996 resultados para Sondas de DNA de HPV
S100, CD68, and MHC class II molecule expression in cervical high- and low-grade HPV-induced lesions
INTRODUCTION: Some human papillomavirus (HPV) types are involved in malignant processes in the cervical epithelium, with 99% of cases attributed to oncogenic HPV infection. This study aimed to detect S100, CD68, and major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules in cervical uterine epithelial samples in patients with high- and low-grade lesions induced by HPV. METHODS: Fifty-eight samples from patients who were confirmed positive or negative for high-risk oncogenic HPV DNA, had histopathological diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of grades I, II, or III, or were negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy were subjected to immunohistochemistry reaction to S100 protein, CD68, and MHC-II (HLA-DR alpha chain). RESULTS: The presence of MHC-II predominated in samples exhibiting histopathological alterations (p < 0.05). S100 detection was more numerous in carcinoma samples (CIN III) (75%). Presence of this protein correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with histopathological findings and viral load. CONCLUSIONS: A small expression of CD68 was observed, which may be explained by the observation in our study having been made on random microscopic fields and not on specific areas. The findings, such as the presence of S100 protein and MHC-II expression in samples with histological alterations, could suggest that the immune system fails to control HPV replication at the early stages of infection. Further studies with larger prospective data are necessary to confirm this result.
The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
High-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) is an essential cause of cervical carcinoma and is also strongly related to anal cancer development. The hrHPV E6 oncoprotein plays a major role in carcinogenesis. We aimed to evaluate the frequency of hrHPV DNA and E6 oncoprotein in the anuses of women with cervical carcinoma. We analyzed 117 women with cervical cancer and 103 controls for hrHPV and the E6 oncogene. Positive test results for a cervical carcinoma included 66.7 % with hrHPV-16 and 7.7 % with hrHPV-18. One case tested positive for both HPV variants (0.9 %). The samples from the anal canal were positive for HPV-16 in 59.8 % of the cases. Simultaneous presence of HPV in the cervix and anal canal was found in 53.8 % of the cases. Regarding expression of E6 RNA, positivity for HPV-16 in the anal canal was found in 21.2 % of the cases, positivity for HPV-16 in the cervix was found in 75.0 %, and positivity for HPV-18 in the cervix was found in 1.9 %. E6 expression in both the cervix and anal canal was found in 19.2 % of the cases. In the controls, 1 % tested positive for HPV-16 and 0 % for HPV-18. Anal samples from the controls showed a hrHPV frequency of 4.9 % (only HPV16). The presence of hrHPV in the anal canal of women with cervical cancer was detected at a high frequency. We also detected E6 RNA expression in the anal canal of women with cervical cancer, suggesting that these women are at risk for anal hrHPV infection.
This review tackles the issues related to disease burden caused by cervical cancer (CC) and its precursor (CIN) lesions in Brazil. A special focus is given to new technologies with potential to interfere with the development of CC by reducing the high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV)-induced lesions that remain a major public health burden in all developing countries where organized screening programs do not exist. Globally, 85 % of all incident CC and 50 % of CC deaths occur in the developing countries. Unfortunately, most regions of Brazil still demonstrate high mortality rates, ranking CC as the second most common cancer among Brazilian women. Recently, CC screening programs have been tailored in the country to enable early detection of CC precursor lesions and thereby reduce cancer mortality. A combination of HPV testing with liquid-based cytology (LBC) seems to be a promising new approach in CC screening, with high expectation to offer an adequate control of CC burden in this country.
Se trabaja con materiales de citologías y biopsias de cervix uterino en un grupo de pacientes controles biopsiados por otras sospechas clínicas sin diagnóstico clínico, colposcópico ni citológico de presunción de infección por HPV, y tres grupos de pacientes problemas, scorizados como presuntamente negativos, presuntamente sospechosos y presuntamente infectados, basados en presencia de cortes histológicos de acantosis, hiperplasia de células basales y asas capilares, coilocitorisis, cambios nucleares, binucleación y disqueratosis. Se correlacionan las biopsias con los estudios citológicos; sobre los cortes histológicos se procede a efectuar técnicas de hibridización in situ con sondas Innogenex para los virus 6-11, 6-18, grupo del 30. Se han estudiado las asociaciones del HPV en cervix con otras patologías (especialmente infecciosas) en nuestro medio, lesiones simuladoras de infección por el HPV y se trabajará en los grupos sospechosos y presuntamente infectados que sean positivos para la HIS, con marcaciones de detección de grado de actividad proliferativa para Mib1 y p53 y su relación con los subtipos virales. En las lesiones intraepiteliales relacionadas con el HPV se investigarán en la lesión y en la mucosa vecina receptores estrogénicos y progestacionales para tratar de determinar si la infección viral afecta la expresión de estos receptores.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Department of Pathology de la Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Holanda, entre agost del 2006 i gener del 2007. Es parteix de la hipòtesi principal que el virus del papil•loma humà (VPH) està implicat com a cofactor en la carcinogènesi del càncer cutani no-melanoma associat a l'exposició solar i a la immunosupressió. L'objectiu principal era la validació d'una tècnica de detecció del VPH en frotis cutanis per a determinar el paper d'aquest en el càncer cutani en pacients trasplantats renals. Es pretenia desenvolupar l'ús dels frotis cutanis per a la detecció del VPH en pell no tumoral i posteriorment establir quines són les mostres més adequades (en quan a localització i tipus d'extracció) per tal de definir el concepte de "portador de VPH". Es recolliren frotis cutanis de zones exposades (front i mà) i no exposades (part interna del braç) al sol, de la zona perilesional així com pèls de cella. Les mostres pertanyen tant a pacients trasplantats renals (immunodeprimits) com a pacients no trasplantats (immunocompetents), de pell normal i de pell cancerosa. Es van emprar diferents tècniques d'extracció de DNA. El DNA del VPH va ser amplificat amb una tècnica de reacció en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR ) específica de tipus cutanis (Beta-Gamma Cutaneous HPV PCR) i es va tipificar amb una hibridació reversa amb sondes específiques (Reverse Line Blotting). Tots els assajos es van fer per triplicat, per tal de poder avaluar la reproduibilitat dels resultats en aquestes mostres. Com a control de la qualitat i la quantitat del DNA les mostres van ser testades per la PCR del gen de la beta-globina. S’ha dectectat el VPH present tant en pell com en pell cancerosa. La tècnica aporta resultats reproduïbes. S’aprecia una bona correlació tant entre els resultats obtinguts dels frotis i el bulbs pilosos, així com de diferents zones raspades d'un mateix pacient.
A hundred-sixty paraffin-embedded specimens from female cervical lesions were examined for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16 and 18 infections by non-isotopic in situ hybridization. The data were compared with histologic diagnosis. Eighty-eight (55) biopsies contained HPV DNA sequences. In low grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN I), HPV infection was detected in 78.7 of the cases, the benign HPV 6 was the most prevalent type. HPV DNA was detected in 58 of CIN II and CIN III cases and in 41.8 of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Histologically normal women presented 20 of HPV infection. Oncogenic HPV was found in 10 of these cases, what may indicate a higher risk of developing CINs and cancer. Twenty-five percent of the infected tissues contained mixed infections. HPV 16 was the most common type infecting the cervix and its prevalence raised significantly with the severity of the lesions, pointing its role in cancer pathogenesis. White women presented twice the cervical lesions of mulatto and African origin women, although HPV infection rates were nearly the same for the three groups (approximately 50). Our results showed that HPV typing by in situ hybridization is a useful tool for distinguishing between low and high risk cervical lesions. Further studies are required to elucidate risk factors associated with HPV infection and progression to malignancy in Brazilian population.
Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) as triage and test of cure was introduced into the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme on Monday 28 January 2013. This policy change will significantly alter the screening pathway for women with a mild dyskaryosis or borderline smear result. The link between HR-HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer has now been clearly established, with almost 100% of cervical cancers containing HPV DNA. Women with no evidence of HR-HPV infection are extremely unlikely to develop cervical cancer in the short to medium term. HPV triage is the process whereby HR-HPV testing is used to manage women with low grade cervical abnormalities. Only 15-20% of women with a borderline or mild smear result have a significant abnormality that needs treatment. HR-HPV testing is effective in identifying which women may need treatment and allows colposcopy resources to be allocated more effectively.The test of cure process is being introduced because it is now known that women with a normal or low grade smear test, and who are HR-HPV negative at six months after treatment, are at very low risk of residual disease. These women do not need to be recalled for another screening appointment for three years.The test of cure process means all post-treatment smears (at six months) that are reported as normal, borderline or mild dyskaryosis will be tested for HR-HPV. Those women who are HR-HPV positive will remain at colposcopy. HR-HPV negative women can be safely returned to recall in three years. It is estimated that the HR-HPV test of cure will allow approximately 80% of women who have been through treatment to avoid undergoing annual smear tests. This flowchart poster outlines the new triage and test of cure process. It was distributed to all GPs in Northern Ireland and is available to download as a PDF from this website.�
The objective of this study is to understand the structural flexibility and curvature of the E2 protein of human papillomavirus type 18 using molecular dynamics (6 ns). E2 is required for viral DNA replication and its disruption could be an anti-viral strategy. E2 is a dimer, with each monomer folding into a stable open-faced β-sandwich. We calculated the mobility of the E2 dimer and found that it was asymmetric. These different mobilities of E2 monomers suggest that drugs or vaccines could be targeted to the interface between the two monomers.
