877 resultados para Serrarias - Controle de produção


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian construction is with high production which resulted in many service industries and also for businesses that work in conjunction with it. For the furniture industries would not be different, since they are intimately involved with the construction. To meet the demand for furnishings in Brazil, some clusters of industries have developed in recent years, as in the case of Uba (MG), Arapongas (PR) and Bento Gonçalves (RS). For industries sector can always increase its production combining quality and customer satisfaction, is necessary for their production procedures are studied and improved every day. The aim of this research is to propose a solution for simple information system involving the issue of tracking parts of the furniture produced in an industry custom furniture that depend on outsourced services. The research occurred during four months of the year 2013 for the observation of the production of the industry, where possible observing interference could be carried out with the aim of obtaining improvements in the production line. It is concluded that control of the finished product in a custom furniture industry is a very complex work, because the information system must transmit information faithful, which has not happened formerly, but after the implementation of the identification system was significant improvement the transfer of information between sectors mounts internal and external furniture


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There is a growing search for continuous improvement within the companies which creates an obligation of reducing and when it is possible eliminating waste. Production Planning and Control Department (PCP) is not out of this question, making necessary the application of methods and creation of tools that eliminate steps which do not add value to the planning process. This paper aims to develop a tool which concentrates in just one place all the necessary information to make the packaging material requirement planning (MRP) in a agribusiness company. Besides, it also aims, in a more visual way and using devices that prevent mistakes (Poka-Yoke), to reduce the number of reviews and mistakes made by analysts. As a result, an Excel spreadsheet was developed. This spreadsheet shows what happens with the status of planning and receiving of packaging, giving some advices when some critical situation happens. The use of Lean Manufacturing Method and the action research method helped to well define the problem and to reduce the number of steps, spreadsheets and time of process in 80%, 60% and 75%, respectively


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The market segment of fuel distribution composes an important role in the development of Brazil’s industry and economy. However, it is a sector with intense competitiveness, especially in relation to ethanol. The search for competitive advantage and greater strength to the business are, therefore, of high relevance in this context, in which the concepts of Business Process Management has become more visible. Process Mapping, one of these concepts, has proven “TO BE”a strategic tool for companies which believe in flattening the structure and in the potential benefits that the improvement of its processes can provide. Thus, this work aims to map the process of Ethanol Origination of a company engaged in the distribution of this and other fuel products, and other niche markets. It was understood and designed the macro-process aforementioned and identified failures in subprocess related to it. After applying the method to select priority problems, using risk assessment criteria, five subprocess were identified to receive special action, which consisted in seeking improvements with those involved in the process, in representing its current and ideal models and in defining each department’s responsibilities for the activities in the subprocess proposed form. Thus, it is expected to mitigate mainly two negative effects found in the business: employee’s work overload and company's financial exposure


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Facing the competitive current market, increases the growing managerial commitment to minimize the frequent occurrence of service failures that characterized the past. Given the fact that the supply of a product in the correct location and on time, undamaged and correctly billed market requirement becomes framed the present work. Based on a case study, supported in parallel bibliographical references in the literature in a company of sugar and alcohol sector, the survey aims to measure and evaluate the real-time delivery from suppliers in order to ensure the best level of service to the company in question by suppliers, by reducing idle time of delivery, since the control system does not supply the pre-established and / or observed above, thus obtaining a better management and supply of replacement material. To assist the work, developed a project in the company in question in order to analyze and identify applications of concepts of lead time along the supply chain through an exploratory study in order to provide a beneficial outcome to the company through monitoring and performance of its suppliers, which will enable an aid to future decision-making


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Work organized in shifts, either for technological, social or economic imposition, allows the best use of means of production, increasing the overall productivity of the enterprises. At the same time, this type of work harms the individual productive capacity of workers, particularly those involved in the night shift. The objective of this work was to assess the behaviour of production in a continuous line and subjected to work organized in shifts. Through the statistical method of analysis of variance, Spearman's test and Tukey's method, was analysed the distribution of the productivity index measured in three fixed shifts of work in a glass company. The productivity index, provided by the integrated management system of the company, refers to the ratio of actual productivity to total productivity. The statistical analysis shows that factors of production, such as allocation of workers, do not interfere with productivity, showing an unexpected pattern, where the average productivity for the three shifts are close and the correlation between the number of workers on the line and productivity is low. The conditions of production had an adverse work environment with exposure to noise, heat, vaporized mist of lubricating oil and risk of accidents. The findings show that the calculation of productivity in use is limited and its use in company’s production control may produce distortions. It is proposed to examine alternative calculations methods that consider the overall productivity


