593 resultados para Stereotypes.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Em meio às diversas transformações sofridas pelo casamento e pela família ao longo da história, várias configurações familiares convivem na contemporaneidade: nuclear, monoparental, homoparental, recomposta, entre outras possibilidades. Nesse contexto, aumenta, em vários países, e mais recentemente no Brasil, o número de casais que escolhem não ter filhos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, incluindo publicações nacionais e internacionais. A busca foi feita em bases de dados (Web of Science, PsycINFO, Medline, SciELO, Lilacs, Psicodoc, BVS-Psi, Dedalus), e foram levantados artigos completos em periódicos indexados e resumos de teses e dissertações produzidas nos últimos dez anos. Os resultados coletados abordam diversas facetas do fenômeno da escolha contemporânea por não ter filhos: motivações declaradas, associação entre esse tipo de escolha e a situação profissional, relação com fatores de história de vida e família de origem, satisfação de vida e conjugal, preconceito e estereótipos negativos.
This paper presents SMarty, a variability management approach for UML-based software product lines (PL). SMarty is supported by a UML profile, the SMartyProfile, and a process for managing variabilities, the SMartyProcess. SMartyProfile aims at representing variabilities, variation points, and variants in UML models by applying a set of stereotypes. SMartyProcess consists of a set of activities that is systematically executed to trace, identify, and control variabilities in a PL based on SMarty. It also identifies variability implementation mechanisms and analyzes specific product configurations. In addition, a more comprehensive application of SMarty is presented using SEI's Arcade Game Maker PL. An evaluation of SMarty and related work are discussed.
This study examined the intergroup language used by young heterosexual Australians in conversations about HIV/AIDS and safe sex. Sixty male and 72 female heterosexuals participated in four-person facilitated conversations (same-sex or mixed-sex) about HIV/AIDS and safe sex, which were recorded and transcribed. We focused on extracts concerning strangers or malevolent individuals who appear to be group members, along with extracts involving foreign national groups. Discourse analysis showed that groups at lower levels of social distance were constructed mainly in terms of individual responsibility. At moderate social distance, stereotypes were more negative, but sub-typing was common, whereas at the highest levels, people were constructed entirely in intergroup terms. The findings of this study suggest that HN prevention programs should make reference to all salient outgroups, so as to neutralize communicative strategies that strengthen intergroup boundaries as a means of reducing perceived personal threat of HIV infection.
Three experiments examined the relationship between distinctiveness and self-schematicity. Experiment I revealed that people were more likely to be self-schematic in domains of strong performance when they felt distinct from family and peers in those domains. Experiments 2 and 3 extended this finding into the arena of stereotypes by demonstrating that people were more likely to be self-schematic in domains of strong performance when their performance was counterstereotypic rather than stereotypic. In particular, African Americans and women were more likely to be schematic for intelligence than Caucasians and men if they performed well academically, whereas Caucasians-especially men-were more likely than African Americans to be schematic for athletics if they performed well athletically. These results suggest that counterstereotypic behavior plays a uniquely powerful role in the development of the self-concept.
This study provided information about how individual workers perceive, describe and interpret episodes of problematic communication. Sixteen full-time workers (5 males, 11 females) were interviewed in depth about specific incidents of problematic communication within their workplace. Their descriptions of the attributed causes of the incidents were coded using a categorisation scheme developed from Coupland, Wieman, and Giles' (1991) model of sources of problematic communication. Communication problems were most commonly attributed to individual deficiency and group membership, although there were differences depending on the direction of communication. The most negative attributions (to personality flaws, to lack of skills, and to negative stereotypes of the outgroup) were most commonly applied by individuals to their supervisors, whilst attributions applied to co-workers and subordinates tended to be less negative, or even positive in some instances (where individuals attributed the fault to themselves). Overall, results highlighted distinctions between the perceptions of communication problems with supervisors and with subordinates, and are interpreted with reference to social identity theory.
Research investigating the role of stereotypes in jury decision-making has typically considered stereotypes as acting as peripheral cues in determin ing the credibility of experts or likelihood of guilt of defendants — with counter-stereotypic courtroom participants faring less well. The present study investigated the possibility that the extent to which courtroom participants are stereotypic can alter the mode of information processing. Students (N = 78) read a transcript of a case in which either a male or female allegedly committed an armed robbery. As predicted, the female counter-stereotypic defendant was distracting and effortful processing only occurred when the defendant was male. The male was seen as more guilty and the prosecution's case was more convincing when the prosecution had a strong, but not weak, case. There were no effects of case strength for the female defendant. Results are discussed in terms of the role of stereotypes in the jury decision-making.
The present study investigated whether people used the gender of an expert witness as a heuristic cue to evaluate the evidence presented by the expert. Specifically, the gender of the expert and the complexity of the expert's testimony (low, high) were varied systematically within a simulated civil trial involving an antitrust price-fixing agreement. It was expected that the male expert would be more persuasive than the female expert, but only when the testimony presented was complex. As predicted, this interaction was revealed across a range of dependent measures. Somewhat unexpected was the finding of a female expert advantage in the low-complexity condition. The implications of these findings are discussed.
This article examines the language strategies used in everyday explanation by young heterosexual adults to attribute blame for the transmission of HIV: Seventy-two-female and 60 male Australian university students took part in the study. They were formed into groups of four, with each group taking part in discussions about HIV: AIDS, and related matters. Transcripts were examined for instances of blaming, and a coding scheme for levels of attributed responsibility applied to those instances found. Language strategies of distancing self from HN and AIDS were then coded, including checks for who was blamed whether they were members of participants' ingroups or outgroups, and whether justifications were used. These findings are discussed in terms of positioning the self vis-a-vis HIV and AIDS, as well as the ways in which negative stereotypes were used in attributing blame to members of outgroups.
