942 resultados para Social emotional benefits


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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When assembling self-managing work teams, the personalities of team members are often overlooked. One personality variable known to be critical for effective decision making in teams is cognitive style. This study sought to examine how differences and similarities in analytic/intuitive cognitive styles affected the behavior of team members on the task/emotionally expressive dimension identified by Bales. As hypothesized, intuitive individuals and homogeneous intuitive teams were found to initiate more social-emotional acts. Contrary to expectations, intuitive rather than analytic individuals and homogeneous intuitive rather than analytic teams engaged in more task-oriented behaviors. Teams also tended to select intuitive individuals as leaders. The possibility that different combinations of styles may be important for overall team effectiveness was subsequently discussed, and it was suggested that this may depend on whether the nature of the work environment is relatively well structured and mechanistic or relatively unstructured and organic.


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Depuis les années 1980, le développement de l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) est devenu une priorité dans les interventions qui leur sont offertes. Les agents de socialisation (p.ex., éducateurs, travailleurs sociaux, enseignants, parents, etc.) ont un rôle crucial dans sa promotion de par le soutien qu’ils leur offrent et les apprentissages qu’ils tentent de favoriser chez elles. La façon de communiquer et le type de relation que les agents de socialisation établissent avec la personne présentant une DI ont une influence certaine dans son développement. Pourtant, peu d’études ont jusqu’à ce jour évalué quelles sont les manières optimales de communiquer et d’interagir des agents socialisation pouvant faciliter l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une DI. Ancrée dans la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD), cette thèse s’intéresse à évaluer, les effets d’un type de soutien spécifique, le soutien à l’autonomie (ou à l’autodétermination; SA, une manière de communiquer et d’être en relation qui satisfait le besoin d’autodétermination), sur la satisfaction du besoin d’autodétermination et la présence de bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle légère (DIL) dans un contexte d’apprentissage. Deux articles seront présentés dans cette thèse. Le concept d’autodétermination comprend une large littérature et revêt de multiples définitions. Le premier article, de nature théorique, permettra de mieux le comprendre et de l’éclaircir à la lumière de la théorie fonctionnelle de l’autodétermination (TfAD) et de la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD). Les études portant sur les interventions de promotion de l’autodétermination de la TAD et de la TfAD seront présentées. Dans un deuxième temps, la TAD et la TfAD seront comparées et contrastées l’une avec l’autre ce qui permettra de démontrer leurs différences, leurs similarités et leurs complémentarités tant au niveau théorique que de l’intervention. Enfin, il est proposé que le SA étudié par la TAD puisse constituer une intervention prometteuse, en plus des interventions proposées par la TfAD, afin de favoriser le développement de l’autodétermination et engendrer des bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez cette population. La deuxième étude visera à évaluer cette proposition. Par le biais d’une étude expérimentale, il sera évalué si le SA peut satisfaire le besoin d’autonomie/autodétermination des personnes présentant une DIL et peut faciliter l’intériorisation de la valeur d’une tâche, l’engagement et la diminution de l’anxiété lorsqu’ils réalisent une tâche de résolution de problème, une activité d’apprentissage qui est à la fois importante et fastidieuse. Ainsi, l’étude permettra de comparer les effets d’une tâche réalisée avec ou sans SA (condition expérimentale et témoin respectivement). Les participants (N = 51) présentaient tous une DIL et ont été recrutés dans un centre de réadaptation de la région de Montréal, au Québec (Canada). Les résultats démontrent que comparativement à la condition témoin, le SA amène chez les participants une satisfaction plus élevée du besoin d’autodétermination, un plus grand niveau d’engagement, une plus grande diminution de leur anxiété lors de l’activité et facilite l’intériorisation de la valeur de la tâche. La signification et l’interprétation de ces résultats, de même que leurs implications potentielles pour la recherche et les interventions offertes à ces personnes sont finalement discutées.