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Through observation of the production process industries today, one can encounter the needs of the large uncertainties related improvements and changes in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. Thus, this paper describes the review of implementation of TPM (total productivity management), which aims to optimize two distinct processes in the Vale do Paraíba´s pharmaceutical industry one of through the pillar of specific improvement. The main objective is to propose an efficient alternative to proposing loss management processes by identifying and eliminating the same in a systematic process. To develop this analysis was necessary to explore concepts of TPM and tools that help in taking data, identification and clarification of the phenomena that cause failures in the process, which were essential to ensure the development of the analysis. The concepts covered are usually presented during an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the analysis are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers, providing alternative response variables and uncertainty of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive


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La performance desentreprises ça dépend, engrande partie, deses chaînesd’approvisionnement. Celas peuvent entretrès complexe, car elle implique tout le processus avant, pendant et après l’assemblage duproduit fini. Ce travaila donc comme objectifl’amélioration de lagestion des imprévus qu’arrivent audébutdela chaîne d’approvisionnement et lesimpacts sur l’approvisionnement de la ligne d’assemblage d’une usine. L’approche méthodologique utilisée est la recherche-action. De cette façon, ce travail présente une standardisation des processusquechaque département doit fairedans uncas de rupture dans la chaîne. D’après entretiens, analyses de document, standardisation des organigrammes et graphiques croisés dynamiques, ila été possible proposer un moyen plus critique d’analyser et résoudre certains problèmes. En tant que résultats, viennent un organigramme défini, une divulgation des informations plus précises pour la prise en décision et unes l’analyse critique de l’historique des imprévus. Il s’agit d’un ensemble des processus meilleur pour une bonne prise en décision de court, moyen et long terme pour les dépenses avec des imprévus dans l’approvisionnement de matière-première de l’usine


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This dissertation has as main theme the discuss about how the use of mathematical models for process optimization. The current scenario of strong competition to conquer the consumer market necessitates the development of improvements to better performance of the process as a whole, is to reduce costs, increase efficiency or effectiveness. Thus, the use of methodologies to assist in this process is becoming increasingly viable. Methodologies developed in the past are being studied and improved. An example is the Desirability, the object of the present study, which was developed in the 80's and has been improved over time. To understand and study this methodology was applied to the desirability function in three instances, where it was used Design of Experiments (DOE), taken from scientific papers, using the Solver tool (Excel ®) and desirability (Minitab ®). Thus, in addition to studying the methodology, it was possible to compare the performance of tools used for optimization in different situations. From the results of this study, it was possible to validate the superiority of one of the models studied compared fairly


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Atualmente, atender as necessidades dos consumidores é uma das metas mais importantes, os consumidores estão em busca de produtos com qualidade e preços mais acessíveis, para isso, é indispensável que as empresas se atualizem para melhorar seus produtos e serviços. Com este cenário, as superligas estão cada vez mais ganhando mercado, pois possuem ótimas propriedades, principalmente em relação a operar em temperaturas elevadas, podendo proporcionar maior eficiência para motores que necessitam trabalhar em altas temperaturas. Em contra partida a essa vantagem, as superligas possuem uma baixa usinabilidade, sendo importante a análise do processo de usinagem para se tornarem mais aplicáveis. Este trabalho visa à otimização do processo de torneamento cilíndrico da superliga Nimonic 80A, com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto, utilizando o Método de Taguchi, com o arranjo ortogonal L16, sendo o comprimento de corte definido como variável resposta e analisados seis fatores que poderiam influenciar na sua variação, tais fatores são: velocidade de corte, avanço, profundidade de corte, tipo de pastilha, lubrificação e dureza do material. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os fatores avanço, tipo de pastilha e lubrificação são significativos e exercem influencia no processo, sendo que o avanço deve ser ajustado no nível de 0,12 mm/rev, a pastilha a ser utilizada deve ser CP250 e a lubrificação deve ser feita de maneira abundante, para a otimização do processo. Com a análise dos resultados, também podemos observar a eficiência e confiabilidade do método utilizado, mostrando resultados coerentes


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB