940 resultados para Solanum tuberosum L.
El piojo del tomate (Halticus sp.) y la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) son los principales agentes de daño, causantes de problemas fitosanitarios severos para los productores de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum, L), bajo condiciones de casa malla. Esta plaga provoca importantes pérdidas económicas, disminuyendo así los rendimientos al afectar la calidad de los frutos lo cual incide en mayores costos de producción. En base a esta problemática en el CEVAT (Centro de Experimentación y Validación de Tecnologías), UNA, se realizó un estudio en el período comprendido entre los meses de Septiembre 2015 a Enero 2016, con el objetivo de evaluar insecticidas biolgico, botánico y químico contra el piojo del tomate y mosca blanca. Los productos evaluados fueron: Engeo, Madero Negro y Metarhizium anisopliae. Las variables evaluadas fueron: número de Halticus sp por planta, incidencia del daño por Halticus sp por planta, numero de mosca blanca por planta, incidencia del daño de virosis por planta, severidad del daño de virosis por planta. De los tratamientos evaluados, el menor promedio de piojo del tomate por planta lo presentó el tratamiento Engeo y de igual manera en mosca blanca, seguido de madero negro. El menor porcentaje de incidencia y severidad lo presentó el tratamiento Engeo en comparación con los demás tratamientos evaluados. El análisis económico realizado determinó que los tratamientos que presentaron los mejores rendimientos fueron Engeo con 18,156.25 kg/ha, seguido por Madero Negro con 16,891 kg/ha y Metarhizium anisopliae que obtuvo 14,797 kg/ha. Engeo presentó el mayor beneficio neto con 16,642.92 US$/ha, seguido por Madero Negro con 15,240.86 US$/ha. En el análisis de la tasa de retorno marginal resultó que el tratamiento Madero Negro es el que obtuvo la mejor tasa de retorno marginal con 6,307.36 % es decir 63.07 US$ por cada dólar invertido.
A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para alm de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).
En la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias para el manejo de la Paratrioza, Bactericera cockerelli, se ha incluido recientemente el uso de hongos entomopatógenos, principalmente debido a su modo de acción. En este trabajo se evaluaron cuatro cepas de hongos entomopatógenos, dos pertencientes a Beauveria bassiana (BB09 y BB42) y dos a Metarhizium anisopliae (MA25 y MA28). Para las cuatro cepas se valoraron cuatro medios de cultivo (Agar Agua, Papa Dextrosa Agar, Papa Dextrosa Agar + 5% Levadura y Papa Dextrosa Agar + 5% Sacarosa) y tres temperaturas diferentes (20, 25 y 30°C); de igual manera, las cuatro cepas se sujetaron a prueba en tres diferentes medios de producción masiva (arroz, bagazo de caña y bagazo de uva). Para estas tres pruebas se evaluó crecimiento de micelio, viabilidad y esporulación. De manera conjunta se observó la adhesión de conidias de cada una de las cepas a ninfas de B. cockerelli bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Para concluir las evaluaciones, se realizaron dos experimentos en invernaderos para valorar las mortalidades generadas en dos cultivos diferentes (chile y tomate) a dos diferentes concentraciones (1x107conidias por mL y 1x108conidias por mL). De las evaluaciones se concluyó que para éstas cepas el medio de cultivo más adecuado es aquél enriquecido con levadura y que dichas cepas se desarrollan mejor a 25°C, a excepción de las cepas de B. bassiana, las cuales generan mayor cantidad de esporas a 30°C; en cuanto a la reproducción masiva, la búsqueda de sustratos alternativos debe continuar, ya que el bagazo de uva y el de caña no fueron capaces de dar las condiciones adecuadas para generar la misma cantidad de esporas que en el medio usual, el arroz. Finalmente, utilizar hongos entomopatógenos para el manejo de B. cockerelli bajo condiciones de invernadero promete ser una estrategia confiable, ya que dependiendo de la concentración y la cepa utilizada, pueden lograrse niveles de control que van desde un 50 a un 82%.
Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2013
La biofortificación tiene como finalidad incrementar la concentración de elementos biodisponibles en las plantas de cultivo para elevar la calidad nutricional. El selenio es un elemento traza de gran impacto para el metabolismo antioxidante de las plantas y su acumulación es pobre en especies como el tomate, de igual manera este elemento es esencial para los humanos, por lo que adicionarlo en las plantas forma parte de los programas de biofortificación. El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar experimentalmente la capacidad del selenito de sodio para incrementar la concentración de Se y modificar la actividad antioxidante en plantas de tomate. Para ello se usaron plantas de la variedad híbrido Toro y se aplicaron tres tratamientos 0, 2 y 5 mg L-1 de selenito de sodio (Na2SeO3) utilizando como vehículo el agua de riego, los tratamientos fueron aplicados bajo un diseño experimental completamente al azar. Se llevaron a cabo tres muestreos 40, 80 y 120 días después del trasplante y la subsecuente cuantificación de la acumulación de selenio y macronutrientes en hojas, tallos y frutos así como su impacto en la producción de frutos bajo un diseño experimental completamente al azar. Se determinó la altura de la planta, los diámetros de tallos, firmeza, sólidos solubles de frutos y la materia seca total de los diferentes tejidos. Se obtuvo una cuantificación del potencial oxido reducción y de la actividad de antioxidante específicos como la catalasa, glutatión peroxidasa, superóxido dismutasa, el ácido ascórbico y licopeno, para cada variable se llevó a cabo un análisis de varianza y posteriormente una prueba de comparación de medias de Tukey. La expresión de los genes cat, gpx, sod, apx y lic en los frutos fue también analizada y en este caso se aplicó un análisis de varianza no paramétrico de Fisher, para encontrar las diferencias entre tratamientos. Los resultados mostraron un incremento en la acumulación de Se, encontrándose hasta un 53.1% de aumento en la concentración en los frutos bajo el tratamiento 5 mg L-1 en comparación con el testigo, sin embargo, este incremento no tuvo un impacto notorio en la producción y el rendimiento del tomate, a pesar de la existencia de una correlación de Spearman positiva (r =0.9637) entre la producción de fruto y la concentración de Se. Los valores del potencial oxido-reducción se redujeron en promedio desde -41.4 mV para el tratamiento testigo y hasta -68.0 mV con el mayor tratamiento. Mientras tanto, la concentración de Se si influyó positivamente en los parámetros de calidad incluyendo el ácido ascórbico (hasta un 50 % de aumento con el tratamiento 5 mgL-1 ) y el licopeno (hasta un 66.9% de aumento con el mayor tratamiento). La actividad de las enzimas antioxidantes aumentó notablemente en el fruto con el tratamiento 5 mg L-1 de selenito encontrándose 60.9% de aumento para CAT, 33.4% para GPX y 26.0% para SOD. En cuanto la expresión génica hubo mayor nivel de transcriptos de los genes gpx, sod y apx bajo el tratamiento 2 mg L-1
Le fer est un micronutriment important pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il agit comme cofacteur pour plusieurs enzymes et il est important pour des processus tels que la photosynthèse et la respiration. Souvent, le Fe dans le sol n’est pas bio-disponible pour la plante. Les plantes ont développé des stratégies pour solubiliser le Fe du sol pour le rendre disponible et assimilable pour elles. Il y a deux stratégies, la première est caractéristique des dicotyldones et la seconde est caractéristique des monocotyldones. Le modèle utilisé dans cette étude est une culture cellulaire de Solanum tuberosum. Une partie de la recherche effectuée a permis la mesure d’activité et d’expression relative de certaines enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique et la fourniture de précurseurs pour la synthèse d’ADN : la Nucloside diphosphate kinase, la Ribonuclotide reductase, la Glucose 6-phosphate déshydrogénase et la 6-Phosphogluconate déshydrogénase dans les cellules en présence ou en absence de Fe. Chez certains organismes, la déficience en Fe est associée à une perte de croissance qui est souvent liée à une diminution de la synthèse d’ADN. Chez les cultures de cellules de S. tuberosum, les résultats indiquent que