994 resultados para Structural break


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In this paper, we apply a range of univariate unit root tests including the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) univariate and panel unit root tests to examine PPP for 16 OECD countries. In addition to incorporating structural breaks in the univariate exchange rate series, we also incorporate structural breaks in the panel exchange rate models. Our main finding from univariate tests, with and without structural breaks and panel LM test with one break, is that real exchange rates are not stationary, inconsistent with PPP hypothesis. However, when we incorporate two structural breaks in the univariate LM test, for most countries we find that real exchange rates are stationary. Moreover, we obtain overwhelming support for PPP when we apply panel LM unit root tests with two structural breaks.


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In this paper, we propose a new augmented Dickey–Fuller-type test for unit roots which accounts for
two structural breaks. We consider two different specifications: (a) two breaks in the level of a trending data series and (b) two breaks in the level and slope of a trending data series. The breaks whose time of occurrence is assumed to be unknown are modeled as innovational outliers and thus take effect gradually. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we showthat our proposed test has correct size, stable power, and identifies the structural breaks accurately.


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Nanofiber yarns with controlled twist levels were prepared by twisting a narrow fibrous strip cut directly from electrospun nanofiber mats. The effects of fiber morphology, diameter and orientation, as well as the yarn twist level on the yarn tensile properties were examined. For the yarns made from randomly oriented fine uniform nanofibers (e.g., diameter 359 nm) and beaded nanofibers, the tensile strength increased with increasing the yarn twist level. Higher fiber diameter (e.g., 634 nm) led to the tensile strength having an initial increase and then decrease trend. The modulus increased with the twist level for all the yarns studied. However, the elongation at break increased initially with the twist level and subsequently decreased. The orientation of aligned fibers within the fiber strip greatly influenced the yarn tensile properties. When the fibers were oriented along the fiber length direction, both tensile strength and modulus were the largest.


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In this note, we examine the size and power properties and the break date estimation accuracy of the Lee and Strazicich (LS, 2003) two break endogenous unit root test, based on two different break date selection methods: minimising the test statistic and minimising the sum of squared residuals (SSR). Our results show that the performance of both Models A and C of the LS test are superior when one uses the minimising SSR procedure.


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This paper investigates whether or not multivariate cointegrated process with structural change can describe the Brazilian term structure of interest rate data from 1995 to 2006. In this work the break point and the number of cointegrated vector are assumed to be known. The estimated model has four regimes. Only three of them are statistically different. The first starts at the beginning of the sample and goes until September of 1997. The second starts at October of 1997 until December of 1998. The third starts at January of 1999 and goes until the end of the sample. It is used monthly data. Models that allows for some similarities across the regimes are also estimated and tested. The models are estimated using the Generalized Reduced-Rank Regressions developed by Hansen (2003). All imposed restrictions can be tested using likelihood ratio test with standard asymptotic 1 qui-squared distribution. The results of the paper show evidence in favor of the long run implications of the expectation hypothesis for Brazil.


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In a reccnt paper. Bai and Perron (1998) considcrccl theoretical issues relatec\ lo lhe limiting distriblltion of estimators and test. statist.ics in the linear model \\'ith multiplc struct ural changes. \Ve assess. via simulations, the adequacy of the \'arious I1Iethods suggested. These CO\'er the size and power of tests for structural changes. the cO\'erage rates of the confidence Íntervals for the break dates and the relat.Í\'e merits of methods to select the I1umber of breaks. The \'arious data generating processes considered alIo,,' for general conditions OIl the data and the errors including differellces across segmcll(s. Yarious practical recommendations are made.


