989 resultados para Solid-surfaces
Pore fluid calcium isotope, calcium concentration and strontium concentration data are used to measure the rates of diagenetic dissolution and precipitation of calcite in deep-sea sediments containing abundant clay and organic material. This type of study of deep-sea sediment diagenesis provides unique information about the ultra-slow chemical reactions that occur in natural marine sediments that affect global geochemical cycles and the preservation of paleo-environmental information in carbonate fossils. For this study, calcium isotope ratios (d44/40Ca) of pore fluid calcium from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 984 (North Atlantic) and 1082 (off the coast of West Africa) were measured to augment available pore fluid measurements of calcium and strontium concentration. Both study sites have high sedimentation rates and support quantitative sulfate reduction, methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation. The pattern of change of d44/40Ca of pore fluid calcium versus depth at Sites 984 and 1082 differs markedly from that of previously studied deep-sea Sites like 590B and 807, which are composed of nearly pure carbonate sediment. In the 984 and 1082 pore fluids, d44/40Ca remains elevated near seawater values deep in the sediments, rather than shifting rapidly toward the d44/40Ca of carbonate solids. This observation indicates that the rate of calcite dissolution is far lower than at previously studied carbonate-rich sites. The data are fit using a numerical model, as well as more approximate analytical models, to estimate the rates of carbonate dissolution and precipitation and the relationship of these rates to the abundance of clay and organic material. Our models give mutually consistent results and indicate that calcite dissolution rates at Sites 984 and 1082 are roughly two orders of magnitude lower than at previously studied carbonate-rich sites, and the rate correlates with the abundance of clay. Our calculated rates are conservative for these sites (the actual rates could be significantly slower) because other processes that impact the calcium isotope composition of sedimentary pore fluid have not been included. The results provide direct geochemical evidence for the anecdotal observation that the best-preserved carbonate fossils are often found in clay or organic-rich sedimentary horizons. The results also suggest that the presence of clay minerals has a strong passivating effect on the surfaces of biogenic carbonate minerals, slowing dissolution dramatically even in relation to the already-slow rates typical of carbonate-rich sediments.
Two new optical structures are designed using the Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces (SMS) method, comprised of 2 reflecting surfaces and 2 refracting surfaces, 800mm focal length, f/8 (aperture diameter 100 mm) and 1.180 diagonal field of view in the SWIR band. The lens surfaces are rotational symmetric and calculated to have good control of non-paraxial rays. We have achieved designs with excellent performance, and with total system length of less than 60 mm.
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) built by layer-by-layer technique have been extensively studied over the last years, resulting in a wide variety of current and potential applications. This technique can be used to construct thin films with different functionalities, or to functionalize surfaces with substantial different properties of those of the underlying substrates. The multilayering process is achieved by the alternate adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. In this work we get advantage of the protein resistant property of the Poly (l-lysine)-graft-(polyethyleneglycol) to create protein patterns. Proteins can be immobilized on a surface by unspecific physical adsorption, covalent binding or through specific interactions. The first protein used in this work was laccase, a copper-containing redox enzyme that catalyse the oxidation of a broad range of polyphenols and aromatic substrates, coupled to the reduction of O2 to H2O without need of cofactors. Applications of laccases have been reported in food, pulp, paper, and textile industry, and also in biosensor development. Some uses require the immobilization of the enzyme on solid supports by adsorption, covalent attachment, entrapment, etc, on several substrates. Especially for biosensor development, highly active, stable and reproducible immobilization of laccase is required.
There is a continual influx of heavy metal contaminants and pollutants into the biosphere from both natural and anthropogenic sources. A complex variety of abiotic and biotic processes affects their speciation and distribution, including adsorption onto and desorption from mineral surfaces, incorporation in precipitates or coprecipitates, release through the dissolution of minerals, and interactions with plants and microbes. Some of these processes can effectively isolate heavy metals from the biosphere, whereas others cause their release or transformation to different species that may be more (or less) bioavailable and/or toxic to organisms. Here we focus on abiotic adsorption and precipitation or coprecipitation processes involving the common heavy metal contaminant lead and the metalloids arsenic and selenium in mine tailings and contaminated soils. We have used extremely intense x-rays from synchrotron sources and a structure-sensitive method known as x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy to determine the molecular-level speciation of these elements at concentrations of 50 to several thousand ppm in the contaminated environmental samples as well as in synthetic sorption samples. Our XAFS studies of As and Pb in the mine tailings show that up to 50% of these contaminants in the samples studied may be present as adsorbed species on mineral surfaces, which makes them potentially more bioavailable than when present in sparingly soluble solid phases. Our XAFS studies of Se(VI) sorption on Fe2+-containing sulfates show that this element undergoes redox reactions that transform it into less bioavailable and less toxic species. This type of information on molecular-level speciation of heavy metal and metalloid contaminants in various environmental settings is needed to prioritize remediation efforts and to assess their potential hazard to humans and other organisms.