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O presente estudo teve como objectivo, partindo de uma análise comparativa entre dois hospitais, descrever e identificar aspectos que pudessem comprovar que as actividades escolares desenvolvidas no contexto hospitalar podem contribuir para amenizar o sofrimento de crianças hospitalizadas assim como contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento integral. As bases de assistência à criança hospitalizada têm vindo a modificar-se nas últimas décadas derivado aos resultados de pesquisas nas áreas das ciências médicas, humanas e sociais. Tendo estas concepções como base, criam-se então, perspectivas de como apoiar melhor a criança no processo de hospitalização que tem de enfrentar, esclarecendo e auxiliando também os profissionais que têm como objectivo primordial o bem-estar da criança, a todos os níveis: físico, pedagógico, social, afectivo e psicológico. A inserção da escola nos hospitais, adequada às necessidades e situação de cada criança, recupera a socialização desta por um processo de inclusão, dando continuidade à sua escolarização e valorizando as suas novas aprendizagens. Para a realização desta investigação, muito contaram as participações, tanto do Instituto de Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, como do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora, EPE, que me deram acesso aos seus respectivos serviços de Pediatria, assim como permitiram o meu contacto com todos os actores envolvidos. Foi realizada uma análise qualitativa tanto da recolha bibliográfica como das comunicações recolhidas através das entrevistas realizadas e das observações efectuadas nos contextos de pesquisa. Obtive consideráveis informações que me permitiram ratificar a considerável importância e eficácia das actividades pedagógicas e educacionais no desenvolvimento da criança em situação de hospitalização, permitindo assim também amenizar esta fase menos boa da vida destas crianças. ABSTRACT; This study aims to, by way of a comparative analysis between two hospitais, describe and identify aspects that are able to prove that the school activities developed in hospitals can help to ease the suffering of hospitalized children as well as contribute to their full development. Over the last decades, the type of support given to hospitalized children has been changing due to the influence of studies conducted in the medical, human and social sciences fields. With these conceptions as a basis, perspectives have been created regarding how to provide better support to children during their stay at the hospital, clarifying and helping the professionals whose fundamental goal is the child's welfare at all levels: physical, pedagogical, social, emotional and psychological. Within the hospital walls, a classroom suited to the needs and situation of each child greatly benefits their socialization recovery through a process of inclusion, thereby permitting a continuation of the learning process. ln carrying out this research, the participation of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology and of the Évora Hospital was essential, wherein I was granted access to their pediatric services and to all the persons involved in this context. A qualitative analysis was conducted using data extracted from bibliographic research as well as from speeches gathered during interviews performed within the research framework. The substantial amount of information allows me to ratify the considerable importance and success of the pedagogic and educational activities in the development of hospitalized children, allowing, as was said before, to ease this difficult stage of children’s.


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Depuis les années 1980, le développement de l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) est devenu une priorité dans les interventions qui leur sont offertes. Les agents de socialisation (p.ex., éducateurs, travailleurs sociaux, enseignants, parents, etc.) ont un rôle crucial dans sa promotion de par le soutien qu’ils leur offrent et les apprentissages qu’ils tentent de favoriser chez elles. La façon de communiquer et le type de relation que les agents de socialisation établissent avec la personne présentant une DI ont une influence certaine dans son développement. Pourtant, peu d’études ont jusqu’à ce jour évalué quelles sont les manières optimales de communiquer et d’interagir des agents socialisation pouvant faciliter l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une DI. Ancrée dans la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD), cette thèse s’intéresse à évaluer, les effets d’un type de soutien spécifique, le soutien à l’autonomie (ou à l’autodétermination; SA, une manière de communiquer et d’être en relation qui satisfait le besoin d’autodétermination), sur la satisfaction du besoin d’autodétermination et la présence de bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle légère (DIL) dans un contexte d’apprentissage. Deux articles seront présentés dans cette thèse. Le concept d’autodétermination comprend une large littérature et revêt de multiples définitions. Le premier article, de nature théorique, permettra de mieux le comprendre et de l’éclaircir à la lumière de la théorie fonctionnelle de l’autodétermination (TfAD) et de la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD). Les études portant sur les interventions de promotion de l’autodétermination de la TAD et de la TfAD seront présentées. Dans un deuxième temps, la TAD et la TfAD seront comparées et contrastées l’une avec l’autre ce qui permettra de démontrer leurs différences, leurs similarités et leurs complémentarités tant au niveau théorique que de l’intervention. Enfin, il est proposé que le SA étudié par la TAD puisse constituer une intervention prometteuse, en plus des interventions proposées par la TfAD, afin de favoriser le développement de l’autodétermination et engendrer des bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez cette population. La deuxième étude visera à évaluer cette proposition. Par le biais d’une étude expérimentale, il sera évalué si le SA peut satisfaire le besoin d’autonomie/autodétermination des personnes présentant une DIL et peut faciliter l’intériorisation de la valeur d’une tâche, l’engagement et la diminution de l’anxiété lorsqu’ils réalisent une tâche de résolution de problème, une activité d’apprentissage qui est à la fois importante et fastidieuse. Ainsi, l’étude permettra de comparer les effets d’une tâche réalisée avec ou sans SA (condition expérimentale et témoin respectivement). Les participants (N = 51) présentaient tous une DIL et ont été recrutés dans un centre de réadaptation de la région de Montréal, au Québec (Canada). Les résultats démontrent que comparativement à la condition témoin, le SA amène chez les participants une satisfaction plus élevée du besoin d’autodétermination, un plus grand niveau d’engagement, une plus grande diminution de leur anxiété lors de l’activité et facilite l’intériorisation de la valeur de la tâche. La signification et l’interprétation de ces résultats, de même que leurs implications potentielles pour la recherche et les interventions offertes à ces personnes sont finalement discutées.


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The ability to sensitively care for others’ wellbeing develops early in ontogeny and is an important developmental milestone for healthy social, emotional, and moral development. One facet of care for others, prosocial comforting, has been linked with important social outcomes such as peer acceptance and friendship quality, underscoring the importance of determining factors involved in the ability to comfort. Although social support has been linked with a number of important social outcomes, no study has directly examined whether felt social support can foster children’s positive behavior toward others. The purpose of the current investigation was to use an experimental priming paradigm to demonstrate that felt social support a) enhances children’s ability to respond prosocially to the distress of others and b) decreases children’s expressions of personal distress when faced with the distress of another person. Participants were 94 4-year-old children (M = 53.56 months, SD = 3.38 months; 52 girls). Children were randomly assigned to either view pictures of mothers and children in close, personal interactions (supportive social interaction condition), happy women and children in separate pictures, presented side-by-side (happy control condition), or pictures of colorful overlapping shapes (neutral control condition). Each set of 20 pictures was presented in the context of a categorization computer game that participants played 4 times throughout the course of the study. Immediately following the first three computer games, children were given the opportunity to comfort someone who was distressed; twice it was the adult experimenter working with the child, and once it was an unseen infant crying over a monitor that participants had been trained to use. Comforting behaviors and distress/arousal were coded in 10-second time segments and yielded a global comforting score and a distress proportion score for each task. Results indicated that priming condition had no effect on either prosocial comforting behavior or expressions of personal distress. I discuss these null findings in light of the available literatures on priming mental representations in children and on prosocial comforting, and suggest some future directions for continued investigation in both fields.


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The purpose of this article is to offer the design and infrastructure parameters necessary to have safe playgrounds since they represent a unique opportunity to foster an integral development, particularly in children.  In these public places, children learn to resolve conflicts to continue playing, having fun, and developing.  These recreational areas then become learning places that foster the formation process and provide great social, emotional, physical, cognitive, intellectual, and spiritual benefits.  However, such benefits are diminished by the lack of interest of the communities and the adult population to optimize playground conditions and by unscrupulous developers, who design playgrounds in inappropriate places putting the population at risk.  Therefore, the following must be taken seriously into consideration before, during, and after the construction of a playground: design, construction, materials, equipment, components and the procedures to meet the necessary safety requirements and the objective for which they were created, that being an area designed, equipped, and located exclusively for playing that facilitates the integral development of the population.  Consequently, it is urgent for Costa Rica to enact clear regulations that guarantee the construction, design, and use of playgrounds that do not put the population’s health at risk, prevent accidents, and guarantee the inalienable rights of each Costa Rican.


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IMPORTANCE: Working memory training may help children with attention and learning difficulties, but robust evidence from population-level randomized controlled clinical trials is lacking.

