957 resultados para Smokers - Respiratory symptoms


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Exposure to airborne pollen from certain plants can cause allergic disease, leading to acute respiratory symptoms. Whole pollen grains, 15–90 μ m-sized particles, provoke the upper respiratory symptoms of rhinitis (hay fever), while smaller pollen fragments capable of depositing in the lower respiratory tract have been proposed as the trigger for asthma. In order to understand factors leading to pollen release and fragmentation we have examined the rupture of Chinese elm pollen under controlled laboratory conditions and in the outdoor atmosphere. Within 30 minutes after immersion in water, 70% of fresh Chinese pollen ruptures, rapidly expelling cytoplasm. Chinese elm flowers, placed in a controlled atmosphere chamber, emitted pollen and pollen debris after a sequential treatment of 98% relative humidity followed by drying and a gentle disturbance. Immunologic assays of antigenic proteins specific to elm pollens revealed that fine particulate material (D p < 2 μ m) collected from the chamber contained elm pollen antigens. In a temporal study of the outdoor urban atmosphere during the Chinese elm bloom season of 2004, peak concentrations of pollen and fine pollen fragments occurred at the beginning of the season when nocturnal relative humidity (RH) exceeded 90%. Following later periods of hot dry weather, pollen counts decreased to zero. The Chinese elm pollen fragments also decreased during the hot weather, but later displayed additional peaks following periods of more moderate RH and temperature, indicating that pollen counts underestimate total atmospheric pollen allergen concentrations. Pollen fragments thus increase the biogenic load in the atmosphere in a form that is no longer recognizable as pollen and, therefore, is not amenable to microscopic analysis. This raises the possibility of exposure of sensitive individuals to pollen allergens in the form of fine particles that can penetrate into the lower airways and pose potentially severe health risks.


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Background: Streamlining emergency department (ED) care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be an important strategy in managing the increasing burden of this disease.

Study objectives: The aim of this study was to identify factors predictive of hospital admission in ED patients with COPD, specifically factors that can be used early in the ED episode of care.

Methods: Using retrospective regression analysis, case data from 321 randomly selected medical records from five Australian EDs were analysed. Patient characteristics, triage and ED system features, physiological status, and ED treatment during the first four hours of ED care were compared between discharged and admitted patients.

Results: Factors available on ED arrival associated with increased likelihood of admission were: age (OR = 1.04, p = 0.008) respiratory symptoms affecting activities of daily living (OR = 1.8, p = 0.043) and signs of respiratory dysfunction (OR = 2.5, p = 0.005). Factors available from the first four hours of ED care associated with increased likelihood of admission were: age (OR = 1.04, p = 0.021), oxygen use at four hours (OR = 3.5, p = 0.002) and IV antibiotic administration (OR = 2.6, p = 0.026). There were conflicting findings regarding the association between ambulance transport and admission.


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Clinical trials of new agents to reduce the severity and impact of influenza require accurate assessment of the effect of influenza infection. Because there are limited high-quality adult influenza Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) measures, the aim was to develop and validate a simple but comprehensive questionnaire for epidemiological research and clinical trials.

Construct and item generation was guided by the literature, concept mapping, focus groups, and interviews with individuals with laboratory-confirmed influenza and expert physicians. Items were administered to 311 people with influenza-like illness (ILI) across 25 US sites. Analyses included classic psychometrics, structural equation modeling (SEM), and Rasch analyses.

Concept mapping generated 149 concepts covering the influenza experience and clustered into symptoms and impact on daily activities, emotions, and others. Items were drafted using simplicity and brevity criteria. Eleven symptoms from the literature underwent review by physicians and patients, and two were removed and one added. The symptoms domain factored into systemic and respiratory symptoms, whereas the impact domains were unidimensional. All domains displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach α ≥ 0.8) except the three-item respiratory domain (α = 0.48). A five-factor SEM indicated excellent fit where systemic, respiratory, and daily activities domains differentiated patients with ILI or confirmed influenza. All scales were responsive over time.

Patient and clinician consultations resulted in an influenza PRO measure with high validity and good overall evidence of reliability and responsiveness. The Influenza Intensity and Impact Questionnaire (FluiiQ™) will improve the evaluation of existing and future agents designed to prevent or control influenza infection by increasing the breadth and depth of measurement in this field.


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A indução de escarro é uma técnica utilizada amplamente para monitorar a inflamação de vias aéreas, porém sua importância como ferramenta diagnóstica de doenças pulmonares em pacientes imunocomprometidos ainda necessita de melhor definição. Com o objetivo de determinar o seu rendimento no diagnóstico das doenças pulmonares em pacientes positivos ao HIV, no período de janeiro de 2001 a setembro de 2002, foram avaliados todos os pacientes com idade superior a 14 anos, infectados com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, admitidos no Hospital Nereu Ramos (Florianópolis – Santa Catarina – Brasil). Foram incluídos no estudo aqueles indivíduos que apresentavam manifestações clínicas do aparelho respiratório há pelo menos 7 dias, associadas, ou não, a sinais radiológicos de doença pulmonar. Também foram incluídos indivíduos assintomáticos do ponto de vista respiratório, mas que apresentavam alterações no radiograma de tórax. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, radiológica e laboratorial e realizaram a indução de escarro, seguida pela broncofibroscopia, lavado broncoalveolar e biópsia pulmonar transbrônquica. As amostras obtidas foram processadas para bacterioscopia pelo método de Gram e Ziehl-Neelsen, cultura quantitativa para bactérias, exame micológico direto, cultura para micobactérias e fungos, pesquisa de citomegalovírus e Pneumocystis jiroveci, bem como celularidade total e diferencial. De um total de 547 pacientes, 54 com idade média de 35,7 anos foram incluídos no estudo. Destes, 79,6% pertencentes ao sexo masculino e 85,2% caucasianos. A contagem média de linfócitos TCD4+ foi de 124,8/mm3. O padrão radiológico mais comum foi o intersticial (44,4%). A pesquisa de agente etiológico resultou negativa em 7 pacientes, sendo que nos 47 casos restantes foram isolados 60 agentes. Dentre os agentes isolados, 46,7% foram P. jiroveci; 33,5% bactérias piogênicas e 16,7% M. tuberculosis. O escarro induzido apresentou sensibilidade de 57,5%, especificidade de 42,9%, valor preditivo positivo de 87,1%, valor preditivo negativo de 13,0% e acurácia de 55,6%. Estes resultados sugerem que, nesta população, a análise do escarro induzido é um procedimento simples, seguro e com bom rendimento diagnóstico.


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Tuberculosis is an ancient disease that remains a serious problem of Public Health, requiring a pressing attention. Advances in the knowledge and technology available to control it has not been sufficient to significantly impact on morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. To enable patient compliance with TB treatment, preventing the abandonment of this to ensure the correct use of medicines has been suggested the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment - Short course) or directly Observable Short Course Treatment. This study focuses on the incorporation of two technical components of the DOTS strategy at the Family Health, namely, active search for respiratoy symptoms and Supervisioned Treatment (ST). The West Sanitary District was considered best suited to be the focus of study because it is assumed that those sites that were better structured would provide better information about the situation of the strategy in the municipality. Its purpose is to analyze the organization of DOTS as the active search for respiratory symptoms and Directly Observed Therapy in Health Teams Family belonging to a Health District in the city of Natal, Brazil. An exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach which involved health professionals from 11 units of Family Health, West Sanitary District, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. We interviewed 62 professionals on the professional category, their involvement in the DOTS strategy, managers' contributions to the sustainability of the strategy, actions Search for symptomatic diagnosis and supervised treatment of TB cases and difficulties and facilities for the sustainability of the DOTS strategy. It is concluded that the actions taken by the professionals of the FHS West Health District are organized in more supervised treatment, a fact noted in their perceptions about DOTS


