982 resultados para Sexual community


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The sexual abuse suffered in childhood and adolescence, in addition to damage to physical and psychological health of the victim, is considered as an important risk factor for alcohol and drugs addiction, development of psychopathology and psychosocial damage in adulthood. In addition to the pain and humiliation that are submitted by the abuse, children and adolescents also experience shame and guilt which require them to adopt coping strategies to endure those feelings. The use of psychoactive substances is a recognized way of dealing with the pains of living. This work, which is of narrative style, analyses and discusses, through five case reports, chemical dependency as a result of sexual abuse suffered in childhood and/or adolescence. The eight subjects in this study are male and have suffered sexual violence in this age period of life. Their ages range from 23 years to 39 years, and all are admitted to a therapeutic community in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state, in Brazil, for treatment of chemical dependency, being met by the Department of Psychology. The reasons for the choice of the participants for treatment modality for patients are: difficult to stop using drugs, even unwilling to take it, they have easy access to it; the feeling of losing control over their lives; by successive losses as a result of drug use, and for fear that their lives had a tragic ending. With the exception of two participants, the others do not classify that as a child suffered sexual violence. However, all attribute that facilitated their entry into the world of drugs. Seven participants experienced such violence in childhood (between 7 years and 9 years) and adolescence (age 14). The attackers were people closed to the victims—in the case of two victims, their families, with the exception of one participant who was raped by a stranger. Six participants declared themselves as homosexual. Another participant does not claim to be homosexual, but presents difficulties in terms of sexuality. Two participants are HIV positive. The start of psychoactive substances use occurred during adolescence (12 years to 17 years). The participants see drugs as an anesthetic to the pain of the soul, a way to get pleasure, but they get charged expensively, as it increases the feeling of emptiness, guilt, helplessness, worthlessness and hopelessness. Although participants have sought help to deal with addiction, it is noted that throughout the life course the issue of sexual violence was not treated. It was noted that the patients have a double stigma in society: the issue of drugs addiction and the orientation of sexual desire, because the majority of participants are homosexual. The results reinforce the need for effective action geared to accommodate the victims of sexual violence and effective preventive measures to prevent children and adolescents from being abused.


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Sexual Orientation is present in the curriculum of many schools for elementary and high school. This subject generates controversy in the school community. This a fact that leads many teachers postpone the start of this topic. Fifty students participated in this study, 24 boys and 26 girls with average age of eleven years. The study aimed to investigate conceptions on sex in adolescents using the cartoon. The analyzed results suggest that students understand sex as intercourse only. However, there are a multitude of features mentioned by students. These are issues that require further reflection about issues not always discussed in class: pregnancy and abortion, condom use, sexual desire, anal sex, becoming a single mom, group sex, AIDS, prostitution, size of genitals, masturbation, among others.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As DST/HIV e a gestação não-planejada entre jovens têm exigido o incremento da atenção em saúde sexual e reprodutiva, desafiando a formação profissional tradicional, os processos de trabalho e gestão na atenção primária. Este estudo etnográfico (observação e entrevistas) foi realizado em duas unidades básicas de município turístico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, focalizando o trabalho das agentes comunitárias de saúde. As agentes abordavam a sexualidade jovem, principalmente das garotas; orientavam o fluxo de ações e influenciavam as estratégias de prevenção e cuidado, enfatizando "gravidez precoce" e "promiscuidade sexual". A saúde de jovens não era considerada integralmente, embora o trabalho das agentes constituísse uma tecnologia de processo com grande potencial na atenção à saúde sexual de jovens. A juventude se beneficia da atuação dessas profissionais, que podem ter seu saber prático mais valorizado. Sugere-se a formação em abordagens baseadas nos direitos humanos e na construção social da sexualidade.


