953 resultados para Student Assistance Program (SAP)


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This review was initiated based upon allegations from multiple sources of possible fraud in the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) administered by the South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS), which was implemented in response to the 10/3/2015 statewide flooding from Hurricane Joaquin. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess SCDSS’s D-SNAP implementation for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on fraud preventative controls; Assess the SCDSS’s post-disaster review and audit methodology for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on understanding the fraud risks and resolution strategies; and Identify residual risk/suspected fraud not addressed through the SCDSS review and available opportunities to address.


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O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar a política de assistência estudantil desenvolvida durante o governo Lula (2003-2010) para atendimento dos estudantes de graduação das Universidades Federais, especialmente, no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), identificando sua repercussão na permanência dos referidos estudantes. Partiu-se, centralmente, da indagação: como tem se desenvolvido a política de Assistência Estudantil no contexto da política de acesso e permanência na Educação Superior, em especial, nas universidades federais, durante o Governo Lula (2003-2010)? Partiu-se da perspectiva de que a compreensão desse processo pressupõe considerarmos o contexto de crise estrutural do capital, momento em que emerge, no plano político, o neoliberalismo e, no econômico, a reestruturação produtiva, com a redefinição do papel do Estado e das políticas sociais (entre as quais, a de assistência estudantil). A metodologia da pesquisa adotada foi bibliográfica e documental, sob o corte teórico do materialismo histórico. Neste sentido, analisou-se leis e decretos afetos ao objetivo delimitado, além de dados estatísticos e orçamentários da expansão do ensino superior (cursos de graduação), particularmente, na UFPA. Trabalhou-se com as categorias de análise contradição e mediação tal como abordadas no seio do materialismo histórico, como mediações para a compreensão da política de Assistência Estudantil subsumida nas políticas sociais e como as mesmas se relacionam com os dispositivos jurídicos que normatizam a assistência estudantil. Utilizou-se, ainda, como categoria relacionada à política de assistência a permanência, que constitui elemento central desse processo. Concluiu-se, dentre outros aspectos – do interior da metodologia adotada – que a Assistência Estudantil, como instaurada e institucionalizada no governo Lula (2003- 2010), por meio do PNAES (Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil), apresenta uma concepção limitada, fragmentada e focalizada nos segmentos sociais mais empobrecidos da população, haja vista a referida política adotar a lógica do menor recurso orçamentário para o maior quantitativo de atendimento. Essa lógica repercute, de modo negativo, relativamente à permanência dos estudantes na UFPA e, consequentemente, no insucesso referente à conclusão dos cursos, o que subtrai da Assistência Estudantil seu caráter de direito social universal.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Pública, Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública, 2016.


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The QUT Sessional Academic Program (SAP) has scaffolded levels, each with experience-appropriate objectives: • SAP 1: Introduction to Learning and Teaching aims to develop confidence and build awareness of pedagogy and managing class-room scenarios. • SAP 2: Learning and Teaching in Large Units focuses on aligning curriculum and assessment through learning activities and builds a community of teaching practice with sessionals and subject coordinators. • SAP 3: Developing your Teaching Practice focuses on whole of university and classroom strategies to ensure student success through effective feedback; reflective practice and learning communities. • SAP 4: Enhancing your Teaching Practice applies these factors to teaching success. In conjunction with: • Sessional Career Advancement Development: for Higher Degree Research students/ sessional staff who aspire to become academics provides guidance on developing an academic portfolio in teaching, research and service. And • Sessional Academic Success program providing ongoing, local support (see separate nomination). A critical factor in its success is its praxis approach. Theoretical principles are modelled. Eg, ‘active learning’ is explained and modelled through learning activities, which participants evaluate ‘on the fly’ against the criteria of learning, engagement and connection with peers. The topics ‘learning communities’ and ‘reflective practice’ are explored as a learning community–then applied in participants’ classes, with reflections shared in the next session. This produces a ‘meta-awareness’ of theory and principles, as they are explained, applied in practice, and critically analysed for their effectiveness in workshops.


