917 resultados para Social care


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.


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Aim. To explore and compare older home care clients’ (65+) and their professionals’ perceptions of the clients’ psychological well-being and care and to identify possible differences in these perceptions. Background. Psychological well-being is considered an important dimension of quality of life. With advancing age, older people require home care support to be able to remain in their own home. The main goal of care is to maximise their independence and quality of life. Design. Descriptive, survey design with questionnaire. Methods. A postal questionnaire was distributed to 200 older home care clients and 570 social and health care professionals in 2007. The total response rate was 63%. The questionnaire consisted of questions about clients’ psychological well-being and the provision of care by home care professionals. The differences in responses between clients and professionals were analysed using cross-tabulations, the Pearson Chi-Square Test and Fisher’s Exact Tests. Results. The professional group believed that their clients did not have plans for the future. They believed that their clients felt themselves depressed and suffering from loneliness significantly more often than the client group did. The client group were also significantly more critical of the care (motivating independent actions, physical, psychological and social care) they got from the professional group than how the professionals evaluated the care they gave. Conclusions. To be able to support older clients to continue living at home, professionals need to provide a service that meets client’s own perceptions and complex social and health care needs as well as personal sense of well-being. Relevance to clinical practice. The findings offer useful insights for the professional in planning and delivering appropriate home care services. A better understanding of differences between clients’ and professionals’ perceptions could lead to a better individualised care outcome.


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Recently arrived older refugees in resettlement countries are a particularly vulnerable population who face many risks to their health and well-being, and many challenges in accessing services.This paper reports on a project undertaken in Victoria,Australia to explore the needs of older people from 14 recently arrived refugee communities, and the barriers to their receiving health and aged care. Findings from consultations with community workers and service providers highlight the key issues of isolation, family conflict and mental illness affecting older refugees, and point to ways in which policy-makers and service providers can better respond to these small but deserving communities.


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We have previously reported a preliminary taxonomy of patient error. However, approaches to managing patients' contribution to error have received little attention in the literature. This paper aims to assess how patients and primary care professionals perceive the relative importance of different patient errors as a threat to patient safety. It also attempts to suggest what these groups believe may be done to reduce the errors, and how. It addresses these aims through original research that extends the nominal group analysis used to generate the error taxonomy. Interviews were conducted with 11 purposively selected groups of patients and primary care professionals in Auckland, New Zealand, during late 2007. The total number of participants was 83, including 64 patients. Each group ranked the importance of possible patient errors identified through the nominal group exercise. Approaches to managing the most important errors were then discussed. There was considerable variation among the groups in the importance rankings of the errors. Our general inductive analysis of participants' suggestions revealed the content of four inter-related actions to manage patient error: Grow relationships; Enable patients and professionals to recognise and manage patient error; be Responsive to their shared capacity for change; and Motivate them to act together for patient safety. Cultivation of this GERM of safe care was suggested to benefit from 'individualised community care'. In this approach, primary care professionals individualise, in community spaces, population health messages about patient safety events. This approach may help to reduce patient error and the tension between personal and population health-care.


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Specialist palliative care, within hospices in particular, has historically led and set the standard for caring for patients at end of life. The focus of this care has been mostly for patients with cancer. More recently, health and social care services have been developing equality of care for all patients approaching end of life. This has mostly been done in the context of a service delivery approach to care whereby services have become increasingly expert in identifying health and social care need and meeting this need with professional services. This model of patient centred care, with the impeccable assessment and treatment of physical, social, psychological and spiritual need, predominantly worked very well for the latter part of the 20th century. Over the last 13 years, however, there have been several international examples of community development approaches to end of life care. The patient centred model of care has limitations when there is a fundamental lack of integrated community policy, development and resourcing. Within this article, we propose a model of care which identifies a person with an illness at the centre of a network which includes inner and outer networks, communities and service delivery organisations. All of these are underpinned by policy development, supporting the overall structure. Adoption of this model would allow individuals, communities, service delivery organisations and policy makers to work together to provide end of life care that enhances value and meaning for people at end of life, both patients and communities alike.


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Esta dissertação se volta para a análise da participação e da representação da sociedade civil no controle da Política de Assistência Social, no processo de implementação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), tendo como base a experiência do Conselho Estadual de Assistência Social do Rio de Janeiro (CEAS/RJ). Busca-se examinar se o contexto de construção do SUAS abre ou não novas possibilidades ao exercício da participação da sociedade civil. Para isso, acompanhamos a experiência do CEAS/RJ, buscando compreender sua estruturação e funcionamento, no sentido de captar o desempenho institucional dos atores que ocupam assento em seu espaço. Na tentativa de montar o quadro mais amplo possível das condições e dos desafios com que se defronta o Conselho no exercício de sua função pública, nos apoiamos em fontes diversificadas. Foi realizado o estudo de documentos de fonte primária que regulamentam e legitimam o CEAS/RJ como espaço de controle no âmbito da Política de Assistência Social, como a sua Lei de Criação e seu Regimento Interno, foram examinadas as atas das reuniões plenárias do Conselho do ano de 2008 e realizadas entrevistas junto aos conselheiros representantes da sociedade civil. De forma geral, os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a dificuldade de se efetivar a participação no CEAS/RJ. No processo de implementação do SUAS o Conselho em estudo se depara com os dilemas centrais que marcaram até então os espaços institucionalizados de controle social.


