937 resultados para Single Frequency Bioimpedance
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the past few years several GPS (Global Position System) positioning techniques have been develope and/or improved with the goal of obtaining high accuracy and productivity in real time. The reference station network concept besides to enabling quality and reliability in positioning for scientific and civil GPS community, allows studies concerning tropospheric refraction modeling in the network region. Moreover, among the network corrections transmission methods available to users, there is the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept. In this method, the data of a virtual station are generated near the rover receiver (user). This provides a short baseline and the user has the possibility of using a single frequency receiver to accomplish the relative positioning. In this paper, the methodology applied to generate VRS data, using different tropospheric models is described. Thus, comparative tests were conducted in the four seasons with the NWP/INPE (Numerical Weather Prediction/National Institute for Space Research) and Hopfield tropospheric models. In order to analyse the VRS data quality, it was used the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method, where satisfactory results were found. Mean differences between PNT/INPE and Hopfield models of 9.75% and 24.2% for the hydrostatic and wet days, respectively were obtained.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aiming to evaluate the methodologies of surveys related with the specifications of Geo-referencing Rural Parcels in Brazil, established by INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform), in attendance to the Law 10.267/01, and considering aspects of precision and accuracy, a test area was set up in the Assentamento Florestan Fernandes, in the county of Presidente Bernardes, SP. This area was subdivided in three sub-areas in order to simulate the existence of three contiguous rural parcels. The first stage of work consisted in the implantation and determination of the control points coordinates in their respective areas. These control points were determined by the process of direct transport, using dual frequency (L1/L2) GPS receivers and through the process of traverse with baselines of up to 20 km, using single frequency receivers (L1). The coordinates of the points of the perimeter of the three sub-areas were determined using single frequency GPS receivers, from two survey methods, both using static relative positioning. The first one, so called traverse, each point that delimits the property was occupied successively, starting from the control point and closing at another. In other, denominated double irradiation, each point of the property was irradiated from two control points. These procedures were accomplished with the intention to define and to implement a mistake control strategy, to realize redundancy measurements and to use an adjustment method correctly, to obtain trustworthily values in the patterns demanded in each kind of survey. With the data collected and processed some analyses could be accomplished from the discrepancies between the coordinates obtained by different methodologies. The results show that this test area may be used to validate other methodologies and equipments. The results were satisfactory and attended the specifications of Geo-referencing Rural Parcel.
We performed laboratory experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) method to toluene contamination in clayey soils. We used mixtures of quartzitic sand and montmorillonite as soil samples, artificially contaminated with varying amounts of toluene. Care was taken to quantify the experimental uncertainty resulting from packing since such effects must be quantified if variations in SIP signatures between samples are to be reliably interpreted in terms of the effects of hydrocarbon concentration. The SIP response of all samples following addition of toluene was monitored for a period of 40 days following sample preparation. Stepwise regression was used to examine the statistical significance of correlations between (i) clay content and (ii) toluene concentration and SIP parameters. Both single-frequency real and imaginary conductivity measurements, along with the integral chargeability, normalized chargeability, DC conductivity and time constant obtained from a Debye decomposition fitting, were examined in this regression analysis. The SIP measurements show a clear time dependence following sample preparation, indicating that samples containing toluene may take significant time to reach an equilibrium electrical response. SIP measurements are significantly related to toluene content shortly after sample preparation, when the expected dependence of SIP on clay concentration is apparently suppressed. However, for the state of electrical equilibrium after 40 days (interpreted to indicate surface chemistry at equilibrium) there is no significant relation between SIP measurements and toluene content; instead SIP measurements are then significantly correlated with clay concentration. The total chargeability, normalized chargeability and relaxation time obtained from the Debye decomposition show no correlation with toluene content, indicating that this procedure, which likely integrates over multiple mechanisms, may not be suitable for understanding relationships between SIP and hydrocarbon contamination. We find only small low-frequency polarization signals observed in relation to toluene concentration (2 mrad at 0.01 Hz), which initially decreases the interfacial polarization. Unlike earlier works, our results do not support the use of the SIP method as a tool for monitoring toluene contamination in clay soils.