la différence de biomasse observée entre les traitements n’est pas due à une variation de lactivité ou lexpression relative d’une de ces enzymes. En effet, aucune variation significative n’a été détectée entre les traitements (+/- Fe) pour lactivité ni lexpression relative de ces enzymes. Une autre partie de la recherche a permis d’évaluer lactivité des voies métaboliques impliquées dans la stratégie 1 utilisée par S. tuberosum. Cette stratégie consomme des métabolites énergétiques: de lATP pour solubiliser le Fe et du pouvoir réducteur (NAD(P)H), pour réduire le Fe3+ en Fe2+. Des études de flux métaboliques ont été faites afin d’étudier les remaniements du métabolisme carboné en déficience en Fe chez S. tuberosum. Ces études ont démontré une baisse du régime dans les différentes voies du métabolisme énergétique dans les cellules déficientes en Fe, notamment dans le flux glycolytique et le flux de C à travers la phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. En déficience de Fe il y aurait donc une dépression du métabolisme chez S. tuberosum qui permettrait à la cellule de ralentir son métabolisme pour maintenir sa vitalité. En plus des flux, les niveaux de pyridines nuclotides ont été mesurés puisque ceux-ci servent à réduire le Fe dans la stratégie 1. Les résultats démontrent des niveaux élevés des formes réduites de ces métabolites en déficience de Fe. Lensemble des résultats obtenus indiquent qu’en déficience de Fe, il y a une baisse du métabolisme permettant à la cellule de s’adapter et survivre au stress.
Le fer est un micronutriment important pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il agit comme cofacteur pour plusieurs enzymes et il est important pour des processus tels que la photosynthèse et la respiration. Souvent, le Fe dans le sol n’est pas bio-disponible pour la plante. Les plantes ont développé des stratégies pour solubiliser le Fe du sol pour le rendre disponible et assimilable pour elles. Il y a deux stratégies, la première est caractéristique des dicotyldones et la seconde est caractéristique des monocotyldones. Le modèle utilisé dans cette étude est une culture cellulaire de Solanum tuberosum. Une partie de la recherche effectuée a permis la mesure d’activité et d’expression relative de certaines enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique et la fourniture de précurseurs pour la synthèse d’ADN : la Nucloside diphosphate kinase, la Ribonuclotide reductase, la Glucose 6-phosphate déshydrogénase et la 6-Phosphogluconate déshydrogénase dans les cellules en présence ou en absence de Fe. Chez certains organismes, la déficience en Fe est associée à une perte de croissance qui est souvent liée à une diminution de la synthèse d’ADN. Chez les cultures de cellules de S. tuberosum, les résultats indiquent que la différence de biomasse observée entre les traitements n’est pas due à une variation de lactivité ou lexpression relative d’une de ces enzymes. En effet, aucune variation significative n’a été détectée entre les traitements (+/- Fe) pour lactivité ni lexpression relative de ces enzymes. Une autre partie de la recherche a permis d’évaluer lactivité des voies métaboliques impliquées dans la stratégie 1 utilisée par S. tuberosum. Cette stratégie consomme des métabolites énergétiques: de lATP pour solubiliser le Fe et du pouvoir réducteur (NAD(P)H), pour réduire le Fe3+ en Fe2+. Des études de flux métaboliques ont été faites afin d’étudier les remaniements du métabolisme carboné en déficience en Fe chez S. tuberosum. Ces études ont démontré une baisse du régime dans les différentes voies du métabolisme énergétique dans les cellules déficientes en Fe, notamment dans le flux glycolytique et le flux de C à travers la phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. En déficience de Fe il y aurait donc une dépression du métabolisme chez S. tuberosum qui permettrait à la cellule de ralentir son métabolisme pour maintenir sa vitalité. En plus des flux, les niveaux de pyridines nuclotides ont été mesurés puisque ceux-ci servent à réduire le Fe dans la stratégie 1. Les résultats démontrent des niveaux élevés des formes réduites de ces métabolites en déficience de Fe. Lensemble des résultats obtenus indiquent qu’en déficience de Fe, il y a une baisse du métabolisme permettant à la cellule de s’adapter et survivre au stress.
