177 resultados para Soot blowers


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Combustion is a complex phenomena involving a multiplicity of variables. Some important variables measured in flame tests follow [1]. In order to characterize ignition, such related parameters as ignition time, ease of ignition, flash ignition temperature, and self-ignition temperature are measured. For studying the propagation of the flame, parameters such as distance burned or charred, area of flame spread, time of flame spread, burning rate, charred or melted area, and fire endurance are measured. Smoke characteristics are studied by determining such parameters as specific optical density, maximum specific optical density, time of occurrence of the densities, maximum rate of density increase, visual obscuration time, and smoke obscuration index. In addition to the above variables, there are a number of specific properties of the combustible system which could be measured. These are soot formation, toxicity of combustion gases, heat of combustion, dripping phenomena during the burning of thermoplastics, afterglow, flame intensity, fuel contribution, visual characteristics, limiting oxygen concentration (OI), products of pyrolysis and combustion, and so forth. A multitude of flammability tests measuring one or more of these properties have been developed [2]. Admittedly, no one small scale test is adequate to mimic or assess the performance of a plastic in a real fire situation. The conditions are much too complicated [3, 4]. Some conceptual problems associated with flammability testing of polymers have been reviewed [5, 6].


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This study investigates the morphology, microstructure and surface composition of Diesel engine exhaust particles. The state of agglomeration, the primary particle size and the fractal dimension of exhaust particles from petroleum Diesel (petrodiesel) and biodiesel blends from microalgae, cotton seed and waste cooking oil were investigated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy. With primary particle diameters between 12-19 nm, biodiesel blend primary particles are found to be smaller than petrodiesel ones (21±2 nm). Also it was found that soot agglomerates from biodiesels are more compact and spherical, as their fractal dimensions are higher, e.g. 2.2±0.1 for 50% algae biodiesel compared to 1.7±0.1 for petrodiesel. In addition, analysis of the chemical composition by means of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed an up to a factor of two increased oxygen content on the primary particle surface for biodiesel. The length, curvature and distance of graphene layers were measured showing a greater structural disorder for biodiesel with shorter fringes of higher tortuosity. This change in carbon chemistry may reflect the higher oxygen content of biofuels. Overall, it seems that the oxygen content in the fuels is the underlying reason for the observed morphological change in the resulting soot particles.


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Context sensitive pointer analyses based on Whaley and Lam’s bddbddb system have been shown to scale to large Java programs. We provide a technique to incorporate flow sensitivity for Java fields into one such analysis and obtain an escape analysis based on it. First, we express an intraprocedural field flow sensitive analysis, using Fink et al.’s Heap Array SSA form in Datalog. We then extend this analysis interprocedurally by introducing two new φ functions for Heap Array SSA Form and adding deduction rules corresponding to them. Adding a few more rules gives us an escape analysis. We describe two types of field flow sensitivity: partial (PFFS) and full (FFFS), the former without strong updates to fields and the latter with strong updates. We compare these analyses with two different (field flow insensitive) versions of Whaley-Lam analysis: one of which is flow sensitive for locals (FS) and the other, flow insensitive for locals (FIS). We have implemented this analysis on the bddbddb system while using the SOOT open source framework as a front end. We have run our analysis on a set of 15 Java programs. Our experimental results show that the time taken by our field flow sensitive analyses is comparable to that of the field flow insensitive versions while doing much better in some cases. Our PFFS analysis achieves average reductions of about 23% and 30% in the size of the points-to sets at load and store statements respectively and discovers 71% more “caller-captured” objects than FIS.


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This article discusses the potential of bio-dimethyl ether (DME) as a promising fuel for India in the transportation sector where a majority of imported petroleum in the form of diesel is used. Specifically, the suitability of DME in terms of its properties vis-a-vis those of diesel, ability to liquefy DME at low pressures similar to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ease of production from renewable feedstock (biomass), and most importantly, very low emissions including near-zero soot levels are some of the features that make it an attractive option. A detailed review presents the state-of-the-art on various aspects such as estimates of potential bio-DME production, methods of synthesis of bio-DME, important physicochemical properties, fuel-injection system-related concerns (both conventional and common-rail system), fuel spray characteristics which have a direct bearing on the engine performance, and finally, exhaust emissions. Future research directions covering all aspects from production to utilization are summarized (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3489529]


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Are evaporation of graphite with Fe, Co and Ni yields two distinct types of metal nanoparticles, wrapped in graphitic layers and highly resistant to oxidation. Electron microscopy shows that the metal particles (10-40 nm) in the stub region are encapsulated in carbon onions, the particles in the soot being considerably smaller (2-15 nm). The metal particles in the soot are either ferromagnetic with lowered Curie temperatures or superparamagnetic.


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This paper is concerned with extracting stretch effects from outward propagating spherical flames with full chemistry. It is a continuation of a recently published study from this laboratory where it is shown that single-step chemistry is insufficient to explain the experimental results on methane, propane and hydrogen-air systems. Comparisons of the present full chemistry calculations with the experimental results for several fuel/air systems are good/excellent, with the exception of rich propane-air for which it is argued that soot chemistry with attendant radiation loss need to be invoked. The reversal in trends of stretch effects due to change in pressure, initial temperature and N-2 dilution (observed in experiments) can be predicted well by full chemistry but not with simple single-step chemistry. Analysis of the results shows the important role played by many intermediate species and explains why full chemistry is needed to predict stretch effects.


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It is now clearly understood that atmospheric aerosols have a significant impact on climate due to their important role in modifying the incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation. The question of whether aerosol cools (negative forcing) or warms (positive forcing) the planet depends on the relative dominance of absorbing aerosols. Recent investigations over the tropical Indian Ocean have shown that, irrespective of the comparatively small percentage contribution in optical depth (similar to11%), soot has an important role in the overall radiative forcing. However, when the amount of absorbing aerosols such as soot are significant, aerosol optical depth and chemical composition are not the only determinants of aerosol climate effects, but the altitude of the aerosol layer and the altitude and type of clouds are also important. In this paper, the aerosol forcing in the presence of clouds and the effect of different surface types (ocean, soil, vegetation, and different combinations of soil and vegetation) are examined based on model simulations, demonstrating that aerosol forcing changes sign from negative (cooling) to positive (warming) when reflection from below (either due to land or clouds) is high.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot (chosen as a scalar which is a primary pollutant source) formation and transport in a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a convecting line vortex. The topology of soot contours resulting from flame vortex interactions has been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air side in comparison to the fuel side. Also, the soot topography was spatially more diffuse in the case of air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the experimental work previously reported in the literature. The computational simulation enabled a study of various parameters like temperature, equivalence ratio and temperature gradient affecting the soot production and transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in the case of air side vortex in contrast to the fuel side one. In case of fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vortex core resulted in fuel-rich combustion zone in the core and a more discrete soot topography. Besides, the overall soot production was observed to be low in the fuel side vortex. However, for the air side vortex, air abundance in the core resulted in higher temperatures and greater soot production. Probability density functions (PDFs) have been introduced to investigate the spatiotemporal variation of soot yield and transport and their dependence on temperature and acetylene concentration from statistical view point. In addition, the effect of flame curvature on soot production is also studied. The regions convex to fuel stream side witnessed thicker soot layer. All numerical simulations have been carried out on Fluent 6.3.26. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Food industries like biscuit and confectionary use significant amount of fossil fuel for thermal energy. Biscuit manufacturing in India is carried out both by organized and unorganized sector. The ratio of organized to unorganized sector is 60 : 40 (1). The total biscuit manufacturing in the organized sector India in 2008 was about 1.7 million metric tons (1). Accounting for the unorganized sector in India, the total biscuit manufacturing would have been about 2.9 million metric tons/annum. A typical biscuit baking is carried in a long tunnel kiln with varying temperature in different zones. Generally diesel is used to provide the necessary heat energy for the baking purpose, with temperature ranging from 190 C in the drying zone to about 300 C in the baking area and has to maintain in the temperature range of +/- 5 C. Typical oil consumption is about 40 litres per ton of biscuit production. The paper discusses the experience in substituting about 120 lts per hour kiln for manufacturing about 70 tons of biscuit daily. The system configuration consists of a 500 kg/hr gasification system comprising of a reactor, multicyclone, water scrubbers, and two blowers for maintaining the constant gas pressure in the header before the burners. Cold producer gas is piped to the oven located about 200 meters away from the gasifier. Fuel used in the gasification system is coconut shells. All the control system existing on the diesel burner has been suitably adapted for producer gas operation to maintain the total flow, A/F control so as to maintain the temperature. A total of 7 burners are used in different zones. Over 17000 hour of operation has resulted in replacing over 1800 tons of diesel over the last 30 months. The system operates for over 6 days a week with average operational hours of 160. It has been found that on an average 3.5 kg of biomass has replaced one liter of diesel.