The aim of this study was to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) types distribution in cervical preneoplasic lesions in a Southern Spanish population and their relationship between HPV type and grade of histopathological abnormality. Finally, 232 cervical samples from 135 women with previous cytological abnormalities were included in this study. Colposcopy studies and biopsies were performed. Haematoxylin-eosin stained slides were observed and detection of HPV DNA in cervical swabs was carried out with use of a polymerase chain reaction and microarrays technology. The relationship between the presence of HPV infection and diagnostic variables was evaluated. HPV 16 was the most common type followed by HPV 58, 51, 33 and 31. However, the two HPV types targeted in the prophylactic vaccines such as HPV type 16 and 18 were detected in only 37 (21.2%) and 2 (1.1%) cases respectively. Thirty-three (18.9%) of samples were infected with multiple types, the majority of them with two types. In addition, during the follow-up of patients many changes in type distribution were observed. Several studies will be necessary in order to evaluate the HPV type distribution for therapeutically and prophylactic purposes such as vaccine treatment. Also, because of the differences obtained depending of use of various DNA technologies, the performance of some comparative studies of the different methods from detection of HPV would be advisable in a high population of patients and with the most homogeneous conditions possible.
Penile cancer is a potentially mutilating disease. Although its occurrence is relatively rare worldwide, penile cancer rates can be high in developing countries. A few studies have been conducted on the involvement of human papillomavirus (HPV) in penile carcinoma, which have found HPV present in 30-70% of penile malignant lesions, with a higher prevalence of HPV 16 and 18. It has been assumed that cofactors, such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections, may play a role in the progression of penile neoplasia. The aim of this study was to determine HPV and EBV prevalence in 135 penile malignant lesions from Brazilian men through the use of MY09/11 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), type-specific PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. HPV prevalence among the men tested was 60.7%. Of the men who tested positive, 27 presented with HPV 16 (29.7%), five with HPV 18 (5.5%), 21 with HPV 45 (23.1%) and nine with HPV 6 (9.9%). Seven mixed infections were detected (9.2%), while 11 cases remained untyped (13.4%). Regarding EBV positivity, 46.7% of the samples contained EBV DNA with EBV-1 as the most prevalent type (74.6%). More than 23% of the men were co-infected with both HPV and EBV, while 35% presented exclusively with HPV DNA and 20% presented only with EBV DNA. Penile carcinoma aetiology has not been fully elucidated and the role of HPV and EBV infections individually or synergistically is still controversial. Hence, more studies are needed to determine their possible role in carcinogenesis.
Background Early age at first delivery has been identified as a risk factor for high-risk HPV-type infection and cervical cancer development. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During June 2006 to February 2007, 301 women aged 15-24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Detection of HPV DNA in cervical specimens was performed using a standardised PCR protocol with PGMY09/11 primers. The association of selected factors with HPV infection was assessed by using a Generalised Linear Model. Results HPV DNA was detected in 58.5% (95% CI 52.7% to 64.0%) of the enrolled young women. The most common types of HPV found were: HPV16, HPV51, HPV52, HPV58 and HPV71. The overall prevalence of HPV types targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines was: HPV 16-12.0%, HPV 18-2.3% and HPV 6 and 11 4.3%. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, p for trend=0.02) and smoking habits were independently associated with HPV infection. Conclusions The findings show that these young primiparous women had high cervical HPV prevalence, suggesting that this is a high-risk group for cervical cancer development. Nevertheless, 17.3% were positive for any of the four HPV types included in HPV vaccines (HPV6, 11, 16 or 18), with 13.3% positive for HPV 16 or 18 and only 1.0% having both vaccine related-oncogenic HPV types. Thus, young primiparous women could benefit from catch-up HPV vaccination programmes.