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important health problems being faced worldwide. In Brazil, the responsibility for the actions of to diagnosis and control of this disease was transferred to the municipalities within the Primary Health Care (PHC), aiming at improvement in epidemiological indicators, requiring reorientation of the practice of family health teams and requiring methodologies to analyze the extent to which components of the PHC are being achieved. Thus, this study aims to analyze the performance of primary care services in the city of Natal-RN for the diagnosis and control of TB, from the perspective of health professionals (doctors and nurses). The study is descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative. Data collection was conducted from March to July 2011 and involved 121 health professionals working in 52 health units (family health unit, basic health unit and mixed units). The instrument is structured based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, and includes questions regarding the Structure and Process components of health services. For quantitative analysis, it was constructed indicators, whose response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale between one and five, which meant the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the claims. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. With regard to inputs and equipment, the units had satisfactory condition for form (  = 4.26), consultation (  = 4.02) and basic basket (  = 4.24); regular condition to pot (  = 3.56) and unsatisfactory conditions for transportation tickets (  = 1.50) and sputum smear microscopy (  = 2.42) and X-rays (  = 1.07). In relation to actions, there was satisfactory development for those focused on the individual patient. Actions aimed at the collective level, as the search for respiratory symptoms (RS), monitoring of contacts and guidelines for the community ranged from regular to unsatisfactory (  = 3.16 -  = 1.34). With regard to training, 94,2% received training to identify RS. As regards the time for diagnosis, the median time elapsed between the identification of RS and the beginning of treatment it was 22 days. In relation to the difficulties faced by professionals in the diagnosis of TB, 56,2% reported that they are related only to health services, especially for the failure in the rearguard laboratory and in the specialized services reference, the lack of human and material resources and low performing an active search. The professionals perceive the performance of diagnosis and control of TB, permeated with limitations and barriers to organizational and operational character of various sizes, emerging the need for effective coordination of various sectors and key stakeholders of TB care, to adoption of a new intersectoral strategies that aim to increase the responsiveness of the PHC, providing the best performance in service delivery to the user, family and community, and ensuring effective action and resolving the needs of this population group.


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Tuberculosis is a disease of great impact on the world context today. In Brazil, the disease management was directed to the Primary Health Care, due to the determination of the Ministry of Health to decentralize health actions for primary care. Thus, since the actions of diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease should happen in this context, however, there are still many barriers that may hinder the realization of these determinations. This study aims to analyze the development of tuberculosis control activities conducted in the services of primary health care from the patient's vision. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The population consists of 517 tuberculosis patients treated in units of Primary Health Care in the city of Natal-RN; the sample consists of 93 TB patients. The collect instrument is structured, based in The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated in Brazil and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, with modifications. This instrument was divided into blocks: the first one describes the socio-demographic information of patients with TB and the second one describes the health services working in control, diagnosis and treatment of TB, and includes issues related to the dimensions of primary care: access, bond, services, coordination of care, guidance to the community and family focus. For quantitative analysis, were built indicators for each item of the instrument. The response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale, which was assigned a value between one and five meant that the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the statements. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. The results indicate that 62.37% of patients are male, 27.96% aged 41 to 50 years old, and 34.41% unemployed, with low education and low family income. It was found that the reference hospital services are the front door to the patient (59.14%), and are also the local diagnosis of the disease (72.04%). On access, the conditions satisfactory found are: the number of times the patients need to pick up the health care issue, the marking and the facility to get a consultancy in the HS, assistance provided without harm to the individual's attendance labor and facilities related to the proximity between the residence and services; were considered unsatisfactory conditions related to travel to the HS, and on hours and days of operation of services. As for the cast of services were satisfactory and regular actions related to the request for examination to become viable in the first HS, the availability of pot to perform smear and medicines for the treatment, as well as consultations control and receiving information about the disease and the treatment performed; it is considered unsatisfactory the performance of the home care for patients with TB by the HS that acts as a front door, for implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment (DOT), home visits during treatment, the provision of transportation allowance to the patient and the existence of groups for TB patients. Regarding the coordination of care, resulted in regular the action of referring the patient to other HS to obtain examinations, and as unsatisfactory referral to obtain medications. The relationship bond between patient and health team were considered satisfactory in the majority or regular. As for the family and community focus, is satisfactory only the indicator relating to questions from professionals to the patient about the existence of respiratory symptoms in the family. It is considered that there is need for greater commitment from government entities to the incentives required to TB control, as well as the availability of necessary inputs and training of human resources working in the PHC in the ongoing quest to strengthen primary care, as a place of broader host needs to contact the user with the actions and health professionals. It is recommended the adoption of management mechanisms possible to expand the capacity of the health PHC, promoting the service delivery to the user and ensuring attention to population health.


