986 resultados para Stress component
Le syndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff (SWK) est un désordre neuropsychiatrique causé par la déficience en thiamine (DT). Dans la DT expérimentale comme dans le SWK, on observe une mort neuronale et des hémorragies dans certaines régions précises du diencéphale et du tronc cérébral. Les lésions diencéphaliques du SWK sont particulièrement sévères et entraînent souvent des séquelles amnésiques permanentes. Le lien entre la dysfonction métabolique induite par la DT et la mort neuronale n’est pas connu. Des rapports précédents ont démontré que la perméabilité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) était altérée et ce, précédant l’apparition du dommage neuronal, suggérant un rôle critique de la dysfonction vasculaire. Les jonctions serrées (JS) interendothéliales, la base anatomique de la BHE, constituent un réseau moléculaire incluant l’occludin et les zonula occludens (ZOs). Cette thèse démontre une perte d’expression et une altération de la morphologie de ces protéines en relation avec la dysfonction de la BHE dans le thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine, fournissant une explication pour la présence d’hémorragies. Le stress oxydatif peut entraîner des dommages directs aux protéines des JS et interférer avec leurs mécanismes de régulation. De plus, l’oxyde nitrique (NO) peut induire la métalloprotéinase matricielle-9 (MMP-9) impliquée dans la dégradation de ces protéines. L’endothélium vasculaire cérébral (EVC) semble être une source importante de NO dans la DT, l’expression de l’oxyde nitrique synthase endothéliale (eNOS) étant sélectivement induite dans les régions vulnérables. Le NO peut réagir avec les espèces réactives oxygénées et former du peroxynitrite, entraînant un stress oxydatif/nitrosatif endothélial. Les résultats présentés démontrent que la délétion du gène de eNOS prévient le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif cérébrovasculaire, l’extravasation des immunoglobulins G (IgGs) et l’altération de l’occludin et des ZOs dans le thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine. De plus, cette délétion prévient l’induction de l’expression de MMP-9 dans l’EVC. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus avec l’antioxydant N-acétylcystéine (NAC). Les mécanismes précis par lesquels les espèces réactives altèrent les protéines des JS sont inconnus. Caveolin-1, une composante majeure du caveolæ de l’EVC, est impliquée dans la régulation de l’expression des protéines des JS, et celle-ci est modulée par le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif; l’altération de l’expression de caveolin-1 a été récemment associée à la rupture de la BHE. Les résultats présentés démontrent que l’expression de caveolin-1 est sélectivement altérée dans l’EVC du thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine, coïcidant avec la rupture de la BHE, et démontrent que la normalisation de l’expression de caveolin-1 par le NAC est associée avec l’atténuation du dommage à la BHE. Pris ensemble, ces résultats démontrent un rôle central du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif cérébrovasculaire, particulièrement celui provenant de eNOS, dans l’altération des JS de la BHE via des dommages directs et via l’induction de MMP-9 et de caveolin-1. Cette rupture de la BHE contribue par conséquent à la mort neuronale dans le thalamus, puisque la prévention des altérations cérébrovasculaires par la délétion du gène de eNOS et le NAC atténue significativement la mort neuronale. L’administration précoce d’antioxydants en combinaison avec la thiamine devrait donc être une considération importante pour le traitement du SWK.
