895 resultados para Strategic Environmental Assessment
Shows recommended changes at the Childs Park recreation area within the N.R.A. on the Pa. side of the Delaware River.
International audience
Sustainability assessments were carried out in small-holders? farms in four territories where productive arrangements have been organized for production of minor oleagi- nous crops under the Brazilian biodiesel program. The study aimed at checking local impacts of the biodiesel productive chains at the rural establishment scale, and pro- moting the environmental performance of the selected farms, henceforth proposed as sustainable management demonstration units. Assessments were carried out with the APOIA-NovoRural system, which integrates 62 objective and quantitative indicators re- lated to five sustainability dimensions: i) Landscape Ecology, ii) Environmental Quality (Atmosphere, Water and Soil), iii) Socio-cultural Values, iv) Economic Values and v) Management and Administration. The main results point out that, in general, the eco- logical dimensions of sustainability, that is, the Landscape Ecology and Atmosphere, Water, and Soil quality indicators, show adequate field conditions, seemingly not yet negatively affected by increases in chemical inputs and natural resources use predicted as important potential impacts of the agro-energy sector. The Economic Values indica- tors have been favorably influenced in the studied farms, due to a steadier demand and improved prices for the oleaginous crops. On the other hand, valuable positive conse- quences expected for favoring farmers? market insertion, such as improved Socio-cultural Values and Management & Administration indicators, are still opportunities to be ma-terialized. The Environmental Management Reports issued to the farmers, based on the presented sustainability assessment procedures, offer valuable documentation and com-munication means for consolidating the organizational influence of the local productive arrangements studied. These productive arrangements were shown to be determinant for the selection of crop associations and diversification, as well as for the provision of technical assistance and the stabilization of demand - conditions that promote value aggregation and income improvements, favoring small-holders? insertion in the market. More importantly, these locally organized productive arrangements have been shown to strongly influence the valorization of natural resources and environmental assets, which are fundamental if sustainable rural development is to take place under the emerging agro-energy scenario.
Doutoramento em Gestão.
Building's construction activities, operation and demolition are increasingly recognised as a major source of environmental impact. One strategy for reducing such impacts is most widely known by the term Building Environmental Assessment (BEA). The research is an attempt to develop a new BEA scheme for residential buildings in Brunei which focussing on identifying BEA indicators that best suit for Brunei environment, social and economy. Studies show that Brunei residential sector needs urgent attention to transform its current consumption rate in more sustainable way. Recent launch of Brunei Green Building Council, mandatory energy efficiency guidelines and declaration of ambitious energy intensity reduction target, a new BEA scheme will help contribute sustainability target in residential sector. However the issues of developing a new BEA schemes using existing methods may face constraints in their effectiveness. In this regard, a consensus-forming technique-Delphi method-helps improve greater communication and gain consensus from experts in the construction industry through series of questionnaires. As a result, the final framework is produced comprises of 7 key categories and 37 applicable criteria that achieved high degree of consensus and importance.
During the PhD program in chemistry at the University of Bologna, the environmental sustainability of some industrial processes was studied through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the study of processes under development, in order to assess their environmental impacts to guide their transfer on an industrial scale. Processes that could meet the principles of Green Chemistry have been selected and their environmental benefits have been evaluated through a holistic approach. The use of renewable sources was assessed through the study of terephthalic acid production from biomass (which showed that only the use of waste can provide an environmental benefit) and a new process for biogas upgrading (whose potential is to act as a carbon capture technology). Furthermore, the basis for the development of a new methodology for the prediction of the environmental impact of ionic liquids has been laid. It has already shown good qualities in identifying impact trends, but further research on it is needed to obtain a more reliable and usable model. In the context of sustainable development that will not only be sector-specific, the environmental performance of some processes linked to the primary production sector has also been evaluated. The impacts of some organic farming practices in the wine production were analysed, the use of the Cereal Unit parameter was proposed as a functional unit for the comparison of different crop rotations, and the carbon footprint of school canteen meals was calculated. The results of the analyses confirm that sustainability in the industrial production sector should be assessed from a life cycle perspective, in order to consider all the flows involved during the different phases. In particular, it is necessary that environmental assessments adopt a cradle-to-gate approach, to avoid shifting the environmental burden from one phase to another.
