938 resultados para Sociodemographic factors
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the spiritual well-being of nurses and its influence on their attitudes toward providing spiritual care to patients. Two research instruments and a demographic data form were used for the survey. Using a descriptive design, tbe Spiritual Well-Being Scale, the Health Professional's Spiritual Role Scale, and the demographic data form were administered to 100 registered nurses from a large South Florida teaching hospital. The findings indicated a significantly positive correlation between the overall Spiritual Well-Being Scale and the Health Professional's Spiritual Role Scale (r = 0.52; p =.005). Significant differences were found between correlation of nurses' levels of spiritual well-being and all sociodemographic factors except for the three Age Groups and for religious affiliations. Findings have implications for how nurses should be trained in meeting patients total needs. ^
Objective: The effect of work on blood pressure (BP) in a general population with appropriate adjustment for confounders is not well defined. High job control has been found to be associated with lower BP and with nocturnal BP dipping. However, with older workers this may be compromised and has not been studied extensively. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a primary care-based sample (N=2047) aged 50–69 years. Data were collected on sociodemographic factors, medication, clinic, and ambulatory blood pressure. Job control was measured using two scales from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) (possibility for development and influence at work). Nocturnal systolic BP (SBP) dipping was the reduction in SBP from day- to night-time using ambulatory SBP readings. Results: In general, BP increased with age, male gender, and higher body mass index. Workers with high influence at work and high possibility for development were more likely to have high asleep SBP [odds ratio (OR) 2.13, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.05–4.34, P=0.04], (OR 2.27, 95% CI 1.11–4.66, P=0.03) respectively. Influence at work and awake BP were inversely associated: awake SBP (OR 2.44, 95% CI 1.35–4.41, P<0.01), awake DBP (OR 2.42, 95% CI 1.24–4.72, P=0.01). No association was seen between job control and nocturnal SBP dipping. Conclusion: Older workers with high job control may be more at risk of cardiovascular disease resulting from high day- and night-time BP with no evidence of nocturnal dipping.
Sexuality is an important component of human being and contributes to the quality of life. Sexual activity dependa on altitudes toward sexuality. Although this is an important issue, the research on attitudes toward sexuatity among older people hás been a neglected topic. Objectives: To understand altitudes towards sexuality among older people and to assess the relationship between sociodemographic factors and such attitudes.Methods: This cross-sectíonal study was conducted on 35 community-dwelltng older individuais (> 65 years old; 66% were men). Data collectíon was based on a questionnaire whtch includes three components: (1) Questíons on sociodemographic characteristícs; (2) A 13-item scale assessment of attitudes toward to sexualtty (SAATS) scored from O to 52, being highervalues related with positive attítudes; and (3) an open question "in your opinton what is sexuality?". Results: In this sample 40% of participants (n = 14) reported that there is no sexuality among older people. For the whole sample, the mean score of SAATS and respective standard deviatíon (± SD) was 28. 9 (± 6. 63). There were no differences in the mean score of SAATS by gender, but such score was lower among oldest people (p = 0. 006), among individuais reporting less schooling years (p = 0. 001) and among those with no companion (p = 0. 012). In regards to the qualitatíve analysis of the open question, the main answers obtained fali into the affectíve dimension, with the majority of partidpants reporting that sexuality is "lave", "respect" and "tenderness". Conclusions: Oldest people, those with lower educatíon levei and those with no companion presenting more negative attítudes towards to sexuality. Among older people sexuality is manly based on the affective dimension.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
The present study is based upon a multidimensional model of successful aging. It aims to identify subgroups of centenarians sharing communalities in successful aging profiles, and determine the role of sociodemographic factors and psychological, social, and economic resources on successful aging.
Hypertension is a common condition causing cardio and cerebrovascular complications. Portugal has one of the highest mortality rates from stroke and a high prevalence of hypertension. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction and stroke) and premature mortality, particularly in the elderly population. The present study aims to estimate the prevalence of hypertension in a Portuguese population living in a coastal city and to identify some of its determinants (namely gender, age, the body mass index and physical activity frequency). A total of 91 adults who attended three pharmacies of a coastal city in the center of Portugal, between May and August of 2013 were evaluated. Attendants who reported to have diabetes or taking antihypertensive drugs in the 2 previous weeks were excluded from the study. Sociodemographic factors, BMI, habits of exercise and BP were assessed. Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg. The majority of the studied population was constituted by women (75.8%), with a mean age of 54.2±1.6 years old, married or living in civil union and that had completed secondary school or had higher education (40%). They presented a mean BMI of 26.2±4.76 Kg/m2., and were sedentary. The mean BP was 127.0±17.77mmHg- 74.69 ± 9.53. In this population we found 4.3% of people with hypertension and 16.1% with normal high blood pressure. Men exhibit a tendency to present higher systolic blood pressure values than women. Of all the factors considered, SBP values also tended to be higher with age and higher BMI values. Despite the fact that the mean values of SBP did not present values higher than 140 mmHg we must be concerned because the studied population is undiagnosed for hypertension. Although this is a preliminary study, it might be a prelude to the upcoming research about the underlying factors responsible for the occurrence of SBP.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos músculoesqueléticos y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y hábitos de vida en trabajadores de las áreas administrativa y operativa de dos empresas de servicio de la ciudad de Bogotá 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con información secundaria, procedente de bases de datos suministrada por las dos empresas con 696 registros de trabajadores de servicios generales, y 943 registros de trabajadores del área administrativa, para un total de 1639 registros, en los cuales se evaluó la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares clasificados por segmento. Adicionalmente se contaba con información de características sociodemográficas y estilos de vida de estos trabajadores. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas, y las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas. Para establecer la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos con las variables dependientes se utilizó la prueba chi2 de asociación. Resultados: La prevalencia de molestia o dolor en los diferentes segmentos corporales fue de 21.5 % (n = 203) en cuello para la población administrativa y de 17.5% (n = 148) en mano y muñeca derecha para la población de servicios generales. Vale la pena aclarar que el diagnóstico médico más frecuente referido por la población en estudio fue traumas en musculo, bursa tendón y/o ligamento con 10.5% en la población administrativa y con el 12.4% en la población de servicios generales. De las asociaciones significativas entre diagnósticos presentes y hábitos de vida y sueño se encontró que sueño no reparador se asoció significativamente con enfermedad general de músculos y huesos (p = 0.001), enfermedad o trauma activo de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y antecedente o enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). De manera similar, el consumo de medicamentos para conciliar el sueño se asoció con enfermedad de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). El consumo de café (p = 0.001) y el sedentarismo (p = 0.031) están asociados con la enfermedad general de músculos y huesos. Conclusiones: Los TME son un factor de alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora de Colombia, y como se demostró en este estudio, afectan a la población de las empresas de servicio. Se evidencia cada vez más que los segmentos corporales más afectados en la población administrativa, son cabeza y cuello, debido a las posturas mantenidas por largos periodos de tiempo, y en la población de servicios se encontró molestia y dolor en muñecas y manos debido a los movimientos repetitivos que deben de realizar durante la jornada laboral. Se hace necesario profundizar más en la asociación significativa de los trastornos del sueño y la presencia de los TME, ya que se encontró una relación importante entre estos dos.
Introduccion: El canal lumbar estrecho es un motivo de consulta frecuente en el servicio de columna de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Derivado del tratamiento quirurgico se pueden generar múltiples complicaciones, entre las que se encuentra la transfusión sanguínea. Objetivo: Identificar los factores sociodemográficos, antecedentes personales y factores quirúrgicos asociados a transfusión sanguínea en cirugía canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá 2003- 2013. Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó en diseño de estudio observacional analítico transversal. Se incluyeron 367 pacientes sometidos a cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho a quienes se les analizaron variables de antecedentes personales, características sociodemograficas y factores quirúrgicos. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 57 años y la mayoría de pacientes fueron mujeres (55,6%). La mediana del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) fue de 24,9 clasificado como normal. Entre los antecedentes patológicos, la hipertensión arterial fue el más común (37,3%). La mayoría de pacientes (59,1%) presentaron clasificación ASA de II. El tipo de cirugía más prevalente fue el de descompresión (55,6%). En el 79,8% de los pacientes se intervinieron 2 niveles. Se realizó transfusión de glóbulos rojos en 26 pacientes correspondiente a 7,1% del total. En la mayoría de procedimientos quirúrgicos (42,5%) el sangrado fue clasificado como moderado (50-500 ml). En el modelo explicativo transfusión sanguínea en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho se incluyen: antecedente de cardiopatía (OR 4,68, P 0,034, IC 1,12 – 19,44), Sangrado intraoperatorio >500ml (OR 6,74, p 0,001, 2,09 – 21,74) y >2 niveles intervenidos (OR 3,97, p 0,023, IC 1,20 – 13,09). Conclusión: Como factores asociados a la transfusión sanguínea en el manejo quirúrgico del canal lumbar estrecho a partir de la experiencia de 10 años en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá se encontraron: enfermedad cardiaca, sangrado intraoperatorio mayor de 500ml y más de dos niveles intervenidos.