As a nematotoxics screening biotechnological system, Solanum tuberosum hairy roots (StHR) and S. tuberosum hairy roots with Meloidogyne chitwoodi co-cultures (StHR/CRKN) were evaluated, with and without the addition of the essential oils (EOs) of Satureja montana and Ruta graveolens. EOs nematotoxic and phytotoxic effects were followed weekly by evaluating nematode population density in the co-cultures as well as growth and volatile profiles of both in vitro cultures types. Growth, measured by the dissimilation method and by fresh and dry weight determination, was inhibited after EO addition. Nematode population increased in control cultures, while in EO-added cultures numbers were kept stable. In addition to each of the EOs main components, and in vitro cultures constitutive volatiles, new volatiles were detected by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in both culture types. StHR with CRKN co-cultures showed to be suitable for preliminary assessment of nematotoxic EOs.
The gene regulation signals from subterranean clover stunt virus (SCSV) were investigated for their expression in dicot plants. The SCSV genome has at least eight circular DNA molecules. Each circular DNA component contains a promoter element, a single open reading frame and a terminator. The promoters from seven of the segments were examined for their strength and tissue specificity in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using a GUS reporter gene assay system. While the promoters of many of the segments were poorly expressed, promoters derived from segments 4 and 7 were shown to direct high levels of expression in various plant tissues and organs. The segment 1 promoter directs predominantly callus-specific expression and, when used to control a selectable marker gene, facilitated the transformation of all three species (tobacco, potato and cotton). From the results, a suite of plant expression vectors (pPLEX) derived from the SCSV genome were constructed and used here to produce herbicide- and insect-resistant cotton, demonstrating their utility in the expression of foreign genes in dicot crop species and their potential for use in agricultural biotechnology.
Selenium (Se) has been demonstrated to be an essential trace element for maintenance of animal and human health. Although it has not been confirmed to be an essential micronutrient in higher plants, there is increasing evidence that Se functions as an antioxidant in plants. Selenium has been shown to exert a beneficial effect on crop growth and promotes stress tolerance at low concentrations. However, the specific physiological mechanisms that underlie the positive effects of Se in plants have not been clearly elucidated. The aims of this study were to determine the Se concentration in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and the effects of Se on the accumulation of carbohydrates, growth and yield in potato plants. An additional aim was to study the impact of Se on the total glycoalkaloid concentration in immature potato tubers. The distribution of Se in different biochemical Se fractions and the effect of storage on the Se concentration were studied in Se-enriched tubers. Furthermore, the effect of Se on raw darkening and translocation of Se from seed tubers to the next tuber generation was investigated. Due to the established anti-ageing properties of Se, it was of interest to study if Se affects physiological age and growth vigour of seed tubers. The Se concentrations in the upper leaves, roots, stolons and tubers of potato increased with increasing Se supplementation. The highest Se concentration was reached in young upper leaves, roots and stolons, indicating that added selenate was efficiently utilized and taken up at an early stage. During the growing period the Se concentration declined in the aerial parts, roots and stolons of potato plants whereas an intensive accumulation took place in immature and mature tubers. Selenium increased carbohydrate accumulation in the young upper leaves and in stolons, roots and tubers at maturity. This could not be explained by increased production of photoassimilates as net photosynthesis did not differ among Se treatments. The Se treated plants produced higher tuber yields than control plants, and at the highest Se concentration (0.3 mg kg-1) lower numbers of larger tubers were harvested. Increased yield of Se treated plants suggested that Se may enhance the allocation of photoassimilates for tuber growth, acting as a strong sink for both Se and for carbohydrates. Similarly as for other plant species, the positive impact of Se on the yield of potato plants could be related to its antioxidative effect in delaying senescence. The highest Se supplementation (0.9 mg kg-1) slightly decreased the glycoalkaloid concentration of immature tubers. However, at this level the Se concentration in tubers was about 20 µg g-1 DW. A 100 g consumption of potato would provide about 500 mg of Se, which exceeds the upper safe intake level of 400 µg per day for human dietary. The low Se applications (0.0035 and 0.1 mg kg-1) diminished and retarded the degree of raw