104 resultados para Shanxi


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Based on the study of types, even temperature, the character of age-old fluid and fluid pressure of the reservoir fluid-inclusion in the Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin , combining with the diagenesis and character of gas geochemistry, reservoir sequence, cause of the low pressure reservoir formation and formation environment have been studied, the following knows are acquired: Abundant fluid-conclusions have developed in sandstone reservoir in Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin,and its kinds is numerous , also taking place some changes such as shrinking rock, cracking, stretching after formation. According to formation cause, fluid inclusion is divided into two types:successive and nonsuccessive inclusion. Nonsuccessive inclusion is further divided into brine inclusion, containing salt crystal inclusion, gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion and liquid hydrocarbon conclusion and so on. The gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion distributes at all the Basin, the liquid hydrocarbon conclusion mainly distributes at the East of Basin, and its two kinds of fluorescence color: blue and buff reflects at least two periods of oil filling and oil source of the different maturity. The study of diagenesis has indicated that five periods of diagenesis correspond to five periods inclusion's growth.The first and second period conclusions mainly distribute at the increasing margin of quartz, little amount and low even temperature, containing little gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion; The third and fourth conclusions are very rich, and having multiplicity forms, gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion of different facies, distributing at the increasing margin and crevice of quartz, its even temperature is between 85℃and 135℃;The fifth inclusion is relatively few ,mainly distributing at vein quartz and calcite, and developing few gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion. The fluid in the inclusion is mainly NaCl brine:low and high salinity brine fluid(containing salt crystal).The former salinity is between 0.18% and 18.55%,and mainly centralized distributing at three sectongs: from 0% to 4%, from 6% to 8%, from 10% to 14%, expressing that the alternation of the underground fluid was not intense, the conservation condition was good in different periods. The trapping pressure of the gaseity hydrocarbon conclusion calculated by PVTsim(V10)simulation is between 21.39 MPa and 42.58MPa,the average is 28.99MPa,mainlydistributes at between 24 MPa and 34MPa,and having a character of gradually lower from early to late time. The pressure of SuLiGe and WuShenQi dropped quickly in early time, and YuLin, ShenMu-MIZhi gas area dropped slowly in early and quickly in late time, ha portrait the change of trapping pressure can be divided into three old-age pressure systems: TaiYuan-ShanXi formation, low ShiHeZi formation and high ShiHeZi-ShiQianFeng formation. In plane, the trapping pressure dropped lowly from south to north in main reservoir period, and this reflects the gas migrating direction in the geohistory period. The analysis of gas component and monnmer hydrocarbon isotope indicates that the gas in Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin is coal-seam gas. The gas C_1-C_4 rnonnmer hydrocarbon isotopes has distinct differences in different stratums of different areas, and forming YuLin, SuLiGe and ShenMu-MIZhi three different distributing types. To sum up, gas reservoir combination in Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin can be divided into three sets of combination of reservoir formation: endogenesis type, near source type and farther source type,and near source gas combinations of reservoir formation is the main gas exploration area for its high gas filling intensity, large reservoir size.


