932 resultados para Servicing missions
The introduction of Protestantism into the Middle East by American missionaries in the nineteenth century met with limited success while the responses and internalizations of local converts proved incredibly diverse. The two resultant theological descendants are Palestinian Christian Zionists and Palestinian Liberation Theologists. The article provides a short history of these two movements and highlights influential voices through interviews and media analysis. This article argues that hybrid religious identifications with nation and place has transcended, in some cases, political struggle for territory.
Delivery and Servicing Plan (DSP) is an innovative logistics concept for more efficient organisation of deliveries from the point of view of the receiver of the goods. DSP actions tested in this study include reducing the number of suppliers, grouping deliveries, selecting less distant suppliers and others. It is shown that DSP can help reduce externalities and lead to a substantial reduction of costs. A new tool was developed to calculate the benefits of different DSP options for businesses and the public sector. Reductions in costs and externalities exceeding 50% have been demonstrated in a few cases. Remaining difficulties with the concept are organisational issues, lack of knowledge, need to give external advisory support for shop owners and the limited number of successful applications to date.
Contient : Relation des affaires des Iroquois (1692-1693) ; « Lettre du R. P. Dablon », sur la mort du P. Chaumont, missionnaire au Canada (28 févr. 1693) ; « Lettre du P. Jacques Gravier, en forme de Journal de la mission de l'Immaculée-Conception de N.-D. aux Illinois, ce 15 févr 1694 » ; « Parolles dites par Tegamsorens à Mgr. le comte de Frontenac, au nom des cinq nations Iroquoises,... a Québec, le 23 may 1694 » ; Lettres de la mission de Saint-François de Sales (1694) ; Lettres de différents PP. Jésuites ; plusieurs de ces lettres sont adressées aux PP. Le Gobien et de Vitry, à Nantes, et de Lynières, à la Flèche (1693-1694) ; Lettre relative au collège d'Auxerre (1762) ; « Bureau universel d'adresses et de renseignemens pour les mariages, les établissemens de commerce... » (XIXe siècle) ; « Lettre à un docteur en théologie par un de ses amis, au sujet de l'emprisonnement de M. Blache »