darkening in tubers stored for one and eight months, which can be attributed to the antioxidative properties of Se. The storage for 1 to 12 months did not affect the Se concentrations of tubers. In the Se enriched tubers Se was allocated to the organic Se fraction, indicating that it was incorporated into organic compounds in tubers. Elevated Se concentration in the next-generation tubers produced by the Se enriched seed tubers indicated that Se could be translocated from the seed tubers to the progeny. In the seed tubers stored for 8 months, at high levels, Se had some positive effects on the growth vigour of sprouts, but Se had no consistent effect on the growth vigour of seed tubers of optimal physiological age. These results indicate that Se is a beneficial trace element in potato plants that exerts a positive effect on yield formation and improves the processing and storage quality of table potato tubers. These positive effects of Se are, however, dependent on the Se concentration and the age of the potato plant and tuber.
The studies presented in this thesis contribute to the understanding of evolutionary ecology of three major viruses threatening cultivated sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) in East Africa: Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; genus Potyvirus; Potyviridae), Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV; genus Crinivirus; Closteroviridae) and Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV; genus Ipomovirus; Potyviridae). The viruses were serologically detected and the positive results confirmed by RT-PCR and sequencing. SPFMV was detected in 24 wild plant species of family Convolvulacea (genera Ipomoea, Lepistemon and Hewittia), of which 19 species were new natural hosts for SPFMV. SPMMV and SPCSV were detected in wild plants belonging to 21 and 12 species (genera Ipomoea, Lepistemon and Hewittia), respectively, all of which were previously unknown to be natural hosts of these viruses. SPFMV was the most abundant virus being detected in 17% of the plants, while SPMMV and SPCSV were detected in 9.8% and 5.4% of the assessed plants, respectively. Wild plants in Uganda were infected with the East African (EA), common (C), and the ordinary (O) strains, or co-infected with the EA and the C strain of SPFMV. The viruses and virus-like diseases were more frequent in the eastern agro-ecological zone than the western and central zones, which contrasted with known incidences of these viruses in sweetpotato crops, except for northern zone where incidences were lowest in wild plants as in sweetpotato. The NIb/CP junction in SPMMV was determined experimentally which facilitated CP-based phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses of SPMMV. Isolates of all the three viruses from wild plants were genetically similar to those found in cultivated sweetpotatoes in East Africa. There was no evidence of host-driven population genetic structures suggesting frequent transmission of these viruses between their wild and cultivated hosts. The p22 RNA silencing suppressor-encoding sequence was absent in a few SPCSV isolates, but regardless of this, SPCSV isolates incited sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) in sweetpotato plants co-infected with SPFMV, indicating that p22 is redundant for synergism between SCSV and SPFMV. Molecular evolutionary analysis revealed that isolates of strain EA of SPFMV that is largely restricted geographically in East Africa experience frequent recombination in comparison to isolates of strain C that is globally distributed. Moreover, non-homologous recombination events between strains EA and C were rare, despite frequent co-infections of these strains in wild plants, suggesting purifying selection against non-homologous recombinants between these strains or that such recombinants are mostly not infectious. Recombination was detected also in the 5 - and 3 -proximal regions of the SPMMV genome providing the first evidence of recombination in genus Ipomovirus, but no recombination events were detected in the characterized genomic regions of SPCSV. Strong purifying selection was implicated on evolution of majority of amino acids of the proteins encoded by the analyzed genomic regions of SPFMV, SPMMV and SPCSV. However, positive selection was predicted on 17 amino acids distributed over the whole the coat protein (CP) in the globally distributed strain C, as compared to only 4 amino acids in the multifunctional CP N-terminus (CP-NT) of strain EA largely restricted geographically to East Africa. A few amino acid sites in the N-terminus of SPMMV P1, the p7 protein and RNA silencing suppressor proteins p22 and RNase3 of SPCSV were also submitted to positive selection. Positively selected amino acids may constitute ligand-binding domains that determine interactions with plant host and/or insect vector factors. The P1 proteinase of SPMMV (genus Ipomovirus) seems to respond to needs of adaptation, which was not observed with the helper component proteinase (HC-Pro) of SPMMV, although the HC-Pro is responsible for many important molecular interactions