952 resultados para Sorting Nexin


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A permutation is said to avoid a pattern if it does not contain any subsequence which is order-isomorphic to it. Donald Knuth, in the first volume of his celebrated book "The art of Computer Programming", observed that the permutations that can be computed (or, equivalently, sorted) by some particular data structures can be characterized in terms of pattern avoidance. In more recent years, the topic was reopened several times, while often in terms of sortable permutations rather than computable ones. The idea to sort permutations by using one of Knuth’s devices suggests to look for a deterministic procedure that decides, in linear time, if there exists a sequence of operations which is able to convert a given permutation into the identical one. In this thesis we show that, for the stack and the restricted deques, there exists an unique way to implement such a procedure. Moreover, we use these sorting procedures to create new sorting algorithms, and we prove some unexpected commutation properties between these procedures and the base step of bubblesort. We also show that the permutations that can be sorted by a combination of the base steps of bubblesort and its dual can be expressed, once again, in terms of pattern avoidance. In the final chapter we give an alternative proof of some enumerative results, in particular for the classes of permutations that can be sorted by the two restricted deques. It is well-known that the permutations that can be sorted through a restricted deque are counted by the Schrӧder numbers. In the thesis, we show how the deterministic sorting procedures yield a bijection between sortable permutations and Schrӧder paths.


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Neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated 4 (Nedd4) proteins are ubiquitin ligases, which attach ubiquitin moieties to their target proteins, a post-translational modification that is most commonly associated with protein degradation. Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases have been shown to down-regulate both potassium and sodium channels. In this study, we investigated whether Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases also regulate Ca(v) calcium channels. We expressed three Nedd4 family members, Nedd4-1, Nedd4-2, and WWP2, together with Ca(v)1.2 channels in tsA-201 cells. We found that Nedd4-1 dramatically decreased Ca(v) whole-cell currents, whereas Nedd4-2 and WWP2 failed to regulate the current. Surface biotinylation assays revealed that Nedd4-1 decreased the number of channels inserted at the plasma membrane. Western blots also showed a concomitant decrease in the total expression of the channels. Surprisingly, however, neither the Ca(v) pore-forming α1 subunit nor the associated Ca(v)β and Ca(v)α(2)δ subunits were ubiquitylated by Nedd4-1. The proteasome inhibitor MG132 prevented the degradation of Ca(v) channels, whereas monodansylcadaverine and chloroquine partially antagonized the Nedd4-1-induced regulation of Ca(v) currents. Remarkably, the effect of Nedd4-1 was fully prevented by brefeldin A. These data suggest that Nedd4-1 promotes the sorting of newly synthesized Ca(v) channels for degradation by both the proteasome and the lysosome. Most importantly, Nedd4-1-induced regulation required the co-expression of Ca(v)β subunits, known to antagonize the retention of the channels in the endoplasmic reticulum. Altogether, our results suggest that Nedd4-1 interferes with the chaperon role of Ca(v)β at the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi level to prevent the delivery of Ca(v) channels at the plasma membrane.


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Hemisity refers to binary thinking and behavioral style differences between right and left brain-oriented individuals. The inevitability of hemisity became clear when it was discovered by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that an anatomical element of the executive system was unilaterally embedded in either the right or the left side of the ventral gyrus of the anterior cingulate cortex in an idiosyncratic manner that was congruent with an individual's inherent hemisity subtype. Based upon the MRI-calibrated hemisity of many individuals, a set of earlier biophysical and questionnaire hemisity assays was calibrated for accuracy and found appropriate for use in the investigation of the hemisity of individuals and groups. It had been reported that a partial sorting of individuals into hemisity right and left brain-oriented subgroups occurred during the process of higher education and professional development. Here, these results were extended by comparison of the hemisity of a putative unsorted population of 1,049 high school upper classmen, with that of 228 university freshmen. These hemisity outcomes were further compared with that of 15 university librarians, here found to be predominantly left brain-oriented, and 91 academically trained musicians, including 47 professional pianists, here found to be mostly right brainers. The results further supported the existence of substantial hemisity selection occurring during the process of higher education and in professional development.


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The paper aims at explaining the adoption of policy programs. We use the garbage can model of organizational choice as our theoretical framework and complement it with the institutional setting of administrative decision-making in order to understand the complex causation of policy program adoption. Institutions distribute decision power by rules and routines and coin actor identities and their interpretations of situations. We therefore expect institutions to play a role when a policy window opens. We explore the configurative explanations for program adoption in a systematic comparison of the adoption of new alcohol policy programs in the Swiss cantons employing Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The most important conditions are the organizational elements of the administrative structure decisive for the coupling of the streams. The results imply that classic bureaucratic structures are better suited to put policies into practice than limited government.


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Utilisation of sorting systems’ maximum performance demands continuous conveying of goods by infeed lines to sorters. This is the case especially for sorters with one single infeed line, because the sorters’ performance is limited by the performance of the infeed line. Within this paper different infeed line constructions at the Rotary Sorter with diverse performances will be presented. The focus lies on a specific conveying system to synchronise the goods with the sorter by a performance of 6000 pieces per hour with one dynamic infeed line. By this means there is no extensive adjustment control of serial conveyors in the infeed line any longer.


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Three groups of steer calves totaling 480 head were sorted into smaller and larger frame sizes, and those groups were sorted into groups with more and less backfat. There was no difference in age among the four sorted groups. The larger steers and steers with less fat had faster rates of gain and tended to have superior feed efficiencies. Steers with more initial fat were fed fewer days. The larger framed steers and steers with less fat had heavier carcasses, less carcass backfat, more yield grade 1 carcasses and a lower percentage of Choice carcasses, but they also had greater value per carcass when evaluated using a grid paying premiums for quality and yield grades. The greatest profit to the feedyard was realized from the smaller framed steers and those with less initial backfat. For similar profit it was calculated that the larger steers should have been discounted as feeders $3.50 per hundred compared with the smaller steers and the steers with more fat discounted $5.00 per hundred compared with those having less initial fat. The results of this study suggest that sorting based on initial fat thickness may have more potential for enhancing the value of finished cattle than sorting based on frame score.


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Researchers have long recognized that the non-random sorting of individuals into groups generates correlation between individual and group attributes that is likely to bias naive estimates of both individual and group effects. This paper proposes a non-parametric strategy for identifying these effects in a model that allows for both individual and group unobservables, applying this strategy to the estimation of neighborhood effects on labor market outcomes. The first part of this strategy is guided by a robust feature of the equilibrium in the canonical vertical sorting model of Epple and Platt (1998), that there is a monotonic relationship between neighborhood housing prices and neighborhood quality. This implies that under certain conditions a non- parametric function of neighborhood housing prices serves as a suitable control function for the neighborhood unobservable in the labor market outcome regression. The second part of the proposed strategy uses aggregation to develop suitable instruments for both exogenous and endogenous group attributes. Instrumenting for each individual's observed neighborhood attributes with the average neighborhood attributes of a set of observationally identical individuals eliminates the portion of the variation in neighborhood attributes due to sorting on unobserved individual attributes. The neighborhood effects application is based on confidential microdata from the 1990 Decennial Census for the Boston MSA. The results imply that the direct effects of geographic proximity to jobs, neighborhood poverty rates, and average neighborhood education are substantially larger than the conditional correlations identified using OLS, although the net effect of neighborhood quality on labor market outcomes remains small. These findings are robust across a wide variety of specifications and robustness checks.


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Tiebout's (1956) model of fiscal competition suggests income sorting between jurisdictions while the Alonso (1964), Mills (167) and Muth (1969) model of the monocentric city suggests income sorting over space. However, strict income sorting is not empirically observed. We add fiscal competition to the spatial model by considering a circular inner city surrounded by a suburb. The fiscal difference between the jurisdictions and the commuting advantage of locations closer to the city center are capitalized into house prices. In addition to the traditional equilibrium with income sorting, there are equilibria with income mixing - both across jurisdictions and across space.


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Carefully selected sea bottom surface fine sand samples were studied from two sand ribbons normal to the shore. Possible sediment transport along these sand ribbons were investigated from interpretation of the sediment patterns. Simple grain size parameters were obtained and results of heavy mineral and feldspar analysis were compared. On one ribbon offshore sediment movement was indicated, while conversely on the other, onshore movement is proposed.


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A description is given of the taxa sorted out of the zooplanktion and mikronekton material of the 1st German Antarctic Expedition 1975/76 by the Kiel sorting center. The methods employed in the sorting center are describined in detail. Notes for further use of the material are also given.


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This paper proposes a mechanism that links industry’s technological characteristics (i.e. quality of non-labor inputs, which is proxied by the length of industry production chains), industry-specific skill wage premium, and skill sorting across industries. It is hypothesized that high-skilled workers are sorted into industries where they can receive a higher skill wage premium, by working with better quality non-labor input. The quality of non-labor inputs is assumed to be worse in industries with longer production chains due to the increased involvement of low-skilled labor and poor infrastructure over the sequential production. By examining Indian wage and employment data for 1999-2000, empirical evidence to support this mechanism can be obtained: First, the skill wage premium is lower [higher] in industries with longer [shorter] production chains. Second, the skill wage premium is lower [higher] in industries with a higher [lower] proportion of low-skilled workers producing inputs outside their own industry. Third, the proportion of high-skilled workers is larger in industries with shorter production chains and lower ratio of low-skilled labor involved, i.e., a skill sorting trend can be observed.