. All of the statistical tests were two-tailed. The HH genotype was independent of age and family history of breast cancer within cases and controls, and was more common in cases (9.2% versus 6.5%). It was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, 1.47-fold unadjusted (95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.07; P = 0.02), and 1.42-fold (95% confidence interval, 1.00-2.02; P = 0.05) after adjusting for measured risk factors. This effect was still evident after excluding women with any non-Caucasian ancestry or the 33 cases known to have inherited a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, and would explain similar to3% of breast cancer. The BRCA2 N372H polymorphism appears to be associated with a modest recessively inherited risk of breast cancer in Australian women. This result is consistent with the findings for Northern European women.


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The (6R*,9S*,11S*) and (22S*,23R*,27R*,31R*) stereochemistry, respectively, of the tetrahydropyranyl and spiroacetal moieties in bistramide A (1) have been established by stereoselective syntheses and high field NMR comparisons. Routes to the gamma-amino acid moiety are outlined. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The majority of the world's population now resides in urban environments and information on the internal composition and dynamics of these environments is essential to enable preservation of certain standards of living. Remotely sensed data, especially the global coverage of moderate spatial resolution satellites such as Landsat, Indian Resource Satellite and Systeme Pour I'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), offer a highly useful data source for mapping the composition of these cities and examining their changes over time. The utility and range of applications for remotely sensed data in urban environments could be improved with a more appropriate conceptual model relating urban environments to the sampling resolutions of imaging sensors and processing routines. Hence, the aim of this work was to take the Vegetation-Impervious surface-Soil (VIS) model of urban composition and match it with the most appropriate image processing methodology to deliver information on VIS composition for urban environments. Several approaches were evaluated for mapping the urban composition of Brisbane city (south-cast Queensland, Australia) using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data and 1:5000 aerial photographs. The methods evaluated were: image classification; interpretation of aerial photographs; and constrained linear mixture analysis. Over 900 reference sample points on four transects were extracted from the aerial photographs and used as a basis to check output of the classification and mixture analysis. Distinctive zonations of VIS related to urban composition were found in the per-pixel classification and aggregated air-photo interpretation; however, significant spectral confusion also resulted between classes. In contrast, the VIS fraction images produced from the mixture analysis enabled distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and residential zones within the city to be clearly defined, based on their relative amount of vegetation cover. The soil fraction image served as an index for areas being (re)developed. The logical match of a low (L)-resolution, spectral mixture analysis approach with the moderate spatial resolution image data, ensured the processing model matched the spectrally heterogeneous nature of the urban environments at the scale of Landsat Thematic Mapper data.


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An improved HPLC method has been established for the measurement of harderoporphyrin (HP) in the harderian gland of rats and mice. Groups of female Wistar rats were given a single oral dose of sodium arsenite at 0, 0.5 or 5.0 mg As(III)/kg body weight, or a slurry of arsenic-contaminated soil at equivalent dose rates and the animals were sacrificed 96 h after dosing. A group of C57BL/6J female mice were chronically exposed to drinking water containing 500 mug As(V)/I of sodium arsenate ad libitum for over 2 years. Porphyrins were measured in the harderian glands of rats and mice. Our results suggest that HP and the alteration of the porphyrin profile in the harderian glands of rodents is a highly sensitive biomarker for both single sub-lethal and chronic arsenic exposure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multi-environment trials (METs) used to evaluate breeding lines vary in the number of years that they sample. We used a cropping systems model to simulate the target population of environments (TPE) for 6 locations over 108 years for 54 'near-isolines' of sorghum in north-eastern Australia. For a single reference genotype, each of 547 trials was clustered into 1 of 3 'drought environment types' (DETs) based on a seasonal water stress index. Within sequential METs of 2 years duration, the frequencies of these drought patterns often differed substantially from those derived for the entire TPE. This was reflected in variation in the mean yield of the reference genotype. For the TPE and for 2-year METs, restricted maximum likelihood methods were used to estimate components of genotypic and genotype by environment variance. These also varied substantially, although not in direct correlation with frequency of occurrence of different DETs over a 2-year period. Combined analysis over different numbers of seasons demonstrated the expected improvement in the correlation between MET estimates of genotype performance and the overall genotype averages as the number of seasons in the MET was increased.