957 resultados para Shannon entropy


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The change in thermodynamic quantities (e. g., entropy, specific heat etc.) by the application of magnetic field in the case of the high-T-c superconductor YBCO system is examined phenomenological by the Ginzburg-Landau theory of anisotropic type-II superconductors. An expression for the change in the entropy (Delta S) and change in specific heat (Delta C) in a magnetic field for any general orientation of an applied magnetic field B-a with respect to the crystallographic c-axis is obtained. The observed large reduction of specific heat anomaly just below the superconducting transition and the observed variation of entropy with magnetic field are explained quantitatively.


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We report a universal large deviation behavior of spatially averaged global injected power just before the rejuvenation of the jammed state formed by an aging suspension of laponite clay under an applied stress. The probability distribution function (PDF) of these entropy consuming strongly non-Gaussian fluctuations follow an universal large deviation functional form described by the generalized Gumbel (GG) distribution like many other equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems with high degree of correlations but do not obey the Gallavotti-Cohen steady-state fluctuation relation (SSFR). However, far from the unjamming transition (for smaller applied stresses) SSFR is satisfied for both Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian PDF. The observed slow variation of the mean shear rate with system size supports a recent theoretical prediction for observing GG distribution.


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Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on monatomic sorbates confined within zeolite NaY to obtain the dependence of entropy and self-diffusivity on the sorbate diameter. Previously, molecular dynamics simulations by Santikary and Yashonath J. Phys. Chem. 98, 6368 (1994)], theoretical analysis by Derouane J. Catal. 110, 58 (1988)] as well as experiments by Kemball Adv. Catal. 2, 233 (1950)] found that certain sorbates in certain adsorbents exhibit unusually high self-diffusivity. Experiments showed that the loss of entropy for certain sorbates in specific adsorbents was minimum. Kemball suggested that such sorbates will have high self-diffusivity in these adsorbents. Entropy of the adsorbed phase has been evaluated from the trajectory information by two alternative methods: two-phase and multiparticle expansion. The results show that anomalous maximum in entropy is also seen as a function of the sorbate diameter. Further, the experimental observation of Kemball that minimum loss of entropy is associated with maximum in self-diffusivity is found to be true for the system studied here. A suitably scaled dimensionless self-diffusivity shows an exponential dependence on the excess entropy of the adsorbed phase, analogous to excess entropy scaling rules seen in many bulk and confined fluids. The two trajectory-based estimators for the entropy show good semiquantitative agreement and provide some interesting microscopic insights into entropy changes associated with confinement.