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In the present paper, a multifluid model of two-phase flows with pulverized-coal combustion, based on a continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase, is developed and employed to simulate the 3-D turbulent two-phase hows and combustion in a new type of pulverized-coal combustor with one primary-air jet placed along the wall of the combustor. The results show that: (1) this continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase can be used in practical engineering to qualitatively predict the flame stability, concentrations of gas species, possibilities of slag formation and soot deposition, etc.; (2) large recirculation zones can be created in the combustor, which is favorable to the ignition and flame stabilization.


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In this paper the Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) process of gaseous H-2-O-2 mixture and Mach reflection of gaseous detonation wave on a wedge have been conducted experimentally. The cellular pattern of DDT process and Mach reflection were obtained from experiments with wedge angle theta = 10(0) similar to 40(0) and initial pressure of gaseous mixture 16kPa similar to 26.7kPa. The 2-D numerical simulations of DDT process and Mach reflection of detonation wave were performed by using the simplified ZND model and improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) method. The numerical cellular structures were compared with the cellular patterns of soot track. Compared results were shown that it is satisfactory. The characteristic comparisons on Mach reflection of air shock wave and detonation wave were carried also out and their differences were given.


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In this paper, an AC plasma arc reactorwithworkinggasofhydrogen is applied to destruct chemicalagents. The temperature attains 6000℃ in the arc area and over 2000℃ in the other space of the crucible. The Arsenic (As) contained chemical agent -Adams (DM) used in the experiment, was added into the plasmareactorwith the additives: Fe, CaO, and SiO_2, etc. Pyrolysis and destructionofchemicalagents occurs very quickly in the high-temperature reactor. Gaseous hydrogen was injected into the reactor to form a reductive environment, to reduce the formation of As_2O_3 etc. In the bottom of the crucible, the solid residues of toxicant and additives were melted and formed as vitrified slag. The off-gas was treated by a wet scrubber. The amounts of arsenic distributed in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and solids (soot) were measured. The result shows DM is completely destructed in the plasmareactor. The Arsenic content in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and soot are 0.052 mg/l, 3.0%, 10.44 mg/l, and 5.1% respectively, which will be disposed as the pollutant matters. The results show that the plasma technology is an environmentally friendly technology to destruct chemicals.


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Executive Summary: Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities. Warming over this century is projected to be considerably greater than over the last century. The global average temperature since 1900 has risen by about 1.5ºF. By 2100, it is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5ºF. The U.S. average temperature has risen by a comparable amount and is very likely to rise more than the global average over this century, with some variation from place to place. Several factors will determine future temperature increases. Increases at the lower end of this range are more likely if global heat-trapping gas emissions are cut substantially. If emissions continue to rise at or near current rates, temperature increases are more likely to be near the upper end of the range. Volcanic eruptions or other natural variations could temporarily counteract some of the human-induced warming, slowing the rise in global temperature, but these effects would only last a few years. Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide would lessen warming over this century and beyond. Sizable early cuts in emissions would significantly reduce the pace and the overall amount of climate change. Earlier cuts in emissions would have a greater effect in reducing climate change than comparable reductions made later. In addition, reducing emissions of some shorter-lived heat-trapping gases, such as methane, and some types of particles, such as soot, would begin to reduce warming within weeks to decades. Climate-related changes have already been observed globally and in the United States. These include increases in air and water temperatures, reduced frost days, increased frequency and intensity of heavy downpours, a rise in sea level, and reduced snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. A longer ice-free period on lakes and rivers, lengthening of the growing season, and increased water vapor in the atmosphere have also been observed. Over the past 30 years, temperatures have risen faster in winter than in any other season, with average winter temperatures in the Midwest and northern Great Plains increasing more than 7ºF. Some of the changes have been faster than previous assessments had suggested. These climate-related changes are expected to continue while new ones develop. Likely future changes for the United States and surrounding coastal waters include more intense hurricanes with related increases in wind, rain, and storm surges (but not necessarily an increase in the number of these storms that make landfall), as well as drier conditions in the Southwest and Caribbean. These changes will affect human health, water supply, agriculture, coastal areas, and many other aspects of society and the natural environment. This report synthesizes information from a wide variety of scientific assessments (see page 7) and recently published research to summarize what is known about the observed and projected consequences of climate change on the United States. It combines analysis of impacts on various sectors such as energy, water, and transportation at the national level with an assessment of key impacts on specific regions of the United States. For example, sea-level rise will increase risks of erosion, storm surge damage, and flooding for coastal communities, especially in the Southeast and parts of Alaska. Reduced snowpack and earlier snow melt will alter the timing and amount of water supplies, posing significant challenges for water resource management in the West. (PDF contains 196 pages)


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Progress is made on the numerical modeling of both laminar and turbulent non-premixed flames. Instead of solving the transport equations for the numerous species involved in the combustion process, the present study proposes reduced-order combustion models based on local flame structures.