in genus Potyvirus. Because the centre of origin of cultivated sweetpotato is in the Americas from where the crop was dispersed to other continents in recent history (except for the Australasia and South Pacific region), it would be expected that identical viruses and their strains occur worldwide, presuming virus dispersal with the host. Apparently, this seems not to be the case with SPMMV, the strain EA of SPFMV and the strain EA of SPCSV that are largely geographically confined in East Africa where they are predominant and occur both in natural and agro-ecosystems. The geographical distribution of plant viruses is constrained more by virus-vector relations than by virus-host interactions, which in accordance of the wide range of natural host species and the geographical confinement to East Africa suggest that these viruses existed in East African wild plants before the introduction of sweetpotato. Subsequently, these studies provide compelling evidence that East Africa constitutes a cradle of SPFMV strain EA, SPCSV strain EA, and SPMMV. Therefore, sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) in East Africa may be one of the examples of damaging virus diseases resulting from exchange of viruses between introduced crops and indigenous wild plant species. Keywords: Convolvulaceae, East Africa, epidemiology, evolution, genetic variability, Ipomoea, recombination, SPCSV, SPFMV, SPMMV, selection pressure, sweetpotato, wild plant species Author s Address: Arthur K. Tugume, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Latokartanonkaari 7, P.O Box 27, FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland. Email: tugume.arthur@helsinki.fi Author s Present Address: Arthur K. Tugume, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda. Email: aktugume@botany.mak.ac.ug, tugumeka@yahoo.com
Tieteellinen tiivistelmä Common scab is one of the most important soil-borne diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in many potato production areas. It is caused by a number of Streptomyces species, in Finland the causal agents are Streptomyces scabies (Thaxter) Lambert & Loria and S. turgidiscabies Takeuchi. The scab-causing Streptomyces spp. are well-adapted, successful plant pathogens that survive in soil also as saprophytes. Control of these pathogens has proved to be difficult. Most of the methods used to manage potato common scab are aimed at controlling S. scabies, the most common of the scab-causing pathogens. The studies in this thesis investigated S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies as causal organisms of common scab and explored new approaches for control of common scab that would be effective against both species. S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies are known to co-occur in the same fields and in the same tuber lesions in Finland. The present study showed that both these pathogens cause similar symptoms on potato tubers, and the types of symptoms varied depending on cultivar rather than the pathogen species. Pathogenic strains of S. turgidiscabies were antagonistic to S. scabies in vitro indicating that these two species may be competing for the same ecological niche. In addition, strains of S. turgidiscabies were highly virulent in potato and they tolerated lower pH than those of S. scabies. Taken together these results suggest that S. turgidiscabies has become a major problem in potato production in Finland. The bacterial phytotoxins, thaxtomins, are produced by the scab-causing Streptomyces spp. and are essential for the induction of scab symptoms. In this study, thaxtomins were produced in vitro and four thaxtomin compounds isolated and characterized. All four thaxtomins induced similar symptoms of reduced root and shoot growth, root swelling or necrosis on micro-propagated potato seedlings. The main phytotoxin, thaxtomin A, was used as a selective agent in a bioassay in vitro to screen F1 potato progeny from a single cross. Tolerance to thaxtomin A in vitro and scab resistance in the field were correlated indicating that the in vitro bioassay could be used in the early stages of a resistance breeding program to discard scab-susceptible genotypes and elevate the overall levels of common scab resistance in potato breeding populations. The potential for biological control of S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies using a non-pathogenic Streptomyces strain (346) isolated from a scab lesion and S. griseoviridis strain (K61) from a commercially available biocontrol product was studied. Both strains showed antagonistic activity against S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies in vitro and suppressed the development of common scab disease caused by S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse. Furthermore, strain 346 reduced the incidence of S. turgidiscabies in scab lesions on potato tubers in the field. These results demonstrated for the first time the potential for biological control of S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse and under field conditions and may be applied to enhance control of common scab in the future.