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Background Men who have sex with men (MSM) remain the group most at risk of acquiring HIV infection in Britain. HIV prevalence appears to vary widely between MSM from different ethnic minority groups in this country for reasons that are not fully understood. The aim of the MESH project was to examine in detail the sexual health of ethnic minority MSM living in Britain. Methods/Design The main objectives of the MESH project were to explore among ethnic minority MSM living in Britain: (i) sexual risk behaviour and HIV prevalence; (ii) their experience of stigma and discrimination; (iii) disclosure of sexuality; (iv) use of, and satisfaction with sexual health services; (v) the extent to which sexual health services (for treatment and prevention) are aware of the needs of ethnic minority MSM. The research was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in four national samples: (i) ethnic minority MSM living in Britain; (ii) a comparison group of white British MSM living in Britain; (iii) NHS sexual health clinic staff in 15 British towns and cities with significant ethnic minority communities and; (iv) sexual health promotion/HIV prevention service providers. We also recruited men from two "key migrant" groups living in Britain: MSM born in Central or Eastern Europe and MSM born in Central or South America. Internet-based quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. Ethnic minority MSM were recruited through advertisements on websites, in community venues, via informal networks and in sexual health clinics. White and "key migrant" MSM were recruited mostly through Gaydar, one of the most popular dating sites used by gay men in Britain. MSM who agreed to take part completed a questionnaire online. Ethnic minority MSM who completed the online questionnaire were asked if they would be willing to take part in an online qualitative interview using email. Service providers were identified through the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) CHAPS partnerships. Staff who agreed to take part were asked to complete a questionnaire online. The online survey was completed by 1241 ethnic minority MSM, 416 men born in South and Central America or Central and Eastern Europe, and 13,717 white British MSM; 67 ethnic minority MSM took part in the online qualitative interview. In addition 364 people working in sexual health clinics and 124 health promotion workers from around Britain completed an online questionnaire. Discussion The findings from this study will improve our understanding of the sexual health and needs of ethnic minority MSM in Britain.


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We describe the largest outbreak of hepatitis B virus infection reported to date in the UK. Between July 2001 and December 2005, 237 cases were identified in Avon, South West England. The likely route of transmission was injecting drug use in 44% (104/237) and heterosexual intercourse in 30% (71/237) of cases. A case-control study in injectors showed that injecting crack cocaine [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 23·8, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3·04-186, P<0·001] and sharing injecting paraphernalia in the year before diagnosis (aOR 16·67, 95% CI 1·78-100, P=0·010) were strongly associated with acute hepatitis B. In non-IDUs number of sexual partners and lack of consistent condom use were high compared to a national sample. We describe the control measures implemented in response to the outbreak. This outbreak has highlighted the problems associated with the low uptake from the national hepatitis B vaccination policy which targets high-risk groups, the difficulties of identifying those at risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection through heterosexual sex, and injecting crack cocaine as a risk factor for hepatitis B.


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“The socio-cultural impact of the introduction of motorbike taxis in the rural community of Tombel, South West region, Cameroon” seeks to bring out the impact of commercial motorbike taxis on the lifestyle of the Bakossi. The principal objective of this research is to show how the introduction of motorbike taxis has modified the lifestyle of the Tombel population. This anthropological research defines the profile of a motorbike taxi rider, his role in society, the perception of the population towards this activity and the impact of this activity on the lifestyle of the rural population of Tombel. This study reveals that motorbike taxi riders are essentially made up of youths from all works of life who earn a living by riding a motorbike taxi on a daily bases for commercial purposes. The revenue earn here goes a long way to sustain the livelihood of the rider and his entourage, becoming an ascension tool into the social ladder. The activity is very dangerous not only for the riders buts also for the passengers because of the risks involved in riding for most of the riders do not have the basic knowledge of the road code. This research also reveals that motorbike taxi has become the preferred means of public transport of most inhabitants of Tombel to the point of monopolising certain destinations. The population of Tombel perceives this activity as an instrument of change that has brought development and progress. But this activity also constitutes a social ill because of the prevalent sexual promiscuity encouraged by the riders. This activity has also gotten a cultural impact on the society, changing perceptions and being involve in rituals. Motorbike taxis have become a force to reckon with in the organisation of the community. They are a “response from below” to the transport crises in Cameroon.


