881 resultados para Single Health System
This study aimed to focus on aspects of public administration concerning the implementation of the public policy of complementary blood collection by the itinerant and scheduled PPCCIPS services either trough off local unity or mobile unit blood collection operations, which are managed by the State Institute of Hematology Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti - HEMORIO. The case study method was used in that public health institutional field, in search for a better understanding of responsibilities and management related to collection, serology, fractionation, storage and distribution of blood supply to almost all public hospitals and clinics, summed up to agreements with the single health system of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Bibliographic references, documentary and field data obtained through interviews and systematic observation in the public servants of HEMORIO workplaces, were treated by the analysis of the content method and the results of this research revealed the complexity of those services, and needs in outstanding aspects of infrastructure, equipment, logistics and personnel, which are critical for the achievement of the increased public collection of blood in the Rio de Janeiro State, endorsing the suggestions for the implementation of PPCCIPS in HEMORIO. The main point found in this research results concern the immanent ethical commitment of that public service personnel, including staff members and low ranking members as well, perceived due to a brief philosophical overlook on that personnels attitudes. An important strategic aspect was revealed by the need for excellence of midia communications and education programs to implement the community involvement in the whole process. Final reflections point out that personnel posture is considered vital for the quality of the expected care of the technical activities and also for the quality of its final products release to the local public, fluminense, which is the irreplaceable human blood, and their derivatives. Despite the authors effort in this dissertation there is much more to be studied on that crucial theme.
o texto mostra um estudo de caso, de carter qualitativo, sobre o desempenho do Conselho Municipal de Sade do Recife/CMS-Recife, numa perspectiva democrtica de gesto. Visa, prioritariamente, a identificar as condies sob as quais se torna possvel obter consensos que sejam representativos das necessidades de sade da populao por ele abrangida. A partir de um tratamento conceitual sobre a trade "democracia, descentralizao e participao", descreve os processos que levam definio - na carta constitucional de 1988 - do Sistema nico de SadeSUS, e instituio formal do Conselho, no municpio estudado. Evidencia a possibilidade e pertinncia da aplicao da teoria do agir comunicativo, do filsofo alemo Jrgen Habermas, no ponto em que estabelece a vinculao entre a identificao das necessidades de sade e a definio de modelos de organizao das prticas do setor, atravs dos conselhos municipais. Sob tal enfoque, com o recurso do mtodo hermenutico-dialtico, investiga o material obtido nas pesquisas bibliogrfica e documental, nas entrevistas e pela tcnica da observao aplicada em reunies realizadas pelo Conselho, em atividade a partir de agosto de 1993. Revela, para o momento atual, seu distanciamento em relao ao conceito de "situao de fala ideal", ao mesmo tempo em que, face os avanos obtidos, justifica sua valorizao como instrumento de construo democrtica e consolidao da cidadania.
A prestao do servio de acolhimento institucional para crianas e adolescentes ainda um grande desafio para as organizaes que realizam este trabalho, no s pelas atuais mudanas do perfil dos abrigados, que passa a exigir novas respostas institucionais, com pela fragilidade da estrutura de financiamento pblico. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem como propsito identificar as principais fragilidades da estrutura de financiamento pblico desse servio, a partir do estudo de caso do Programa Abrigos Solidrias da Liga Solidria, organizao social sem fins lucrativos que mantm trs abrigos via convnio firmado com a Secretaria Municipal de Assistncia e Desenvolvimento Social de So Paulo (SMADS). Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semi estruturadas junto a gestores e tcnicos da Liga Solidria, bem como uma reviso bibliogrfica sobre os principais marcos da Poltica Nacional de Assistncia Social, referncias sobre a Reforma Gerencial do Estado e o funcionamento bsico do Sistema nico de Sade (SUS). Com base nos dados encontrados na pesquisa, foi possvel realizar um diagnstico da atual estrutura de financiamento pblico e complementar que subsidiou a elaborao de uma proposta integrada de aperfeioamento da estrutura de financiamento desse servio respaldado por uma anlise comparativa com o SUS e resgatando as propostas de contratualizao previstas na Reforma Gerencial do Estado de 1995.