For laminar non-premixed flames, curvature and multi-dimensional diffusion effects are found critical for the accurate prediction of sooting tendencies. A new numerical model based on modified flamelet equations is proposed. Sooting tendencies are calculated numerically using the proposed model for a wide range of species. These first numerically-computed sooting tendencies are in good agreement with experimental data. To further quantify curvature and multi-dimensional effects, a general flamelet formulation is derived mathematically. A budget analysis of the general flamelet equations is performed on an axisymmetric laminar diffusion flame. A new chemistry tabulation method based on the general flamelet formulation is proposed. This new tabulation method is applied to the same flame and demonstrates significant improvement compared to previous techniques.

For turbulent non-premixed flames, a new model to account for chemistry-turbulence interactions is proposed. %It is found that these interactions are not important for radicals and small species, but substantial for aromatic species. The validity of various existing flamelet-based chemistry tabulation methods is examined, and a new linear relaxation model is proposed for aromatic species. The proposed relaxation model is validated against full chemistry calculations. To further quantify the importance of aromatic chemistry-turbulence interactions, Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) have been performed on a turbulent sooting jet flame. %The aforementioned relaxation model is used to provide closure for the chemical source terms of transported aromatic species. The effects of turbulent unsteadiness on soot are highlighted by comparing the LES results with a separate LES using fully-tabulated chemistry. It is shown that turbulent unsteady effects are of critical importance for the accurate prediction of not only the inception locations, but also the magnitude and fluctuations of soot.


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The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the behavior of the smallest turbulent scales in high Karlovitz number (Ka) premixed flames. These scales are particularly important in the two-way coupling between turbulence and chemistry and better understanding of these scales will support future modeling efforts using large eddy simulations (LES). The smallest turbulent scales are studied by considering the vorticity vector, ω, and its transport equation.

Due to the complexity of turbulent combustion introduced by the wide range of length and time scales, the two-dimensional vortex-flame interaction is first studied as a simplified test case. Numerical and analytical techniques are used to discern the dominate transport terms and their effects on vorticity based on the initial size and strength of the vortex. This description of the effects of the flame on a vortex provides a foundation for investigating vorticity in turbulent combustion.

Subsequently, enstrophy, ω2 = ω • ω, and its transport equation are investigated in premixed turbulent combustion. For this purpose, a series of direct numerical simulations (DNS) of premixed n-heptane/air flames are performed, the conditions of which span a wide range of unburnt Karlovitz numbers and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Theoretical scaling analysis along with the DNS results support that, at high Karlovitz number, enstrophy transport is controlled by the viscous dissipation and vortex stretching/production terms. As a result, vorticity scales throughout the flame with the inverse of the Kolmogorov time scale, τη, just as in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. As τη is only a function of the viscosity and dissipation rate, this supports the validity of Kolmogorov’s first similarity hypothesis for sufficiently high Ka numbers (Ka ≳ 100). These conclusions are in contrast to low Karlovitz number behavior, where dilatation and baroclinic torque have a significant impact on vorticity within the flame. Results are unaffected by the transport model, chemical model, turbulent Reynolds number, and lastly the physical configuration.

Next, the isotropy of vorticity is assessed. It is found that given a sufficiently large value of the Karlovitz number (Ka ≳ 100) the vorticity is isotropic. At lower Karlovitz numbers, anisotropy develops due to the effects of the flame on the vortex stretching/production term. In this case, the local dynamics of vorticity in the strain-rate tensor, S, eigenframe are altered by the flame. At sufficiently high Karlovitz numbers, the dynamics of vorticity in this eigenframe resemble that of homogeneous isotropic turbulence.

Combined, the results of this thesis support that both the magnitude and orientation of vorticity resemble the behavior of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, given a sufficiently high Karlovitz number (Ka ≳ 100). This supports the validity of Kolmogorov’s first similarity hypothesis and the hypothesis of local isotropy under these condition. However, dramatically different behavior is found at lower Karlovitz numbers. These conclusions provides/suggests directions for modeling high Karlovitz number premixed flames using LES. With more accurate models, the design of aircraft combustors and other combustion based devices may better mitigate the detrimental effects of combustion, from reducing CO2 and soot production to increasing engine efficiency.