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In October 2009, the Illinois General Assembly directed this study of the Monetary Award Program (MAP) while restoring a 50 percent reduction in MAP funding occasioned by the state's poor fiscal climate. House Joint Resolution 75 (HJR 75) requires that the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), in consultation with the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC)) and the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), study and provide recommendations on the efficiency and sustainability of MAP. The purpose of the study is to ensure that alternatives to current aid delivery methods are considered so that the State can be assured that student access, choice, and success will be met in the most effective and practical manner.


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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate if the academic assistance program Supplemental Instruction (SI) facilitates the acquisition of effective study behaviors through strategies that transcend simple double-exposure to the course material. Its advocates claim it increases academic achievement using learner-centered knowledge and acquisition of effective study behaviors. SI sessions are specifically related to particular courses that students are taking. Sessions are facilitated by the SI leader who has taken the subject matter course in the past. Students review the content of the previous subject matter class using collaborative learning strategies coordinated by a SI leader. In addition, the SI leader models appropriate study behaviors in his or her interactions with the students. ^ An instructor at a large Florida community college who taught five classes of an Anatomy & Physiology I course (traditionally supported by SI) was identified. Two of the classes were randomly selected to participate in SI activities, and two classes were random chosen to participate in alternate, computer-based activities that dealt with the course content, but did not include work in developing students' study behaviors. These treatments were carried out over the course of an entire semester. Participation was mandatory. ^ Data were collected on two variables. Academic achievement in anatomy and physiology content was measured both pre- and post-treatment using an instructor developed examination. Student study behaviors were measured using pre- and post-treatment administration of the Study Behavior Inventory, a valid and reliable instrument that provides scores on three categories of study behaviors: (a) Academic self-efficacy, (b) Preparation for routine academic tasks, and (c) Preparation for long range academic tasks. Measures obtained at the end of the semester of treatment revealed no significant differences between the SI and alternative treatment groups in post-treatment achievement test score and the post-treatment scores on the three study behaviors categories when adjusted for pre-treatment scores. ^ These results suggest that the development of appropriate study behaviors requires more time than SI, as it is now implemented, can provide. In addition, results indicate that improved academic achievement may be attained through any number of means that include repeated exposure to course material. ^


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A managed team of discipline-experienced and trained later year students are used as Student Success Advisors (SSAs) in the Student Success Program, an intervention program that manages student engagement by identifying and supporting first year students at-risk of disengaging from learning. This report focuses on the recruitment and training of SSAs and the day-to-day challenges they and their managers face. The Nuts & Bolts session provides participants with opportunities to discuss the applicability to their institutional contexts of the recruitment and training processes and the “solutions” to the challenges used at QUT.


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Commencing students in undergraduate degrees who identify as mature age students experience particular issues when faced with enrolment into university as an adult learner (Bird & Morgan, 2003). In line with QUT’s commitment to “supporting all commencing students to adjust successfully to study at QUT by providing a strong transition experience” (QUT, 2008, 6.2.1), the Start Smart trial program was developed and implemented for Semester 1, 2012. The Start Smart trial program consists of an orientation event, wrapped around and supported by existing First Year Experience (FYE) and Retention strategies within QUT, namely the Student Success Program (SSP) and the Peer Programs Strategy (PPS). This report examines the motivations for designing a program as a response to the needs of a cohort that are unique amongst all commencing undergraduate students. Participants will be asked to consider the implications of delivering special and unique orientation events to specific cohorts, and the long term sustainability of such programs within their own university structures.