In this paper, we assess the traits that older adultsassociate with younger, middle-aged, and older adults in fivePacific Rim nations from Western and Eastern cultural traditions(Australia, People's Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong,Philippines, Thailand). We find cross-cultural trends whichreplicate patterns found in the US context. In most cultures,attractiveness, strength, activity, liberalism, health, andflexibility are seen to decline with increasing age. Kindnessassessments are positively associated with age across cultures. Mixed patterns are found with assessments of wisdom andgenerosity, with respondents from the PRC and Hong Kong beingnotably more negative about increasing age than otherrespondents. Implications for the aging process across culturesare discussed, and suggestions made for future research.
The present study utilized a social rules approach to investigate the relative influence of gender and status on managers' self-evaluations of their effectiveness in handling a dominating subordinate. In the first study 84 White middle-class participants identified the prescriptive and proscriptive rules for socially appropriate responding to a stimulus situation involving a pushy subordinate. Four rule sets were identified for female and male managers and subordinates, respectively. Rule-sets shared a number of common rules and showed some variation according to gender roles. In the second study, 91 White middle-class participants rated the individual rules for importance and also rated their personal and managerial effectiveness when responding to the stimulus situation using gender- and status-consistent and gender-and status-inconsistent response strategies. Both men and women rated the female gender and status- consistent strategy as most effective, and rated the status-inconsistent strategy as less effective than a gender-inconsistent response. Results were interpreted as providing more support for a situational gender-related theory of workplace behavior, rather than a traditional gender role perspective.
Este trabalho apresenta os conceitos de tradução de forma ampla, rompendo com a concepção de transformação de uma mensagem em um determinado código linguístico para outro, na qual busca-se apenas uma equivalência literal. Objetiva-se discutir a partir de teóricos em torno das teorias pós-coloniais e desconstrucionistas como Bhabha (2010), Hall (2006), Derrida (2006), Ottoni (2005), Orlandi (2008) e Niranjana (2011), a possibilidade de reposicionar a tradução, entendendo-a como ferramenta capaz de desconstruir paradigmas dominantes e, assim, recontar histórias, constituindo-se pontes plásticas. Assim, buscar-se-á pensar a tradução, na sua plasticidade, promovendo pontes que manifestam os cruzamentos existentes entre línguas, evidenciando o homem como cruzamento de diversos sujeitos. Como objeto empírico de análise, utilizaremos três verbetes presentes no site Wikipédia, nos quais traços da identidade brasileira estão envolvidos e investigar-se-á, a partir da leitura estereoscópica e da Teoria da Relevância proposta por Speber & Wilson (2001), os nuances nos processos tradutórios que podem contribuir para a forma como o Brasil é representado tanto pelas comunidades locais quanto estrangeiras, levando à constituição de estereótipos. A pesquisa aqui proposta se mostra relevante, uma vez que, objetiva estudar um corpus pouco explorado academicamente, mas em voga socialmente, já que o site Wikipédia se encontra entre os dez mais acessados da atualidade, com mais de 300 milhões de acessos únicos, além da importância de ser uma fonte de construção coletiva do pensamento, reinventando o conceito de enciclopédia. A pesquisa também se torna relevante sob a ótica dos estudos da tradução já que discorre sobre a importância do tradutor como ferramenta de formação de identidades sejam nacionais, culturais e sociais, além de propor o conceito híbrido de tradução-resenha, como uma tendência ao mundo multilingual contemporâneo
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar como os meios de comunicação ajudam a construir a representação social da violência de gênero contra a mulher no Espírito Santo, que lidera o ranking nacional de feminicídios, com taxa de 9,8 homicídios para cada 100 mil mulheres. Elegemos como corpus de pesquisa notícias sobre violência de gênero no ES, veiculadas no ano de 2013, nos jornais A Gazeta e A Tribuna. Em hipótese, acreditamos que essas notícias ajudam a construir representações sociais acerca da violência de gênero a partir da apresentação de estereótipos de vítima e agressor na sociedade, da individualização do problema da violência, da associação desse problema às classes sociais menos privilegiadas e da apresentação do crime de violência de gênero como crime passional. O estudo dessas notícias apresenta-se como algo complexo, do qual não participam apenas informações de ordem linguística, mas também de carácter social, histórico, cultural e cognitivo, uma vez que a análise discursiva não pode ser dissociada do contexto, dos atores sociais e das instituições envolvidas na produção da notícia, bem como das ideologias presentes nesse processo. Por esse motivo, assumimos como base teórica de nossa investigação uma proposta multidisciplinar: a Teoria Sociocognitiva de Teun A. van Dijk (1999a; 2011a; 2012; 2014b). Ademais, contamos com as contribuições dos estudos sobre gênero e discurso de Cameron (1985, 1997), Wodak (1997), West, Lazar e Kramarae (2000), Fernández Díaz (2003), Lazar (1993, 2005, 2007), Magalhães (2005; 2009), Heberle, Ostermann e Figueiredo (2006). Além das análises discursivo-analíticas, também utilizamos o programa de linguística de corpus WordSmith Tools para realizar análises quantitativas. Os resultados das análises nos levaram à confirmação das hipóteses iniciais: o discurso das notícias reforça estereótipos de vítima e agressor, típicos de uma estrutura social patriarcal, na qual é atribuída à vítima ou aos vícios (álcool e drogas) a responsabilidade da violência sofrida; além disso, a violência de gênero é apresentada como um problema individual e associada às classes sociais menos favorecidas; e, por último, o discurso das notícias apresenta grande parte dos crimes de violência de gênero como crimes passionais.