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Thin films were prepared using glass precursors obtained in the ternary system NaPO(3)-BaF(2)-WO(3) and the binary system NaPO(3)-WO(3) with high concentrations of WO(3) (above 40% molar). Vitreous samples have been used as a target to prepare thin films. Such films were deposited using the electron beam evaporation method onto soda-lime glass substrates. Several structural characterizations were performed by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) at the tungsten L(I) and L(III) absorption edges. XANES investigations showed that tungsten atoms are only sixfold coordinated (octahedral WO(6)) and that these films are free of tungstate tetrahedral units (WO(4)). In addition, Raman spectroscopy allowed identifying a break in the linear phosphate chains as the amount of WO(3) increases and the formation of P-O-W bonds in the films network indicating the intermediary behavior of WO(6) octahedra in the film network. Based on XANES data, we suggested a new attribution of several Raman absorption bands which allowed identifying the presence of W-O and W=O terminal bonds and a progressive apparition of W-O-W bridging bonds for the most WO(3) concentrated samples (above 40% molar) attributed to the formation of WO(6) clusters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transparent glasses were synthesized in the NaPO3-BaF2 WO3 tertiary system and several structural characterizations were performed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) at the tungsten L-I and L-III absorption edges and by Raman spectroscopy. Special attention was paid to the coordination state of tungsten atoms in the vitreous network.XANES investigations showed that tungsten atoms are only six-fold coordinated (octahedra WO6) and that these glasses are free of tungstate tetrahedra (WO4).In addition, Raman spectroscopy allowed to identify a break in the linear phosphate chains as the amount of WO3 increases and the formation of P-O-W bonds in the vitreous network indicating the modifier behavior of WO6 octahedra in the glass network. Based on XANES data, we suggested a new attribution of several Raman absorption bands which allowed to identify the presence of W-O- and W=O terminal bonds and a progressive apparition of W-O-W bridging bonds for the most WO3 concentrated samples (≥ 30% molar) due to the formation of WO6 clusters. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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First-principles quantum-mechanical techniques, based on density functional theory (B3LYP level) were employed to study the electronic structure of ordered and deformed asymmetric models for Ba0.5Sr 0.5TiO3. Electronic properties are analyzed and the relevance of the present theoretical and experimental results on the photoluminescence behavior is discussed. The presence of localized electronic levels in the band gap, due to the symmetry break, would be responsible for the visible photoluminescence of the amorphous state at room temperature. Thin films were synthesized following a soft chemical processing. Their structure was confirmed by x-ray data and the corresponding photoluminescence properties measured.


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Glasses in the ternary system (70 - x)NaPO3-30WO 3-xBi2O3, with x = 0-30 mol %, were prepared by the conventional melt-quenching technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were performed to confirm the noncrystalline nature of the samples. The influence of the Bi2O3 on the thermal, structural, and optical properties was investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed that the glass transition temperature, Tg, increases from 405 to 440 C for 0 ≤ x ≤ 15 mol % and decreases to 417 C for x = 30 mol %. The thermal stability against devitrification decreases from 156 to 67 C with the increase of the Bi2O3 content. The structural modifications were studied by Raman scattering, showing a bismuth insertion into the phosphate chains by Bi-O-P linkage. Furthermore, up to 15 mol % of Bi 2O3 formation of BiO6 clusters is observed, associated with Bi-O-Bi linkage, resulting in a progressive break of the linear phosphate chains that leads to orthophosphate Q0 units. The linear refractive index, n0, was measured using the prism-coupler technique at 532, 633, and 1550 nm, whereas the nonlinear (NL) refractive index, n 2 was measured at 1064 nm using the Z-scan technique. Values of 1.58 ≤ n0 ≤ 1.88, n2 ≥ 10-15 cm 2/W and NL absorption coefficient, α2 ≤ 0.01 cm/GW, were determined. The linear and NL refractive indices increase with the increase of the Bi2O3 concentration. The large values of n0 and n2, as well as the very small α2, indicate that these materials have large potential for all-optical switching applications in the near-infrared. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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This paper demonstrates that the conventional approach of using official liberalisation dates as the only existing breakdates could lead to inaccurate conclusions as to the effect of the underlying liberalisation policies. It also proposes an alternative paradigm for obtaining more robust estimates of volatility changes around official liberalisation dates and/or other important market events. By focusing on five East Asian emerging markets, all of which liberalised their financial markets in the late, and by using recent advances in the econometrics of structural change, it shows that (i) the detected breakdates in the volatility of stock market returns can be dramatically different to official liberalisation dates and (ii) the use of official liberalisation dates as breakdates can readily entail inaccurate inference. In contrast, the use of data-driven techniques for the detection of multiple structural changes leads to a richer and inevitably more accurate pattern of volatility evolution emerges in comparison with focussing on official liberalisation dates.


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The purpose of this research was to develop and test a multicausal model of the individual characteristics associated with academic success in first-year Australian university students. This model comprised the constructs of: previous academic performance, achievement motivation, self-regulatory learning strategies, and personality traits, with end-of-semester grades the dependent variable of interest. The study involved the distribution of a questionnaire, which assessed motivation, self-regulatory learning strategies and personality traits, to 1193 students at the start of their first year at university. Students' academic records were accessed at the end of their first year of study to ascertain their first and second semester grades. This study established that previous high academic performance, use of self-regulatory learning strategies, and being introverted and agreeable, were indicators of academic success in the first semester of university study. Achievement motivation and the personality trait of conscientiousness were indirectly related to first semester grades, through the influence they had on the students' use of self-regulatory learning strategies. First semester grades were predictive of second semester grades. This research provides valuable information for both educators and students about the factors intrinsic to the individual that are associated with successful performance in the first year at university.