L’objectif central de cette thèse de Doctorat était d’investiguer les dysfonctions mitochondriales qui surviennent précocement au cours de la phase compensée du remodelage ventriculaire pathologique et qui pourraient jouer un rôle causal dans la progression vers l’insuffisance cardiaque. Nos travaux antérieurs, réalisés à l’aide d’un modèle de surcharge volumique chronique induite par une fistule aorto-cavale (ACF) chez le Rat WKHA, ont montré qu’au cours du remodelage ventriculaire, les mitochondries développaient une vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du pore de perméabilité transitionnelle (PTP : un élément clé de la signalisation de la mort cellulaire) [1]. Ceci était observable au stade compensé du remodelage en absence des dysfonctions mitochondriales majeures typiquement observées dans le cœur insuffisant. Ces résultats nous ont amenés à suggérer que la vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP pourrait constituer un mécanisme précoce favorisant la progression de la cardiopathie. Dans l’étude 1 de cette thèse, nous avons tenté de tester cette hypothèse en induisant une ACF chez deux souches de rats affichant de très nettes différences au niveau de la propension à développer l’insuffisance cardiaque : les souches WKHA et Sprague Dawley (SD). Nos études in vitro sur organelles isolées et in situ sur l’organe entier ont permis de confirmer que, dans le cœur ACF, les mitochondries développent une vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP et à l’activation de la voie mitochondriale de la mort cellulaire lorsqu’exposées à des stress pertinents à la pathologie (surcharge calcique, ischémie-reperfusion [I-R]). Cependant, bien que comparativement aux animaux WKHA, les animaux SD démontraient un remodelage ventriculaire plus rapide et prononcé et une progression précoce vers l’insuffisance cardiaque, aucune différence n’était observable entre les deux groupes au niveau des dysfonctions mitochondriales, suggérant quelles ne sont pas à l’origine de la progression plus rapide de la pathologie chez la souche SD, à tout le moins en réponse à la surcharge volumique. Nous avons par la suite déterminé, à l’aide des mêmes approches expérimentales, si cette vulnérabilité mitochondriale était observable dans une cardiopathie d’étiologie différente, plus spécifiquement celle qui est associée à la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD), une maladie génétique causée par une mutation de la protéine dystrophine. Nos études menées (études 2-4) sur de jeunes souris mdx (le modèle murin de la DMD) exemptes de tout signe clinique de cardiopathie n’ont révélé aucune différence au niveau des fonctions mitochondriales de base. Cependant, tout comme dans le modèle d’ACF, les mitochondries dans le cœur de souris mdx étaient significativement plus vulnérables à l’ouverture du PTP lorsque soumises à une I-R (étude 2). Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l’administration aiguë de sildénafil aux souris mdx induisait une abolition de l’ouverture du PTP et de ses conséquences signalétiques, une diminution marquée du dommage tissulaire et une meilleure récupération fonctionnelle à la suite de l’I-R (étude 3). Nous avons ensuite testé chez la souris mdx l’administration aiguë de SS31, un peptide anti-oxydant ciblé aux mitochondries, cependant aucun effet protecteur n’a été observé, suggérant que le tamponnement des radicaux libres est d’une utilité limitée si les perturbations de l’homéostasie calcique typiques à cette pathologie ne sont pas traitées simultanément (étude 4). Globalement, les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse démontrent que la vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP constitue une dysfonction précoce et commune qui survient au cours de remodelages ventriculaires pathologiques d’étiologies différentes. Par ailleurs, ces travaux suggèrent des stratégies d’intervention pharmacologiques ciblant ce processus, dont l’efficacité pour la prévention de l’insuffisance cardiaque demande à être établie.
Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia, a central component in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE); however, a correlation between blood ammonia levels and HE severity remains controversial. It is believed oxidative stress plays a role in modulating the effects of hyperammonemia. This study aimed to determine the relationship between chronic hyperammonemia, oxidative stress, and brain edema (BE) in two rat models of HE: portacaval anastomosis (PCA) and bile-duct ligation (BDL). Ammonia and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, BE, oxidant and antioxidant enzyme activities, as well as lipid peroxidation were assessed both systemically and centrally in these two different animal models. Then, the effects of allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor, 100mg/kg for 10days) on ROS and BE and the temporal resolution of ammonia, ROS, and BE were evaluated only in BDL rats. Similar arterial and cerebrospinal fluid ammonia levels were found in PCA and BDL rats, both significantly higher compared to their respective sham-operated controls (p<0.05). BE was detected in BDL rats (p<0.05) but not in PCA rats. Evidence of oxidative stress was found systemically but not centrally in BDL rats: increased levels of ROS, increased activity of xanthine oxidase (oxidant enzyme), enhanced oxidative modifications on lipids, as well as decreased antioxidant defense. In PCA rats, a preserved oxidant/antioxidant balance was demonstrated. Treatment with allopurinol in BDL rats attenuated both ROS and BE, suggesting systemic oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of BE. Analysis of ROS and ammonia temporal resolution in the plasma of BDL rats suggests systemic oxidative stress might be an important "first hit", which, followed by increases in ammonia, leads to BE in chronic liver failure. In conclusion, chronic hyperammonemia and oxidative stress in combination lead to the onset of BE in rats with chronic liver failure.