Objective: - To develop and test a practical clinical method to assess frailty in nursing homes; - To investigate the relationship between cognitive status of the elderly and the balance between water compartments of their body composition. Design and subjects: Cross-sectional study, conducted at two nursing homes in Boston-MA. Methods: Body mass and height (Ht) were evaluated to calculate BMI (body mass index, in Kg/m(2)). The cognitive decline was evaluated based on the scores obtained from the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); The extracellular to total body water ratio (ECW/TBW) was calculated after the analysis of TBW from deuterium and tritium dilution and ECW from bromide dilution. Single-frequency BIA analysis data were investigated for resistance (R) and reactance (Xc), plotted in an R/Ht Xc/Ht graph (vectorial analysis-BIVA). The BIVA results of nursing home residents were compared against the data obtained from the NHANES Ill study. TBW and ECW values were compared with a group of free-living elderly volunteers. Results: The ECW/TBW was significantly higher in nursing home residents than in the free-living individuals. BIVA analysis showed significantly higher Xc/Ht values in the reference subjects. The MMSE did not present a significant correlation with ECW/TBW for either gender. Conclusion: We proposed the ECW/TBW ratio and BIVA as surrogate methods for the clinical assessment of frailty. We tested successfully both approaches with nursing home patients and free-living volunteers and compared them to a national data base. The advent of new, portable instruments will enable field tests to further validate our proposed "Frailty Factor" in future studies. We found no correlation between frailty and cognitive decline in the nursing home.
This thesis presents the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in telecommunications engineering. It is focused on the optimization of the physical layer of digital communication systems and it provides innovations for both multi- and single-carrier systems. For the former type we have first addressed the problem of the capacity in presence of several nuisances. Moreover, we have extended the concept of Single Frequency Network to the satellite scenario, and then we have introduced a novel concept in subcarrier data mapping, resulting in a very low PAPR of the OFDM signal. For single carrier systems we have proposed a method to optimize constellation design in presence of a strong distortion, such as the non linear distortion provided by satellites' on board high power amplifier, then we developed a method to calculate the bit/symbol error rate related to a given constellation, achieving an improved accuracy with respect to the traditional Union Bound with no additional complexity. Finally we have designed a low complexity SNR estimator, which saves one-half of multiplication with respect to the ML estimator, and it has similar estimation accuracy.
Auf einer drei Anbauperioden umfassenden Ground Truth Datenbasis wird der Informationsgehalt multitemporaler ERS-1/-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Daten zur Erfassung der Arteninventare und des Zustandes landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden und Vegetation in Agrarregionen Bayerns evaluiert.Dazu wird ein für Radardaten angepaßtes, multitemporales, auf landwirtschaftlichen Schlägen beruhendes Klassifizierungsverfahren ausgearbeitet, das auf bildstatistischen Parametern der ERS-Zeitreihen beruht. Als überwachte Klassifizierungsverfahren wird vergleichend der Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikator und ein Neuronales-Backpropagation-Netz eingesetzt. Die auf Radarbildkanälen beruhenden Gesamtgenauigkeiten variieren zwischen 75 und 85%. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, daß die interferometrische Kohärenz und die Kombination mit Bildkanälen optischer Sensoren (Landsat-TM, SPOT-PAN und IRS-1C-PAN) zur Verbesserung der Klassifizierung beitragen. Gleichermaßen können die Klassifizierungsergebnisse durch eine vorgeschaltete Grobsegmentierung des Untersuchungsgebietes in naturräumlich homogene Raumeinheiten verbessert werden. Über die Landnutzungsklassifizierung hinaus, werden weitere bio- und bodenphysikalische Parameter aus den SAR-Daten anhand von Regressionsmodellen abgeleitet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Paramter oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte vegetationsfreier/-armer Flächen sowie die Biomasse landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß mit ERS-1/-2 SAR-Daten eine Messung der Bodenfeuchte möglich ist, wenn Informationen zur Bodenrauhigkeit vorliegen. Hinsichtlich der biophysikalischen Parameter sind signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen der Frisch- bzw. Trockenmasse des Vegetationsbestandes verschiedener Getreide und dem Radarsignal nachweisbar. Die Biomasse-Informationen können zur Korrektur von Wachstumsmodellen genutzt werden und dazu beitragen, die Genauigkeit von Ertragsschätzungen zu steigern.
