977 resultados para Standard Mouse Neutralization Test
This study investigated the occurrence of equine arteritis virus antibodies using neutralization test in 1,400 horses from Campinas and macro metropolitan paulista mesoregions located at São Paulo State, between 2007 and 2008. Eighty (5.7%) samples showed antibodies to virus (titers from 4 to 4,096). Among the 42 cities, 15 (35.7%) presented at least one seropositive animal to equine arteritis virus. of the 238 farms analyzed 41 showed at least one seropositive animal. The occurrence was higher in sport horses like jumping horses, Quarter horses and was similar for female and male. The rate of seropositive was higher in animals older than 24 months of age. These results suggest the virus circulation among horse population in studied farms, and the need for continuing epidemiological surveillance studies.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se investigar a cinética da resposta imune em cães jovens vacinados contra cinomose, com vírus atenuado, por meio do teste de soroneutralização. Onze cães sadios da raça Beagle, observados do nascimento até 30 meses de idade, isolados de outros cães, receberam vacina monovalente viva atenuada de cinomose canina aos 75, 105 e 135 dias de idade e doze meses após a terceira dose vacinal. O desenvolvimento de anticorpos foi mensurado pela reação de soroneutralização imediatamente antes da vacinação, trinta dias após a administração da primeira e terceira doses, noventa dias após a administração da terceira dose, nove e doze meses após a administração da terceira dose, trinta dias, seis e doze meses após a dose anual. Não havia títulos detectáveis de anticorpos contra cinomose canina antes da primovacinação. O título de anticorpos variou de 4,047 a 4,880 (em logaritmos na base 10), trinta dias após a administração da primeira dose e 6 meses após a dose anual, respectivamente. Todos os cães apresentaram uma resposta similar, embora com variações, com a produção de anticorpos com títulos maiores do que 2, considerado o título mínimo protetor. Doze meses após a dose anual, a maioria dos cães apresentou alto título de anticorpos, sugerindo que a revacinação anual poderia ser desnecessária.
Background: In human medicine, transfusion of ABO-mismatched platelets has been associated with shortened platelet survival and refractoriness to platelet transfusion because of expression of certain blood group antigens on platelets. It remains unknown if canine platelets express dog erythrocyte antigens (DEAs). Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a flow cytometric assay for DEA 1.1 and determine whether DEA 1.1 is present on canine platelets.Methods: Blood was collected from 172 clinically healthy dogs. Platelets and erythrocytes from each dog were tested for DEA 1.1 by flow cytometry using anti-DEA 1.1 blood-typing sera. Erythrocytes from each dog were also assessed for DEA 1.1 using a standard tube-typing test (T1) and using a second tube method (T2), if the flow cytometric and T1 results differed.Results: Using flow cytometry, DEA 1.1 was detected on erythrocytes of all 110 dogs shown by T1 or T2 testing to be DEA 1.1-positive. Initial results of the T1 test had a diagnostic accuracy of 93% (160 correct/ 172 tests). The frequency of erythrocyte DEA 1.1 positivity in previously untyped dogs (n = 118) was 56%. DEA 1.1 expression was not detected on platelets from DEA 1.1-positive dogs.Conclusions: Flow cytometry was a reliable method for detection of DEA 1.1 on canine erythrocytes. The absence of DEA 1.1 on platelets from DEA 1.1-positive dogs suggests that their platelets do not express DEA 1.1 and will not induce production of anti-DEA 1.1 antibodies that might lead to platelet refractoriness or reactions to a subsequent transfusion of DEA 1.1positive erythrocytes.
A double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) was developed and employed for simultaneous direct detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) from bursal samples and to measure the humoral response, using the same basic immunoreagents, the purified and non-purified antigen, capture antibody and chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared, and standardized for this purpose, the DAS-ELISA was applied to both 80 bursal suspensions and 224 corresponding serum samples from vaccinated and non-vaccinated commercial hocks, Bursae samples were collected at 2 weeks of age, and submitted to histological examination, virus isolation in specific pathogen-free chickens embryos, and the DAS-ELISA technique, Serum titres obtained in indirect ELISA and serum neutralization test were compared with those in DAS-ELISA, the agreement was 80% between DAS-ELISA, and the conventional techniques, with high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (90%).