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Introduction: US teens are having sex early; however, the vast majority of schools do not implement evidence-based sexual health education (SHE) programs that could delay sexual behavior and/or reduce risky behavior. This study examines middle school staff’s knowledge, attitudes, barriers, self-efficacy, and perceived support (psychosocial factors known to influence SHE program adoption and implementation). Methods: Professional school staff from 33 southeast Texas middle schools completed an internet or paper-based survey. Prevalence estimates for psychosocial variables were computed for the total sample. Chi-square and t-test analyses examined variation by demographic factors. Results: Almost 70% of participants were female, 37% white, 42% black, 16% Hispanic; 20% administrators, 15% nurses/counselors, 31% non-physical education/non-health teachers, 28% physical education/health teachers; mean age = 42.78 years (SD = 10.9). Over 90% favored middle school SHE, and over 75% reported awareness of available SHE curricula or policies. More than 60% expressed confidence for discussing SHE. Staff perceived varying levels of administrator (28%-56%) support for SHE and varying levels of support for comprehensive sex education from outside stakeholders (e.g., parents, community leaders) (42%-85%). Overall, results were more favorable for physical education/health teachers, nurses/counselors, and administrators (when compared to non-physical education/non-health teachers) and individuals with experience teaching SHE. Few significant differences were observed by other demographic factors. Conclusions: Overall, study results were extremely positive, which may reflect a high level of readiness among school staff for adopting and implementing effective middle school SHE programs. Study results highlight the importance of several key action items for schools.


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BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that a history of childhood abuse and neglect is not uncommon among individuals who experience mental disorder and that childhood trauma experiences are associated with adult psychopathology. Although several interview and self-report instruments for retrospective trauma assessment have been developed, many focus on sexual abuse (SexAb) rather than on multiple types of trauma or adversity. METHODS: Within the European Prediction of Psychosis Study, the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) was developed as a new self-report assessment of multiple types of childhood trauma and distressing experiences. The TADS includes 43 items and, following previous measures including the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, focuses on five core domains: emotional neglect (EmoNeg), emotional abuse (EmoAb), physical neglect (PhyNeg), physical abuse (PhyAb), and SexAb.This study explores the psychometric properties of the TADS (internal consistency and concurrent validity) in 692 participants drawn from the general population who completed a mailed questionnaire, including the TADS, a depression self-report and questions on help-seeking for mental health problems. Inter-method reliability was examined in a random sample of 100 responders who were reassessed in telephone interviews. RESULTS: After minor revisions of PhyNeg and PhyAb, internal consistencies were good for TADS totals and the domain raw score sums. Intra-class coefficients for TADS total score and the five revised core domains were all good to excellent when compared to the interviewed TADS as a gold standard. In the concurrent validity analyses, the total TADS and its all core domains were significantly associated with depression and help-seeking for mental problems as proxy measures for traumatisation. In addition, robust cutoffs for the total TADS and its domains were calculated. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the TADS as a valid, reliable, and clinically useful instrument for assessing retrospectively reported childhood traumatisation.


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BACKGROUND Sexual transmission of Ebola virus disease (EVD) 6 months after onset of symptoms has been recently documented, and Ebola virus RNA has been detected in semen of survivors up to 9 months after onset of symptoms. As countries affected by the 2013-2015 epidemic in West Africa, by far the largest to date, are declared free of Ebola virus disease (EVD), it remains unclear what threat is posed by rare sexual transmission events that could arise from survivors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We devised a compartmental mathematical model that includes sexual transmission from convalescent survivors: a SEICR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-convalescent-recovered) transmission model. We fitted the model to weekly incidence of EVD cases from the 2014-2015 epidemic in Sierra Leone. Sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulations showed that a 0.1% per sex act transmission probability and a 3-month convalescent period (the two key unknown parameters of sexual transmission) create very few additional cases, but would extend the epidemic by 83 days [95% CI: 68-98 days] (p < 0.0001) on average. Strikingly, a 6-month convalescent period extended the average epidemic by 540 days (95% CI: 508-572 days), doubling the current length, despite an insignificant rise in the number of new cases generated. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Our results show that reductions in the per sex act transmission probability via abstinence and condom use should reduce the number of sporadic sexual transmission events, but will not significantly reduce the epidemic size and may only minimally shorten the length of time the public health community must maintain response preparedness. While the number of infectious survivors is expected to greatly decline over the coming months, our results show that transmission events may still be expected for quite some time as each event results in a new potential cluster of non-sexual transmission. Precise measurement of the convalescent period is thus important for planning ongoing surveillance efforts.


