961 resultados para Sorption equilibria


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The moisture sorption isotherms of Chilean papaya were determined at 5, 20, and 45 ºC, over a relative humidity range of 10-95%. The GAB, BET, Oswin, Halsey, Henderson, Smith, Caurie and Iglesias-Chirife models were applied to the sorption experimental data. The goodness of fit of the mathematical models was statistically evaluated by means of the determination coefficient, mean relative percentage deviation, sum square error, root-mean-square error, and chi-square values. The GAB, Oswin and Halsey models were found to be the most suitable for the description of the sorption data. The sorption heats calculated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation were 57.35 and 59.98 kJ·mol-1, for adsorption and desorption isotherms, respectively.


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The pollution and toxicity problems posed by arsenic in the environment have long been established. Hence, the removal and recovery remedies have been sought, bearing in mind the efficiency, cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the methods employed. The sorption kinetics and intraparticulate diffusivity of As (III) bioremediation from aqueous solution using modified and unmodified coconut fiber was investigated. The amount adsorbed increased as time increased, reaching equilibrium at about 60 minutes. The kinetic studies showed that the sorption rates could be described by both pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order process with the later showing a better fit with a value of rate constant of 1.16 x 10-4 min-1 for the three adsorbent types. The mechanism of sorption was found to be particle diffusion controlled. The diffusion and boundary layer effects were also investigation. Therefore, the results show that coconut fiber, both modified and unmodified is an efficient sorbent for the removal of As (III) from industrial effluents with particle diffusion as the predominant mechanism.


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The combination of two low-cost classical procedures based on titrimetric techniques is presented for the determination of pyridoxine hydrochloride in pharmaceuticals samples. Initially some experiments were carried out aiming to determine both pKa1 and pKa2 values, being those compared to values of literature and theoretical procedures. Commercial samples containing pyridoxine hydrochloride were electrochemically analysed by exploiting their acid-base and precipitation reactions. Potentiometric titrations accomplished the reaction between the ionizable hydrogens present in pyridoxine hydrochloride, being NaOH used as titrant; while the conductimetric method was based on the chemical precipitation between the chloride of pyridoxine hydrochloride molecule and Ag+ ions from de silver nitrate, changing the conductivity of the solution. Both methods were applied to the same commercial samples leading to concordant results when compared by statistical tests (95 and 98% confidence levels). Recoveries ranging from 99.0 to 108.1% were observed, showing no significant interference on the results.


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Ett huvudmål med denna avhandling var att erhålla ny information om växelverkan mellan metalljoner i vattenfas och träbaserade material såsom olika pappersmassor, ved och bark. Material av gran, tall och björk har studerats. En ny känslig kolonnkromatografisk metod utvecklades för bestämning av affinitetsordningar för 17 olika metalljoner. Av dessa bands trevärt järn och de mycket toxiska tungmetallerna bly, koppar och kadmium starkast till de studerade materialen. Växelverkan i dessa tvåfas system sker som jonbyte, huvudsakligen via komplexbildning av metalljoner till funktionella grupper i den fasta fasen. Vattenfasens pH är den viktigaste parametern som bestämmer totala halten av metalljoner som binds till materialen. Resultatet i denna avhandling kan delvis betraktas som grundforskning. En ny kunskap om metalljoners förekomst och kemiska reaktioner i dessa system är även av stor ekonomisk och ekologisk, betydelse, när man strävar till allt mera slutna system i moderna massafabriker. Avhandlingen visar också att trädbark har stor potential för biosorption av tungmetaller t.ex. från avfallsvatten. Trädbark har nästan lika stor bindningskapacitet som dyra syntetiska jonbytare.


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The objective of this work was to determine the coefficients of sorption and desorption of picloram in Ultisol (PVA) and Oxisol (LVA), displaying different physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of soil were collected at the 0 20 cm depth in degraded pasture areas in Viçosa-MG. Firstly, the equilibrium time between the herbicide in solution and the herbicide which was sorbed in the soil was determined by the Batch Equilibrium method. The time required was 24 hours. Sorption and desorption studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions; the sorption evaluation consisted in adding 10.0 mL of herbicide solutions at different concentrations to tubes containing 2.00 g of soil, with vertical rotary agitation being maintained during the pre-determined equilibrium time. After centrifugation, supernatant extract cleaning and filtration, herbicide concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 254 nm. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the sorption tests. The Freundlich model was used for interpretation of the sorption process. Ultisol showed higher adsorption coefficient (Kf a) compared with Oxisol, which may be attributed to the lower pH of the soil and its higher organic matter content. Desorption process occurred in both soils; the LVA allowed greater release of the previously sorbed molecules.