Les facteurs psychologiques tels que l'hypnose, l'émotion, le stress et l’attention exercent un effet modulant puissant sur la nociception et la douleur. Toutefois, l’influence de l'attention sur la nociception et la douleur, ainsi que les mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents, ne sont pas clairs. La littérature actuelle sur la modulation attentionnelle des réponses spinales nociceptives, telles que mesurées par le réflexe RIII, et de la perception de l’intensité de la douleur est discordante et souvent contradictoire. Ce mémoire fournit un nouveau cadre pour examiner la modulation du réflexe RIII et de la douleur par l’attention. Une tâche de discrimination sensorielle a été décomposée en trois composantes attentionnelles : la vigilance, l’orientation, et le contrôle exécutif. Auparavant, la nature multidimensionnelle de l’attention fut largement ignorée dans la littérature. Nous démontrons que les composantes attentionnelles ont des effets modulatoires distincts sur la nociception et la douleur et suggérons que ceci représente une partie de la confusion présente dans la littérature. En prenant compte du stress indépendamment, nous démontrons, pour la première fois, que le stress inhibe la modulation attentionnelle du réflexe RIII ce qui indique une interaction et dissociation de la modulation des réponses nociceptives par l’attention et le stress. Ces résultats importants clarifient, en grande partie, les contradictions dans la littérature, puisque les tâches cognitives produisent souvent des augmentations du stress ce qui confond l’interprétation des résultats. De plus, la tâche de discrimination inclut des stimuli visuels et somatosensoriels et révèle que l’influence de l'attention sur la douleur est spatialement spécifique tandis que la modulation attentionnelle de la nociception est spécifique à la modalité des stimuli, au moins en ce qui concerne les modalités examinées. A partir de ces résultats, un nouveau modèle de la modulation attentionnelle des processus de la douleur, basée sur les composantes attentionnelles, a été proposé. Celui-ci est appuyé par la littérature et fournit une explication systématique et intégratrice des résultats antérieurement contradictoires. De plus, à partir de ce modèle, plusieurs mécanismes neuronaux ont été proposés pour sous-tendre la modulation attentionnelle de la nociception et de la douleur.
Competence development is considered a preventive strategy of burnout. At an organizational context some competences could be linked as precursors or consequences. In self-assessment of competence development, students perceive stress tolerance as a priority competence to ameliorate. Moreover employers and recruitment consultants agree that this is a new authentic challenge for organizations. The main reasons of this result are debated, this study should consider the importance of competence development from a holistic point of view. In addition it considers the exploration of the relationship between stress tolerance and competence development, according to Conservation Resources (COR) theory (Hobfoll 1988, 1989, 1998, 2004) where the resource loss is considered the principal component in the stress process
The mechanisms of long-term adaptation to low oxygen environment are quite well studied, but little is known about the sensing of oxygen shortage, the signal transduction and the short-term effects of hypoxia in plant cells. We have found that an RNA helicase eIF4A-III, a putative component of the Exon Junction Complex, rapidly changes its pattern of localisation in the plant nucleus under hypoxic conditions. In normal cell growth conditions GFP- eIF4A-III was mainly nucleoplasmic, but in hypoxia stress conditions it moved to the nucleolus and splicing speckles. This transition occurred within 15-20 min in Arabidopsis culture cells and seedling root cells, but took more than 2 h in tobacco BY-2 culture cells. Inhibition of respiration, transcription or phosphorylation in cells and ethanol treatment had similar effects to hypoxia. The most likely consequence is that a certain mRNA population will remain bound to the eIF4A-III and other mRNA processing proteins, rather than being transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and thus its translation will be suspended.
Colon cancer is a leading and expanding cause of death worldwide. A major contributory factor to this disease is diet composition; some components are beneficial (e.g. dietary fibre) whilst others are detrimental (e.g. alcohol). Garlic oil is a prominent dietary constituent that prevents the development of colorectal cancer. This effect is believed to be mainly due to diallyl disulphide (DADS), which selectively induces redox stress in cancerous (rather than normal) cells which leads to apoptotic cell death. However, the detailed mechanism by which DADS causes apoptosis remains unclear. We show that DADS-treatment of colonic adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) initiates a cascade of molecular events characteristic of apoptosis. These include a decrease in cellular proliferation, translocation of phosphatidylserine to the plasma-membrane outer-layer, activation of caspase-3, genomic-DNA fragmentation and G2/M phase cell-cycle arrest. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly butyrate (abundantly produced in the gut by bacterial fermentation of dietary polysaccharides), enhance colonic cell integrity but, in contrast, inhibit colonic-cancer cell growth. Combining DADS with butyrate augmented the effect of butyrate on HT-29 cells. These results suggest that the anti-cancerous properties of DADS afford greater benefit when supplied with other favourable dietary factors (SCFA/polysaccharides) that likewise reduce colonic tumour development.