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancers assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
The model of attention to health in Single Health System (Sistema nico de Sade SUS) presupposes a human-resources policy which prepares professionals of health to guide the services and sanitary practices. The nurse, a member of health staff, takes over an important role in implementation of principles and standards of SUS, being its professional formation necessary to labor organization in this purpose. In this way this study objectifies to analyse the process of formation of the male nurse in the Politic-Pedagogical Project (Projeto Poltico-Pedaggico PPP) in the perception of learning and teaching of the Faculty of nursing FAEN of the University of The Rio Grande do Norte State UERN. It treats about a descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative and quantitative approach carried out with learning and teaching of the graduation nursing course. In the field research carried out between the months of november, 2006 and february, 2007, were used like instruments the documental research below PPPs, structured interview directed to the learning and the closed questionnaire applied to the students of eighth and ninth semesters of graduation course. The results of data about the questionnaires elaborated according to National Curricular Patters (Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais DCN) and the Instrument of Evaluation Course of Graduation MEC were organized according to six lists about the profile of the learning and teaching that participate of the research; of the didactical-pedagogical organization and PPPs objectives to the just-graduates person to the didactical-pedagogical curriculum organization. For considering the interviews it was adopted thematic analysis of content discribed in lexical analysis by informatical program ALCESTE which provided the organization of the material in five categories: daily problems of SUS consolidation versus nurse formation, dichotomies about FAENs nursing course of curriculum versus principles of integralization of graduating process, the just-graduated one from FAEN and its professional insertion united to SUS politic-pedagogical project and the concern about the overcoming of dichotomies of graduation process abilities and necessary competences to the SUS performing nurse. The analysis of informations deriving from documental performance and field research resulted on the verification that, in spite of good intentions, the implementation strategies showed themselves fragile to cope with the rendering of expressed ideal on PPP. There is still a great gap between whats thought as innovating graduating process and whats being really implemented
Brazilian health public assistance is going through two Reforms, Sanitary and Psychiatric, and through these the assistance is guaranteed in the three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. Thus, mental health assistance should be offered since preventive cares until the ones that demand larger technological apparatus. Programs like Health Community Agent's Program (HCAP) and Family Health Strategy (FHS), besides increasing the services coverage, have been making possible the system reorientation in the meaning of integrality, universalization and equity. Thus, united intervention of mental health team and FHS can offer several benefits to the population, providing assistance and follow-up to patients with mental disorder. It was aimed to assess health community agents facing the user of Family Health Strategy in depressive state. This quanti-qualitative study took place in the municipal district of Abaiara-CE. Semi-structured interview was applied with health community agents and Beck Depression Inventory with the users registered in Family Health Strategy. It was verified that among the 64 users interviewed, 12.5% didn't present symptoms of depression, 10.9% presented symptoms of light depression, 14.1% symptoms of moderate depression and 62.5% symptoms of serious depression. For the 22 health community agents interviewed, they all reported the existence of people with symptoms of depression in their personal micro-areas, being difficult to work with them, once the FHS team is not qualified to work with mental health problems. It was verified that the Municipal district doesn't have specialized professionals, making difficult the routing and treatment. Based on these results, it was concluded that in spite of the articulation of mental health with FHS is necessary and benefactor to the population, it still doesn't exist, worsening the situation, mainly in small Municipal districts, once they don't have mental health services. Thus, the population is exposed and without follow-up, which allows the identification of installed diseases and with gravity, like depression, because there are no prevention and control activities. It is recommended, due the extreme need, the elaboration and implantation of a mental health program in these municipal districts, articulated with FHS
This study aimed to examine the perception of dentist-surgeon about the Permanent Education in Health (PEH). It is characterized as a qualitative research with focus in the field of public health policies. It refers specifically to the development of Permanent Education policy in Health in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. They were participants of this research 42 dentist surgeons and 83.3% females and 16.7% males, participants in Specialization courses approved and agreed by the Permanent Education Center in Health (PEC-RN) in the period 2005 to 2007. These professionals are part of the Family Health Strategy (FHS), and 11.9% work in management at the central level and 88.1% are directly related to oral health care in the Basic Health Units of the Family, 30 cities in the state. Data collection was through a questionnaire, with questions that guided the research development and achieve the objectives proposed. The socio-demographic data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and