874 resultados para Sistemas de comunicação sem fio


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo explorar como o governo do Estado de São Paulo pode utilizar a tecnologia para aproximar o Estado dos cidadãos por meio de aplicativos móveis. A intensificação do uso dos dispositivos móveis pela população brasileira e a recente ampliação do uso de m-government como esforço na busca da melhoria da prestação de serviços ao cidadão pelo Estado de São Paulo nas duas últimas décadas configuram o cenário em que foi estabelecido o Termo de Referência da Subsecretaria de Tecnologia e Serviços ao Cidadão, da Secretaria de Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Neste trabalho, houve a integração de métodos de pesquisa de diferentes naturezas: revisão da literatura, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores influentes na formulação das políticas públicas, avaliação da política de aplicativos móveis do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e dos próprios aplicativos, benchmarking de experiências internacionais e diagnóstico analítico da situação atual. Foram identificados como pontos fortes a importância da existência de uma subsecretaria próxima ao Governador, a criação de um aplicativo central que facilita o conhecimento dos aplicativos do governo existentes e a existência de uma empresa pública de processamento de dados com competência para desenvolver serviços e aplicativos. Como desafios foram identificados a estratégia de comunicação e divulgação dos aplicativos, ausência de legislação sobre m-government e a falta de uma política pública e planejamento estratégico consistente para orientar melhorias e alcance de resultados com rapidez e eficiência. Recomenda-se, principalmente: 1) que a Subsecretaria de Tecnologia e Serviços ao Cidadão atue como órgão central para além de emitir as diretrizes de e-goverment, também emanar as de m-government, 2) que o foco governamental seja na orientação do serviço ao cidadão e não primordialmente ao desenvolvimento de aplicativos e 3) a formulação e implementação de uma política clara para a difusão de m-government que seja passível de ser entendida e replicada por todos os atores governamentais e permeie todos os órgãos da administração direta e indireta, não se restringindo às áreas de TI. A abordagem de m-government ainda é incipiente no Brasil, necessitando de novos estudos acadêmicos complementares para consolidação de massa crítica sobre o tema. Este assunto receberá atenção e investimentos governamentais nos próximos anos. Conclui-se que o Estado de São Paulo está em uma boa direção, mas para avançar com efetividade os gestores estaduais devem se apropriar das melhores práticas da experiência internacional em m-government, havendo um longo caminho para melhorar o relacionamento entre o Estado e os cidadãos com o uso de aplicativos móveis, com a abordagem de um governo único para um cidadão único.


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The characteristic properties of the fractal geometry have shown to be very useful for the construction of filters, frequency selective surfaces, synchronized circuits and antennas, enabling optimized solutions in many different commercial uses at microwaves frequency band. The fractal geometry is included in the technology of the microwave communication systems due to some interesting properties to the fabrication of compact devices, with higher performance in terms of bandwidth, as well as multiband behavior. This work describes the design, fabrication and measurement procedures for the Koch quasi-fractal monopoles, with 1 and 2 iteration levels, in order to investigate the bandwidth behavior of planar antennas, from the use of quasi-fractal elements printed on their rectangular patches. The electromagnetic effect produced by the variation of the fractal iterations and the miniaturization of the structures is analyzed. Moreover, a parametric study is performed to verify the bandwidth behavior, not only at the return loss but also in terms of SWR. Experimental results were obtained through the accomplishment of measurements with the aid of a vetorial network analyzer and compared to simulations performed using the Ansoft HFSS software. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented


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The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication


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The development of wireless telecommunication in the last years has been great. It has been taking academics to conceive new ideas and techniques. Their aims are to increase the capacity and the quality of the system s services. Cells that are smaller every time, frequencies that are every time higher and environments that get more and more complex, all those facts deserve more accurate models the propagation prediction techniques are inserted in this context and results with a merger of error that is compatible with the next generations of communication systems. The objective of this Work is to present results of a propagation measurement campaign, aiming at pointing the characteristics of the mobile systems covering in the city of Natal (state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). A mobile laboratory was set up, using the infra-structure available and frequently used by ANATEL. The measures were taken in three different areas: one characterized by high buildings, high relief, presence of trees and towers of different highs. These areas covered the city s central zone, a suburban / rural zone and a section of coast surrounded by sand dunes. It is important to highlight that the analysis was made taking into consideration the actual reality of cellular systems with covering ranges by reduced cells, with the intent of causing greater re-use of frequencies and greater capacity of telephone traffic. The predominance of telephone traffic by cell in the city of Natal occurs within a range inferior to 3 (three) km from the Radio-Base Station. The frequency band used was 800 MHz, corresponding to the control channels of the respective sites, which adopt the FSK modulation technique. This Dissertation starts by presenting a general vision of the models used for predicting propagation. Then, there is a description of the methodology used in the measuring, which were done using the same channels of control of the cellular system. The results obtained were compared with many existing prediction models, and some adaptations were developed by using regression techniques trying to obtain the most optimized solutions. Furthermore, according to regulations from the old Brazilian Holding Telebrás, a minimum covering of 90% of a determined previously area, in 90% of the time, must be obeyed when implanting cellular systems. For such value to be reached, considerations and studies involving the specific environment that is being covered are important. The objective of this work is contribute to this aspect