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The study of the dynamics of a herbicide in the soil focus on the interactions with environmental components to obtain agronomic efficiency, ensuring selectivity to the culture and risk reduction of environmental impact. This study evaluated the sorption process of fomesafen in the Brazilian soils Ultisol, Cambisol, and Organosol. Besides soil, washed sand was used as an inert material for determination of the sorption ratio of fomesafen in the soil. The bioassay method was applied, using Sorghum vulgare plants as bio-indicator of herbicide presence. Plant poisoning evaluation and harvest for dry matter determination were carried out 21 days after sorghum sowing. To calculate C50, the nonlinear log-logistic model was applied and sorption ratios of the herbicide were obtained in different soils. The decreasing sorption ratio of formesafen in the soils was: Organosol > Ultisol > Cambisol. It was concluded that the contents of organic matter and clay in the soils were the attributes that most influenced fomesafen sorption.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate oxadiazon sorption in different soils of the Brazilian Cerrado, highlighting the correlations of lethal doses of this herbicide capable of inhibiting 50% of the dry matter accumulation of the bio-indicator (LD50) among the chemical characteristics of the soil and its direct and indirect effects. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block design and four repetitions. Each experimental unit consisted of a pot with increasing rates of oxadiazon and oat (Avena sativa), as the bio-indicator species. For sorption evaluation, washed sand and 22 soils (substrates) from Cerrado Brazilian's Alliaceae cultivated areas were used. LD50 and sorption ratio (SR) = [(LD50soil - LD50sand)/LD50sand] to the substrates were determined. Pearson correlation analysis was performed between the chemical characteristics of the substrates and the LD50 of oxadiazon. A path analysis was quantified, to deploy only the significant correlations estimated in direct and indirect effects of the characters on LD50, which is a basic variable. A more pronounced LD50 (528.09 g ha-1) for the Cerrado soil sample resulted in higher SR (> 53.00), while in the washed sand substrate, LD50 corresponded only to 9.74 g ha-1 of the oxadiazon (available in soil). It was concluded that oxadiazon sorption is influenced by the chemical characteristics of the soils, highlighting the correlation with pH (CaCl2), magnesium content, aluminum, organic matter, organic carbon, and aluminum saturation.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the sorption and desorption of 14C herbicide saflufenacil (pyrimidinedione) in two soils in the State of São Paulo, classified as Red Yellow Latosol with clayey texture (LVA-1) and medium texture (LVA-2), using the batch method through isotherms. The soils were air dried and sieved a 2 mm mesh. The radioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry in acclimatized room (25 ± 2 °C). Sorption isotherms were conducted for 5 concentrations of saflufenacil (5.0; 2.5; 1.0; 0.5 and 0.05 μg mL-1) and the results were adjusted to the Freundlich equation, thus obtaining the parameters of sorption followed by two extractions with 0.01 M CaCl2 to determine desorption parameters similarly to sorption. The results showed that saflufenacil sorption was low for both soils studied, being greater for the LVA with higher organic matter content. The desorption coefficients were greater than their sorption coefficients, suggesting the occurrence of hysteresis. The sorption and desorption isotherms (classified as type C isotherms), hysteresis and the t-test between the angular coefficient of the respective isotherms showed that both the sorption and desorption occur with equal intensity.