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In this paper we study constrained maximum entropy and minimum divergence optimization problems, in the cases where integer valued sufficient statistics exists, using tools from computational commutative algebra. We show that the estimation of parametric statistical models in this case can be transformed to solving a system of polynomial equations. We give an implicit description of maximum entropy models by embedding them in algebraic varieties for which we give a Grobner basis method to compute it. In the cases of minimum KL-divergence models we show that implicitization preserves specialization of prior distribution. This result leads us to a Grobner basis method to embed minimum KL-divergence models in algebraic varieties. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Urbanisation is a dynamic complex phenomenon involving large scale changes in the land uses at local levels. Analyses of changes in land uses in urban environments provide a historical perspective of land use and give an opportunity to assess the spatial patterns, correlation, trends, rate and impacts of the change, which would help in better regional planning and good governance of the region. Main objective of this research is to quantify the urban dynamics using temporal remote sensing data with the help of well-established landscape metrics. Bangalore being one of the rapidly urbanising landscapes in India has been chosen for this investigation. Complex process of urban sprawl was modelled using spatio temporal analysis. Land use analyses show 584% growth in built-up area during the last four decades with the decline of vegetation by 66% and water bodies by 74%. Analyses of the temporal data reveals an increase in urban built up area of 342.83% (during 1973-1992), 129.56% (during 1992-1999), 106.7% (1999-2002), 114.51% (2002-2006) and 126.19% from 2006 to 2010. The Study area was divided into four zones and each zone is further divided into 17 concentric circles of 1 km incrementing radius to understand the patterns and extent of the urbanisation at local levels. The urban density gradient illustrates radial pattern of urbanisation for the period 1973-2010. Bangalore grew radially from 1973 to 2010 indicating that the urbanisation is intensifying from the central core and has reached the periphery of the Greater Bangalore. Shannon's entropy, alpha and beta population densities were computed to understand the level of urbanisation at local levels. Shannon's entropy values of recent time confirms dispersed haphazard urban growth in the city, particularly in the outskirts of the city. This also illustrates the extent of influence of drivers of urbanisation in various directions. Landscape metrics provided in depth knowledge about the sprawl. Principal component analysis helped in prioritizing the metrics for detailed analyses. The results clearly indicates that whole landscape is aggregating to a large patch in 2010 as compared to earlier years which was dominated by several small patches. The large scale conversion of small patches to large single patch can be seen from 2006 to 2010. In the year 2010 patches are maximally aggregated indicating that the city is becoming more compact and more urbanised in recent years. Bangalore was the most sought after destination for its climatic condition and the availability of various facilities (land availability, economy, political factors) compared to other cities. The growth into a single urban patch can be attributed to rapid urbanisation coupled with the industrialisation. Monitoring of growth through landscape metrics helps to maintain and manage the natural resources. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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DNA three-way junctions (TWJs) are important intermediates in various cellular processes and are the simplest of a family of branched nucleic acids being considered as scaffolds for biomolecular nanotechnology. Branched nucleic acids are stabilized by divalent cations such as Mg2+, presumably due to condensation and neutralization of the negatively charged DNA backbone. However, electrostatic screening effects point to more complex solvation dynamics and a large role of interfacial waters in thermodynamic stability. Here, we report extensive computer simulations in explicit water and salt on a model TWJ and use free energy calculations to quantify the role of ionic character and strength on stability. We find that enthalpic stabilization of the first and second hydration shells by Mg2+ accounts for 1/3 and all of the free energy gain in 50% and pure MgCl2 solutions, respectively. The more distorted DNA molecule is actually destabilized in pure MgCl2 compared to pure NaCl. Notably, the first shell, interfacial waters have very low translational and rotational entropy (i.e., mobility) compared to the bulk, an entropic loss that is overcompensated by increased enthalpy from additional electrostatic interactions with Mg2+. In contrast, the second hydration shell has anomalously high entropy as it is trapped between an immobile and bulklike layer. The nonmonotonic entropic signature and long-range perturbations of the hydration shells to Mg2+ may have implications in the molecular recognition of these motifs. For example, we find that low salt stabilizes the parallel configuration of the three-way junction, whereas at normal salt we find antiparallel configurations deduced from the NMR. We use the 2PT analysis to follow the thermodynamics of this transition and find that the free energy barrier is dominated by entropic effects that result from the decreased surface area of the antiparallel form which has a smaller number of low entropy waters in the first monolayer.


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We study here different regions in phase diagrams of the spin-1/2, spin-1 and spin-3/2 one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg systems with frustration (next-nearest-neighbor interaction J(2)) and dimerization (delta). In particular, we analyze the behaviors of the bipartite entanglement entropy and fidelity at the gapless to gapped phase transitions and across the lines separating different phases in the J(2)-delta plane. All the calculations in this work are based on numerical exact diagonalizations of finite systems.


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We consider holographic entanglement entropy in higher derivative gravity theories. Recently Lewkowycz and Maldacena 1] have provided a method to derive the equations for the entangling surface from first principles. We use this method to compute the entangling surface in four derivative gravity. Certain interesting differences compared to the two derivative case are pointed out. For Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we show that in the regime where this method is applicable, the resulting equations coincide with proposals in the literature as well as with what follows from considerations of the stress tensor on the entangling surface. Finally we demonstrate that the area functional in Gauss-Bonnet holography arises as a counterterm needed to make the Euclidean action free of power law divergences.


