997 resultados para Songs, French.


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1. The common organic acids inhibited leaf phosphatase activity, This effect is mostly due to the hydroxyl groups in them. 2. The less common organic acids, which have only carboxyl groups, did not show any marked inhibitory action on phosphatase activity. 3. The less common organic acids eluted the leaf phosphatase after adsorption on aluminacγ gel to a greater extent than the more common organic acids. 4. The second elution of the purified enzyme from the aluminacγ gel was not possible with the organic acids as it was adsorbed on the gel.


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Seeking to challenge the belief that within-West cultural differences should be seen as insignificant in organisations, this paper seeks to demonstrate how two given Western European ‘organising cultures’ (i.e. Finnish culture and French culture, as they are expressed in the process of organising) can contrast, if not conflict, with each other. Further, it aims to help the reader realise what kinds of fundamental ‘cultural antagonisms’ these contrasting organising behaviours may come from, to help her/him understand ‘the other culture’ better, and thus allow for a first step towards an improvement of Finnish-French intercultural interactions in organisational contexts. After shortly introducing what should be understood here as ‘cultural antagonisms’, the paper addresses four fundamental Finnish-French antagonisms, regarding the vision of the organisation (‘functionalist vs. personalist’), the relative importance of ‘consensus vs. dissensus’, the typical trade-off between reliability and flexibility, and the striking differences in communication, respectively. These four fundamental antagonisms are found to be closely interrelated and integrated, serving as explanation, justification and legitimisation for each other. That does not mean, however, that differences, however striking they may be, should merely be a threat to co-operation: some implications introduced at the end of the paper suggest that, provided people are aware of them, cultural antagonisms can also be seen as opportunities for a more fruitful work interaction.


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Research on cross-cultural and intercultural aspects in organizations has been traditionally conducted from an objectivist, functionalist perspective, with culture treated as an independent variable, and often the key explanatory factor. In order to do justice to the ontological relativity of the phenomena studied, more subjectivist research on intercultural interactions, and especially on their relationships with the dynamics of cultural identity construction, is needed. The present research seeks to address this gap by focusing on bicultural interactions in organizations, as they are experienced by the involved individuals. It is argued that such bicultural situations see the emergence of a space of hybridity, which is here called a ‘third space’, and which can be understood as providing ‘occasions for sensemaking’: it is this individual sensemaking that is of particular interest in the empirical narrative study. A first overall aim of the study is to reach an understanding of the dynamics of bicultural interactions in organizations; an understanding not only of the potential for learning and emancipatory sensemaking, but also of the possibility of conflict and alienatory ordering (this is mainly addressed in the theoretical essays 1 and 2). Further, a second overall aim of the study is to analyze the reflexive identity construction of four young French expatriates involved in such bicultural interactions in organizations in Finland, in order to examine the extent to which their expatriation experiences have allowed for an emancipatory opportunity in their cases (in essays 3 and 4). The primary theoretical contribution in this study lies in its new articulation of the dynamics of bicultural interactions in organizations. The ways in which the empirical material is analyzed bring about methodological contributions: since the expatriates’ accounts are bound to be some kind of construction, the analysis is made from angles that point to how the self-narratives construct reality. There are two such angles here: a ‘performative’ one and a ‘spatial’ one. The most important empirical contributions lie in the analysis of, on the one hand, the alternative uses that the young expatriates made of the notion of ‘national culture’ in their self-narratives, and, on the other hand, their ‘narrative practices of the third space’: their politics of escape or stabilization, their exploration of space or search for place, their emancipation from their origin or return to home as only horizon.


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The most important French literary movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the nouveau roman, radically questioned the idea of the novel as storytelling, claiming that narratives create a false illusion of the world’s intelligibility. However, in the 1970s storytelling finds its way back into the French novel – a shift that has been characterized as the “return of the narrative”. In my article, I argue that the “narrative turn” in the French novel of the 1970s can be seen as a turn towards a fundamentally hermeneutic view of the narrative mediatedness of our relation to the world. From a hermeneutic perspective, the nouveaux romanciers – insofar as they reject the narrative in order to disclose the discontinuous, fragmentary and chaotic nature of reality – hang onto the positivistic idea that “real” is only that which is independent of human meaning-giving processes. By contrast, the hermeneutists, such as Paul Ricoeur, consider also the human experience of the world to be real, and largely narrative in form. This view is shared by the principal novelists associated with the narrative turn, such as Michel Tournier to whom man is a “mythological animal”. However, after the nouveau roman , narratives have lost their innocence: they no longer appear as “natural” but are conscious of their own narrativity, historicity, and the way they represent only one possible – inevitably ethically and politically charged – perspective into reality. By making storytelling thematic and by telling “counter-stories” that question prevailing models of sense-making, Tournier and other “new storytellers” strive to promote critical reflection on the stories on the basis of which we orient to the world and narrate our lives – both as individuals and as communities.


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Song-selection and mood are interdependent. If we capture a song’s sentiment, we can determine the mood of the listener, which can serve as a basis for recommendation systems. Songs are generally classified according to genres, which don’t entirely reflect sentiments. Thus, we require an unsupervised scheme to mine them. Sentiments are classified into either two (positive/negative) or multiple (happy/angry/sad/...) classes, depending on the application. We are interested in analyzing the feelings invoked by a song, involving multi-class sentiments. To mine the hidden sentimental structure behind a song, in terms of “topics”, we consider its lyrics and use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Each song is a mixture of moods. Topics mined by LDA can represent moods. Thus we get a scheme of collecting similar-mood songs. For validation, we use a dataset of songs containing 6 moods annotated by users of a particular website.


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Traditional taxonomy based on morphology has often failed in accurate species identification owing to the occurrence of cryptic species, which are reproductively isolated but morphologically identical. Molecular data have thus been used to complement morphology in species identification. The sexual advertisement calls in several groups of acoustically communicating animals are species-specific and can thus complement molecular data as non-invasive tools for identification. Several statistical tools and automated identifier algorithms have been used to investigate the efficiency of acoustic signals in species identification. Despite a plethora of such methods, there is a general lack of knowledge regarding the appropriate usage of these methods in specific taxa. In this study, we investigated the performance of two commonly used statistical methods, discriminant function analysis (DFA) and cluster analysis, in identification and classification based on acoustic signals of field cricket species belonging to the subfamily Gryllinae. Using a comparative approach we evaluated the optimal number of species and calling song characteristics for both the methods that lead to most accurate classification and identification. The accuracy of classification using DFA was high and was not affected by the number of taxa used. However, a constraint in using discriminant function analysis is the need for a priori classification of songs. Accuracy of classification using cluster analysis, which does not require a priori knowledge, was maximum for 6-7 taxa and decreased significantly when more than ten taxa were analysed together. We also investigated the efficacy of two novel derived acoustic features in improving the accuracy of identification. Our results show that DFA is a reliable statistical tool for species identification using acoustic signals. Our results also show that cluster analysis of acoustic signals in crickets works effectively for species classification and identification.


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Objective: In this study, we report the role of miRNAs involved under nitrogen starvation from widely grown vegetable crop, French bean. In recent years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the elucidation of miRNAs involved in low nitrate stress. Methods: To identify miRNAs expressed under stress, cDNA libraries were analyzed. Results: We reported the nine potential miRNAs with 67 targets involved in nutrient transporters and other stress specific genes. Among the miRNA sequences obtained 6 sequences belong to miR172 family, one with miR169. RT-PCR analysis of expression of miR172 family was induced upon low nitrate stress while miR169 family was repressed. In addition, Pvu-SN7b and Pvu-miR16 may be new members of miRNA172 and miR169 families, respectively. Conclusion: The targets of Pvu-SN7b were major protein kinases, one among which is the Protein Kinase CK2. CK2 Kinase is found to involve in transcription-directed signaling, gene control and cell-cycle regulation. Other targets of Pvu-SN7b were involved in DNA-dependent transcription regulation, photo-periodism, calcium-mediated signaling. Pvu-miR16 targets Thymidine kinase, the key enzyme of deoxy-nucleotide synthesis. The cleavage of these targets affects cell proliferation there by affecting nodule formation. Pvu-miR8 inhibits translation of its target protein Pre-protein translocase, a membrane-bound protein transporter involved in trans-membrane protein transportation. Together these results denote the response and role of miRNAs to nitrate-limiting conditions in French bean.


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Leonard Carpenter Panama Canal Collection. Photographs: Views of Panama and the Canal. [Box 1] from the Special Collections & Area Studies Department, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida.


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This paper models the mean and volatility spillovers of prices within the integrated Iberian and the interconnected Spanish and French electricity markets. Using the constant (CCC) and dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) bivariate models with three different specifications of the univariate variance processes, we study the extent to which increasing interconnection and harmonization in regulation have favoured price convergence. The data consist of daily prices calculated as the arithmetic mean of the hourly prices over a span from July 1st 2007 until February 29th 2012. The DCC model in which the variances of the univariate processes are specified with a VARMA(1,1) fits the data best for the integrated MIBEL whereas a CCC model with a GARCH(1,1) specification for the univariate variance processes is selected to model the price series in Spain and France. Results show that there are significant mean and volatility spillovers in the MIBEL, indicating strong interdependence between the two markets, while there is a weaker evidence of integration between the Spanish and French markets. We provide new evidence that the EU target of achieving a single electricity market largely depends on increasing trade between countries and homogeneous rules of market functioning.


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El trabajo consiste en la realización de un plan de marketing para el lanzamiento del álbum de U2. En él, analizaremos tanto la situación externa como interna del sector discográfico y la empresa con la que trabajaremos, Universal Music Group. También, verificaremos la viabilidad de lanzar el nuevo disco de U2 al mercado y de si resultará rentable o no.


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No período da ditadura militar no Brasil de 1964 a 1985 a arte, especialmente a música produzida no país, assumiu postura de oposição ao regime militar. Para isso, os compositores tinham de utilizar princípios e recursos linguísticos e discursivos que persuadissem o público subliminarmente, já que as manifestações explícitas eram alvos da censura. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o ethos discursivo dos compositores da Música Popular Brasileira nesse período histórico, identificando as marcas discursivas e as estratégias persuasivas utilizadas nas canções. Dessa forma, pretendemos comprovar que a construção do ethos se materializa nas escolhas linguísticas e discursivas e nas relações intertextuais e interdiscursivas utilizadas pelos compositores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, de cunho qualitativo, que considera a realidade histórico-cultural da época e trabalha com um corpus composto por vinte e três canções. No estudo, foram utilizados pressupostos teóricos, históricos, culturais e linguístico-discursivos, principalmente da Análise do Discurso Francesa de Maingueneau e Charaudeau. Conclui-se que, no período, além das estratégias referentes ao domínio artístico, os compositores utilizaram estratégias específicas para driblar a censura e preservar suas faces, construindo ethe que marcaram a memória brasileira e os tornaram reconhecidos como símbolos de resistência ao regime militar


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Growth parameters and mortality rates were estimated from length-frequency data sampled in 1982, using the FiSAT software, for three coral reef fish species, the surgeon fish (Ctenochaetus striatus), the damselfish (Stegastes nigricans) and the squirrel fish (Sargocentron microstoma) in Tiahura Reef, Moorea Island, French Polynesia.