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Physical Exercise (PE) is a necessary component in the management in COPD patients, where respiratory symptoms are associated with reduced functional capacity. Even with the increase in the number of studies that have been published and the therapeutics success using aquatic therapy approach, studies using PE in water in COPD patients are so few. Objective: the aim of this present study was to analyze the effects of low intensity water exercise in COPD patients, developed in two different places aquatic and ground. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial study, 42 patients with moderate to very severe DPOC were recruited for the study, mean age of 63,2  10,9 years old. Randomized in 3 groups: Control Group (CG), Land Group (LG) and Water Group (WG). The PE protocol was performed in a period of 8 weeks, with frequency of 3 times per week. The CG participated in an educational program. All the patients were assessed twice through spirometry, respiratory muscular strength, the 6-min walk test, the quality of life (SF-36 and SGRQ), the LCADL, the MRC, the BODE index and the upper limbs (UP) incremental test. Results: There was a significant difference after the approaches in DP6 from the WG (p=0,02); in VEF1 in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01); in MIP in LG (p=0,01) and WG (p=0,02); in MEP in LG (p=0,02) and WG (p=0,01); the MRC decreases in WG (p=0,00). there was an increase of the weight supported by the UP in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). The LG showed an increase of the quality of life represented by the SGRQ total score (p=0,00). The BODE index decreased in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). In LCDAL, the LG showed a decrease. Conclusion: This data in this present study suggest that both approaches of low intensity exercise showed to be beneficial in moderate to very severe COPD patients. The WG showed additional benefits in physical function, pointing to a new therapeutic modality for COPD patients


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da oxigenoterapia inalatória em crianças internadas em hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de crianças atendidas no Pronto-Socorro Pediátrico do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu e que receberam oxigenoterapia durante a internação, de maio a setembro de 2005. Indicou-se oxigenoterapia se saturação de oxigênio inferior a 90% e frequência respiratória elevada para idade. Crianças em uso crônico de oxigênio ou com necessidade de ventilação mecânica foram excluídas. Foram avaliados: sintomas respiratórios, diagnósticos clínicos, saturação de oxigênio, método e tempo de oxigenoterapia e responsável pela prescrição. RESULTADOS: Foram atendidas 8.709 crianças no pronto-socorro, sendo que 2.769 (32%) apresentaram doenças respiratórias e 97 necessitaram de internação na enfermaria. Destas, 62 (64%) receberam oxigenoterapia. Das 62 crianças, 37 eram do sexo masculino e a idade variou de 2 meses a 14 anos (mediana: 8 meses). A causa de hipóxia foi pneumonia em 52 crianças (84%), asma em cinco, bronquiolite em quatro e traqueomalácia em uma. As prescrições de oxigenoterapia foram feitas por médicos, com monitoração de saturação de oxigênio por oxímetro de pulso. O tempo mediano de administração de O2 foi 6 dias e o cateter nasal foi usado em 94% dos casos, sendo raro o uso de máscaras ou capuz de oxigênio. CONCLUSÕES: A oxigenoterapia inalatória foi mais frequente em crianças com menor idade e em pacientes com pneumonia, sendo sua indicação compatível com critérios internacionais. O uso do cateter nasal mostrou-se seguro, simples, efetivo e de baixo custo.