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Esta dissertação busca analisar as particularidades do trabalho do(a) assistente social na universidade pública brasileira. A universidade vem sofrendo os rebatimentos das mudanças impostas pelos processos de reestruturação capitalista e de internacionalização da economia em ampla expansão desde o final do século XX e a Política de Educação Superior vêm apresentando submissão às regras e ditames do mercado. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho procurou identificar as transformações da universidade pública brasileira na contemporaneidade; a análise da dinâmica da política de educação na área da educação superior; as particularidades do trabalho profissional no âmbito da política de assistência estudantil, já que essa é uma das principais requisições apresentadas aos assistentes sociais inseridos nesta área de atuação. Para tanto, tomou-se por referência de estudo a experiência da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro que já possui uma marca histórica de desenvolvimento de ações na área de assistência ao estudante. Por essa razão, este trabalho buscou examinar, através de uma pesquisa documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com as profissionais da UERJ que atuam com ações de assistência estudantil, as novas configurações e particularidades para o processo de trabalho do(a) assistente social neste contexto. Os dois grandes eixos de análise que evolveram essa pesquisa foram: as condições e particularidades do trabalho do(a) assistente social no âmbito da política de educação superior na UERJ; Programa ou Política de Assistência Estudantil na UERJ? Os principais resultados dessa pesquisa apontaram que existem diferentes processos de trabalho nos quais se inscreve a atividade do (a) assistente social e esses processos são organizados a partir da função política, ideológica e econômica do Estado no formato da prestação de serviços sociais. Diante do contexto de redução dos direitos sociais conforme preconizado pela agenda neoliberal, a Política de Assistência Estudantil afirma-se no espaço universitário público, fazendo interface tanto com a Política de Educação quanto com a Política de Assistência Social, e, portanto, compartilha das mesmas características das referidas políticas, a saber: ações pontuais, seletivas e focalizadas. Apesar da existência de uma Política Nacional de Assistência Estudantil PNAES, a prática da Assistência Estudantil no âmbito estadual encontra limites para a sua operacionalização e apresenta necessidade de articulação com outras Políticas, que devem ser apreendidas a partir de uma noção ampliada de Assistência Estudantil. Desta forma, verificamos que o processo de trabalho do(a) assistente social na universidade pública não prescinde das determinações que incidem sobre o mundo do trabalho e das condições objetivas que particulariza a educação superior.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Researchers examining the effects of programs, in this case a state-level pharmaceutical assistance program for the elderly, sometimes must rely on multiple methods of data collection. Two-stage data collection (e.g., a telephone interview followed by a mail questionnaire) was used to obtain a full range of information. Older age groups were found to participate less frequently in the telephone interview, while certain demographic factors characterized mail questionnaire nonparticipants, all of which supports past research. Results also show that those in the poorest health are less likely to participate in the mail survey. Combining the two methods did not result in high attrition, suggesting that innovation can be successfully employed. Knowledge of the bias associated with each method will aid in targeting special groups.


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The medically uninsured population in the United States is 16% or 42 million people and consists of a significant number of Type 2 diabetic patients which is the predominant form of diabetes with 798,000 new cases diagnosed each year. There is limited health services research on uninsured populations concerning health system measures or specific disease conditions. ^ The purpose of this investigation was to determine the impact a newly implemented health care program had on the quality of care provided to patients with Type 2 diabetes. The primary study objective was to compare the quality of care while controlling for utilization, and health status of patients in the new program to their status during the previous financial assistance program. The research design was a retrospective matched-pairs design. The study population consisted of 225 patients who received medical care during 1996 and 1997 at the University Health System in San Antonio, Texas. ^ Six quality of care measures individually failed to demonstrate a statistically significant difference when compared between the two periods. However, an index measure reflecting the number of patients who received all six of the quality of care measures demonstrated a statistically significant increase in 1997 (p-value < 0.05). In 1996, 8 patients (2.6%) received all six medical management components. In 1997, 38 patients (16.8%) received all six medical management components. Four regression models were analyzed; two out of the four models demonstrated inconsistent results based on the program membership variable. ^ It is concluded that there has been a small effect of the Carelink program demonstrated by an increase from 8 to 38 patients receiving all quality of care components for Type 2 diabetics at the UHS. It is recommended that additional research be conducted in order to evaluate the quality of care provided to Type 2 diabetic patients. ^


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Despite rapid growth in the quality and volume of hospitality graduate research and education in recent years, little information is available in the extant body of literature about the program choices of hospitality management graduate students, information that is crucial for program administrators and faculty in their attempts to attract the most promising students to their programs. This paper reports on a study among graduate students in U.S, hospitality management programs designed to understand why they chose to pursue their degrees at their programs of choice. Given the large numbers of international students presently enrolled, the study additionally looked into why international hospitality management students chose to leave their home countries and why they decided to pursue a graduate degree in the U.S. Based on the findings, implications for hospitality administrators and faculty in the U.S. and abroad are discussed and directions for future research are presented.