A liquid phase blocking ELISA (LPB-ELISA) was developed for the detection and measurement of antibodies against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). The purified and nonpurified virus used as antigen, the capture and detector antibodies, and the chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared and standardized for this purpose. A total of 156 sera from vaccinated and 100 from specific pathogen-free chickens with no recorded contact with the virus were tested. The respective serum titers obtained in the serum neutralization test (SNT) were compared with those obtained in the LPB-ELISA. There was a high correlation (r2 = 0.8926) between the two tests. The LPB-ELISA represents a single test suitable for the rapid detection of antibodies against bronchitis virus in chicken sera, with good sensitivity (88%), specificity (100%) and agreement (95.31%).
O diagnóstico laboratorial da raiva é realizado através de métodos de pesquisa do corpúsculo de Negri, imunofluorescência direta e inoculação em camundongos. Na maioria dos casos, quando a amostra é bem coletada, bem conservada e o profissional responsável possui experiência, verifica-se concordância entre as técnicas utilizadas. A Seção de Raiva e Encefalomielite do Instituto Biológico ao comparar a sensibilidade das três técnicas diagnósticas, em 3713 amostras (córtex cerebral, cerebelo e hipocampo) recebidas no período de 1980-1994, sendo 3010 da espécie bovina (983 positivas) e 703 da espécie eqüina (111 positivas), observou que, no caso da raiva eqüina, esta concordância não é mantida. Verificou-se, nesta espécie, que somente em algumas oportunidades foi possível identificar, pelo método histopatológico, o corpúsculo de Negri. em relação à prova de imunofluorescência pode-se afirmar que a mesma detectou uma porcentagem menor de amostras positivas, provenientes da espécie equina, em compração com as da espécie bovina, sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significativa. A prova biológica foi a mais sensível, porém houve uma diferença, também significativa, entre o período de incubação em camundongos das amostras de origem bovina e das de origem eqüina. A presença pouco frequente de corpúsculos de Negri e o período de incubação em camundongos mais prolongado, das amostras de origem eqüina, sugerem que devem ser intensificados os estudos da patogenia da raiva nesta espécie.
In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by standard diffusion disk test and a modified method, by the addition Tris-EDTA, was evaluated. Increase in sensitivity of agent using modified method was observed mainly in aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin), quinolones (ofloxacin and norfloxacin) and cephalosporins (cefoperazone and ceftazidime) groups. by standard diffusion disk test and a modified method, by the addition Tris-EDTA, was evaluated. Increase in sensitivity of agent using modified method was observed mainly in aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin), quinolones (ofloxacin and norfloxacin) and cephalosporins (cefoperazone and ceftazidime) groups.
Comparou-se a sensibilidade microbiana in vitro de isolados de Rhodococcus equi pelo teste padrão de difusão com discos, com o modificado, pela adição de 5% de dimetilsulfóxido-DMSO. Observou-se aumento da sensibilidade do R. equi no teste com DMSO, frente a aminoglicosídeos (canamicina, amicacina, estreptomicina) e ao cloranfenicol, enquanto para a eritromicina e derivados ß-lactâmicos (penicilina G, cefalosporinas, amoxicilina, oxacilina), constatou-se redução da sensibilidade do agente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Monitoração de anticorpos neutralizantes para o vírus da rinotraqueíte infecciosa bovina em bezerros
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective-To develop and apply the liquid-phase blocking sandwich ELISA (BLOCKING-ELISA) for the quantification of antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) strains O-1 Campos, A(24) Cruzeiro, and C-3 Indaial.Design-Antibody quantification.Sample Population-158 water buffalo from various premises of São Paulo Stale-Brazil. The sera were collected either from systemically vaccinated or nonvaccinated animals.Procedure-The basic reagents of BLOCKING-ELISA (capture and detector antibodies, virus antigens, and conjugate) were prepared and the reaction was optimized and standardized to quantify water buffalo antibodies against FMDV. An alternative procedure based on mathematical interpolation was adopted to estimate more precisely the antibody 50% competition liters in the BLOCKING-ELISA. These titers were compared with the virus-neutralization test (VNT) titers to determine the correlation between these techniques. The percentages of agreement, cutoff points, and reproducibility also were determined.Results-The antibody liters obtained in the BLOCKING-ELISA had high positive correlation coefficients with VNT, reaching values of 0.90 for O-1 Campos and C-3 Indaial, and 0.82 for the A(24) Cruzeiro (P < 0.0005). The cutoff points obtained by use of the copositivity and conegativity curves allowed determination of high levels of agreement between BLOCKLNG-ELISA and VNT antibody titers against the 3 FMDV strains analyzed.Conclusions-The results characterized by high cor relation coefficients, levels of agreement, and reproducibility indicate that the BLOCKING-ELISA may replace the conventional VNT for detection and quantification of antibodies from water buffalo sera to FMDV.