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OBJETIVO: Mesmo gratuita e disponível no Brasil desde 1999, a cobertura vacinal contra a influenza ainda é inadequada em diversos municípios do País. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estimar a cobertura vacinal e identificar fatores relacionados à vacinação contra a influenza em idosos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar em amostra aleatória sistemática (N=365) da população urbana maior de 60 anos em Botucatu, São Paulo. Foi aplicado modelo de regressão logística múltipla, cuja variável dependente foi ter sido vacinado em 2002. Foram testadas no modelo as covariáveis: sexo, idade, socioeconômicas (renda per capita, número de pessoas por cômodo, escolaridade, estado civil, ocupação, tempo de moradia), antecedentes mórbidos, de internação, hábito de fumar, sintomas respiratórios nos últimos 15 dias e atividades comunitárias (trabalho voluntário, atividades no bairro, igreja). RESULTADOS: Registrou-se cobertura vacinal de 63,2% (IC 95%: 58,3-68,2). Foi observado menor percentual de vacinados entre os idosos na faixa etária de 60 a 64 anos. As variáveis que se mostraram associadas à vacinação e permaneceram no modelo final foram: idade (OR=1,09 por ano; IC 95%: 1,06-1,13); hipertensão arterial (OR=1,92; IC 95%: 1,18-3,13); inserção em atividades na comunidade (OR=1,63; IC 95%: 1,01-2,65). A vacinação em portadores de doenças crônicas não atingiu níveis adequados conforme esperado para este grupo de risco, com exceção dos hipertensos. A participação em atividades comunitárias e sociais foi relacionada com o estado vacinal. CONCLUSÕES: Condições socioeconômicas, hábitos e idade não restringiram o acesso à campanha vacinal. Por outro lado, campanhas específicas, endereçadas a indivíduos da faixa de 60 a 64 anos, podem ampliar a cobertura da vacinação.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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RACIONAL: Crianças portadoras de distúrbios neurológicos têm maior incidência de refluxo e, em geral, não apresentam melhora da sintomatologia com tratamento clínico, necessitando de intervenção cirúrgica. OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados da operação antirefluxo em crianças normais e com comprometimento neurológico, identificando as principais complicações e causas de reoperação. MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte crianças portadores de refluxo foram distribuídas em dois grupos de estudo: Grupo I - 60 crianças normais; Grupo II - 60 crianças com comprometimento neurológico. Exame contrastado do esôfago, estômago e duodeno, endoscopia digestiva alta com biópsia, pHmetria esofágica de 24 horas e cintilografia foram os exames utilizados no diagnóstico e na avaliação da eficácia da operação antirefluxo. Todos os pacientes operados eram refratários ao tratamento clínico. O procedimento cirúrgico antirefluxo realizado foi predominantemente a fundoplicatura de Lind, sendo associada à gastrostomia em 55% dos pacientes do Grupo II. RESULTADOS: No Grupo II a indicação cirúrgica foi significantemente mais precoce que no Grupo I. A principal causa de indicação cirúrgica entre neuropatas foi o alto comprometimento do desenvolvimento neuropsíquico-motor e as pneumonias de repetição. O tempo de internação, as reoperações e a necessidade de dilatações esofágicas no pós-operatório foi maior no Grupo II (p<0,01). Ocorreram três óbitos no pós-operatório tardio no Grupo II (sepse e infecção respiratória grave). CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico adotado foi satisfatório para o tratamento cirúrgico do refluxo nos dois grupos de pacientes. Porém, torna-se necessário o aprofundamento dos estudos acerca da população de crianças neuropatas portadoras de refluxo, uma vez que estas respondem de forma menos favorável ao procedimento cirúrgico, principalmente no que se refere às taxas de mortalidade, recorrência dos sintomas respiratórios, índice de reoperações e gravidade das complicações pós-operatórias.