Objetivos Determinar si existe asociación entre la exposición a violencia, experimentada a nivel individual o municipal, y el embarazo adolescente en mujeres Colombianas entre 13 y 19 años de edad que contestaron la Encuesta de Demografía y Salud en el año 2010. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal, nacional y multinivel. Se tomaron datos de dos niveles jerárquicos: Nivel- 1: Datos individuales de una muestra representativa de 13.313 mujeres entre 13 y 19 años de edad provenientes de La Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud del año 2010 y Nivel- 2: Datos municipales de 258 municipios provenientes de las estadísticas vitales del DANE. Resultados La prevalencia del embarazo adolescente fue del 16.8% IC 95% [16.2-17.4]. El análisis mostró que la asociación entre embarazo adolescente y violencia tanto individual, representada como violencia sexual [OR= 6.99 IC99% 4.80-10.10] y violencia física [OR= 1.74 IC99% 1.47-2.05] así como la violencia municipal medida con tasas de homicidios altas [OR= 1.99 IC99% 1.29-3.07] y muy altas [OR= 2.10 IC99% 1.21-3.61] se mantuvo estadísticamente significativa después de ajustar por las variables: Edad [OR= 1.81 IC99% 1.71-1.91], ocupación [OR= 1.62 IC99% 1.37-1.93], educación primaria o sin educación [OR= 2.20 IC99% 1.47-3.30], educación secundaria [OR= 1.70 IC99% 1.24-2.32], asistir al colegio [OR= 0.18 IC99% 0.15-0.21], conocimiento en la fisiología reproductiva [OR= 1.28 IC99% 1.06-1.54], el índice de riqueza Q1, Q2, Q3 [OR= 2.18 IC99% 1.42-3.34], [OR= 2.00 IC99% 1.39-2.28], [OR= 1.82 IC99% 1.92-2.25] y alto porcentaje de Necesidades básicas insatisfechas a nivel municipal [OR= 2.34 IC99% 1.55-3.52]. Conclusiones Este estudio mostró una relación significativamente estadística entre la violencia sexual y física con el inicio de relaciones sexuales y embarazo adolescente después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos en reproducción sexual en mujeres colombianas de 13 a 19 años en el año 2010. Esta asociación debe continuar siendo estudiada para lograr optimizar las estrategias de prevención y disminuir la tasa actual de embarazos adolescentes en el país y sus consecuencias.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Urticária-angioedema crônico é enfermidade freqüente, complexa e multicausal. O objetivo foi estudar as características sociodemográficas, clínicas, os fatores causais, agravantes e a evolução da enfermidade. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Descritivo e prospectivo, realizado no ambulatório de Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes com diagnóstico de urticária-angioedema crônico através de dados sociodemográficos, anamnese, exames dermatológico, clínico e laboratorial, com ênfase nos fatores causais, agravantes e na evolução da enfermidade. RESULTADOS: 125 pacientes foram incluídos, 95 mulheres e 30 homens. Predominaram mulheres de 30 a 40 anos e homens de 10 a 20 anos. A idade média foi de 35 anos para as mulheres e 32 anos para os homens. Predominaram pacientes de raça branca, residentes em zona urbana e casados. O tempo médio de doença foi de 45,6 meses e de cada lesão foi de 5,6 horas. A metade dos casos tinha surtos diariamente e associação de urticária com angioedema. Não houve horário preferencial de aparecimento dos surtos, mas o noturno foi o horário de piora mais citado. A causa foi esclarecida em 37,6%, predominando as infecções. O estresse foi o agravante mais referido. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 11,7 meses e 60% evoluíram para o controle, 32% melhoraram, 9% mantiveram-se inalterados e um caso piorou. CONCLUSÕES: Urticária-angioedema ocorreu mais em mulheres de meia-idade. A causa foi esclarecida em um terço dos pacientes e metade deles teve controle da doença em aproximadamente um ano.