The CpxAR (Cpx) two-component regulator controls the expression of genes in response to a variety of environmental cues. The Cpx regulator has been implicated in the virulence of several gram-negative pathogens, although a role for Cpx in vivo has not been demonstrated directly. Here we investigate whether positive or negative control of gene expression by Cpx is important for the pathogenesis of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium. The Cpx signal pathway in serotype Typhimurium was disrupted by insertional inactivation of the cpxA and cpxR genes. We also constitutively activated the Cpx pathway by making an internal in-frame deletion in cpxA (a cpxA* mutation). Activation of the Cpx pathway inhibited induction of the envelope stress response pathway controlled by the alternative sigma factor sigma(E) (encoded by rpoE). Conversely, the Cpx pathway was highly up-regulated (>40-fold) in a serotype Typhimurium rpoE mutant. The cpxA* mutation, but not the cpxA or the cpxR mutation, significantly reduced the capacity of serotype Typhimurium to adhere to and invade eucaryotic cells, although intracellular replication was not affected. The cpxA and cpxA* mutations significantly impaired the ability of serotype Typhimurium to grow in vivo in mice. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the Cpx system is important for a bacterial pathogen in vivo.
It is widely thought that changes in both the surface buoyancy fluxes and wind stress drive variability in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), but that they drive variability on different time scales. For example, wind forcing dominates short-term variability through its effects on Ekman currents and coastal upwelling, whereas buoyancy forcing is important for longer time scales (multiannual and decadal). However, the role of the wind forcing on multiannual to decadal time scales is less clear. Here the authors present an analysis of simulations with the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) ocean model with the aim of explaining the important drivers of the zonal density gradient at 26°N, which is directly related to the AMOC. In the experiments, only one of either the wind stress or the buoyancy forcing is allowed to vary in time, whereas the other remains at its seasonally varying climatology. On subannual time scales, variations in the density gradient, and in the AMOC minus Ekman, are driven largely by local wind-forced coastal upwelling at both the western and eastern boundaries. On decadal time scales, buoyancy forcing related to the North Atlantic Oscillation dominates variability in the AMOC. Interestingly, however, it is found that wind forcing also plays a role at longer time scales, primarily impacting the interannual variability through the excitation of Rossby waves in the central Atlantic, which propagate westward to interact with the western boundary, but also by modulating the decadal time-scale response to buoyancy forcing.
About 90% of the anthropogenic increase in heat stored in the climate system is found the oceans. Therefore it is relevant to understand the details of ocean heat uptake. Here we present a detailed, process-based analysis of ocean heat uptake (OHU) processes in HiGEM1.2, an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) with an eddy-permitting ocean component of 1/3 degree resolution. Similarly to various other models, HiGEM1.2 shows that the global heat budget is dominated by a downward advection of heat compensated by upward isopycnal diffusion. Only in the upper tropical ocean do we find the classical balance between downward diapycnal diffusion and upward advection of heat. The upward isopycnal diffusion of heat is located mostly in the Southern Ocean, which thus dominates the global heat budget. We compare the responses to a 4xCO2 forcing and an enhancement of the windstress forcing in the Southern Ocean. This highlights the importance of regional processes for the global ocean heat uptake. These are mainly surface fluxes and convection in the high latitudes, and advection in the Southern Ocean mid-latitudes. Changes in diffusion are less important. In line with the CMIP5 models, HiGEM1.2 shows a band of strong OHU in the mid-latitude Southern Ocean in the 4xCO2 run, which is mostly advective. By contrast, in the high-latitude Southern Ocean regions it is the suppression of convection that leads to OHU. In the enhanced windstress run, convection is strengthened at high Southern latitudes, leading to heat loss, while the magnitude of the OHU in the Southern mid-latitudes is very similar to the 4xCO2 results. Remarkably, there is only very small global OHU in the enhanced windstress run. The wind stress forcing just leads to a redistribution of heat. We relate the ocean changes at high southern latitudes to the effect of climate change on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). It weakens in the 4xCO2 run and strengthens in the wind stress run. The weakening is due to a narrowing of the ACC, caused by an expansion of the Weddell Gyre, and a flattening of the isopycnals, which are explained by a combination of the wind stress forcing and increased precipitation.
The residual stress distribution that arises in the glass matrix during cooling of a partially crystallized 17.2Na(2)O-32.1CaO-48.1SiO(2)-2.5P(2)O(5) (mol%) bioactive glass-ceramic was measured using the Vickers indentation method proposed by Zeng and Rowcliffe (ZR). The magnitude of the determined residual stress at the crystal/glass boundary was 1/4-1/3 of the values measured using X-ray diffraction (within the crystals) and calculated using Selsing`s model. A correction for the crack geometry factor, assuming a semi-elliptical shape, is proposed and then good agreement between experimental and theoretical values is found. Thus, if the actual crack geometry is taken into account, the indentation technique of ZR can be successfully used. In addition, a numerical model for the calculation of residual stresses that takes into account the hemispherical shape of the crystalline precipitates at a free surface was developed. The result is that near the sample surface, the radial component of the residual stress is increased by 70% in comparison with the residual stress calculated by Selsing`s model.