Perunalla (Solanum tuberosum L.) tällä hetkellä maailmanlaajuisesti eniten sato- ja laatutappioita aiheuttaa perunan Y-virus (PVY). Vaikka pelkän Y-viruksen aiheuttamaa satotappiota on vaikea mitata, on sen arvioitu olevan 20-80 %. Viruksen tärkein leviämistapa on viroottinen siemenperuna. Korkealaatuinen siemenperuna on edellytys ruoka-, ruokateollisuus- ja tärkkelysperunan tuotannolle. Kasvuston silmämääräinen tarkastelu aliarvioi yleensä Y-viruksen esiintyvyyttä. Laboratoriotestauksen avulla saadaan tarkempi tieto pellolta korjatun sadon saastunta-asteesta. Ongelmana Y-viruksen testaamisessa on, että sitä ei havaita dormanssissa olevista perunoista otetuista näytteistä yhtä luotettavasti kuin jo dormanssin ohittaneista perunoista testattaessa. Erilaisia menetelmiä kemikaaleista (Rindite, bromietaani) kasvihormoneihin (mm. gibberelliinihappo) ja varastointiolosuhteiden muutoksiin (kylmä- ja lmpökäsittely) on kokeiltu perunan dormanssin purkamiseen, mutta tulokset ovat olleet vaihtelevia. Tässä tutkielmassa perunan dormanssin purkamiseen käytettiin happi-hiilidioksidikäsittelyä (O2 40 % ja CO2 20 %) eripituisina käsittelyaikoina. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako käsittely perunan itämiseen ja dormanssin luontaista aikaisempaan purkautumiseen tai Y-viruksen havaitsemiseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, voiko Y-viruksen määrittämisen ELISA-testillä (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) tehdä yhtä luotettavasti myös muista kasvinosista (mukula, itu), kuin tällä hetkellä yleisesti käytetystä perunan lehdestä. Idätyskäsittelyn vaikutuksista dormanssin purkautumiseen saatiin vaihtelevia, eikä kovinkaan yleistettäviä tuloksia. Käsittelyn ei myöskään havaittu vaikuttavan PYY-viroottisuuden havaitsemiseen eri näytemateriaaleilla testattaessa. Kun eri kasvinosien toimivuutta testissä vertailtiin, mukulamateriaalin todettiin aliarvioivan PVY-viroottisuutta kaikissa kokeissa. Myös itumateriaali aliarvioi pääsääntöisesti PVY-viroottisuutta ELISA:lla tehdyissä määrityksissä. Luotettavin testimateriaali oli perunan lehti.