subjective content was subjected to content analysis by Bardin. The emerging categories from the textual material generated by respondents were: program content, methodological approach and concepts of Permanent Education in Health. The subjects surveyed reported that the program content is more comprehensive and directs to the reflection of everyday practices, with regard to the methodological approach, concern that occurs through discussion and reflection with dynamic, participative, varied and constructive activities, questioning and putting as the main focus. As for understanding of the concepts of the PEH, there was a consensus that define as education stable strategies which contributing to transform and improve the health workers to have the upgrade, improvement of practices, being based on everyday experience and taking into account the accumulation and renewal of these experiences. Therefore, results presented showed that there is a clear understanding of the subjects on the proposals and guidelines of the PEH. It was concluded that lack continuous access to the policies proposed by Ministry of Health involving health workers, managers, communities, through social control and the teaching-service integration and that they are worked within the health system and can classify all these segments of society favor the existence of a more participatory, effective, fair and better quality health service
The crisis that the Brazilian State have been crossing throughout the last decades has revealed intense oscillations in the the way of life of the population reality. In the health area, specifically of buccal health, new alternatives of attending to demands for odontological services have been increasing from the 1990 decade. The research had as objective to analyze the demand of the services of the clinic-school of odontology of the UFRN to identify the socio-economic profile of the users and the inflections of the standards of the National Politics of Buccal Health. The methodology is based on a dialectic perspective and a quali-quantitative boarding. It was used as instrument of data collection forms with open and closed questions, applied to two distinguished groups of citizens: 53 users of the services and 12 pupils of 9th and 10th term of the Odontology Course. The results reaffirm that, with the aggravation of the crisis of SUS (Sistema nico de Sade- Single Health System) grow the difficulties of accessing the odontological services of the users majority. The subjects of the research make use of a regular socio-economic condition, with high school, own house, formal bond to labor and monthly medium income between 1 and 2 minimum wages. The conclusive analyses point to the selective and exculpatory character of the buccal health right, mainly, those users who find themselves in situation of extreme poverty and social vulnerability. Immediate and of lesser cost odontological assistance is what it s aimed, but the standards praised in the Public Politics of Buccal Health walk in another direction, requiring a bigger strongness of the formation bases and implementation of the programmatical actions since the academic field until the effectiveness of Politics of Buccal Health as a right while as a right to attention and care
OBJETIVO: Avaliar qualidade do servio prestado aos pacientes de cirurgia cardaca no perodo hospitalar, em servio do SUS, identificando as expectativas e percepes dos pacientes. Relacionar qualidade de servio com gnero, faixa etria e circulao extracorprea. MTODOS: Estudaram-se 82 pacientes (52,4% do sexo feminino e 47,6% do masculino) submetidos a cirurgia cardaca eletiva, operados por toracotomia mdio-esternal, idade: 31 a 83 anos (mdia 60,4 13,2 anos), perodo: maro a setembro de 2006. Avaliou-se a qualidade do servio em dois momentos: expectativas no pr-operatrio e percepes do atendimento recebido no 6 dia de ps-operatrio; mediante aplicao da escala SERVQUAL modificada (SERVQUAL-Card). O resultado foi obtido pela diferena da somatria das notas das percepes e expectativas por meio de anlise estatstica. RESULTADOS: A escala SERVQUAL-Card foi validada estatisticamente, apresentando adequado ndice de consistncia interna. Encontrou-se maior frequncia de revascularizao do miocrdio 55 (67,0%); primeira cirurgia cardaca 72 (87,8%) e utilizao de CEC 69 (84,1%). Verificaram-se altos valores para expectativas e percepes, com resultados significantes (P<0,05). Observou-se relao significante entre qualidade de servio com gnero, na empatia (P=0,04) e faixa etria, na confiabilidade (P=0,02). No se observou significncia entre CEC e qualidade de servio. CONCLUSO: A qualidade dos servios foi satisfatria. O paciente demonstrou expectativa alta ao servio mdicohospitalar. Mulheres apresentaram maior percepo da qualidade na empatia, jovens na confiabilidade. A utilizao de CEC no est relacionada com qualidade do servio nesta amostra. Os dados obtidos sugerem que a qualidade deste servio de sade pode ser monitorada pelo emprego peridico da escala SERQUAL.
O estudo avaliou a formao em enfermagem ancorada na problematizao e na aprendizagem baseada em problemas a partir da percepo dos egressos. Trata-se de estudo transversal de natureza ex-post-facto. Os resultados foram analisados na triangulao das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa e na perspectiva hermenutica dialtica. Na abordagem quantitativa 180 egressos responderam um questionrio. Na qualitativa, 14 participaram das entrevistas, que buscaram sentidos relacionados ao cuidado ideal, para construo dos indicadores que revelassem a lgica da avaliao. Esses indicadores nortearam a escolha das questes para triangulao. Os resultados apontaram que 85,1% dos egressos esto inseridos no mercado de trabalho, 92,1% cursaram ps-graduao e 99,1% acreditam apresentar formao necessria ao cuidado tico, humanizado e fundamentado. A anlise dos dados aponta para formao comprometida com a construo da autonomia e do conhecimento, bem como articulada aos princpios do Sistema nico de Sade e do mundo do trabalho em enfermagem.