Components of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are major players in processes known to generate genetic diversity, such as mutagenesis and DNA recombination. Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease has a highly heterogeneous population, composed of a pool of strains with distinct characteristics. Studies with a number of molecular markers identified up to six groups in the T. cruzi population, which showed distinct levels of genetic variability. To investigate the molecular basis for such differences, we analyzed the T. cruzi MSH2 gene, which encodes a key component of MMR, and showed the existence of distinct isoforms of this protein. Here we compared cell survival rates after exposure to genotoxic agents and levels of oxidative stress-induced DNA in different parasite strains. Analyses of msh2 mutants in both T. cruzi and T. brucei were also used to investigate the role of Tcmsh2 in the response to various DNA damaging agents. The results suggest that the distinct MSH2 isoforms have differences in their activity. More importantly, they also indicate that, in addition to its role in MMR, TcMSH2 acts in the parasite response to oxidative stress through a novel mitochondrial function that may be conserved in T. brucei. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Photoacoustics as a tool for the diagnosis of radicular stress: Measurements in eucalyptus seedlings
In reforesting companies (cellulose industry), eucalyptus is usually cultivated in small plastic containers (50 mL). As seedlings remain for about 120 days in these containers-until transplantation-their roots become space restricted, with consequent limitations in water and nutrient absorption. These restrictions may lead to plant stress, decreasing productivity. In this work, we used the photoacoustic technique to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and E. urograndis seedlings subjected to this limited space availability, seeking a correlation with morphological parameters and fluorescence measurements in these seedlings. Photoacoustic, fluorescence, and morphological analysis were conducted every 15 days, from 45 to 120 days after sowing. Fluorescence and photosynthetic rate were evaluated in vivo and in situ, the latter one using the open photoacoustic technique. Data show that root dry matter diminished markedly at 90 and 120 days after sowing; this behavior showed a high correlation with the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic signal, as well as with the fluorescence ratio Fv/Fm. These results indicate that the soil volume of the container becomes insufficient for the roots after 90 days, probably leading to a nutritional deficiency in plants, which explains the decrease observed in the photosynthetic rate of seedlings. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Residual stresses play an important role in the fatigue lives of structural engineering components. In the case of near surface tensile residual stresses, the initiation and propagation phases of fatigue process are accelerated; on the other hand, compressive residual stresses close to the surface may increase fatigue life. In both decorative and functional applications, chromium electroplating results in excellent wear and corrosion resistance. However, it is well known that it reduces the fatigue strength of a component. This is due to high tensile internal stresses and microcrack density. Efforts to improve hard chromium properties have increased in recent years. In this study, the effect of a nickel layer sulphamate process, as simple layer and interlayer, on fatigue strength of hard chromium electroplated AISI 4340 steel hardness - HRc 53, was analysed. The analysis was performed by rotating bending fatigue tests on AISI 4340 steel specimens with the following experimental groups: base material, hard chromium electroplated, sulphamate nickel electroplated, sulphamate nickel interlayer on hard chromium electroplated and electroless nickel interlayer on hard chromium electroplated. Results showed a decrease in fatigue strength in coated specimens and that both nickel plating interlayers were responsible for the increase in fatigue life of AISI 4340 chromium electroplated steel. The shot peening pre-treatment was efficient in reducing fatigue loss in the alternatives studied.
Fiber reinforced polymer composites have been widely applied in the aeronautical field. However, composite processing, which uses unlocked molds, should be avoided in view of the tight requirements and also due to possible environmental contamination. To produce high performance structural frames meeting aeronautical reproducibility and low cost criteria, the Brazilian industry has shown interest to investigate the resin transfer molding process (RTM) considering being a closed-mold pressure injection system which allows faster gel and cure times. Due to the fibrous composite anisotropic and non homogeneity characteristics, the fatigue behavior is a complex phenomenon quite different from to metals materials crucial to be investigated considering the aeronautical application. Fatigue sub-scale specimens of intermediate modulus carbon fiber non-crimp multi-axial reinforcement and epoxy mono-component system composite were produced according to the ASTM 3039 D. Axial fatigue tests were carried out according to ASTM D 3479. A sinusoidal load of 10 Hz frequency and load ratio R = 0.1. It was observed a high fatigue interval obtained for NCF/RTM6 composites. Weibull statistical analysis was applied to describe the failure probability of materials under cyclic loads and fractures pattern was observed by scanning electron microscopy. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.