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Hispanic teens are a high-risk population for initiation of early sexual activity and alcohol use which in turn has numerous social and health consequences. One strategy to address prevention of these behaviors is to implement a capacity building intervention that promotes parent child communication, encompasses their cultural values and community participation. This study describes the process evaluation of a pilot intervention program amongst Hispanic teens and their families living along the Texas-Mexico border. “Girls Lets Talk” is a small group intervention with 10-14 year old teens and their female adult family members that involves education regarding effects of alcohol use and sexual activity as well as activities for monitoring and refusal skills to prevent risky behaviors. Two waves of the program each consisting of at least seven mother daughter dyads were conducted. During the designing process, community advisory board meetings and focus groups were held to review course materials and ensure they were appropriate to the Mexican American culture. Parent and adolescent surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the intervention to assess for psychosocial outcome variables. All sessions received high mean satisfactory scores (mean of 4.00 or better on a five point scale) for both adult and adolescent participants. Qualitative feedback was obtained via debriefing sessions to evaluate experience as well as alter recruitment strategies. A Wilcoxon Sign Rank analysis of the pre and post intervention surveys was done that showed significant changes in some outcome variables such as intentions and confidence for monitoring behaviors for adults and beliefs regarding sexual activity. “Girls Lets Talk” is a promising example of how a process evaluation plan can help develop a theory based health promotion program using the community based participatory research approach. The intervention may also be effective in altering intentions and enhancing self-efficacy among parents and teens in order to decrease risky behaviors such as early sexual activity and alcohol use.^


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A qualitative study was conducted on young Jewish adults to determine cultural sexual health patterns with in the Jewish adolescent community. The young Jewish adults were recruited through Jewish social settings, such as Hillel Student Centers in Austin and Houston, Texas. Jewish was self-defined. A young adult, for this study, was defined as being between the ages of 18 and 23. Both female and males are needed in the study group. Individual interviews revealed 35 themes identifying the cultural, parental, peer, and surrounding factors that affect sexual behaviors during Jewish adolescence. Overall, this research demonstrates the need to further study and understand the culture and behaviors with in the Jewish community to then create a tailored intervention on healthy sexuality.^


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The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) has emerged as one of the world’s most heinous crimes. The problem affects millions of children worldwide and no country or community is fully immune from its effects. This paper reports first generation research of the relationship that exists between CSEC and the phenomenon of missing children living in and around the coastal regions of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the country’s richest State. Data are reported from interviews and case records of 64 children and adolescents, who were receiving care through a major youth serving non-governmental organization (NGO) located in the coastal city of Sao Vicente. Also, data about missing children and adolescents were collected from Police Reports – a total of 858 Police Reports. In Brazil, prostitution is not a crime itself, however, the exploitation of prostitution is a crime. Therefore, the police have no information about children or adolescents in this situation, they only have information about the clients and exploiters. Thus, this investigation sought to accomplish two objectives: 1) to establish the relationship between missing and sexual exploited children; and 2) to sensitize police and child-serving authorities in both the governmental and nongovernmental sectors to the nature, extent, and seriousness of many unrecognized cases of CSEC and missing children that come to their attention. The observed results indicated that the missing children police report are significantly underestimated. They do not represent the number of children that run away and/or are involved in commercial sexual exploitation.


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Prevalence of drug use, HIV, syphilis, and other STDs is particularly high in African-American populations. Although some studies have documented protective changes in health behaviors relevant to these outcomes, other research indicates that risky health behaviors are still widespread. Moreover, little is known about how African-American men and women have differed in their responses to calls to adopt protective behaviors. The study reported in this dissertation investigates gender differences in health risk behavior in a sample of 482 African American chronic, frequent injection drug and crack cocaine users residing in Houston, Texas. It uses baseline and 9 month follow-up data collected on this sample. Four major research questions are addressed. These questions are: Research question 1. What was the overall pattern of reduction in drug use for subjects in the sample? In particular, did subjects who reported a recent (30 day) reduction in drug use and needle sharing risk at baseline also report a reduction at follow-up? Research question 2. Is gender significantly associated with the overall pattern of risk reduction in drug injection observed in the two waves of the study? Research question 3. Is gender significantly associated with the overall pattern of reduction in the number of sexual partners observed in the two waves of the study? Research question 4. Is gender significantly associated with the overall pattern of increase in the use of barrier contraceptives in the two waves of the study? ^