In dieser Arbeit wird zum Erreichen hoher Kernspinpolarisationen die Methode des metastabilen optischen Pumpens benutzt. Das Verfahren beruht auf dem "Ubertrag des Drehimpulses absorbierter Photonen auf das hierbei angeregte Valenzelektron, welches durch Hyperfeinkopplung den Drehimpuls weiter auf den $^3$He-Kern transferiert. Da der Polarisationsprozess nur bei Dr"ucken von ca. 1~mbar effizient funktioniert, f"ur die meisten Anwendungen aber polarisiertes $^3$He bei einem Druck von $geq 1$~bar ben"otigt wird, muss das Gas nach der Aufpolarisation komprimiert werden. In unserer Arbeitsgruppe steht eine Maschine ("`Polarisator"') zur Verf"ugung, die das Gas polarisiert und anschlie"send komprimiert. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist, einerseits die Leistungsf"ahigkeit des Polarisators bez"uglich Maximalpolarisation und Gasfluss zu verbessern und andererseits den metastabilen Pumpprozess selbst genauer zu untersuchen.\ noindent Durch die Verwendung neuer Laser auf Basis der Fasertechnologie sowie einer systematischen Optimierung der optischen Komponenten konnten in abgeschlossenen Pumpzellen Rekord-Polarisationsgrade von $91pm 2$% erzielt werden.\ noindent Mit der Implementierung neuartiger Optiken und Laser am Mainzer Polarisator konnte die Leistungscharakteristik entscheidend verbessert werden. So wurde die erreichbare Polarisation bei identischer Produktionsrate um 20 Prozentpunkte gesteigert. Zurzeit sind maximale Polarisationsgrade von mehr als 75% im optischen Pumpvolumen erreichbar. Eine am Mainzer Triga-Reaktor durchgef"uhrte Polarisationsbestimmung ergab einen Wert von $72.7pm 0.7$%. Dies veranschaulicht die geringen Polarisationsverluste infolge der Gaskompression, des Transports und einer Lagerung "uber mehrere Stunden.\ noindent Zur Dynamik der geschwindigkeitsver"andernden St"o"se sowie zur Bestimmung der mittleren Photonen-Absorptionsrate wurde ein Modell entwickelt, welches auch experimentell best"atigt wurde. Damit konnte erstmalig das gemessene Absorptionsverhalten einer spektral schmalbandigen Laserdiode korrekt beschrieben werden.\ noindent Zudem stimmen die an so genannten abgeschlossenen Pumpzellen gemessenen extrem hohen Polarisationswerte mit theoretischen Vorhersagen "uberein, sofern der Druck im optischen Pumpvolumen geringer als 1~mbar ist und das $^3$He nicht durch Fremdgase verunreinigt ist. Bei derartigen Pumpzellen ist die gemessene Abh"angigkeit der Polarisation von Laserleistung, Metastabilendichte und falscher Zirkularkomponente mit der Theorie kompatibel.\
In the present thesis, a new methodology of diagnosis based on advanced use of time-frequency technique analysis is presented. More precisely, a new fault index that allows tracking individual fault components in a single frequency band is defined. More in detail, a frequency sliding is applied to the signals being analyzed (currents, voltages, vibration signals), so that each single fault frequency component is shifted into a prefixed single frequency band. Then, the discrete Wavelet Transform is applied to the resulting signal to extract the fault signature in the frequency band that has been chosen. Once the state of the machine has been qualitatively diagnosed, a quantitative evaluation of the fault degree is necessary. For this purpose, a fault index based on the energy calculation of approximation and/or detail signals resulting from wavelet decomposition has been introduced to quantify the fault extend. The main advantages of the developed new method over existing Diagnosis techniques are the following: - Capability of monitoring the fault evolution continuously over time under any transient operating condition; - Speed/slip measurement or estimation is not required; - Higher accuracy in filtering frequency components around the fundamental in case of rotor faults; - Reduction in the likelihood of false indications by avoiding confusion with other fault harmonics (the contribution of the most relevant fault frequency components under speed-varying conditions are clamped in a single frequency band); - Low memory requirement due to low sampling frequency; - Reduction in the latency of time processing (no requirement of repeated sampling operation).