Equilibrium adsorption data of nitrogen on a series of nongraphitized carbon blacks and nonporous silica at 77 K were analyzed by means of classical density functional theory to determine the solid-fluid potential. The behavior of this potential profile at large distance is particularly considered. The analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms seems to indicate that the adsorption in the first molecular layer is localized and controlled mainly by short-range forces due to the surface roughness, crystalline defects, and functional groups. At distances larger than approximately 1.3-1.5 molecular diameters, the adsorption is nonlocalized and appears as a thickening of the adsorbed film with increasing bulk pressure in a relatively weak adsorption potential field. It has been found that the asymptotic decay of the potential obeys the power law with the exponent being -3 for carbon blacks and -4 for silica surface, which signifies that in the latter case the adsorption potential is mainly exerted by surface oxygen atoms. In all cases, the absolute value of the solid-fluid potential is much smaller than that predicted by the Lennard-Jones pair potential with commonly used solid-fluid molecular parameters. The effect of surface heterogeneity on the heat of adsorption is also discussed.
In the area of international environmental law this thesis proposes the formulation of one-step planning and permitting regulation for the integrated utilisation of new surface mines as depositories for municipal solid waste. Additionally, the utilisation of abandoned and currently operated surface mines is proposed as solid waste landfills as an integral step in their reclamation. Existing laws, litigation and issues in the United Kingdom, the U.S. and Canada are discussed because of their common legal system, language and heritage. The critical shortage of approved space for disposal of solid waste has caused an urgent and growing problem for both the waste disposal industry and society. Surface mining can serve three important environmental and societal functions inuring to the health and welfare of the public: (1) providing basic minerals for goods and construction; (20 sequentially, to provide critically needed, safe burial sites for society's wastes, and (3) to conserve land by dual purpose use and to restore derelict land to beneficial surface use. Currently, the first two functions are treated environmentally, and in regulation, as two different siting problems, yet they both are earth-disturbing and excavating industries requiring surface restoration. The processes are largely duplicative and should be combined for better efficiency, less earth disturbance, conservation of land, and for fuller and better reclamation of completed surface mines returning the surfaces to greater utility than present mined land reclamation procedures. While both industries are viewed by a developed society and its communities as "bad neighbours", they remain essential and critical for mankind's existence and welfare. The study offers successful examples of the integrated process in each country. The study argues that most non-fuel surface mine openings, if not already safe, can economically, through present containment technology, be made environmentally safe for use as solid waste landfills. Simultaneously, the procedure safeguards and monitors protection of ground and surface waters from landfill contamination.
The aim of this paper is to describe the current state of atomistic simulation of zeolite surfaces by describing what has been achieved and to show how the surface structures are modelled. This is illustrated by using atomistic simulation techniques to model the {100} surface of zeolite LTA. The pure siliceous and aluminated CaNa-A and Na-A with Si/Al = 1 structures were considered. The surface showed three stable terminations but the relative stability varied with composition. The resulting surface structures and geometries show extensive framework distortions, especially in the aluminated forms where the cations formed strong interaction with the zeolite framework thereby increasing their adsorption energies and stabilising their cation position. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
A new solid state organometallic route to embedded nanoparticle-containing inorganic materials is shown, through pyrolysis of metal-containing derivatives of cyclotriphosphazenes. Pyrolysis in air and at 800 °C of new molecular precursors gives individual single-crystal nanoparticles of SiP2O7, TiO2, P4O7, WP2O7 and SiO2, depending on the precursor used. High resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations reveal, in most cases, perfect single crystals of metal oxides and the first nanostructures of negative thermal expansion metal phosphates with diameters in the range 2–6 nm for all products. While all nanoparticles are new by this method, WP2O7 and SiP2O7 nanoparticles are reported for the first time. In situ recrystallization formation of nanocrystals of SiP2O7 was also observed due to electron beam induced reactions during measurements of the nanoparticulate pyrolytic products SiO2 and P4O7. The possible mechanism for the formation of the nanoparticles at much lower temperatures than their bulk counterparts in both cases is discussed. Degrees of stabilization from the formation of P4O7 affects the nanocrystalline products: nanoparticles are observed for WP2O7, with coalescing crystallization occurring for the amorphous host in which SiP2O7 crystals form as a solid within a solid. The approach allows the simple formation of multimetallic, monometallic, metal-oxide and metal phosphate nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous dielectric. The method and can be extended to nearly any metal capable of successful coordination as an organometallic to allow embedded nanoparticle layers and features to be deposited or written on surfaces for application as high mobility pyrophosphate lithium–ion cathode materials, catalysis and nanocrystal embedded dielectric layers.