Thesis submitted to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering
Im Mittelpunkt der Dissertation stehen das Schutzgut ‚Landschaft’ sowie ‚Prognosemethoden in der Umweltprüfung’. Mit beiden Themenbereichen verbinden sich bereits heute ungelöste methodische Probleme, die mit der Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur Strategischen Umweltprüfung (SUP) zusätzlich komplexer und deren Lösung mithin anspruchsvoller werden. Dies hängt einerseits damit zusammen, dass eine gesetzeskonforme Gleichbehandlung aller Schutzgüter zunehmend eingefordert wird und gerade das Schutzgut ‚Landschaft’ in einer SUP methodisch besondere Aufmerksamkeit verlangt. Zum anderen führt die gängige planungsmethodische Diskussion allein nicht zu geeigneten Antworten auf o.g. Fragen, und es bedarf der Prüfung verschiedener Methodenbausteine, auch aus anderen Wissensgebieten, um – über ein eindimensionales Landschaftsverständnis einerseits und die bisher bekannten linearen Wirkungsprognosen andererseits hinaus gehend – mehrfach verknüpfte Prognoseschritte zur Anwendung in der SUP zu entwickeln, in denen das Schutzgut ‚Landschaft’ modellhaft für Bewertungsschritte nachvollziehbar abgebildet wird. Hierbei müssen entscheidungsrelevante Prognosezeiträume ebenso beachtet werden, wie in diesen Zeiträumen möglicherweise auftretende sekundäre, kumulative, synergetische, positive und negative Auswirkungen der zu beurteilenden Planung. Dieser Ziel- und Aufgabenstellung entsprechend erfolgt die theoretische Herangehensweise der Arbeit von zwei Seiten: 1. Die Funktionen und Stellung von Prognosen innerhalb der SUP wird erläutert (Kap. 2), und es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Anforderungen an Prognosemethoden zu stellen sind (Kap. 2.4) und welche Prognosemethoden in der SUP Verwendung finden bzw. finden können (Kap. 3). Der Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf die Anwendung der Szenariotechnik gelegt. 2. Es wird dargestellt wie Landschaft für Aufgaben der Landschaftsplanung und Umweltprüfung bisher üblicherweise erfasst und analysiert wird, um in Prognoseschritten handhabbar behandelt zu werden (Kap. 4). Beide Zugänge werden sodann zusammengeführt (Kap. 5), um am Beispiel einer Hochwasserschutzkonzeption im Rahmen der SUP Landschaftliche Prognosen zu erarbeiten. Die Prognose setzt methodisch mit der Beschreibung des zu verwendenden Landschaftsmodells und der Klärung des Modellzwecks ein. Bezugsbasis ist die Beschreibung des Charakters einzelner logisch hergeleiteter Landschaftseinheiten bzw. Landschaftsräume, die typisiert werden. Die Prognose selber unterscheidet zwischen der Abschätzung zu erwartender Landschaftsveränderungen im Sinne der ‚Status-quo-Prognose’ (einschließlich der Entwicklung von drei Szenarien möglicher Zukunftslandschaften bis 2030) und der Wirkungsabschätzungen verschiedener Maßnahmen bzw. Planungsalternativen und zwar zunächst raumunabhängig, und dann raumkonkret. Besondere Bedeutung bei den Wirkungsabschätzungen erhält die klare Trennung von Sach- und Wertebene, eine angemessene Visualisierung und die Dokumentation von Informationslücken und Unsicherheiten bei der Prognose. Diskutiert wird u.a. (Kap. 6) · die Bildung und Abgrenzung landschaftlicher Einheiten und Typen in Bezug zu der Aufgabe, landschaftliche Eigenart zu definieren und planerisch handhabbar und anwendbar zu bestimmen, · die Bedeutung angemessener Visualisierung zur Unterstützung von Beteiligungsverfahren und · die Bestimmung des so genannten ‚Raumwiderstandes’. Beigefügt sind zwei Karten des gesamten Bearbeitungsgebietes: Karte 1 „Landschaftstypen“, Karte 2 „Maßnahmentypen des Hochwasserschutzes mit möglichen Synergieeffekten für die Landschaft“.