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Bioenergi ses som en viktig del av det nu- och framtida sortimentet av inhemsk energi. Svartlut, bark och skogsavfall täcker mer än en femtedel av den inhemska energianvändningen. Produktionsanläggningar kan fungera ofullständigt och en mängd gas-, partikelutsläpp och tjära produceras samtidigt och kan leda till beläggningsbildning och korrosion. Orsaken till dessa problem är ofta obalans i processen: vissa föreningar anrikas i processen och superjämviktstillstånd är bildas. I denna doktorsavhandling presenteras en ny beräkningsmetod, med vilken man kan beskriva superjämviktstillståndet, de viktigaste kemiska reaktionerna, processens värmeproduktion och tillståndsstorheter samtidigt. Beräkningsmetoden grundar sig på en unik frienergimetod med bivillkor som har utvecklats vid VTT. Den här så kallade CFE-metoden har tidigare utnyttjats i pappers-, metall- och kemiindustrin. Applikationer för bioenergi, vilka är demonstrerade i doktorsavhandlingen, är ett nytt användingsområde för metoden. Studien visade att beräkningsmetoden är väl lämpad för högtemperaturenergiprocesser. Superjämviktstillstånden kan uppstå i dessa processer och det kemiska systemet kan definieras med några bivillkor. Typiska tillämpningar är förbränning av biomassa och svartlut, förgasning av biomassa och uppkomsten av kväveoxider. Också olika sätt att definiera superjämviktstillstånd presenterades i doktorsavhandlingen: empiriska konstanter, empiriska hastighetsuttryck eller reaktionsmekanismer kan användas. Resultaten av doktorsavhandlingen kan utnyttjas i framtiden i processplaneringen och i undersökning av nya tekniska lösningar för förgasning, förbränningsteknik och biobränslen. Den presenterade metoden är ett bra alternativ till de traditionella mekanistiska och fenomenmodeller och kombinerar de bästa delarna av både. --------------------------------------------------------------- Bioenergia on tärkeä osa nykyistä ja tulevaa kotimaista energiapalettia. Mustalipeä, kuori ja metsätähteet kattavat yli viidenneksen kotimaisesta energian kulutuksesta. Tuotantolaitokset eivät kuitenkaan aina toimi täydellisesti ja niiden prosesseissa syntyy erilaisia kaasu- ja hiukkaspäästöjä, tervoja sekä prosessilaitteita kuluttavia saostumia ja ruostumista. Usein syy näihin ongelmiin on prosessissa esiintyvä epätasapainotila: tietyt yhdisteet rikastuvat prosessissa ja muodostavat supertasapainotiloja. Väitöstyössä kehitettiin uusi laskentamenetelmä, jolla voidaan kuvata nämä supertasapainotilat, tärkeimmät niihin liittyvät kemialliset reaktiot, prosessin lämmöntuotanto ja tilansuureet yhtä aikaa. Laskentamenetelmä perustuu VTT:llä kehitettyyn ainutlaatuiseen rajoitettuun vapaaenergiamenetelmään. Tätä niin kutsuttua CFE-menetelmää on aiemmin sovelluttu onnistuneesti muun muassa paperi-, metalli- ja kemianteollisuudessa. Väitöstyössä esitetyt bioenergiasovellukset ovat uusi sovellusalue menetelmälle. Työ osoitti laskentatavan soveltuvan hyvin korkealämpöisiin energiatekniikan prosesseihin, joissa kemiallista systeemiä rajoittavia tekijöitä oli rajallinen määrä ja siten super-tasapainotila saattoi muodostua prosessin aikana. Tyypillisiä sovelluskohteita ovat biomassan ja mustalipeän poltto, biomassan kaasutus ja typpioksidipäästöt. Työn aikana arvioitiin myös erilaisia tapoja määritellä super-tasapainojen muodostumista rajoittavat tekijät. Rajoitukset voitiin tehdä teollisiin mittauksiin pohjautuen, kokeellisia malleja hyödyntäen tai mekanistiseen reaktiokinetiikkaan perustuen. Tulevaisuudessa väitöstyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää prosessisuunnittelussa ja tutkittaessa uusia teknisiä ratkaisuja kaasutus- ja polttotekniikoissa sekä biopolttoaineiden tutkimuksessa. Kehitetty menetelmä tarjoaa hyvän vaihtoehdon perinteisille mekanistisille ja ilmiömalleille yhdistäen näiden parhaita puolia.


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Vapor-Liquid equilibria of palm fatty acids distillates/carbon dioxide system has been investigated experimentally at temperatures of 333, 353, and 373 K and pressures of 20, 23, 26, and 29 MPa using the static method. Experimental data for the quasi-binary system palm fatty acids distillates/carbon dioxide has been correlated with Redlich-Kwong-Aspen equation of state. Modeling shows good agreement with experimental data. Selectivity obtained indicates that supercritical carbon dioxide is a reasonable solvent for separating saturated (palmitic acid) and unsaturated (oleic+linoleic acids) fatty acids from palm fatty acids distillates in a continuous multistage countercurrent column.


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Moisture desorption isotherms of fresh and heat blanched pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) were determined at three temperatures (30, 50 and 70 °C), using the standard, static-gravimetric method. The GAB, Oswin, BET, Halsey, and Henderson models were tested and, with the exception of the Henderson model, showed satisfactory fits to the experimental data. The GAB model was used to analyze the fitting ability to describe the isotherm type. The shape of the desorption isotherms of fresh and blanched pumpkin at 30 and 50 °C was intermediate to types II and III, and at 70 °C it was of type II for the blanched pumpkin and close to type II for the fresh sample. The influence of blanching on the decrease in equilibrium moisture was very small compared to the fresh samples and it was related to the loss of soluble solids during the pre-treatment. The isosteric heat of sorption measures indicated that a larger amount of heat was required to remove the water from the fresh samples than from the blanched ones.