OBJECTIVE: To test whether a computerized adaptive working memory intervention program improves long-term academic outcomes of children 6 to 7 years of age with low working memory compared with usual classroom teaching.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Population-based randomized controlled clinical trial of first graders from 44 schools in Melbourne, Australia, who underwent a verbal and visuospatial working memory screening. Children were classified as having low working memory if their scores were below the 15th percentile on either the Backward Digit Recall or Mister X subtest from the Automated Working Memory Assessment, or if their scores were below the 25th percentile on both. These children were randomly assigned by an independent statistician to either an intervention or a control arm using a concealed computerized random number sequence. Researchers were blinded to group assignment at time of screening. We conducted our trial from March 1, 2012, to February 1, 2015; our final analysis was on October 30, 2015. We used intention-to-treat analyses.

INTERVENTION: Cogmed working memory training, comprising 20 to 25 training sessions of 45 minutes' duration at school.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Directly assessed (at 12 and 24 months) academic outcomes (reading, math, and spelling scores as primary outcomes) and working memory (also assessed at 6 months); parent-, teacher-, and child-reported behavioral and social-emotional functioning and quality of life; and intervention costs.

RESULTS: Of 1723 children screened (mean [SD] age, 6.9 [0.4] years), 226 were randomized to each arm (452 total), with 90% retention at 1 year and 88% retention at 2 years; 90.3% of children in the intervention arm completed at least 20 sessions. Of the 4 short-term and working memory outcomes, 1 outcome (visuospatial short-term memory) benefited the children at 6 months (effect size, 0.43 [95% CI, 0.25-0.62]) and 12 months (effect size, 0.49 [95% CI, 0.28-0.70]), but not at 24 months. There were no benefits to any other outcomes; in fact, the math scores of the children in the intervention arm were worse at 2 years (mean difference, -3.0 [95% CI, -5.4 to -0.7]; P = .01). Intervention costs were A$1035 per child.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Working memory screening of children 6 to 7 years of age is feasible, and an adaptive working memory training program may temporarily improve visuospatial short-term memory. Given the loss of classroom time, cost, and lack of lasting benefit, we cannot recommend population-based delivery of Cogmed within a screening paradigm.


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Among the students in Australian classrooms who are experiencing learning difficulties are increasing numbers of children who have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Although the general cognitive and language abilities of these students are comparable with most of their peers, they experience significant difficulties with social communication, social interactions and social-emotional/behavioural functioning. Despite indications that there are features inherent in Asperger's syndrome that are likely to have a negative effect on the development of advanced literacy skills, studies to date have primarily focused on social-emotional/behavioural challenges. Without effective literacy skills, however, students' access to educational and career opportunities may be curtailed. This article reviews features of Asperger's syndrome that appear to have a negative impact upon the development of advanced literacy skills and suggests ways in which inclusive classroom teachers could support the development of their learners.


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Objective: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of regional and rural breast cancer survivors at 12 months post-diagnosis and to identify correlates of HRQoL. Methods: 323 (202 regional and 121 rural) Queensland women diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer in 2006/2007 participated in a population-based, cross-sectional study. HRQoL was measured using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy, Breast plus arm morbidity (FACT-B+4) self-administered questionnaire. Results: In age-adjusted analyses, mean HRQoL scores of regional breast cancer survivors were comparable to their rural counterparts 12 months post-diagnosis (122.9, 95% CI: 119.8, 126.0 vs. 123.7, 95% CI: 119.7, 127.8; p>0.05). Irrespective of residence, younger (<50 years) women reported lower HRQoL than older (50+ years) women (113.5, 95% CI: 109.3, 117.8 vs. 128.2, 95%CI: 125.1, 131.2; p<0.05). Those women who received chemotherapy, reported two complications post-surgery, had poorer upper-body function than most, reported more stress, reduced coping, who were socially isolated, had no confidante for social-emotional support, had unmet healthcare needs, and low health self-efficacy reported lower HRQoL scores. Together, these factors explained 66% of the variance in overall HRQoL. The pattern of results remained similar for younger and older age groups. Conclusions and Implications: The results underscore the importance of supporting and promoting regional and rural breast cancer programs that are designed to improve physical functioning, reduce stress and provide psychosocial support following diagnosis. Further, the information can be used by general practitioners and other allied health professionals for identifying women at risk of poorer HRQoL.