本论文由三部分内容组成,一、药用青蒿的遗传转化,即根癌农杆菌和发 根农杆菌介导的转化系统的建立及其影响参数的研究。二、青蒿素生物合成的 分子调控。三、倍半萜生物合成相关基因的克隆。 一、药用青蒿的遗传转化。建立了Ri质粒介导和Ti质粒介导的两种转基因系统, 其中Ri质粒介导青蒿转基因系统的建立是国际上首次报道;以GFP基因为报 告基因,首次获得高效表达的青蒿转绿色荧光蛋白基因的丛生芽,并对GFP基 因的表达进行了组织和细胞水平的定位。此外,对影响两种转基因系统的主要 参数进行了较为详细的研究。上述研究为青蒿素生物合成的分子调控奠定了坚 实的基础。 二、青蒿素生物合成的分子调控。为探索提高青蒿植株或组织和器官中的青蒿 素含量,首次以棉花中克隆的杜松烯合成酶和法呢基焦磷酸合成酶的 cDNA 为 目的基因导入青蒿,对青蒿中青蒿素的生物合成进行了分子调控研究的尝试。 通过已建立的两种转基因系统,将从棉花中克隆的杜松烯合成酶和法呢基焦磷 酸合成酶的 cDNA 导入青蒿,获得转基因发根和转基因植株。结果表明,外源 基因的表达能够影响青蒿素的生物合成,其中法呢基焦磷酸合成酶基因的过量 表达能够促进青蒿素的生物合成,提高转基因发根和植株中的青蒿素的含量。 转基因发根F-26系中青蒿素含量最高达3.01 mg/g.DW,与对照相比青蒿素含量 提高3~4倍;转基因植株的青蒿素含量最高达10.08 mg/g.DW,与对照相比, 转基因植株的青蒿素产物提高2~3倍。此外,研究还表明,在转基因的发根C -37株系中,外源杜松烯合成酶基因的导入和表达可能相应地促进青蒿转基因 发根自身的法昵基焦磷酸基因的表达。 三、倍半萜生物合成相关基因的克隆。采用 RT-PCR 技术,从马铃薯 (Solanum tuberosum L.) 幼叶中克隆了 HMGRII 亚基因家族的一个新的成员 HMGR-c2(GenBank accession No.AF 096838Southem);杂交分析表明,该基因至少以 两个拷贝以上形式存在于马铃薯基因组中;RT-PCR分析表明,HMGR -c2的 表达在幼苗期无组织特异性,广泛地存在于根、茎、叶等组织中。以青蒿001 株系的苗期叶片为材料,构建了青蒿苗期的λgtll cDNA文库,以PCR筛库方 法从青蒿中克隆一个法呢基焦磷酸合成酶cDNA (Artfps2 GenBank accession No. AF136602)和一个HMGR cDNA(GenBank accession No.AF142473);以青蒿 025株系的苗期叶片为材料,构建了青蒿苗期部分质粒文库以 PCR 筛库方法从 青蒿中克隆一个法昵基焦磷酸合成酶 cDNA (Artfpsl GenBank accession No.AF112881);此外,还从青蒿中克隆了倍半萜合成酶的 cDNA 片段(GenBank accession No.AF156854)。其中青蒿倍半萜合成酶基因的克隆是目前国际上本研 究领域最受关注的焦点和难点之一。至此,本研究已将与青蒿素生物合成相关 的三个重要的关键酶基因基本克隆,这无疑将加速青蒿素生物合成的基础和应 用研究的进程。
为促进宁南半干旱山区产业支柱作物马铃薯的生产,解决马铃薯生产、特别是苗期的干旱缺水问题,采用田间试验方法,进行PAM保水剂、多功能保水剂与一定配方尿素+过磷酸钙的施用对马铃薯生长发育、产量及效益的试验。结果表明,两种保水剂均能促进马铃薯生长发育,增加干物质积累,但是在不同生育时期促进作物生长的效果有所不同。1%PAM保水剂浸种2~3 min处理在前期效果显著,多功能保水剂在后期效果突出。马铃薯以施用多功能保水剂30 kg/hm2效果最好,其产量和商品薯分别比对照高出52.33%、138.29%,增收5 356.8元/hm2。研究表明,施用30 kg/hm2多功能保水剂比用1%PAM保水剂浸种2~3min更适宜宁南半干旱区及其同类地区旱地种植马铃薯。