Mit der Verwirklichung ,Ökologischer Netzwerke‘ werden Hoffnungen zum Stopp des Verlustes der biologischen Vielfalt verknüpft. Sowohl auf gesamteuropäischer Ebene (Pan-European Ecological Network - PEEN) als auch in den einzelnen Staaten entstehen Pläne zum Aufbau von Verbundsystemen. Im föderalen Deutschland werden kleinmaßstäbliche Biotopverbundplanungen auf Landesebene aufgestellt; zum nationalen Biotopverbund bestehen erste Konzepte. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist auf diese überörtlichen, strategisch vorbereitenden Planungsebenen ausgerichtet. Ziele des Verbunds sind der Erhalt von Populationen insbesondere der gefährdeten Arten sowie die Ermöglichung von Ausbreitung und Wanderung. Aufgrund fehlender Datengrundlagen zu den Arten und Populationen ist es nicht ohne weiteres möglich, die Konzepte und Modelle der Populationsökologie in die überörtlichen Planungsebenen zu übertragen. Gemäß der o.g. Zielstellungen sollte sich aber die Planung von Verbundsystemen an den Ansprüchen der auf Verbund angewiesenen Arten orientieren. Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer praktikablen GIS-gestützten Planungshilfe zur größtmöglichen Integration ökologischen Wissens unter der Bedingung eingeschränkter Informationsverfügbarkeit. Als Grundlagen dazu werden in Übersichtsform zunächst die globalen, europäisch-internationalen und nationalen Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen bezüglich des Aufbaus von Verbundsystemen zusammengestellt. Hier sind die Strategien zum PEEN hervorzuheben, die eine Integration ökologischer Inhalte insbesondere durch die Berücksichtigung räumlich-funktionaler Beziehungen fordern. Eine umfassende Analyse der landesweiten Biotopverbundplanungen der BRD zeigte die teilweise erheblichen Unterschiede zwischen den Länderplanungen auf, die es aktuell nicht ermöglichen, ein schlüssiges nationales Konzept zusammenzufügen. Nicht alle Länder haben landesweite Biotopverbundplanungen und Landeskonzepte, bei denen dem geplanten Verbund die Ansprüche von Arten zugrunde gelegt werden, gibt es nur ansatzweise. Weiterhin wurde eine zielgerichtete Eignungsprüfung bestehender GIS-basierter Modelle und Konzepte zum Verbund unter Berücksichtigung der regelmäßig in Deutschland verfügbaren Datengrundlagen durchgeführt. Da keine integrativen regelorientierten Ansätze vorhanden waren, wurde der vektorbasierte Algorithmus HABITAT-NET entwickelt. Er arbeitet mit ,Anspruchstypen‘ hinsichtlich des Habitatverbunds, die stellvertretend für unterschiedliche ökologische Gruppen von (Ziel-) Arten mit terrestrischer Ausbreitung stehen. Kombiniert wird die Fähigkeit zur Ausbreitung mit einer Grobtypisierung der Biotopbindung. Die wichtigsten Grundlagendaten bilden die jeweiligen (potenziellen) Habitate von Arten eines Anspruchstyps sowie die umgebende Landnutzung. Bei der Bildung von ,Lebensraumnetzwerken‘ (Teil I) werden gestufte ,Funktions- und Verbindungsräume‘ generiert, die zu einem räumlichen System verknüpft sind. Anschließend kann die aktuelle Zerschneidung der Netzwerke durch Verkehrstrassen aufgezeigt werden, um darauf aufbauend prioritäre Abschnitte zur Wiedervernetzung zu ermitteln (Teil II). Begleitend wird das Konzept der unzerschnittenen Funktionsräume (UFR) entworfen, mit dem die Indikation von Habitatzerschneidung auf Landschaftsebene möglich ist. Diskutiert werden schließlich die Eignung der Ergebnisse als kleinmaßstäblicher Zielrahmen, Tests zur Validierung, Vergleiche mit Verbundplanungen und verschiedene Setzungen im GIS-Algorithmus. Erläuterungen zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten erfolgen beispielsweise für die Bereiche Biotopverbund- und Landschaftsplanung, Raumordnung, Strategische Umweltprüfung, Verkehrswegeplanung, Unterstützung des Konzeptes der Lebensraumkorridore, Kohärenz im Schutzgebietssystem NATURA 2000 und Aufbau von Umweltinformationssystemen. Schließlich wird ein Rück- und Ausblick mit der Formulierung des weiteren Forschungsbedarfs verknüpft.