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Entropy is a fundamental thermodynamic property that has attracted a wide attention across domains, including chemistry. Inference of entropy of chemical compounds using various approaches has been a widely studied topic. However, many aspects of entropy in chemical compounds remain unexplained. In the present work, we propose two new information-theoretical molecular descriptors for the prediction of gas phase thermal entropy of organic compounds. The descriptors reflect the bulk and size of the compounds as well as the gross topological symmetry in their structures, all of which are believed to determine entropy. A high correlation () between the entropy values and our information-theoretical indices have been found and the predicted entropy values, obtained from the corresponding statistically significant regression model, have been found to be within acceptable approximation. We provide additional mathematical result in the form of a theorem and proof that might further help in assessing changes in gas phase thermal entropy values with the changes in molecular structures. The proposed information-theoretical molecular descriptors, regression model and the mathematical result are expected to augment predictions of gas phase thermal entropy for a large number of chemical compounds.


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The von Neumann entropy of a generic quantum state is not unique unless the state can be uniquely decomposed as a sum of extremal or pure states. As pointed out to us by Sorkin, this happens if the GNS representation (of the algebra of observables in some quantum state) is reducible, and some representations in the decomposition occur with non-trivial degeneracy. This non-unique entropy can occur at zero temperature. We will argue elsewhere in detail that the degeneracies in the GNS representation can be interpreted as an emergent broken gauge symmetry, and play an important role in the analysis of emergent entropy due to non-Abelian anomalies. Finally, we establish the analogue of an H-theorem for this entropy by showing that its evolution is Markovian, determined by a stochastic matrix.


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We consider entanglement entropy in the context of gauge/gravity duality for conformal field theories in even dimensions. The holographic prescription due to Ryu and Takayanagi (RT) leads to an equation describing how the entangling surface extends into the bulk geometry. We show that setting to zero, the timetime component of the Brown-York stress tensor evaluated on the co-dimension 1 entangling surface, leads to the same equation. By considering a spherical entangling surface as an example, we observe that the Euclidean actionmethods in AdS/CFT will lead to the RT area functional arising as a counterterm needed to regularize the stress tensor. We present arguments leading to a justification for the minimal area prescription.


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Entanglement entropy in local quantum field theories is typically ultraviolet divergent due to short distance effects in the neighborhood of the entangling region. In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we show that surface terms in general relativity are able to capture this entanglement entropy. In particular, we demonstrate that for 1+1-dimensional (1 + 1d) conformal field theories (CFTs) at finite temperature whose gravity dual is Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole, the Gibbons-Hawking-York term precisely reproduces the entanglement entropy which can be computed independently in the field theory.


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We consider generalized gravitational entropy in various higher derivative theories of gravity dual to four dimensional CFTs using the recently proposed regularization of squashed cones. We derive the universal terms in the entanglement entropy for spherical and cylindrical surfaces. This is achieved by constructing the Fefferman-Graham expansion for the leading order metrics for the bulk geometry and evaluating the generalized gravitational entropy. We further show that the Wald entropy evaluated in the bulk geometry constructed for the regularized squashed cones leads to the correct universal parts of the entanglement entropy for both spherical and cylindrical entangling surfaces. We comment on the relation with the Iyer-Wald formula for dynamical horizons relating entropy to a Noether charge. Finally we show how to derive the entangling surface equation in Gauss-Bonnet holography.


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We compute the leading corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the Flat Space Cosmological (FSC) solutions in 3D flat spacetimes, which are the flat analogues of the BTZ black holes in AdS(3). The analysis is done by a computation of density of states in the dual 2D Galilean Conformal Field Theory and the answer obtained by this matches with the limiting value of the expected result for the BTZ inner horizon entropy as well as what is expected for a generic thermodynamic system. Along the way, we also develop other aspects of holography of 3D flat spacetimes.


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We consider free fermion and free boson CFTs in two dimensions, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. For the CFT on the infinite spatial line, we calculate the finite temperature entanglement entropy of a single interval perturbatively to second order in mu in each of the theories. We find that the result in each case is given by the same non-trivial function of temperature and interval length. Remarkably, we further obtain the same formula using a recent Wilson line proposal for the holographic entanglement entropy, in holomorphically factorized form, associated to the spin-three black hole in SL(3, R) x SL(3, R) Chern-Simons theory. Our result suggests that the order mu(2) correction to the entanglement entropy may be universal for W-algebra CFTs with spin-three chemical potential, and constitutes a check of the holographic entanglement entropy proposal for higher spin theories of gravity in AdS(3).