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The two outcome indices described in a companion paper (Sanson et al., Child Indicators Research, 2009) were developed using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). These indices, one for infants and the other for 4 year to 5 year old children, were designed to fill the need for parsimonious measures of children’s developmental status to be used in analyses by a broad range of data users and to guide government policy and interventions to support young children’s optimal development. This paper presents evidence from Wave 1data from LSAC to support the validity of these indices and their three domain scores of Physical, Social/Emotional, and Learning. Relationships between the indices and child, maternal, family, and neighborhood factors which are known to relate concurrently to child outcomes were examined. Meaningful associations were found with the selected variables, thereby demonstrating the usefulness of the outcome indices as tools for understanding children’s development in their family and socio-cultural contexts. It is concluded that the outcome indices are valuable tools for increasing understanding of influences on children’s development, and for guiding policy and practice to optimize children’s life chances.


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Becoming a Teacher is structured in five very readable sections. The introductory section addresses the nature of teaching and the importance of developing a sense of purpose for teaching in a 21st century classroom. It also introduces some key concepts that are explored throughout the volume according to the particular chapter focus of each part. For example, the chapters in Part 2 explore aspects of student learning and the learning environment and focus on how students develop and learn, learner motivation, developing self esteem and learning environments. The concepts developed in this section, such as human development, stages of learning, motivation, and self-concept are contextualised in terms of theories of cognitive development and theories of social, emotional and moral development. The author, Colin Marsh, draws on his extensive experience as an educator to structure the narrative of chapters in this part via checklists for observation, summary tables, sample strategies for teaching at specific stages of student development, and questions under the heading ‘your turn’. Case studies such as ‘How I use Piaget in my teaching’ make that essential link between theory and practice, something which pre-service teachers struggle with in the early phases of their university course. I was pleased to see that Marsh also explores the contentious and debated aspects of these theoretical frameworks to demonstrate that pre-service teachers must engage with and critique the ways in which theories about teaching and learning are applied. Marsh weaves in key quotations and important references into each chapter’s narrative and concludes every chapter with summary comments, reflection activities, lists of important references and useful web sources. As one would expect of a book published in 2008, Becoming a Teacher is informed by the most recent reports of classroom practice, current policy initiatives and research.


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This study explored youth caregiving for a parent with multiple sclerosis (MS) from multiple perspectives, and examined associations between caregiving and child negative (behavioural emotional difficulties, somatisation) and positive (life satisfaction, positive affect, prosocial behaviour) adjustment outcomes overtime. A total of 88 families participated; 85 parents with MS, 55 partners and 130 children completed questionnaires at Time 1. Child caregiving was assessed by the Youth Activities of Caregiving Scale (YACS). Child and parent questionnaire data were collected at Time 1 and child data were collected 12 months later (Time 2). Factor analysis of the child and parent YACS data replicated the four factors (instrumental, social-emotional, personal-intimate, domestic-household care), all of which were psychometrically sound. The YACS factors were related to parental illness and caregiving context variables that reflected increased caregiving demands. The Time 1 instrumental and social-emotional care domains were associated with poorer Time 2 adjustment, whereas personal-intimate was related to better adjustment and domestic-household care was unrelated to adjustment. Children and their parents exhibited highest agreement on personal-intimate, instrumental and total caregiving, and least on domestic-household and social-emotional care. Findings delineate the key dimensions of young caregiving in MS and the differential links between caregiving activities and youth adjustment.


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Background: This study aimed to determine whether subjective dimensions of recovery such as empowerment are associated with self-report of more objective indicators such as level of participation in the community and income from employment. A secondary aim was to investigate the extent to which diagnosis or other consumer characteristics mediated any relationship between these variables. Methods: The Community Integration Measure, the Empowerment Scale, the Recovery Assessment Scale, and the Camberwell Assessment of Needs Short Appraisal Schedule were administered to a convenience sample of 161 consumers with severe mental illness. Results: The majority of participants had a primary diagnosis of schizophreniform, anxiety/depression or bipolar affective disorder. The Empowerment Scale was quite strongly correlated with the Recovery Assessment Scale and the Community Integration Measure. Participants with a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder had signifi cantly higher recovery and empowerment scores than participants with schizophrenia or depression. Both empowerment and recovery scores were significantly higher for people engaged in paid employment than for those receiving social security benefits. Conclusions: The measurement of subjective dimensions of recovery such as empowerment has validity in evaluation of global recovery for people with severe mental illness. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder is associated with higher scores on subjective and objective indicators of recovery.