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The use of wireless sensor and actuator networks in industry has been increasing past few years, bringing multiple benefits compared to wired systems, like network flexibility and manageability. Such networks consists of a possibly large number of small and autonomous sensor and actuator devices with wireless communication capabilities. The data collected by sensors are sent directly or through intermediary nodes along the network to a base station called sink node. The data routing in this environment is an essential matter since it is strictly bounded to the energy efficiency, thus the network lifetime. This work investigates the application of a routing technique based on Reinforcement Learning s Q-Learning algorithm to a wireless sensor network by using an NS-2 simulated environment. Several metrics like energy consumption, data packet delivery rates and delays are used to validate de proposal comparing it with another solutions existing in the literature


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Nowadays, optic fiber is one of the most used communication methods, mainly due to the fact that the data transmission rates of those systems exceed all of the other means of digital communication. Despite the great advantage, there are problems that prevent full utilization of the optical channel: by increasing the transmission speed and the distances involved, the data is subjected to non-linear inter symbolic interference caused by the dispersion phenomena in the fiber. Adaptive equalizers can be used to solve this problem, they compensate non-ideal responses of the channel in order to restore the signal that was transmitted. This work proposes an equalizer based on artificial neural networks and evaluates its performance in optical communication systems. The proposal is validated through a simulated optic channel and the comparison with other adaptive equalization techniques


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Education is one of the oldest activities practiced by man, but today it is still performed often without creating dialogues and discussions among all those involved, and students are passives agents without interactivity with teachers and the content approached. This work presents a tool used for providing interactivity in educational environments using cell phones, in this way, teachers can use technology to assist in process of education and have a better evaluation of students. The tool developed architecture is shown, exposing features of wireless communication technologies used and how is the connection management using Bluetooth technology, which has a limited number of simultaneous connections. The details of multiple Bluetooth connections and how the system should behave by numerous users are displayed, showing a comparison between different methods of managing connections. Finally, the results obtained with the use of the tool are presented, followed by the analysis of them and a conclusion on the work


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Gerenciamento de recursos de rádio é um tema importante e desafiador em redes sem fio. Na próxima geração de redes (redes 4G) esse tema é ainda mais desafiador devido à necessidade de gerenciamento de recursos das diversas redes sem fio de forma conjunta. Algoritmos de controle de admissão de chamadas (CAC) é uma alternativa viável e amplamente estudada em redes homogêneas para este fim. Contudo, os algoritmos de CAC propostos para redes homogêneas não são adequados para a próxima geração de redes sem fio por não possuírem uma visão global do sistema. Diante da importância de gerenciamento de recursos de rádio e da escassez de algoritmos de CAC destinados às redes heterogêneas, tem-se este tema como foco primário deste trabalho. Além da confecção de um modelo para controle conjunto de admissão de chamadas através da utilização de processos semi-markovianos de decisão, dada a existência de um conglomerado de tecnologias de acesso sem fio atuando colaborativamente, um estudo é realizado buscando-se avaliar o impacto da proporcionalidade existente entre os tamanhos de áreas de coberturas, no desempenho do sistema.


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O avanço nas áreas de comunicação sem fio e microeletrônica permite o desenvolvimento de equipamentos micro sensores com capacidade de monitorar grandes regiões. Formadas por milhares de nós sensores, trabalhando de forma colaborativa, as Redes de Sensores sem Fio apresentam severas restrições de energia, devido à capacidade limitada das baterias dos nós que compõem a rede. O consumo de energia pode ser minimizado, permitindo que apenas alguns nós especiais, chamados de Cluster Head, sejam responsáveis por receber os dados dos nós que formam seu cluster e propagar estes dados para um ponto de coleta denominado Estação Base. A escolha do Cluster Head ideal influencia no aumento do período de estabilidade da rede, maximizando seu tempo de vida útil. A proposta, apresentada nesta dissertação, utiliza Lógica Fuzzy e algoritmo k-means com base em informações centralizadas na Estação Base para eleição do Cluster Head ideal em Redes de Sensores sem Fio heterogêneas. Os critérios usados para seleção do Cluster Head são baseados na centralidade do nó, nível de energia e proximidade para a Estação Base. Esta dissertação apresenta as desvantagens de utilização de informações locais para eleição do líder do cluster e a importância do tratamento discriminatório sobre as discrepâncias energéticas dos nós que formam a rede. Esta proposta é comparada com os algoritmos Low Energy Adaptative Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) e Distributed energy-efficient clustering algorithm for heterogeneous Wireless sensor networks (DEEC). Esta comparação é feita, utilizando o final do período de estabilidade, como também, o tempo de vida útil da rede.


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Speech has been regarded as a social communicative modality required for building relationships in different contexts and cultures. Nevertheless, this is not always a readily available resource, especially for those who have developmental disorders. In this sense, Augmentative and Alternative Communication resources and strategies have been used by nonspeaking students with disabilities as useful tools to achieve greater social participation in different environments. Therefore, the present study examined the interaction between teachers and a student with cerebral palsy before and after the use of Alternative Communication strategies in the classroom. The study had a quantitative and qualitative nature and was designed as an intervention study. There were four main stages: 1) filming before the introduction of the resources in the classroom, 2) training the school teachers 3) providing technical assistance regarding the use of alternative communication to the child's teacher 4) filming teacher-student interactions using these technological resources. The interactions were transcribed and grouped into links. In this research, a link means the initiator's behavior directed to the exchange partner and the response in sequence from the interlocutor back to the initiator. It was found that the established interactions presented a maximum of four links, with greater frequency for episodes of 1st and 2nd links. After the intervention, there were different contexts with the presence of interactions up to the 6th link, often greater frequency for episodes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd links. In addition, the teacher showed a tendency to use symbols only as a tool for evaluating and teaching concepts. This perception changed as the teacher became familiarized with the Augmentative and Alternative Communication technology resources.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS