997 resultados para Spin Hamiltonian


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Ce mémoire est une partie d’un programme de recherche qui étudie la superintégrabilité des systèmes avec spin. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéressons à un hamiltonien avec interaction spin-orbite en trois dimensions admettant une intégrale du mouvement qui est un polynôme matriciel d’ordre deux dans l’impulsion. Puisque nous considérons un hamiltonien invariant sous rotation et sous parité, nous classifions les intégrales du mouvement selon des multiplets irréductibles de O(3). Nous calculons le commutateur entre l’hamiltonien et un opérateur général d’ordre deux dans l’impulsion scalaire, pseudoscalaire, vecteur et pseudovecteur. Nous donnons la classification complète des systèmes admettant des intégrales du mouvement scalaire et vectorielle. Nous trouvons une condition nécessaire à remplir pour le potentiel sous forme d’une équation différentielle pour les cas pseudo-scalaire et pseudo-vectoriel. Nous utilisons la réduction par symétrie pour obtenir des solutions particulières de ces équations.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.


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The results are presented of a combined periodic and cluster model approach to the electronic structure and magnetic interactions in the spin-chain compounds Ca2CuO3 and Sr2CuO3. An extended t-J model is presented that includes in-chain and interchain hopping and magnetic interaction processes with parameters extracted from ab initio calculations. For both compounds, the in-chain magnetic interaction is found to be around -240 meV, larger than in any of the other cuprates reported in the literature. The interchain magnetic coupling is found to be weakly antiferromagnetic, -1 meV. The effective in-chain hopping parameters are estimated to be ~650 meV for both compounds, whereas the value of the interchain hopping parameter is 30 meV for Sr2CuO3 and 40 meV for Ca2CuO3, in line with the larger interchain distance in the former compound. These effective parameters are shown to be consistent with expressions recently suggested for the Néel temperature and the magnetic moments, and with relations that emerge from the t-J model Hamiltonian. Next, we investigate the physical nature of the band gap. Periodic calculations indicate that an interpretation in terms of a charge-transfer insulator is the most appropriate one, in contrast to the suggestion of a covalent correlated insulator recently reported in the literature.


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The spectral properties and phase diagram of the exactly integrable spin-1 quantum chain introduced by Alcaraz and Bariev are presented. The model has a U(1) symmetry and its integrability is associated with an unknown R-matrix whose dependence on the spectral parameters is not of a different form. The associated Bethe ansatz equations that fix the eigenspectra are distinct from those associated with other known integrable spin models. The model has a free parameter t(p). We show that at the special point t(p) = 1, the model acquires an extra U(1) symmetry and reduces to the deformed SU(3) Perk-Schultz model at a special value of its anisotropy q = exp(i2 pi/3) and in the presence of an external magnetic field. Our analysis is carried out either by solving the associated Bethe ansatz equations or by direct diagonalization of the quantum Hamiltonian for small lattice sizes. The phase diagram is calculated by exploring the consequences of conformal invariance on the finite-size corrections of the Hamiltonian eigenspectrum. The model exhibits a critical phase ruled by the c = 1 conformal field theory separated from a massive phase by first-order phase transitions.


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We study the influence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic bond defects on the ground-state energy of antiferromagnetic spin chains. In the absence of translational invariance, the energy spectrum of the full Hamiltonian is obtained numerically, by an iterative modi. cation of the power algorithm. In parallel, approximate analytical energies are obtained from a local-bond approximation, proposed here. This approximation results in significant improvement upon the mean-field approximation, at negligible extra computational effort. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper we investigate the spectra of band structures and transmittance in magnonic quasicrystals that exhibit the so-called deterministic disorders, specifically, magnetic multilayer systems, which are built obeying to the generalized Fibonacci (only golden mean (GM), silver mean (SM), bronze mean (BM), copper mean (CM) and nickel mean (NM) cases) and k-component Fibonacci substitutional sequences. The theoretical model is based on the Heisenberg Hamiltonian in the exchange regime, together with the powerful transfer matrix method, and taking into account the RPA approximation. The magnetic materials considered are simple cubic ferromagnets. Our main interest in this study is to investigate the effects of quasiperiodicity on the physical properties of the systems mentioned by analyzing the behavior of spin wave propagation through the dispersion and transmission spectra of these structures. Among of these results we detach: (i) the fragmentation of the bulk bands, which in the limit of high generations, become a Cantor set, and the presence of the mig-gap frequency in the spin waves transmission, for generalized Fibonacci sequence, and (ii) the strong dependence of the magnonic band gap with respect to the parameters k, which determines the amount of different magnetic materials are present in quasicrystal, and n, which is the generation number of the sequence k-component Fibonacci. In this last case, we have verified that the system presents a magnonic band gap, whose width and frequency region can be controlled by varying k and n. In the exchange regime, the spin waves propagate with frequency of the order of a few tens of terahertz (THz). Therefore, from a experimental and technological point of view, the magnonic quasicrystals can be used as carriers or processors of informations, and the magnon (the quantum spin wave) is responsible for this transport and processing


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Starting from a phenomenological Hamiltonian originally written in terms of angular momentum operators we derive a new quantum angle-based Hamiltonian that allows for a discussion on the quantum spin tunneling. The study of the applicability of the present approach, carried out in calculations with a soluble quasi-spin model, shows that we are allowed to use our method in the description of physical systems such as the Mn12-acetate molecule, as well as the octanuclear iron cluster, Fe8, in a reliable way. With the present description the interpretation of the spin tunneling is seen to be direct, the spectra and energy barriers of those systems are obtained, and it is shown that they agree with the experimental ones. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The frame and scale dependence of the pair-term contribution to the electromagnetic form factor of a spin-zero composite system of two-fermions is studied within the Light Front. The form factor is evaluated from the plus-component of the current in the Breit frame, using for the first time a nonconstant, symmetric ansatz for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude. The frame dependence is analyzed by allowing a nonvanishing plus component of the momentum transfer, while the dynamical scale is set by the masses of the constituents and by mass and size of the composite system. A transverse momentum distribution, associated with the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude, is introduced which allows to define strongly and weakly relativistic systems. In particular, for strongly relativistic systems, the pair term vanishes for the Drell-Yan condition, while is dominant for momentum transfer along the light-front direction. For a weakly relativistic system, fitted to the deuteron scale, the pair term is negligible up to momentum transfers of 1 (GeV/c)(2). A comparison with results obtained within the Front-Form Hamiltonian dynamics with a fixed number of constituents is also presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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An analytical approach for the spin stabilized satellite attitude propagation is presented using the non-singular canonical variables to describe the rotational motion. Two sets of variables were introduced for Fukushima in 1994 by a canonical transformation and they are useful when the angle between z-satellite axis of a coordinate system fixed in artificial satellite and the rotational angular momentum vector is zero or when the angle between Z-equatorial axis and rotation angular momentum vector is zero. Analytical solutions for rotational motion equations and torque-free motion are discussed in terms of the elliptic functions and by the application of some simplification to get an approximated solution. These solutions are compared with a numerical solution and the results show a good agreement for many rotation periods. When the mean Hamiltonian associated with the gravity gradient torque is included, an analytical solution is obtained by the application of the successive approximations' method for the satellite in an elliptical orbit. These solutions show that the magnitude of the rotation angular moment is not affected by the gravity gradient torque but this torque causes linear and periodic variations in the angular variables, long and short periodic variations in Z-equatorial component of the rotation angular moment and short periodic variations in x-satellite component of the rotation angular moment. The goal of this analysis is to emphasize the geometrical and physical meaning of the non-singular variables and to validate the approximated analytical solution for the rotational motion without elliptic functions for a non-symmetrical satellite. The analysis can be applied for spin stabilized satellite and in this case the general solution and the approximated solution are coincidence. Then the results can be used in analysis of the space mission of the Brazilian Satellites. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present an integrable spin-ladder model, which possesses a free parameter besides the rung coupling J. Wang's system based on the SU(4) symmetry can be obtained as a special case. The model is exactly solvable by means of the Bethe ansatz method. We determine the dependence on the anisotropy parameter of the phase transition between gapped and gapless spin excitations and present the phase diagram. Finally, we show that the model is a special case of a more general Hamiltonian with three free parameters.


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Spin tunneling in the particular case of the magnetic molecular cluster octanuclear iron(III), Fe8, is treated by an effective Hamiltonian that allows for an angle-based description of the process. The presence of an external magnetic field along the easy axis is also taken into account in this description. Analytic expressions for the energy levels and barriers are obtained from a harmonic approximation of the potential function which give results in good agreement with the experimental results. The energy splittings due to spin tunneling is treated in an adapted WKB approach and it is shown that the present description can give results to a reliable degree of accuracy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As recently shown the conformal affine Toda models can be obtained via hamiltonian reduction from a two-loop Kac-Moody algebra. In this paper we propose a systematic procedure to analyze the higher spin symmetries of the conformal affine Toda models. The method is based on an explicit construction of infinite towers of extended conformal symmetry generators. Two fundamental building blocks of this construction are special spin-one and -two primary fields characterizing the conformal structure of these models. The connection to the algebra of area preserving diffeomorphisms on a two-manifold (w∞ algebra) is established.


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We use the Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian together with the Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-splitting terms to find the g factor of conduction electrons in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As semiconductor quantum wells (QWS) (either symmetric or asymmetric) under a magnetic field applied along the growth direction. The combined effects of non-parabolicity, anisotropy and spin-splitting terms are taken into account. Theoretical results are given as functions of the QW width and compared with available experimental data and previous theoretical works. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the effect that the temperature dependence of the crystal structure of a two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salt has on the low-energy Hamiltonian representation of the electronic structure. For that, we determine the crystal structure of κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 for a series of temperatures between T=5 and 300 K by single crystal X-ray diffraction and analyze the evolution of the electronic structure with temperature by using density functional theory and tight binding methods. We find a considerable temperature dependence of the corresponding triangular lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian parameters. We conclude that even in the absence of a change of symmetry, the temperature dependence of quantities like frustration and interaction strength can be significant and should be taken into account. © 2012 American Physical Society.