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With the progress of prospecting, the need for the discovery of blind ore deposits become more and more urgent. To study and find out the method and technology for the discovery of blind and buried ores is now a priority task. New geochemical methods are key technology to discover blind ores. Information of mobile components related to blind ores were extracted using this new methods. These methods were tested and applied based on element' s mobile components migrating and enriched in geophysical-geochemical process. Several kinds of partial extraction techniques have tested based on element' s occurrence in hypergenic zone. Middle-large scale geochemical methods for exploration in forest and swamp have been tested. A serious of methods were tested and applied effetely about evaluation of regional geochemical anomaly, 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system instead of the normal net. 1. Element related with ores can be mobiled to migrate upwards and be absorpted by surface soil. These abnomal components can be concentrated by natural or artificial methods. These trace metalic ions partially exist in dissovlvable ion forms of active state, and partially have been absorbed by Fe-Mn oxide, soil and organic matter in the soil so that a series of reaction such as complex reaction have take place. Employing various partial extraction techniques, metallic ions related with the phase of the blind ores can be extracted, such as the technique of organic complex extraction, Fe-Mn oxide extraction and the extraction technique of metallic ions of various absorption phases. 2.1:200000 regional geochemical evaluation anomaly methods: Advantageous ore-forming areas were selected firstly. Center, concentration, morphological feature, belt of anomaly were choosed then. Geological and geochemical anomalies were combined. And geological and geochemical background information were restrained. Xilekuduke area in Fuyun sheet , Zhaheba area in Qiakuerte sheet, the west-north part in Ertai sheet and Hongshanzui anomaly in Daqiao sheet were selected as target areas, in Alertai, in the north of Xinjiang. in Xilekuduke area, 1:25000 soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was carried out. Cu anomaly and copper mineralization were determined in the center area. Au , Cu anomalies and high polarization anomaly were determined in the south part. Prospecting by primary halo and organic complex extraction were used to prognosis blind ore in widely rang outcrop of bedrock. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system were used in transported overburden outside of mining area. Shallow seismic method and primary halo found a new blind orebody in mining area. A mineralization site was fou and outside of Puziwan gold mine, in the north of Shanxi province. Developing middle-large scale geochemical exploration method is a key technique based 1:200000 regional geochemical exploration. Some conditions were tested as Sampling density , distribution sites of sample, grain size of sample and occurrence of element for exploration. 1:50000 exploration method was advanced to sample clast sediment supplement clast sediment in valley. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was applied to sample residual material in A or C horizon. 1:2000 primary or soil halo methods used to check anomalies and determine mineralization. Daliang gold mineralization in the northern Moerdaoga was found appling these methods. Thermomagnetic method was tested in miniqi copper-polymetallic ore. Process methods such as grain size of sample, heated temperature, magnetic separating technique were tested. A suite of Thermomagnetic geochemical method was formed. This method was applied in Xiangshan Cu~Ni deposit which is cover by clast or Gobi in the eastern Xinjiang. Element's content and contrast of anomaly with Thermomagnetic geochemical method were higher than soil anomaly. Susceptibility after samples were heated could be as a assessment conference for anomaly. In some sectors thermo-magnetic Cu, Ni, Ti anomalious were found outside deposits area. There were strong anomal ies response up ore tested by several kind of partial extraction methods include Thermomagnetic, enzyme leach and other partial extractions in Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit in hungriness area in the northern of Xinjiang. Element's anomalies of meobile were mainly in Fe-Mn oxide and salt. A Copper mineralization site in Xilekuduke anomaly area had been determined. A blind ore was foung by shallow seismic and geochemical method and a mineralization site was found outside this mining area in Puziwan gold deposit in shanxi province. A Gold mineralization site was found by 1:50000 geochemical exploration in Daliang, Inner Mongolia.