Asthma is a serious and continuing health problem that affects millions of Americans. Our study was conducted in response to this serious health problem and for purposes of addressing the issue of potential health disparities as outlined in Healthy People 2010. Data from sub-populations of subjects who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1999-2004 were used to complete the following specific aims: (1) to update nationally-based estimates of the prevalence of current and lifetime (ever) asthma among adults in the United States (U.S.) and describe by gender the relationships between potential risk factors (e.g., sociodemographics and lifestyle) and asthma; (2) to describe demographic characteristics among working adults in the U.S. and update estimates of the prevalence of asthma in this sub-population, stratified by occupation and industry; and 3) to determine the utility of adapting a population-based Job Exposure Matrix (JEM) for classifying workplace exposures to asthmagens. ^ Our findings suggest the prevalence of asthma among U.S. adults is continuing to rise, with women having a higher prevalence of asthma than men. Living below the poverty threshold, obesity, and prior history of smoking remain important determinants of asthma. Our study also adds to the increasing evidence that health care workers (HCWs) and those employed in education remain at high risk and that appropriate evaluation and control measures need to be implemented. Over 78% of HCWs and 71% of teachers in our study were females suggesting that further exploration of gender-specific risk factors of asthma in working populations is needed. ^ Our study also addressed the feasibility of adapting a population-based asthma-specific JEM to NHANES (1999-2004). We were not able to apply the asthma-specific JEM due to the broad occupational categories within NHANES. This represents a missed opportunity to examine the association between workplace exposures and asthma in U.S. working adults. However, we have identified steps that may be implemented in future population-based studies that would allow the asthma-specific JEM (and other population-based job exposure matrices) to be used in future studies of the U.S. working population.^
"Slow Learners" is a term used to describe children with an IQ range of 70-89 on a standardized individual intelligence test (i.e. with a standard deviation of either 15 or 16). They have above retarded, but below average intelligence and potential to learn. If the factors associated with the etiology of slow learning in children can be identified, it may be possible to hypothesize causal relationships which can be tested by intervention studies specifically designed to prevent slow learning. If effective, these may ultimately reduce the incidence of school dropouts and their cost to society. To date, there is little information about variables which may be etiologically significant. In an attempt to identify such etiologic factors this study examines the sociodemographic characteristics, prenatal history (hypertension, smoking, infections, medication, vaginal bleeding, etc.), natal history (length of delivery, Apgar score, birth trauma, resuscitation, etc.), neonatal history (infections, seizures, head trauma, etc.), developmental history (health problems, developmental milestones and growth during infancy and early childhood), and family history (educational level of the parents, occupation, history of similar condition in the family, etc.) of a series of children defined as slow learners. The study is limited to children from middle to high socioeconomic families in order to exclude the possible confounding variable of low socioeconomic status, and because a descriptive study of this group has not been previously reported. ^
Young people aged 17–24 years are at high risk of being killed in road crashes around the world. Road safety interventions consider some influences upon young driver behaviour; for example, imposing passenger restrictions on young novice drivers indirectly minimises the potential negative social influences of peers as passengers. To change young driver risky behaviour, the multitude of psychosocial influences upon its initiation and maintenance must be identified. A study questionnaire was developed to investigate the relationships between risky driving and Akers’ social learning theory, social identity theory, and thrill seeking variables. The questionnaire was completed by 165 participants (105 women,60 men) residing in south-east Queensland, Australia. The sociodemographic variables of age, gender, and exposure explained 19% of the variance in self-reported risky driving behaviour, whilst Akers’ social learning variables explained an additional 42%. Thrill seeking and social identity variables did not explain any significant additional variance. Significant predictors of risky driving included imitation of the driving behaviours of, and anticipated rewards and punishments administered by, parents and peers. Road safety policy that directly considers and incorporates these factors in their design, implementation, and enforcement of young driver road safety interventions should prove more efficacious than current approaches.
