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An unusual application of hydrological understanding to a police search is described. The lacustrine search for a missing person provided reports of bottom-water currents in the lake and contradictory indications from cadaver dogs. A hydrological model of the area was developed using pre-existing information from side scan sonar, a desktop hydrogeological study and deployment of water penetrating radar (WPR). These provided a hydrological theory for the initial search involving subaqueous groundwater flow, focused on an area of bedrock surrounded by sediment, on the lake floor. The work shows the value a hydrological explanation has to a police search operation (equally to search and rescue). With hindsight, the desktop study should have preceded the search, allowing better understanding of water conditions. The ultimate reason for lacustrine flow in this location is still not proven, but the hydrological model explained the problems encountered in the initial search.
Context Medical students can have difficulty in distinguishing left from right. Many infamous medical errors have occurred when a procedure has been performed on the wrong side, such as in the removal of the wrong kidney. Clinicians encounter many distractions during their work. There is limited information on how these affect performance.
Objectives Using a neuropsychological paradigm, we aim to elucidate the impacts of different types of distraction on left–right (LR) discrimination ability.
Methods Medical students were recruited to a study with four arms: (i) control arm (no distraction); (ii) auditory distraction arm (continuous ambient ward noise); (iii) cognitive distraction arm (interruptions with clinical cognitive tasks), and (iv) auditory and cognitive distraction arm. Participants’ LR discrimination ability was measured using the validated Bergen Left–Right Discrimination Test (BLRDT). Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyse the impacts of the different forms of distraction on participants’ performance on the BLRDT. Additional analyses looked at effects of demographics on performance and correlated participants’ self-perceived LR discrimination ability and their actual performance.
Results A total of 234 students were recruited. Cognitive distraction had a greater negative impact on BLRDT performance than auditory distraction. Combined auditory and cognitive distraction had a negative impact on performance, but only in the most difficult LR task was this negative impact found to be significantly greater than that of cognitive distraction alone. There was a significant medium-sized correlation between perceived LR discrimination ability and actual overall BLRDT performance.
Distraction has a significant impact on performance and multifaceted approaches are required to reduce LR errors. Educationally, greater emphasis on the linking of theory and clinical application is required to support patient safety and human factor training in medical school curricula. Distraction has the potential to impair an individual's ability to make accurate LR decisions and students should be trained from undergraduate level to be mindful of this.
Side-channel analysis of cryptographic systems can allow for the recovery of secret information by an adversary even where the underlying algorithms have been shown to be provably secure. This is achieved by exploiting the unintentional leakages inherent in the underlying implementation of the algorithm in software or hardware. Within this field of research, a class of attacks known as profiling attacks, or more specifically as used here template attacks, have been shown to be extremely efficient at extracting secret keys. Template attacks assume a strong adversarial model, in that an attacker has an identical device with which to profile the power consumption of various operations. This can then be used to efficiently attack the target device. Inherent in this assumption is that the power consumption across the devices under test is somewhat similar. This central tenet of the attack is largely unexplored in the literature with the research community generally performing the profiling stage on the same device as being attacked. This is beneficial for evaluation or penetration testing as it is essentially the best case scenario for an attacker where the model built during the profiling stage matches exactly that of the target device, however it is not necessarily a reflection on how the attack will work in reality. In this work, a large scale evaluation of this assumption is performed, comparing the key recovery performance across 20 identical smart-cards when performing a profiling attack.
In the last decade, many side channel attacks have been published in academic literature detailing how to efficiently extract secret keys by mounting various attacks, such as differential or correlation power analysis, on cryptosystems. Among the most efficient and widely utilized leakage models involved in these attacks are the Hamming weight and distance models which give a simple, yet effective, approximation of the power consumption for many real-world systems. These leakage models reflect the number of bits switching, which is assumed proportional to the power consumption. However, the actual power consumption changing in the circuits is unlikely to be directly of that form. We, therefore, propose a non-linear leakage model by mapping the existing leakage model via a transform function, by which the changing power consumption is depicted more precisely, hence the attack efficiency can be improved considerably. This has the advantage of utilising a non-linear power model while retaining the simplicity of the Hamming weight or distance models. A modified attack architecture is then suggested to yield the correct key efficiently in practice. Finally, an empirical comparison of the attack results is presented.
Cryptographic algorithms have been designed to be computationally secure, however it has been shown that when they are implemented in hardware, that these devices leak side channel information that can be used to mount an attack that recovers the secret encryption key. In this paper an overlapping window power spectral density (PSD) side channel attack, targeting an FPGA device running the Advanced Encryption Standard is proposed. This improves upon previous research into PSD attacks by reducing the amount of pre-processing (effort) required. It is shown that the proposed overlapping window method requires less processing effort than that of using a sliding window approach, whilst overcoming the issues of sampling boundaries. The method is shown to be effective for both aligned and misaligned data sets and is therefore recommended as an improved approach in comparison with existing time domain based correlation attacks.
This is a due date card for the book titled This Side of Paradise, with stamped dates from 1939-1941.
Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
Nowadays there is a big percentage of the population, specially young users, which are smartphone users and there is a lot of information to be provided within the applications, information provision should be done carefully and should be accurate, otherwise an overload of information will be produced, and the user will discard the app which is providing the information. Mobile devices are becoming smarter and provide many ways to filter information. However, there are alternatives to improve information provision from the side of the application. Some examples are, taking into account the local time, considering the battery level before doing an action and checking the user location to send personalized information attached to that location. SmartCampus and SmartCities are becoming a reality and they have more and more data integrated every day. With all this amount of data it is crucial to decide when and where is the user going to receive a notification with new information. Geofencing is a technique which allows applications to deliver information in a more useful way, in the right time and in the right place. It consists of geofences, physical regions delimited by boundaries, and devices that are eligible to receive the information assigned to the geofence. When devices cross one of these geofences an alert is pushed to the mobile device with the information.
Le principal rôle du corps calleux est d’assurer le transfert de l’information entre les hémisphères cérébraux. Du support empirique pour cette fonction provient d’études investiguant la communication interhémisphérique chez les individus à cerveau divisé (ICD). Des paradigmes expérimentaux exigeant une intégration interhémisphérique de l’information permettent de documenter certains signes de déconnexion calleuse chez ces individus. La présente thèse a investigué le transfert de l’information sous-tendant les phénomènes de gain de redondance (GR), de différence croisé– non-croisé (DCNC) et d’asynchronie bimanuelle chez les ICD et les individus normaux, et a ainsi contribué à préciser le rôle du corps calleux. Une première étude a comparé le GR des individus normaux et des ICD ayant subi une section partielle ou totale du corps calleux. Dans une tâche de détection, le GR consiste en la réduction des temps de réaction (TR) lorsque deux stimuli sont présentés plutôt qu’un seul. Typiquement, les ICD présentent un GR beaucoup plus grand (supra-GR) que celui des individus normaux (Reuter-Lorenz, Nozawa, Gazzaniga, & Hughes, 1995). Afin d’investiguer les conditions d’occurrence du supra-GR, nous avons évalué le GR en présentation interhémisphérique, intrahémisphérique et sur le méridien vertical, ainsi qu’avec des stimuli requérant une contribution corticale différente (luminance, couleur équiluminante ou mouvement). La présence d’un supra-GR chez les ICD partiels et totaux en comparaison avec celui des individus normaux a été confirmée. Ceci suggère qu’une section antérieure du corps calleux, qui perturbe le transfert d’informations de nature motrice/décisionnelle, est suffisante pour produire un supra-GR chez les ICD. Nos données permettent aussi d’affirmer que, contrairement au GR des individus normaux, celui des ICD totaux est sensible aux manipulations sensorielles. Nous concluons donc que le supra-GR des ICD est à la fois attribuable à des contributions sensorielles et motrices/décisionnelles. Une deuxième étude a investigué la DCNC et l’asynchronie bimanuelle chez les ICD et les individus normaux. La DCNC réfère à la soustraction des TR empruntant une voie anatomique « non-croisée » aux TR empruntant une voie anatomique « croisée », fournissant ainsi une estimation du temps de transfert interhémisphérique. Dans le contexte de notre étude, l’asynchronie bimanuelle réfère à la différence de TR entre la main gauche et la main droite, sans égard à l’hémichamp de présentation. Les effets de manipulations sensorielles et attentionnelles ont été évalués pour les deux mesures. Cette étude a permis d’établir une dissociation entre la DCNC et l’asynchronie bimanuelle. Précisément, les ICD totaux, mais non les ICD partiels, ont montré une DCNC significativement plus grande que celle des individus normaux, alors que les deux groupes d’ICD se sont montrés plus asynchrones que les individus normaux. Nous postulons donc que des processus indépendants sous-tendent la DCNC et la synchronie bimanuelle. De plus, en raison de la modulation parallèle du GR et de l’asynchronie bimanuelle entre les groupes, nous suggérons qu’un processus conjoint sous-tend ces deux mesures.
With the advent of digital era web applications have become inevitable part of our lives. We are using the web to manage even the financially or ethically sensitive issues. For this reason exploration of information seeking behavior is an exciting area of research. Current study provides insight on information seeking behavior using a classic ‘Find the Difference’ game. 50 university students between the age of 19 and 26 participated in the study. Eye movement data were recorded with a Tobii T120 device. Participants carried out 4 continuous tasks. Each task included two pictures side by side with 7 hidden differences. After finishing the tasks, participants were asked to repeat the game with the same picture set. This data collection methodology allows the evaluation of learning curves. Additionally, participants were asked about their hand preference. For the purpose of analysis the following metrics were applied: task times (including saccades), fixation count and fixation duration (without saccades). The right- and left-hand side on each picture was selected as AOI (Area of Interest) to detect side preference in connection with hand preference. Results suggest a significant difference between male and female participants regarding aggregated task times (male 58.37s respectively female 68.37s), deviation in the number of fixations and fixation duration (apparently female have less but longer fixations) and also in the distribution of fixations between AOIs. Using eyetracking data current paper highlights the similarities and differences in information acquisition strategies respectively reveals gender and education (Arts vs. Sciences) dependent characteristics of interaction.