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Permian reservoir in Sulige area of Ordos Basin, on which this paper focused, belongs to fluvial-delta lithofacies. The majority formations in this area are complicated channel sand deposit with serious inhomogeneity which makes natural gas exploration be very tough in this area. This inhomogeneity can be found everywhere both in large horizontal area and vertical profile of inner and interbedded formations.This paper studied the inhomogeneity characteristic of Permian formation in sulige area of Ordos Basin according to the logging data.Correlating with core data, a criterion to distinguish different type of reservoirs by using logging data is determined after the study of logging response is done considering the diverse conditions of deposit environments, lithology and reservoir space. The characteristic relationships between the various type formations and logging responses fully and systemically are established.It investigated reservoir parameter calculation methods amply. Combining the conventional and special logging data, basing on the feature of low porosity -permeability formation of sulige area, a set of methods to calculate reservoir parameters was formed including primary porosity, secondary porosity, fracture porosity, permeability and water saturation under the conditions of both low porosity-permeability and inhomogenous reservoirs. One thing should be pay close attention is the parameter M for calculating saturation. It is found that the M in low porosity -permeability formation decreases as the porosity decrease, which is opposite to the law that M increases as the porosity decrease in the formation with intermediate to high porosity and permeability. This view has innovated the traditional theory and offered theory basis for the logging interpretation of low porosity - permeability reservoir. Meanwhile it also improved the Arqi formula theoretically and enhanced the logging interpretation accuracy and rescued a number of formations which has been thought to be hopeless according to the old theory.By using advantage logging interpretation procedure, a territorial synthetic geology evaluation to the inhomogeneous reservoir was completed basing on the single well interpretation. All the reservoir evaluation parameters including sand formation thickness, primary porosity, secondary porosity were calculated and evaluated. The rules of changing and development for sand formation thickness, sand physical properties and secondary porous were found at different formations of upper part of the Member 8 of Shihezi, lower part of the Member 8 of Shihezi, the Member 1 of shanxi and the Member 2 of shanxi individually. Evaluation and Correlation of these five formations were also completed and one conclusion was arrived: upper part of the Member 8 of Shihezi formation has the best performance followed by the lower part of the Member 8 of Shihezi, the Member 1 of shanxi and the Member 2 of shanxi formation.After studied the relationship between reservoir deposition characteristic and the natural gas richness, it is regarded that reservoir inhomogeneity is the key issue of the impaction on the natural gas. Natural gas in Sulige gas field was mainly accumulated in sands of channel bar, distributary channel and debouchure bar. Especially, the quartz sand with rich of secondary porous space has obvious better physical properties than other reservoir and usually can forms the concentration of natural gas.