Ihmisen papilloomavirus (Human papillomavirus HPV) aiheuttaa yleisen sukupuoliteitse leviävän tartuntataudin. Virusinfektiolla on todettu olevan yhteys kohdunkaulan syöpään ja on siksi tärkeä tutkimuskohde. Kätilöopiston sairaalan patologian laboratoriossa tutkitaan HPV:ta Hybrid Capture 2 -menetelmällä, joka antaa tuloksen kvantitatiivisena. Tulos on joko positiivinen tai negatiivinen korkean riskin HPV-genotyypeille. Tutkimuskohteena oli ihmisen papilloomavirusta määrittävä in situ -hybridisaatiomenetelmä, joka on tarkoitus ottaa käyttöön Kätilöopiston sairaalan patologian laboratorioon. Näytemateriaali kerättiin HUSLAB:n Qpati-tietokannasta. 40 potilastapausta valittiin, joista kymmenen potilastapausta kuuluu kondyloma planum-, kymmenen dysplasia levis-, kymmenen dysplasia moderata- ja viimeiset kymmenen dysplasia gravis -luokitukseen. Näytteet oli valettu parafiiniin, joista leikkattiin uudet näytelasit. Näistä tehtiin HPV in situ -hybridisaatio-, p16INK4a-, Ki67- ja hematoksyliini-eosiinivärjäykset. HPV ISH:n tuloksia verrattiin negatiivisten ja positiivisten kontrollien antamiin tuloksiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin proteiinien p16INK4a ja Ki67 vastaavuutta HPV ISH:n antamiin tuloksiin. Ki67 ja p16INK4a ovat merkkiaineita, joita havaitaan HPV:n aiheuttamissa dysplastisissa muutoksissa. HE-värjäyksen avulla tarkistettiin diagnoosiluokat. HPV in situ -hybridisaationäytteissä esiintyi HPV DNA-viruskopioita 82,5 %:ssa (33/40). Näytteistä negatiivisen tuloksen antoi 12,5 % (5/40) ja 5 % (2/40) niistä ei voitu tulkita. Immunohistokemialliset värjäykset antoivat keskenään yhteneväisiä tuloksia. Tulokset olivat yhteneviä myös HPV in situ -hybridisaation antamiin tuloksiin. Tulokset olivat luotettavia, koska negatiivinen kontrolli antoi negatiivisen ja positiivinen kontrolli positiivisen tuloksen. Hematoksyliini-eosiinivärjäyksellä tarkistetuista diagnoosiluokista 20 prosenttia (8/40) oli muuttunut. Tulokset olivat luotettavia, joten voidaan todeta, että in situ -hybridisaatiomenetelmä voidaan ottaa käyttöön Kätilöopiston sairaalan patologian laboratoriolle.
Kohdunkaulan syöpä on maailmanlaajuisesti naisten toiseksi yleisin syöpätauti. Tutkimuksilla on osoitettu, että 99,7 %:ssa tapauksista taustalla on suuren riskin HPV-infektio (HR-HPV). HPV-infektio voidaan todeta naisilta otettavasta gynekologisesta irtosolunäytteestä sen tunnusomaisten solujen, koilosyyttien, ansiosta. Syövän esiasteissa alkaa koilosyyttien määrä kuitenkin vähentyä. Pahimmissa muutoksissa koilosyyttejä ei enää ole nähtävissä, jolloin HPV-infektio saadaan varmistettua kudosnäytteestä in situ hybridisaatio -menetelmällä (ISH). ISH on virus-DNA -värjäys. Tavallisen gynekologisen irtosolunäytteen rinnalle on kehitetty nestemäinen gynekologinen irtosolunäyte. Suomessa menetelmä on vielä tutkimusasteella, mutta muualla maailmassa sen käyttö on yleistynyt. Tutkimuskäytössä on myös polymeraasiketjureaktio -menetelmä (PCR), jolla voidaan luotettavasti tutkia suuren riskin HPV-infektion läsnäolo nestemäisestä gynekologisesta irtosolunäytteestä. Nestemäinen gynekologinen irtosolunäyte lienee tulevaisuutta myös Suomessa. Uuden menetelmän yleistyessä on mielekästä tutkia sen käyttömahdollisuuksia lisää. Opinnäytetyössäni tutkin, voidaanko potilaiden nestemäisistä gynekologisista irtosolunäytteistä todeta ISH-menetelmällä suuren riskin HPV-DNA:ta. Tutkimukseni käsitti 29 potilastapausta, joista kymmenellä (10) oli sytologisena luokituksena ASC-US, kymmenellä (10) LSIL ja yhdeksällä (9) ASC-H/HSIL. Näiltä potilailta oli määritetty HR-HPV-infektio netemäisistä gynekologisista irtosolunäytteistä myös PCR-menetelmällä. Luotettavuuden lisäämiseksi tein myös potilaiden histologisista näytteistä ISH:n, jonka jo tiedetään olevan toimiva menetelmä. Lisäksi tein proteiinivärjäykset p16INK4a:n ja Ki-67:n. Näiden proteiinien tiedetään lisääntyvän silloin, kun kyseessä on suuren riskin HPV-infektio. Kaikki sytologisista näytteistä tehdyt in situ hybridisaatio -värjäykset antoivat negatiivisen tuloksen. Toisin sanoen HPV-DNA:ta ei voitu havaita. PCR-menetelmällä saatujen tulosten sekä myös kudosnäytteistä tehtyjen ISH-, p16INK4a- ja Ki-67 -värjäysten perusteella tulosten olisi pitänyt olla positiivisia. Kaikkien saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että in situ hybridisaatio -värjäys ei toiminut odotetulla tavalla nestemäisistä gynekologisista irtosolunäytteistä. In situ hybridisaatio on siis nykykäytännöllä toimimaton menetelmä ja se vaatii lisäselvittelyjä.