En este artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre la forma en que se ha incorporado la noción de sostenibilidad ambiental en el ordenamiento físico urbano en Colombia, una aproximación parcial que ha privilegiado algunos componentes físicos de la estructura ecológica, sin considerar suficientemente las implicaciones de aspectos tales como el suelo urbano, las actuaciones de los servicios públicos, las racionalidades de consumo y el metabolismo de la ciudad, los cuales tienen una mayor incidencia sobre la sostenibilidad urbana. El seguimiento a esta tendencia de incorporar herramientas de planeación ambiental estratégica sirve, en primera instancia, para llevar a cabo una reflexión crítica sobre el ordenamiento físico en nuestro medio, la planeación para el desarrollo urbano sostenible, los modelos de ciudad y la participación ciudadana El artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera se presentan consideraciones sobre sostenibilidad urbana como el marco de la evaluación estratégica ambiental. En la segunda parte se presenta la Evaluación Estratégica Ambiental (EAE) en la formulación de políticas, programas, planes y proyectos. Finalmente, se hacen algunas consideraciones sobre la necesidad de incorporar la EAE en las agendas de formulación y concertación ambiental de temas estratégicos, políticas y planeamiento urbano en Colombia.---The potential for integrated strategic environmental assessment: food for thought on urban sustainability in ColombiaThis article presents a reflection on how the notion of environmental sustainability in the physical urban system was incorporated in Colombia, a partial approach that has privileged some physical components of the ecological structure, without sufficiently considering the implications of such aspects as urban land, the actions of public services, consumer rationalities and metabolism of the city, which have a greater impact on urban sustainability. Monitoring this trend of incorporating strategic environmental planning tools, served in the first instance to undertake a critical reflection on the physical arrangement in our environment, planning for sustainable urban development, and models of city and citizen participation. The article is divided into three parts. The first presents considerations on urban sustainability as the framework of strategic environmental assessment. In the second part presents the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the formulation of policies, programs, plans and projects. Finally, some considerations are made about the need to incorporate the SEA into the agendas of environmental design and coordination of strategic issues, policies and urban planning in Colombia. Key words: Strategic Environmental Assessment (EEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), public policies, environmental assessment, urban sustainability, urban management.---As possibilidades da avaliação estratégica ambiental integrada: Elementos para a reflexão sobre a sustentabilidade urbana na ColômbiaNeste artigo se apresenta uma reflexão sobre a forma em que se tem incorporado a noção de sustentabilidade ambiental no ordenamento físico urbano na Colômbia, uma aproximação parcial que tem privilegiado alguns componentes físicos da estrutura ecológica sem considerar suficientemente as implicações de aspectos tais como o solo urbano, as atuações dos serviços públicos, as racionalidades de consumo e o metabolismo da cidade, os quais têm uma maior incidência sobre a sustentabilidade urbana. O seguimento a esta tendência de incorporar ferramentas de planejamento ambiental estratégica serve, em primeira instância, para levar a cabo uma reflexão crítica sobre o ordenamento físico em nosso meio, o planejamento para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, os modelos de cidade e a participação cidadã. O artigo se divide em três partes. Na primeira se apresentam considerações sobre sustentabilidade urbana como o marco da avaliação estratégica ambiental. Na segunda parte se apresenta a Avaliação Estratégica Ambiental (Evaluación Estratégica Ambiental - EAE) na formulação de políticas, programas, planos e projetos. Finalmente, se fazem algumas considerações sobre a necessidade de incorporar a EAE nas agendas de formulação e concerto ambiental de temas estratégicos, políticas y planejamento urbano na Colômbia.Palavras chave: Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (EAE), Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), política pública urbana, sustentabilidade urbana, gestão urbana, gestão ambiental.
The impact of energy policy measures has been assessed with various appraisal and evaluation tools since the 1960s. Decision analysis, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment are all notable examples of progenitors of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in the assessment of energy policies, programmes and projects. This chapter provides overview of policy tools which have been historically applied to assess the impacts of energy policies, programmes and projects. It focuses on the types of data and models that typically inform RIAs for energy policies; the organisations involved; and issues of data exchange between energy companies and policy-makers. Examples are derived from the European Commission, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and France. It is concluded that the technical and economic analysis underpinning RIAs on energy policy and regulation varies significantly depending on the type of organisation carrying them out.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o instrumento denominado Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) aplicado ao contexto brasileiro, para descobrir (1) se a AAE pode ser efetiva no sentido de influenciar de fato a tomada de decisão e alterar a cultura governamental em relação ao meio ambiente; (2) quais fatores podem influenciar a efetividade; e (3) de que forma a dimensão jurídico-institucional pode influenciar a efetividade. Para tanto, este trabalho fará, em primeiro lugar, um referencial teórico sobre a AAE e sua efetividade, adotando a premissa de que efetividade, para os efeitos deste trabalho, é o mesmo que “a influência real da AAE no processo de tomada de decisão e a alteração da visão governamental a respeito do meio ambiente” – o que pode por consequência promover o desenvolvimento sustentável. Esta primeira parte também apresentará as vantagens, obstáculos e boas práticas da AAE de acordo com a literatura, e brevemente descreverá a institucionalização da AAE no Brasil e na Holanda (como um exemplo de caso bem sucedido). Na segunda parte, será apresentado um estudo de caso da AAE feita para o Programa de Geração Hidrelétrica de Minas Gerais (PGHMG), a fim de verificar sua efetividade e quais fatores tiveram influência sobre ela. O terceiro tópico então extrairá lições do caso PGHMG, especialmente considerando a dimensão jurídico-institucional da AAE, e como ela pode influenciar sua efetividade. A questão a ser respondida, nesta terceira parte do trabalho, é se uma norma aberta que dá ampla oportunidade para o governo decidir se, quando e como implementar a AAE (como no caso PGHMG) é a regra ideal no contexto brasileiro. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que a AAE tem a potencialidade de ser efetivamente utilizada no processo de tomada de decisão governamental brasileiro e alterar a visão governamental a respeito do meio ambiente, possuindo o condão de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável, apesar de ter de superar obstáculos consideráveis relacionados a questões políticas e institucionais; para ser implementada em escala nacional, ainda segundo a nossa hipótese, é necessário desenvolver normas mais restritivas em relação à discricionariedade administrativa, de forma a criar um procedimento de AAE obrigatório pelo governo.