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本研究选择有代表性的陕西省潼关县(小秦岭地区)采金地区作为研究对象,从环境地球化学的角度出发,研究了该地区由于受采金活动的影响后,大气、水体、土壤以及农作物中总汞和甲基汞的分布,探讨汞在采金地区环境中迁移、转化和富集的环境地球化学行为和规律,并估算了渲关县及全国在过去二十多年里,由混汞法炼金活动向环境释放汞的总量,最后对混汞法采金地区的环境管理提出可行性建一议。通过本论文的详细研究,主要得出以下结论:1.潼关县辖区大气汞的分布呈明显的空间梯度关系,炼金厂密集区大气汞含量明显高于其它地区,距离炼金厂越远,大气汞含量越低。大型炼金厂混汞提金车间内的平均大气汞浓度为18,047ng/m~3,最高达33,080ng/m~3;距离炼金厂密集区较近和较远的居民区的平均大气汞浓度分别为385ng/m~3和77ng/m~3;而一些偏远地区大气汞的平均浓度降至29ng/m~3,受炼金活动影响较 小的黄河沿岸背景区的平均大气汞浓度只有2ng/m~3。通过估算,潼关县炼金矿工汞蒸气的平均摄入量高达72,804~75,268ng/d,而当地非矿工居民(成人)每天的摄入量也有924~4,620ng。2.潼关县内泉水和井水中总汞的平均浓度有329.2ng/L,其中各形态汞的浓度都相对较高,说明金矿地区的汞背景值可能较高,且地下水也可能受到一定程度的汞污染;冷暖两季水样中溶解态汞浓度和暖季的甲基汞浓度要比泉水和井水中的溶解态汞和甲基汞浓度分别高出几倍,其它形态汞则要高出几百倍;水样中的活性汞和溶解态汞浓度表现出极显著的相关关系;冷季水样的活性汞和溶解态汞平均浓度要略高于暖季的水样,而颗粒态汞恰恰相反;两季采集的一些水样中活性汞在溶解态汞中占有较高的比例,但总汞均以颗粒态为主,大多超过50%。3.冷暖两季沉积物中平均总汞浓度分别高达151.1和44.6μg/g,甲基汞平均浓度分别为7.1和3.6ng/g,而暖季沉积物中总汞与甲基汞含量表现出极显著的相关关系;水体颗粒物和沉积物主要来源于炼金厂排出的废渣和尾矿,拥有较高的重金属(Hg、Fe、Mn和Cu)含量,且两者之间体现出一定的继承关系,但颗粒物由于粒径小,表面积大,含有机颗粒多,吸附能力强,所以其中的重金属含量要明显高于沉积物中的重金属含量;颗粒物中汞含量与Fe、Mn、Cu的含量之间均表现出极显著的相关性,而沉积物中汞含量仅与Cu含量之间有一定的相关性,与其它重金属含量的相关性不明显。4.潼关县辖区金矿石中汞的平均含量是69.2ng/g,而炼金尾矿中汞的平均含量竟高达628,4林吮,高出原矿石样中汞平均含量10,000倍,其它重金属(Fe、Mn、Cu)由于受炼金活动影响较小,其含量变化并不十分明显;黄土由于自身的特殊质地和性质,受炼金活动的干扰较小,其中的各重金属含量能够较好的反映其背景含量水平;撞关地区采集的土壤样品中总汞和甲基汞含量均要比黄土中的含量高约50倍,而其它重金属含量与黄土背景值无明显差异;土壤中甲基汞在总汞含量中所占比例较小(分布在0.001%~0.57%之间),说明潼关地区土壤中汞的甲基化水平较低。5.苔鲜样品中的高汞含量反映了采金地区较高的大气汞沉降水平;河流水藻中高含量的总汞和甲基汞体现出汞在生物体内超强的富集作用;潼关县大多数农作物样品中的汞主要来源于大气,且几乎所有样品的汞含量都严重超出国家食用标准,最高超标倍数达到60;农作物中甲基汞含量占总汞的比例在0.12%~12.34%之间波动,其中蔬菜类作物的甲基汞比例要高于粮食作物,而总体来说,作物体内的总汞和甲基汞含量之间表现出一定的负相关关系;通过估算,潼关县居民由于粮食作物(小麦)的食用每天摄入的总汞量高达54,72Ong,要高于当地居民(非矿工)通过呼吸吸入的汞蒸气量,且已超出国际上对人体汞摄入量标准的有关规定。6.潼关县水体、沉积物、土壤以及农作物中的甲基汞含量相对总汞而言,都表现了相对较低的水平,原因可能是受石英脉型金矿地区地质背景的影响,大量存在的Fe、Mn类化合物对离子态汞有着较强的束缚能力,减缓或抑制了甲基化的发生。7.通过混汞法生产黄金的产量和汞释放因子的调研和确定,估算在1980~2003年期间,全国混汞炼金行业向环境释放汞累计达1476.6t,其中约有78%进入大气;而仅潼关县就有116.5t,约占全国的7.9%:目前(1996年以后),由于混汞法工艺的改进,汞的释放量大大降低,全国混汞炼金行业平均每年释放汞约30t,憧关县平均每年有3.9t,约占全国年平均释放量的13%。


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In the present study, 520 questionnaires about general self–efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management were delivered to university students. The students were randomly chosen from Communication University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, Capital University of Business and Economics and Shanxi University. 495 responses were valid , in which 225 majoring in liberal arts and 270 majoring in natural sciences. The influences of these four factors on students’ academic achievements were explored. And the gender differences in General self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management were analyzed in the present study too. It was found that: 1) There were gender difference on academic achievements. The scores’ of female students were higher than males’. 2) Significant gender differences were found in four considered factors which indicated that female students got higher scores than male students; 3) There were close relations between the four considered factors and students’ academic achievements. There were also obvious relations among the four factors. 4) University students’ academic achievements could be well predicted by their general self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management.


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Urbanisation as a phenomenon is a complex social process which can be quite difficult to define and understand. In recent years, urbanisation in China has developed at an ever increasing rate. Urban population rates have now surpassed 50% (figure from 2011). Based on the growing importance placed on the increasing number of urbanised/urbanising townships, the issue of people’s lives within the townships has also become an important feature in regard to the impact that urbanisation is having upon China. Clearly this links China’s urban development to the transformation of sport participation in China. This research aims to examine what the reality of the sport participation on-the-ground is within six selective townships in China and examine the reasons for the reality through the lens of figurational theory. In order to do so, some features of Norbert Elias’s figurational theory (involvement and detachment, power) are employed as the theoretical framework. Two townships in Lüliang of Shanxi province, two townships in Jincheng of Shanxi Province and two townships in Huizhou of Guangdong province were selected in order to answer these key questions. The three cities which the townships are located are in different stages of urbanisation. Semi-structured interview were conducted. The current situation were described from the aspects of age, gender, occupation and income aspects and the transformation of sport participation. This research concludes that the current sport participation situation within these six townships is due to the influences stemming from several aspects: sport policy and sport organisation; economy condition, culture, urbanisation, and self-requirement and individual interest towards sport. This power forms a network of interdependency which also aids our understanding of the current sport participation within these six selected Chinese townships.


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El presente trabajo investigativo constituye una herramienta de consulta para las personas y organizaciones interesadas en conocer el panorama actual de la situación comercial entre China y Colombia en busca de toma de decisiones acertadas en materia de negocios entre ambas naciones. En él se analizan en detalle cada una de las veintidós provincias de la República Popular China; en cuanto a panorama general; logística aérea, terrestre y marítima; partidas arancelarias y Top 10 de los productos importados por cada una de ellas desde Colombia. Este trabajo está enfocado en el estudio del comercio desde Colombia hacia China, actualizado al año 2012 y busca enseñar los productos líderes de importación, al igual que aquellos productos potenciales; de acuerdo a la información de su valor en dólares, su porcentaje de participación en el total importado y su comportamiento histórico en los últimos tres años. Así mismo se analizan los principales países proveedores de cada provincia y las diferentes partidas arancelarias a profundidad. Finalmente, se espera que el presente trabajo abra las puertas a un nuevo panorama acerca de oportunidades de negocio y alternativas comerciales a productos colombianos en China.


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From the constitutional point of view, all ideology in a pluralistic society structures have their own status and function. The rise of China needs a healthy, diverse and balanced thinking the situation. We need a capacity of macro-narrative and a framework to develop a macro perspective, the various ideologies put this macro, the constitutional system integration. This article is about ideology than an example, the analysis and comparison of three models. The first mode is now at in the formation and development process, and our political system to adapt to the "balanced" mode. The second model is adopted, representing the "left" "right" interest groups to reach beyond the ruling party turns around, balance of interests purpose. The third is in the process of policy formulation and selection of multi-party consultation and inclusive pattern of results of various think tanks.


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To investigate the geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui province, China, 416 borehole samples of coal, one parting, two floor and two roof mudstones were collected from 9 minable coal seams in 24 boreholes drilled during exploration. The abundances of 47 elements in each sample were determined by various instruments. The boron concentration in the coals suggests that marine influence decreased from coal seam 1 to 13-1. The geometric means of the elements Sn, Bi, Sb, and B are higher than the average for the corresponding elements in the coals from China, the U.S., and world. The enrichment of certain elements in the Shanxi or Upper Shihezi Formations is related to their depositional environment. The roof, floor and parting samples have higher contents of some elements than coal seams. The mineral matters in the coals from the Dingji Mine were found to consist mainly of granular quartz, clay minerals, and carbonate minerals. The elements are classified into two groups based on their stratigraphic distribution from coal seam 1 to 13-1, and the characteristics of each group are discussed. Based on the correlation coefficients of elemental concentrations with ash yield, four groups of elements with different affinities were identified.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Shanxi. Qucun


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Shanxi. Qucun; bronze


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Shanxi. Qucun


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Shanxi. Qucun; stone, jade and shell


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Shanxi. Qucun