Com a finalidade de subsidiar gestores da rea de sade da mulher, na formulao de polticas pblicas, voltadas ao desenvolvimento humano, realizou-se esta investigao, cujo objetivo foi avaliar a estrutura e o processo da ateno ao parto e ao neonato desenvolvido em regio do interior paulista. Estudo epidemiolgico, voltado para avaliao dos servios de sade, baseou-se na observao da assistncia prestada pelo Sistema nico de Sade em 12 maternidades e 134 partos, adotando-se padres estabelecidos pelo Ministrio da Sade ou Organizao Mundial de Sade para comparao. Os resultados apontam problemas relacionados estrutura em algumas maternidades, mostrando que prticas teis ao parto normal ainda so pouco utilizadas, enquanto que outras prejudiciais ou ineficazes ainda so utilizadas rotineiramente. Reverter esse quadro ser essencial para oferecer atendimento de qualidade s mulheres, com conseqente reduo nas taxas de mortalidade materna e neonatal, para que a regio atinja as metas estabelecidas para ampliao do desenvolvimento humano no milnio.
Ps-graduao em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Esta Dissertao tematiza sobre as ouvidorias de sade pblica como um espao de participao cidad na gesto administrativa, indagando se acontece uma relao dialgica entre governo, medicina e sociedade, na perspectiva de aproximao da gesto e servios prestados pela sade pblica, de acordo com a Poltica de Humanizao do SUS. A hiptese norteadora do estudo a de que com a participao popular, atravs das ouvidorias, so produzidas transformaes nas prticas desempenhadas pelos diferentes atores na configurao das prticas no cuidado em sade, em aproximao com os princpios e estratgias de Humanizao do Sistema nico de Sade, com capacidade de tensionar os papis constitudos no contexto biomdico que se constituiu como predominante, a partir dos fins do sculo XVII. Objetiva identificar as contribuies efetivas da atuao das ouvidorias de sade pblica, na construo e execuo de novas prticas da sade, de acordo com a PNH. Foi desenvolvida em quatro captulos, que tratam da participao social e da histria das ouvidorias de sade pblica, no Brasil, do SUS e da Poltica de Humanizao na Sade,da pesquisa propriamente dita e as consideraes finais. A investigao, com desenho qualitativo e exploratrio, visa a conhecer, descrever e compreender a realidade da poltica de humanizao nas instituies de sade pblica no estado do Par, por intermdio das demandas das ouvidorias em um processo de ampliao de mecanismos democrticos de controle social das polticas pblicas de sade. Entre os resultados alcanados nesta pesquisa, cita-se que as Ouvidorias de Sade Pblica tm o claro compromisso de se tornarem instituies de excelncia e cumprirem o seu papel na promoo do dilogo entre o estado, a medicina e a sociedade. Quanto a esse processo colaborar na construo de novas prticas em sade, no se identificam grandes efetividades, porm, serve como valor simblico de representatividade de acessibilidade de comunicao e dilogo sem burocracia entre sociedade e gesto pblica significativa. Observa-se a necessidade da gesto da sade pblica, no sentido de se organizar em suas vrias instncias.
Brazilian Curricular Directrix demand changes on teaching dental surgeon, proposing new scenes of learning and study other than the classroom. So, pedagogic projects should search for integral and adequate education by relating teaching, research and extension/assistance. This paper discusses the importance of university extension activities on teaching Odontology students and relates the experience of Araatuba Dental School of So Paulo State University. This school develops some university extension activities since the 60s by Dental Service Beyond School (SEMO, in portuguese). Among the activities included by SEMO there are several projects, such as: Program of Dental Attention for Pregnant Women, Program of Dental Attention to Juvenile Foundation at Araatuba, Always Smiling Health Promotion for Institutionalized Elderlies, Santa Clara de Assis Nursery School Program of Dental Attention, and "Promotion of oral health in Araatuba public kindergarten schools. These programs give the student knowledge of structure dimensions of public health services; chance to participate on attendance for the population, comprehension of oral health politics, and the role of dental surgeon in social context, where these students will work in the future. The positive impact obtained with these services is perceived by students return. Most of them feel satisfied about the experience lived there.