Background: Chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in midlife and older Australian women. There are a number of modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases including smoking, nutrition, physical activity and overweight and obesity. Little research has been conducted in the Australian context to explore the perceived barriers to health promotion activities in midlife and older Australian women with a chronic disease. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to explore women’s perceived barriers to health promotion activities to reduce modifiable risk factors, and the relationship of perceived barriers to smoking behaviour, fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity and body mass index. A secondary aim of this study was to investigate nurses’ perceptions of the barriers to action for women with a chronic disease, and to compare those perceptions with those of the women. Methods: The study was divided into two phases where Phase 1 was a cross sectional survey of women, aged over 45 years with type 2 diabetes who were attending Diabetes clinics in the Primary and Community Health Service of the Metro North Health Service District of Queensland Health (N = 22). The women were a subsample of women participating in a multi-model lifestyle intervention, the ‘Reducing Chronic Disease among Adult Australian Women’ project. Phase 2 of the study was a cross sectional online survey of nurses working in Primary and Community Health Service in the Metro North Health Service District of Queensland Health (N = 46). Pender’s health promotion model was used as the theoretical framework for this study. Results: Women in this study had an average total barriers score of 32.18 (SD = 9.52) which was similar to average scores reported in the literature for women with a range of physical disabilities and illnesses. The leading five barriers for this group of women were: concern about safety; too tired; not interested; lack of information about what to do; with lack of time and feeling I can’t do things correctly the equal fifth ranked barriers. In this study there was no statistically significant difference in average total barriers scores between women in the intervention group and those is the usual care group of the parent study. There was also no significant relationship between the women’s socio-demographic variables and lifestyle risk factors and their level of perceived barriers. Nurses in the study had an average total barriers score of 44.48 (SD = 6.24) which was higher than all other average scores reported in the literature. The leading five barriers that nurses perceived were an issue for women with a chronic disease were: lack of time and interferes with other responsibilities the leading barriers; embarrassment about appearance; lack of money; too tired and lack of support from family and friends. There was no significant relationship between the nurses’ sociodemographic and nursing variables and the level of perceived barriers. When comparing the results of women and nurses in the study there was a statistically significant difference in the median total barriers score between the groups (p < 0.001), where the nurses perceived the barriers to be higher (Md = 43) than the women (Md = 33). There was also a significant difference in the responses to the individual barriers items in fifteen of the eighteen items (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Although this study is limited by a small sample size, it contributes to understanding the perception of midlife and older women with a chronic disease and also the perception of nurses, about the barriers to healthy lifestyle activities that women face. The study provides some evidence that the perceptions of women and nurses may differ and argues that these differences may have significant implications for clinical practice. The study recommends a greater emphasis on assessing and managing perceived barriers to health promotion activities in health education and policy development and proposes a conceptual model for understanding perceived barriers to action.
Within Australia, motor vehicle injury is the leading cause of hospital admissions and fatalities. Road crash data reveals that among the factors contributing to crashes in Queensland, speed and alcohol continue to be overrepresented. While alcohol is the number one contributing factor to fatal crashes, speeding also contributes to a high proportion of crashes. Research indicates that risky driving is an important contributor to road crashes. However, it has been debated whether all risky driving behaviours are similar enough to be explained by the same combination of factors. Further, road safety authorities have traditionally relied upon deterrence based countermeasures to reduce the incidence of illegal driving behaviours such as speeding and drink driving. However, more recent research has focussed on social factors to explain illegal driving behaviours. The purpose of this research was to examine and compare the psychological, legal, and social factors contributing to two illegal driving behaviours: exceeding the posted speed limit and driving when over the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for the drivers licence type. Complementary theoretical perspectives were chosen to comprehensively examine these two behaviours including Akers’ social learning theory, Stafford and Warr’s expanded deterrence theory, and personality perspectives encompassing alcohol misuse, sensation seeking, and Type-A behaviour pattern. The program of research consisted of two phases: a preliminary pilot study, and the main quantitative phase. The preliminary pilot study was undertaken to inform the development of the quantitative study and to ensure the clarity of the theoretical constructs operationalised in this research. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 Queensland drivers recruited from Queensland Transport Licensing Centres and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). These interviews demonstrated that the majority of participants had engaged in at least one of the behaviours, or knew of someone who had. It was also found among these drivers that the social environment in which both behaviours operated, including family and friends, and the social rewards and punishments associated with the behaviours, are important in their decision making. The main quantitative phase of the research involved a cross-sectional survey of 547 Queensland licensed drivers. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between speeding and drink driving and whether there were any similarities or differences in the factors that contribute to a driver’s decision to engage in one or the other. A comparison of the participants self-reported speeding and self-reported drink driving behaviour demonstrated that there was a weak positive association between these two behaviours. Further, participants reported engaging in more frequent speeding at both low (i.e., up to 10 kilometres per hour) and high (i.e., 10 kilometres per hour or more) levels, than engaging in drink driving behaviour. It was noted that those who indicated they drove when they may be over the legal limit for their licence type, more frequently exceeded the posted speed limit by 10 kilometres per hour or more than those who complied with the regulatory limits for drink driving. A series of regression analyses were conducted to investigate the factors that predict self-reported speeding, self-reported drink driving, and the preparedness to engage in both behaviours. In relation to self-reported speeding (n = 465), it was found that among the sociodemographic and person-related factors, younger drivers and those who score high on measures of sensation seeking were more likely to report exceeding the posted speed limit. In addition, among the legal and psychosocial factors it was observed that direct exposure to punishment (i.e., being detected by police), direct punishment avoidance (i.e., engaging in an illegal driving behaviour and not being detected by police), personal definitions (i.e., personal orientation or attitudes toward the behaviour), both the normative and behavioural dimensions of differential association (i.e., refers to both the orientation or attitude of their friends and family, as well as the behaviour of these individuals), and anticipated punishments were significant predictors of self-reported speeding. It was interesting to note that associating with significant others who held unfavourable definitions towards speeding (the normative dimension of differential association) and anticipating punishments from others were both significant predictors of a reduction in self-reported speeding. In relation to self-reported drink driving (n = 462), a logistic regression analysis indicated that there were a number of significant predictors which increased the likelihood of whether participants had driven in the last six months when they thought they may have been over the legal alcohol limit. These included: experiences of direct punishment avoidance; having a family member convicted of drink driving; higher levels of Type-A behaviour pattern; greater alcohol misuse (as measured by the AUDIT); and the normative dimension of differential association (i.e., associating with others who held favourable attitudes to drink driving). A final logistic regression analysis examined the predictors of whether the participants reported engaging in both drink driving and speeding versus those who reported engaging in only speeding (the more common of the two behaviours) (n = 465). It was found that experiences of punishment avoidance for speeding decreased the likelihood of engaging in both speeding and drink driving; whereas in the case of drink driving, direct punishment avoidance increased the likelihood of engaging in both behaviours. It was also noted that holding favourable personal definitions toward speeding and drink driving, as well as higher levels of on Type-A behaviour pattern, and greater alcohol misuse significantly increased the likelihood of engaging in both speeding and drink driving. This research has demonstrated that the compliance with the regulatory limits was much higher for drink driving than it was for speeding. It is acknowledged that while speed limits are a fundamental component of speed management practices in Australia, the countermeasures applied to both speeding and drink driving do not appear to elicit the same level of compliance across the driving population. Further, the findings suggest that while the principles underpinning the current regime of deterrence based countermeasures are sound, current enforcement practices are insufficient to force compliance among the driving population, particularly in the case of speeding. Future research should further examine the degree of overlap between speeding and drink driving behaviour and whether punishment avoidance experiences for a specific illegal driving behaviour serve to undermine the deterrent effect of countermeasures aimed at reducing the incidence of another illegal driving behaviour. Furthermore, future work should seek to understand the factors which predict engaging in speeding and drink driving behaviours at the same time. Speeding has shown itself to be a pervasive and persistent behaviour, hence it would be useful to examine why road safety authorities have been successful in convincing the majority of drivers of the dangers of drink driving, but not those associated with speeding. In conclusion, the challenge for road safety practitioners will be to convince drivers that speeding and drink driving are equally risky behaviours, with the ultimate goal to reduce the prevalence of both behaviours.