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The Jackfruit tree is one of the most significant trees in tropical home gardens and perhaps the most widespread and useful tree in the important genus Artocarpus. The fruit is susceptible to mechanical and biological damage in the mature state, and some people find the aroma of the fruit objectionable, particularly in confined spaces. The dehydration process could be an alternative for the exploitation of this product, and the relationship between moisture content and water activity provides useful information for its processing and storage. The aim of this study was to determine the thermodynamic properties of the water sorption of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) as a function of moisture content. Desorption isotherms of the different parts of the jackfruit (pulp, peduncle, mesocarp, peel, and seed) were determined at four different temperatures (313.15, 323.15, 333.15, and 343.15 K) in a water activity range of 0.02-0.753 using the static gravimetric method. Theoretical and empirical models were used to model the desorption isotherms. An analytical solution of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation was proposed to calculate the isosteric heat of sorption, the differential entropy, and Gibbs' free energy using the Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer and Oswin models considering the effect of temperature on the hygroscopic equilibrium.


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Orange seeds are a promising agroindustry-waste which can be implemented in the extraction and production of vegetable oil. The relationship between moisture content and water activity provides useful information for the processing and storage of this waste item. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of water sorption enthalpy-entropy of orange seeds (C. sinensis cv. Brazilians) according to the moisture content. Therefore, desorption isotherms were determined at five different temperature (30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 ºC) under a wide range of moisture content (0.005-0.057 kg kg-1 d.b.) and water activity (0.02-0.756). Theoretical and empirical models were used for modeling the desorption isotherms. An analytical solution of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation was proposed to compute the isosteric heat of sorption, the differential entropy, and Gibbs free energy using the Oswin model when the effect of temperature on the hygroscopic equilibrium was considered.


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The equilibrium moisture content for adsorption and desorption isotherms of mango skin was determined using the static gravimetric method at temperatures of 20, 26, 33, 38 and 44 oC in the 0.056 to 0.873 water activity range. Both sorption curves show a decrease in equilibrium moisture content as the temperature increasing. The hysteresis effect was observed at constant water activity. The Guggenheim, Anderson, and de Boer (GAB) model presented the best fitting accuracy among a group of models and was used to determine the thermodynamic properties of water sorption. Integral enthalpy and integral entropy areas showed inverted values for the adsorption and desorption isotherms over the wide range of water activity studied. These values confirm, in energetic terms, the difference between adsorption and desorption isotherms observed in the hysteresis phenomenon. Finally, the Gibbs free energy revealed that the sorption process was spontaneous for both sorption isotherms.


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An analytical model for bacterial accumulation in a discrete fractllre has been developed. The transport and accumlllation processes incorporate into the model include advection, dispersion, rate-limited adsorption, rate-limited desorption, irreversible adsorption, attachment, detachment, growth and first order decay botl1 in sorbed and aqueous phases. An analytical solution in Laplace space is derived and nlln1erically inverted. The model is implemented in the code BIOFRAC vvhich is written in Fortran 99. The model is derived for two phases, Phase I, where adsorption-desorption are dominant, and Phase II, where attachment-detachment are dominant. Phase I ends yvhen enollgh bacteria to fully cover the substratllm have accllillulated. The model for Phase I vvas verified by comparing to the Ogata-Banks solution and the model for Phase II was verified by comparing to a nonHomogenous version of the Ogata-Banks solution. After verification, a sensitiv"ity analysis on the inpllt parameters was performed. The sensitivity analysis was condllcted by varying one inpllt parameter vvhile all others were fixed and observing the impact on the shape of the clirve describing bacterial concentration verSllS time. Increasing fracture apertllre allovvs more transport and thus more accllffilliation, "Vvhich diminishes the dllration of Phase I. The larger the bacteria size, the faster the sllbstratum will be covered. Increasing adsorption rate, was observed to increase the dllration of Phase I. Contrary to the aSSllmption ofllniform biofilm thickness, the accllffilliation starts frOll1 the inlet, and the bacterial concentration in aqlleous phase moving towards the olitiet declines, sloyving the accumulation at the outlet. Increasing the desorption rate, redllces the dliration of Phase I, speeding IIp the accllmlilation. It was also observed that Phase II is of longer duration than Phase I. Increasing the attachment rate lengthens the accliffililation period. High rates of detachment speeds up the transport. The grovvth and decay rates have no significant effect on transport, althollgh increases the concentrations in both aqueous and sorbed phases are observed. Irreversible adsorption can stop accllillulation completely if the vallIes are high.