The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.
In this work NiO/3mol% Y2O3-ZrO2 (3YSZ) and NiO/8mol% Y2O3-ZrO2 (8YSZ) hollow fibers were prepared by phase-inversion. The effect of different kinds of YSZ (3YSZ and 8YSZ) on the porosity, electrical conductivity, shrinkage and flexural strength of the hollow fibers were systematically evaluated. When compared with Ni-8YSZ the porosity and shrinkage of Ni-3YSZ hollow fibers increases while the electrical conductivity decreases, while at the same time also exhibiting enhanced flexural strength. Single cells with Ni-3YSZ and Ni-8YSZ hollow fibers as the supported anode were successfully fabricated showing maximum power densities of 0.53 and 0.67Wcm-2 at 800°C, respectively. Furthermore, in order to improve the cell performance, a Ni-8YSZ anode functional layer was added between the electrolyte and Ni-YSZ hollow fiber. Here enhanced peak power densities of 0.79 and 0.73Wcm-2 were achieved at 800°C for single cells with Ni-3YSZ and Ni-8YSZ hollow fibers, respectively.
A 10 mol%Sc2O3, 1 mol%CeO2 stabilized-ZrO2 (SSZ) powder was successfully prepared using the sol-gel method. Subsequent SSZ electrolyte pellets were prepared by tape casting technique and sintered at 1400 °C, 1450 °C, 1500 °C, 1550 °C and 1600 °C. These were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). SSZ showed a pure cubic phase after sintering, the grain size of SSZ increased with the increase of sintering temperature. The SSZ sintered at 1550 °C showed the highest ion conductivity. The maximum power densities of Ni-SSZ/SSZ/La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-δ (LSM)-SSZ single cells sintered at 1550 °C were 0.18, 0.36, 0.51 and 0.72 W cm-2 at 650, 700, 750 and 800 °C, respectively. The polarization resistance (Rp) of the single cell attained 0.201 Ω cm2 at 800 °C.
The engineering of liquid behavior on surfaces is important for infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, and sensing. Surfaces can be rendered superhydrophobic by microstructuring, and superhydrophobic devices could lead to practical corrosion inhibition, self-cleaning, fluid flow control, and surface drag reduction. To more fully understand how liquid interacts with microstructured surfaces, this dissertation introduces a direct method for determining droplet solid-liquid-vapor interfacial geometry on microstructured surfaces. The technique performs metrology on molten metal droplets deposited onto microstructured surfaces and then frozen. Unlike other techniques, this visualization technique can be used on large areas of curved and opaque microstructured surfaces to determine contact line. This dissertation also presents measurements and models for how curvature and flexing of microstructured polymers affects hydrophobicity. Increasing curvature of microstructured surfaces leads to decreased slide angle for liquid droplets suspended on the surface asperities. For a surface with regularly spaced asperities, as curvature becomes more positive, droplets suspended on the tops of asperities are suspended on fewer asperities. Curvature affects superhydrophobicity because microscopic curvature changes solid-liquid interaction, pitch is altered, and curvature changes the shape of the three phase contact line. This dissertation presents a model of droplet interactions with curved microstructured surfaces that can be used to design microstructure geometries that maintain the suspension of a droplet when curved surfaces are covered with microstructured polymers. Controlling droplet dynamics could improve microfluidic devices and the shedding of liquids from expensive equipment, preventing corrosion and detrimental performance. This dissertation demonstrates redirection of dynamic droplet spray with anisotropic microstructures. Superhydrophobic microstructured surfaces can be economically fabricated using metal embossing masters, so this dissertation describes casting-based microfabrication of metal microstructures and nanostructures. Low melting temperature metal was cast into flexible silicone molds which were themselves cast from microfabricated silicon templates. The flexibility of the silicone mold permits casting of curved surfaces, which this dissertation demonstrates by fabricating a cylindrical metal roller with microstructures. The metal microstructures can be in turn used as a reusable molding tool. This dissertation also describes an industrial investment casting process to produce aluminum molds having integrated microstructures. Unlike conventional micromolding tools, the aluminum mold was large and had complex curved surfaces. The aluminum was cast into curved microstructured ceramic molds which were themselves cast from curved microstructured rubber. Many structures were successfully cast into the aluminum with excellent replication fidelity, including circular, square, and triangular holes. This dissertation demonstrates molding of large, curved surfaces having surface microstructures using the aluminum mold. This work contributes a more full understanding of the phenomenon of superhydrophobicity and techniques for the economic fabrication of superhydrophobic microstructures.