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Esta dissertação discute o entendimento dos assistentes sociais que atuam nos centros de referência especializados de assistência social de três coordenadorias de desenvolvimento social do município do Rio de Janeiro sobre o tema das drogas, com o objetivo de analisar se as ações profissionais são dirigidas a uma perspectiva crítica, desconsiderando valores conservadores na sua intervenção, e se, durante seu trabalho profissional, buscam contribuir criticamente para a garantia dos direitos dos usuários. Para tal, realizamos entrevista com os assistentes sociais inseridos nesses centros, e através das respostas apresentadas, analisamos como o tema das drogas é abordado pelos profissionais de serviço social. A contribuição para a garantia de direitos requer do profissional de Serviço Social a possibilidade de realizar mediações entre as políticas e a contextualidade do usuário, considerando, também, as possibilidades e limites no percurso histórico que atravessa o uso das drogas. Cabe inclusive situar a compreensão das drogas e sua relação com o desenvolvimento do capital, em que a estratégia proibicionista responde aos interesses de um determinado bloco do poder. Dessa forma esse estudo resgata a construção histórica da profissão de Serviço Social no Brasil, destacando os processos que marcaram uma possibilidade de ruptura com o conservantismo profissional e, por conseguinte, suscitavam uma perspectiva profissional mais crítica e densa teoricamente. Apresenta uma análise do desenvolvimento capitalista, destacando as tendências e estratégias atuais para o enfrentamento da questão social, sob o contexto neoliberal. E por fim, acrescido da pesquisa empírica realizadanos CREAS o estudo buscou identificar se os profissionais de serviço social conseguem fortalecer o projeto ético-político da profissão, ou se as marcas deixadas pela herança conservadora, que gestaram a profissão são resgatadas e utilizadas no trabalho profissional.


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Aim: To study the relation between visual impairment and ability to care for oneself or a dependant in older people with age related macular degeneration (AMD). Method: Cross sectional study of older people with visual impairment due to AMD in a specialised retinal service clinic. 199 subjects who underwent visual function assessment (fully corrected distance and near acuity and contrast sensitivity in both eyes), followed by completion of a package of questionnaires dealing with general health status (SF36), visual functioning (Daily Living Tasks Dependent on Vision, DLTV) and ability to care for self or provide care to others. The outcome measure was self reported ability to care for self and others. Three levels of self reported ability to care were identified—inability to care for self (level 1), ability to care for self but not others (level 2), and ability to care for self and others (level 3). Results: People who reported good general health status and visual functioning (that is, had high scores on SF36 and DLTV) were more likely to state that they were able to care for self and others. Similarly people with good vision in the better seeing eye were more likely to report ability to care for self and others. People with a distance visual acuity (DVA) worse than 0.4 logMAR (Snellen 6/15) had less than 50% probability of assigning themselves to care level 3 and those with DVA worse than 1.0 logMAR (Snellen 6/60) had a probability of greater than 50% or for assigning themselves to care level 1. Regression analyses with level of care as the dependent variable and demographic factors, DLTV subscales, and SF36 dimensions as the explanatory variables confirmed that the DLTV subscale 1 was the most important variable in the transition from care level 3 to care level 2. The regression analyses also confirmed that the DLTV subscale 2 was the most important in the transition from care level 3 to care level 1. Conclusions: Ability to care for self and dependants has a strong relation with self reported visual functioning and quality of life and is adversely influenced by visual impairment. The acuity at which the balance of probability shifts in the direction of diminished ability to care for self or others is lower than the level set by social care agencies for provision of support. These findings have implications for those involved with visual rehabilitation and for studies of the cost effectiveness of interventions in AMD.


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This project involved creative artists working with older people with dementia and staff from two Belfast Health and Social Care Trust supported housing centres in a mixed programme of dance, painting, music and drama which culminated in an open workshop with relatives and friends of the tenants. The study steered away from traditional medical models of art/music/dance therapy where the participant is perceived as a ‘patient’ in favour of identifying the participant as a ‘student’ who avails of a life-long learning experience. A key premise was that access to the arts is a human right, especially in the context of advancing age and cognitive impairment. . According to one the tenants of Mullan Mews, the project served to ‘awaken - or reawaken - folk with dementia to the endless vista of possibility already in their lives if they will only look for it’. A phenomenographic analysis of video data generated by the project emphasises the importance of the individual experiences of participants in the programme. The evidence from these storylines gained strength from the development of a documentary-style film text that has proved successful in capturing and translating the live experience of the project participants into a supportive text that goes beyond the written word.


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This paper presents an argument in favour of a particular research strategy as the basis for evidence-based practice in social care. It presents some grounds for optimism and reviews the difficulties that need to be overcome if this model of evidence-based practice is to prevail over other, more laissez-faire, versions.


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The research reported here builds on the work of one of the authors who, some thirteen years ago, in a similar study, examined the potential for social workers to shift from a child protection to a child welfare practice orientation. As with the original research study, this present project seeks to examine the everyday practices of social workers with children and families as revealed by file analysis, vignette questionnaires (reported here) and interviews with families and social workers (to be reported). A twenty-item vignette questionnaire was completed by fifty-five social workers (65.5 per cent response rate). It was found that there was little agreement on coding decisions with regard to which cases should be designated child protection or child welfare. Further analysis revealed that, regardless of such coding decisions, families tended to receive similar responses by social workers. The results demonstrate that, whilst there has been a reduction in the headline numbers of child protection investigations undertaken across Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland, the everyday patterns of practice with families and children where parenting concerns remain evident reflect child protection risk management priorities and practices.