Planned to be a process of early evaluation of Politics, Plans and Programs (PPPs), which interfere in the environment; the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) suggests a methodology for planning and managing the land, which overcomes the limitations of the traditional plans that try to mitigate the environmental impacts of Projects, assuming a pro-active conception that incorporates the social and environmental aspects in the planning stage of the PPPs. This kind of Evaluation surpasses the existing limitations of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), once the EIA happens after the planning process, when lots of decisions have been made and carried out. In order to overcome the limitations of EIA, the SEA is a strategic tool in the process of planning and managing the land. When we focus on the PPPs and not on the Projects, the SEA, which is more political than technical, priorizes the strategies that assure the integration of the environmental, social, economic and institutional aspects into the planning process, in private or public organizations. In this context, this work aims to establish the concept basis of the Strategic Environmental Evaluation as a tool for land planning and managing. The methodology procedures used here lie in the literature review concerning the SEA, analyzing how this tool can be introduced as an alternative for sustainable development. Although the SEA is a tool that introduces the sustainable development theme as a guiding principle of planning, it is seldom used by managers and decision makers, locally and nationally
Planned to be a process of early evaluation of Politics, Plans and Programs (PPPs), which interfere in the environment; the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) suggests a methodology for planning and managing the land, which overcomes the limitations of the traditional plans that try to mitigate the environmental impacts of Projects, assuming a pro-active conception that incorporates the social and environmental aspects in the planning stage of the PPPs. This kind of Evaluation surpasses the existing limitations of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), once the EIA happens after the planning process, when lots of decisions have been made and carried out. In order to overcome the limitations of EIA, the SEA is a strategic tool in the process of planning and managing the land. When we focus on the PPPs and not on the Projects, the SEA, which is more political than technical, priorizes the strategies that assure the integration of the environmental, social, economic and institutional aspects into the planning process, in private or public organizations. In this context, this work aims to establish the concept basis of the Strategic Environmental Evaluation as a tool for land planning and managing. The methodology procedures used here lie in the literature review concerning the SEA, analyzing how this tool can be introduced as an alternative for sustainable development. Although the SEA is a tool that introduces the sustainable development theme as a guiding principle of planning, it is seldom used by managers and decision makers, locally and nationally
Planned to be a process of early evaluation of Politics, Plans and Programs (PPPs), which interfere in the environment; the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) suggests a methodology for planning and managing the land, which overcomes the limitations of the traditional plans that try to mitigate the environmental impacts of Projects, assuming a pro-active conception that incorporates the social and environmental aspects in the planning stage of the PPPs. This kind of Evaluation surpasses the existing limitations of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), once the EIA happens after the planning process, when lots of decisions have been made and carried out. In order to overcome the limitations of EIA, the SEA is a strategic tool in the process of planning and managing the land. When we focus on the PPPs and not on the Projects, the SEA, which is more political than technical, priorizes the strategies that assure the integration of the environmental, social, economic and institutional aspects into the planning process, in private or public organizations. In this context, this work aims to establish the concept basis of the Strategic Environmental Evaluation as a tool for land planning and managing. The methodology procedures used here lie in the literature review concerning the SEA, analyzing how this tool can be introduced as an alternative for sustainable development. Although the SEA is a tool that introduces the sustainable development theme as a guiding principle of planning, it is seldom used by managers and decision makers, locally and nationally