The midbrain dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) is part of the brain defensive system involved in active defense reactions to threatening stimuli. Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) is a peptidergic neurotransmitter that has been strongly implicated in the control of both behavioral and endocrine responses to threat and stress. We investigated the effect of the nonspecific CRF receptor agonist, ovine CRF (oCRF), injected into the DPAG of mice, in two predator-stress situations, the mouse defense test battery (MDTB), and the rat exposure test (RET). In the MDTB, oCRF weakly modified defensive behaviors in mice confronted by the predator (rat); e.g. it increased avoidance distance when the rat was approached and escape attempts (jump escapes) in forced contact. In the RET, drug infusion enhanced duration in the chamber while reduced tunnel and surface time, and reduced contact with the screen which divides the subject and the predator. oCRF also reduced both frequency and duration of risk assessment (stretch attend posture: SAP) in the tunnel and tended to increase freezing. These findings suggest that patterns of defensiveness in response to low intensity threat (RET) are more sensitive to intra-DPAG oCRF than those triggered by high intensity threats (MDTB). Our data indicate that CRF systems may be functionally involved in unconditioned defenses to a predator, consonant with a role for DPAG CRF systems in the regulation of emotionality. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A dynamic system for stablishing a known standard gas mixture is necessary for many studies such as development and testing of analytical methods. A permeation tube can be used for this purpose. The work described here shows the construction, operation and calibration of a simple permeation tube which can be used to obtain large amounts of a standard gas.
The aim of this study was to determine the serum activities of enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in Arabian horses submitted to exercise on high-speed equine treadmill. Eleven mature Arabian horse were training and submitted to Standard Incremental Exercise Test on high-speed equine treadmill. Venous blood samples were taken before exercise, immediately and 30 min, 60min, 3h, 6h, 24h, 3 days and 5 days after exercise. The serum activity aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase were determined. The serum activies of AST, CK and LDH increase immediately and returned to baseline value 30 minutes after exercise. The AST enzyme activity increased at 12 hours and 24 hours, CK at 3 hours and 6 hours, and LDH at 24 hours after Standard Incremental Exercise Test.
Background. The use of methods, both sensitive and specific, for rabies diagnosis are important tools for the control and prophylaxis of the disease. Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) has been used in rabies diagnosis with good results, even in decomposed materials. Additionally, molecular techniques have been used for epidemiological studies and to gain a better knowledge of viral epidemiology. Findings. The aim of this work was to evaluate the RT-PCR and hnRT-PCR for rabies virus detection in original tissues stored at -20°C for different periods considering their use for rabies virus detection in stored and decomposed samples. RT-PCR and hnRT-PCR were evaluated in 151 brain samples from different animal species, thawed and left at room temperature for 72 hours for decomposition. The RT-PCR and hnRT-PCR results were compared with previous results from Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test and Mouse Inoculation Test. From the 50 positive fresh samples, 26 (52%) were positive for RT-PCR and 45 (90%) for hnRT-PCR. From the 48 positive decomposed samples, 17 (34, 3%) were positive for RT-PCR and 36 (75%) for hnRT-PCR. No false-positives results were found in the negatives samples evaluated to the molecular techniques. Conclusion. These results show that the hnRT-PCR was more sensitive than RT-PCR, and both techniques presented lower sensibility in decomposed samples. The hnRT-PCR demonstrated efficacy in rabies virus detection in stored and decomposed materials suggesting it's application for rabies virus retrospective epidemiological studies. © 2008 Arajo et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.