Objectives - To assess the general public's interpretation of the verbal descriptors for side effect frequency recommended for use in medicine information leaflets by a European Union (EU) guideline, and to examine the extent to which differences in interpretation affect people's perception of risk and their judgments of intention to comply with the prescribed treatment. Method - Two studies used a controlled empirical methodology in which people were presented with a hypothetical, but realistic, scenario about visiting their general practitioner and being prescribed medication. They were given an explanation that focused on the side effects of the medicine, together with information about the probability of occurrence using either numerical percentages or the corresponding EU verbal descriptors. Interpretation of the descriptors was assessed. In study 2, participants were also required to make various judgments, including risk to health and intention to comply. Key findings - In both studies, use of the EU recommended descriptors led to significant overestimations of the likelihood of particular side effects occurring. Study 2 further showed that the "overestimation" resulted in significantly increased ratings of perceived severity of side effects and risk to health, as well as significantly reduced ratings of intention to comply, compared with those for people who received the probability information in numerical form. Conclusion - While it is recognised that the current findings require replication in a clinical setting, the European and national authorities should suspend the use of the EU recommended terms until further research is available to allow the use of an evidence-based approach.
Two experiments investigated effects of active processing of risk information on participants' understanding and judgments. It was hypothesized that more active processing would lead to better understanding and differences in affective judgments (e.g. increased satisfaction and reduced perceived risk to health). In both experiments participants were given a written scenario about their being prescribed a fictitious medication. This medication was said to cause side effects in 2% of people who took it. Before answering a series of written questions, participants in the active conditions of both experiments were asked to carry out a reflective task (portraying the size of risk on a bar chart in Experiment 1 and answering a reflective question in Experiment 2). The results showed that active participants rated the likelihood of experiencing possible side effects significantly lower than passive participants (Experiment 1), and that active participants were significantly more satisfied with the information and judged perceived risk to health from taking the medication significantly lower than passive participants (Experiment 2). In both experiments, active participants were significantly more correct in their probability and frequency estimates. The studies demonstrate that active processing of risk information leads to improved understanding of the information given. This has important implications for risk communication. In the context of health, better understanding should lead to improved decision-making and health outcomes. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Three experiments examined the effects of adding information about medication benefits to a short written explanation about a medicine. Participants were presented with a fictitious scenario about visiting the doctor, being prescribed an antibiotic and being given information about the medicine. They were asked to make various judgements relating to the information, the medicine and their intention to take it. Experiment 1 found that information about benefits enhanced the judgements, but did not influence the intention to comply. Experiment 2 compared the relative effectiveness of two different forms of the benefit statement, and found that both were effective in improving judgements, but had no effect on intention to comply. Experiment 3 compared the effectiveness of the two forms of benefit information but participants were told that the medicine was associated with four named side effects. Both types of statement improved ratings of the intention to comply, as well as ratings on the other measures. The experiments provide fairly consistent support for the inclusion of benefit information in medicine information leaflets, particularly to balance concerns about side effects.
Two experiments, using a controlled empirical methodology, investigated the effects of presenting information about medicines using a more personalised style of expression. In both studies, members of the general public were given a hypothetical scenario about visiting the doctor, being diagnosed with a particular illness, and being prescribed a medication. They were also given a written explanation about the medicine and were asked to provide ratings on a number of measures, including satisfaction, perceived risk to health, and intention to comply. In Experiment 1 the explanation focused only on possible side effects of the medicine, whereas in Experiment 2 a fuller explanation was provided, which included information about the illness, prescribed drug, its dosage and contraindications as well as its side effects. In both studies, use of a more personalised style resulted in significantly higher ratings of satisfaction and significantly lower ratings of likelihood of side effects occurring and of perceived risk to health. In Experiment 2 it also led to significantly improved recall for the written information.
Communicating risk of medication side effects: an empirical evaluation of EU recommended terminology
Two experiments compared people's interpretation of verbal and numerical descriptions of the risk of medication side effects occurring. The verbal descriptors were selected from those recommended for use by the European Union (very common, common, uncommon, rare, very rare). Both experiments used a controlled empirical methodology, in which nearly 500 members of the general population were presented with a fictitious (but realistic) scenario about visiting the doctor and being prescribed medication, together with information about the medicine's side effects and their probability of occurrence. Experiment 1 found that, in all three age groups tested (18 - 40, 41 - 60 and over 60), participants given a verbal descriptor (very common) estimated side effect risk to be considerably higher than those given a comparable numerical description. Furthermore, the differences in interpretation were reflected in their judgements of side effect severity, risk to health, and intention to comply. Experiment 2 confirmed these findings using two different verbal descriptors (common and rare) and in scenarios which described either relatively severe or relatively mild side effects. Strikingly, only 7 out of 180 participants in this study gave a probability estimate which fell within the EU assigned numerical range. Thus, large scale use of the descriptors could have serious negative consequences for individual and public health. We therefore recommend that the EU and National authorities suspend their recommendations regarding these descriptors until a more substantial evidence base is available to support their appropriate use.