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Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measurements provide valuable information about the psychological and social impact of treatment on patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This study evaluated the HRQOL of Brazilian patients with CF and assessed the changes in HRQOL domains over 1 year after dornase alfa (Pulmozyme) introduction. Patients and Methods: One hundred fifty-six stable patients with CF and 89 caregivers answered the Portuguese-validated version of the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised (CFQ-R) at baseline (T 0), and at 3 (T 1), 6 (T 2), 9 (T 3), and 12 (T 4) months of follow-up. Eighteen patientswere excluded because they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria. The patients were analyzed in two groups: those aged 6-11 years and those aged 14 years and older. ANOVA for observed repeated results and the last observation carried forward (LOCF) method for missing data were used for the statistical analysis. Results: After 1 year of follow-up, there was significant improvement in respiratory symptoms (T 4-T 0=8.1; 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=[2.1;14.0]; effect size (ES)=0.35; P<0.001), Emotional Functioning (T 4-T 0=5.6; 95% CI=[1.1;10.1]; ES=0.31; P<0.05), Social Functioning (T 4-T 0=6.0; 95% CI=[1.3;11.7]; ES=0.31; P<0.05), Body Image (T 4-T 0=11.9; 95% CI=[4.1;19.7]; ES=0.42; P<0.05), and Treatment Burden (T 4-T 0=5.3; 95% CI=[0.3;10.3]; ES=0.24; P<0.05) domains in the younger group. A significant improvement in Role Functioning (T 4-T 0=6.1; 95% CI=[1.1;11.1]; ES=0.40; P<0.05), Body Image (T 4-T 0=12.6; 95% CI=[3.5;21.7]; ES=0.46; P<0.05), and Weight (T 4-T 0=11.7; 95% CI=[1.8;21.6]; ES=0.40; P<0.05) was obtained in the older group. The caregivers' CFQ-R showed improvements in the Digestive Symptoms (T 4-T 0=5.5; 95% CI=[1.5;9.4]; ES=0.30; P<0.05), Respiratory Symptoms (T 4-T 0=7.6; 95% CI=[3.9;11.4]; ES=0.48; P<0.05), and Weight (T 4-T 0=10.1; 95% CI=[1.6;18.6]; ES=0.26; P<0.05) domains. Conclusion: The introduction of dornase alfa improved the HRQL of the patients with CF during the first year of treatment. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Since little information is available regarding cellular antigen mapping and the involvement of non-neuronal cells in the pathogenesis of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) infection, it were determined the BHV-5 distribution, the astrocytic reactivity, the involvement of lymphocytes and the presence of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in the brain of rabbits experimentally infected with BHV-5. Twelve New Zealand rabbits that were seronegative for BHV-5 were used for virus inoculation, and five rabbits were used as mock-infected controls. The rabbits were kept in separate areas and were inoculated intranasally with 500 μl of virus suspension (EVI 88 Brazilian isolate) into each nostril (virus titer, 107.5 TCID50). Control rabbits were inoculated with the same volume of minimum essential medium. Five days before virus inoculation, the rabbits were submitted to daily administration of dexamethasone. After virus inoculation, the rabbits were monitored clinically on a daily basis. Seven rabbits showed respiratory symptoms and four animals exhibited neurological symptoms. Tissue sections were collected for histological examination and immunohistochemistry to examine BHV-5 antigens, astrocytes, T and B lymphocytes and MMP-9. By means of immunohistochemical and PCR methods, BHV-5 was detected in the entire brain of the animals which presented with neurological symptoms, especially in the trigeminal ganglion and cerebral cortices. Furthermore, BHV-5 antigens were detected in neurons and/or other non-neural cells. In addition to the neurons, most infiltrating CD3 T lymphocytes observed in these areas were positive for MMP-9 and also for BHV-5 antigen. These infected cells might contribute to the spread of the virus to the rabbit brain along the trigeminal ganglia and olfactory nerve pathways. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Introduction: wheezing is one of the most common respiratory symptoms in childhood. Regardless of the cause, it is a reason to seek medical care in emergency rooms, especially if there is recurrence of episodes. Very common in childhood, recurrent wheezing has its first episodes in the first year of life. We sought to examine the risk factors for recurrent wheezing in infants in the first year of life. Methods: this is a cross-sectional quantitative study in which a standardized questionnaire of the International Study of Wheezing in Infants, translated and validated in Brazil, consisting of objective questions, applied 40 mothers were enrolled in two Family Health units. Results: the risk factors found were: smoking during pregnancy, family history of asthma, rhinitis and allergic dermatitis, the presence of at least one pet in the home at the time of birth and age at first cold less than or equal to three months of life. No significant relationships were found between males and wheezing, exclusive breastfeeding or numbers of colds in the first year of life. Conclusion: our findings are different from those reported in the literature.