21 cm cosmology opens an observational window to previously unexplored cosmological epochs such as the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), the Cosmic Dawn and the Dark Ages using powerful radio interferometers such as the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Among all the other applications which can potentially improve the understanding of standard cosmology, we study the promising opportunity given by measuring the weak gravitational lensing sourced by 21 cm radiation. We performed this study in two different cosmological epochs, at a typical EoR redshift and successively at a post-EoR redshift. We will show how the lensing signal can be reconstructed using a three dimensional optimal quadratic lensing estimator in Fourier space, using single frequency band or combining multiple frequency band measurements. To this purpose, we implemented a simulation pipeline capable of dealing with issues that can not be treated analytically. Considering the current SKA plans, we studied the performance of the quadratic estimator at typical EoR redshifts, for different survey strategies and comparing two thermal noise models for the SKA-Low array. The simulation we performed takes into account the beam of the telescope and the discreteness of visibility measurements. We found that an SKA-Low interferometer should obtain high-fidelity images of the underlying mass distribution in its phase 1 only if several bands are stacked together, covering a redshift range that goes from z=7 to z=11.5. The SKA-Low phase 2, modeled in order to improve the sensitivity of the instrument by almost an order of magnitude, should be capable of providing images with good quality even when the signal is detected within a single frequency band. Considering also the serious effect that foregrounds could have on this detections, we discussed the limits of these results and also the possibility provided by these models of measuring an accurate lensing power spectrum.
In the present thesis we address the problem of detecting and localizing a small spherical target with characteristic electrical properties inside a volume of cylindrical shape, representing female breast, with MWI. One of the main works of this project is to properly extend the existing linear inversion algorithm from planar slice to volume reconstruction; results obtained, under the same conditions and experimental setup are reported for the two different approaches. Preliminar comparison and performance analysis of the reconstruction algorithms is performed via numerical simulations in a software-created environment: a single dipole antenna is used for illuminating the virtual breast phantom from different positions and, for each position, the corresponding scattered field value is registered. Collected data are then exploited in order to reconstruct the investigation domain, along with the scatterer position, in the form of image called pseudospectrum. During this process the tumor is modeled as a dielectric sphere of small radius and, for electromagnetic scattering purposes, it's treated as a point-like source. To improve the performance of reconstruction technique, we repeat the acquisition for a number of frequencies in a given range: the different pseudospectra, reconstructed from single frequency data, are incoherently combined with MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method which returns an overall enhanced image. We exploit multi-frequency approach to test the performance of 3D linear inversion reconstruction algorithm while varying the source position inside the phantom and the height of antenna plane. Analysis results and reconstructed images are then reported. Finally, we perform 3D reconstruction from experimental data gathered with the acquisition system in the microwave laboratory at DIFA, University of Bologna for a recently developed breast-phantom prototype; obtained pseudospectrum and performance analysis for the real model are reported.