Liquid-solid interactions become important as dimensions approach mciro/nano-scale. This dissertation focuses on liquid-solid interactions in two distinct applications: capillary driven self-assembly of thin foils into 3D structures, and droplet wetting of hydrophobic micropatterned surfaces. The phenomenon of self-assembly of complex structures is common in biological systems. Examples include self-assembly of proteins into macromolecular structures and self-assembly of lipid bilayer membranes. The principles governing this phenomenon have been applied to induce self-assembly of millimeter scale Si thin films into spherical and other 3D structures, which are then integrated into light-trapping photovoltaic (PV) devices. Motivated by this application, we present a generalized analytical study of the self-folding of thin plates into deterministic 3D shapes, through fluid-solid interactions, to be used as PV devices. This study consists of developing a model using beam theory, which incorporates the two competing components — a capillary force that promotes folding and the bending rigidity of the foil that resists folding into a 3D structure. Through an equivalence argument of thin foils of different geometry, an effective folding parameter, which uniquely characterizes the driving force for folding, has been identified. A criterion for spontaneous folding of an arbitrarily shaped 2D foil, based on the effective folding parameter, is thus established. Measurements from experiments using different materials and predictions from the model match well, validating the assumptions used in the analysis. As an alternative to the mechanics model approach, the minimization of the total free energy is employed to investigate the interactions between a fluid droplet and a flexible thin film. A 2D energy functional is proposed, comprising the surface energy of the fluid, bending energy of the thin film and gravitational energy of the fluid. Through simulations with Surface Evolver, the shapes of the droplet and the thin film at equilibrium are obtained. A critical thin film length necessary for complete enclosure of the fluid droplet, and hence successful self-assembly into a PV device, is determined and compared with the experimental results and mechanics model predictions. The results from the modeling and energy approaches and the experiments are all consistent. Superhydrophobic surfaces, which have unique properties including self-cleaning and water repelling are desired in many applications. One excellent example in nature is the lotus leaf. To fabricate these surfaces, well designed micro/nano- surface structures are often employed. In this research, we fabricate superhydrophobic micropatterned Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces composed of micropillars of various sizes and arrangements by means of soft lithography. Both anisotropic surfaces, consisting of parallel grooves and cylindrical pillars in rectangular lattices, and isotropic surfaces, consisting of cylindrical pillars in square and hexagonal lattices, are considered. A novel technique is proposed to image the contact line (CL) of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface. This technique provides a new approach to distinguish between partial and complete wetting. The contact area between droplet and microtextured surface is then measured for a droplet in the Cassie state, which is a state of partial wetting. The results show that although the droplet is in the Cassie state, the contact area does not necessarily follow Cassie model predictions. Moreover, the CL is not circular, and is affected by the micropatterns, in both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Thus, it is suggested that along with the contact angle — the typical parameter reported in literature quantifying wetting, the size and shape of the contact area should also be presented. This technique is employed to investigate the evolution of the CL on a hydrophobic micropatterned surface in the cases of: a single droplet impacting the micropatterned surface, two droplets coalescing on micropillars, and a receding droplet resting on the micropatterned surface. Another parameter which quantifies hydrophobicity is the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), which indicates the resistance of the surface to the sliding of a droplet with a given volume. The conventional methods of using advancing and receding angles or tilting stage to measure the resistance of the micropatterned surface are indirect, without mentioning the inaccuracy due to the discrete and stepwise motion of the CL on micropillars. A micronewton force sensor is utilized to directly measure the resisting force by dragging a droplet on a microtextured surface. Together with the proposed imaging technique, the evolution of the CL during sliding is also explored. It is found that, at the onset of sliding, the CL behaves as a linear elastic solid with a constant stiffness. Afterwards, the force first increases and then decreases and reaches a steady state, accompanied with periodic oscillations due to regular pinning and depinning of the CL. Both the maximum and steady state forces are primarily dependent on area fractions of the micropatterned surfaces in our experiment. The resisting force is found to be proportional to the number of pillars which pin the CL at the trailing edge, validating the assumption that the resistance mainly arises from the CL pinning at the trailing edge. In each pinning-and-depinning cycle during the steady state, the CL also shows linear elastic behavior but with a lower stiffness. The force variation and energy dissipation involved can also be determined. This novel method of measuring the resistance of the micropatterned surface elucidates the dependence on CL pinning and provides more insight into the mechanisms of CAH.
A primary goal of this dissertation is to understand the links between mathematical models that describe crystal surfaces at three fundamental length scales: The scale of individual atoms, the scale of collections of atoms forming crystal defects, and macroscopic scale. Characterizing connections between different classes of models is a critical task for gaining insight into the physics they describe, a long-standing objective in applied analysis, and also highly relevant in engineering applications. The key concept I use in each problem addressed in this thesis is coarse graining, which is a strategy for connecting fine representations or models with coarser representations. Often this idea is invoked to reduce a large discrete system to an appropriate continuum description, e.g. individual particles are represented by a continuous density. While there is no general theory of coarse graining, one closely related mathematical approach is asymptotic analysis, i.e. the description of limiting behavior as some parameter becomes very large or very small. In the case of crystalline solids, it is natural to consider cases where the number of particles is large or where the lattice spacing is small. Limits such as these often make explicit the nature of links between models capturing different scales, and, once established, provide a means of improving our understanding, or the models themselves. Finding appropriate variables whose limits illustrate the important connections between models is no easy task, however. This is one area where computer simulation is extremely helpful, as it allows us to see the results of complex dynamics and gather clues regarding the roles of different physical quantities. On the other hand, connections between models enable the development of novel multiscale computational schemes, so understanding can assist computation and vice versa. Some of these ideas are demonstrated in this thesis. The important outcomes of this thesis include: (1) a systematic derivation of the step-flow model of Burton, Cabrera, and Frank, with corrections, from an atomistic solid-on-solid-type models in 1+1 dimensions; (2) the inclusion of an atomistically motivated transport mechanism in an island dynamics model allowing for a more detailed account of mound evolution; and (3) the development of a hybrid discrete-continuum scheme for simulating the relaxation of a faceted crystal mound. Central to all of these modeling and simulation efforts is the presence of steps composed of individual layers of atoms on vicinal crystal surfaces. Consequently, a recurring theme in this research is the observation that mesoscale defects play a crucial role in crystal morphological evolution.
The mesoporous SBA-15 silica with uniform hexagonal pore, narrow pore size distribution and tuneable pore diameter was organofunctionalized with glutaraldehyde-bridged silylating agent. The precursor and its derivative silicas were ibuprofen-loaded for controlled delivery in simulated biological fluids. The synthesized silicas were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, (13)C and (29)Si solid state NMR spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy. Surface functionalization with amine containing bridged hydrophobic structure resulted in significantly decreased surface area from 802.4 to 63.0 m(2) g(-1) and pore diameter 8.0-6.0 nm, which ultimately increased the drug-loading capacity from 18.0% up to 28.3% and a very slow release rate of ibuprofen over the period of 72.5h. The in vitro drug release demonstrated that SBA-15 presented the fastest release from 25% to 27% and SBA-15GA gave near 10% of drug release in all fluids during 72.5 h. The Korsmeyer-Peppas model better fits the release data with the Fickian diffusion mechanism and zero order kinetics for synthesized mesoporous silicas. Both pore sizes and hydrophobicity influenced the rate of the release process, indicating that the chemically modified silica can be suggested to design formulation of slow and constant release over a defined period, to avoid repeated administration.