778 resultados para Sentences arbitrales


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This paper is a review of a study to determine if profoundly deaf adolescents could be trained in intonation control in using a two-channel storage oscilloscope.


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The equivalency of 34 TIMIT sentence lists was evaluated using adult cochlear implant recipients to determine if they should be recommended for future clinical or research use. Because these sentences incorporate gender, dialect and speaking rate variations, they have the potential to better represent speech recognition abilities in real-world communication situations.


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This paper is a review of a study to determine if profoundly deaf adolescents could be trained in intonation control in using a two-channel storage oscilloscope.


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La globalización y con ella el crecimiento tecnológico ha tenido como resultado el crecimiento del comercio internacional, lo cual a su vez ha generado un desarrollo importante de la Institución del Arbitraje. El Arbitraje Internacional requiere de eficacia en la ejecución del laudo. El problema central de la presente investigación es el vacío legal que existe en el sistema legal ecuatoriano, en relación al procedimiento de homologación, nacionalización o reconocimiento de los laudos arbitrales dictados en el extranjero, para su posterior ejecución. Es importante considerar que la norma interna, no trata de manera suficiente el tema del reconocimiento y posterior ejecución de los laudos arbitrales extranjeros. Los tratados y convenios internacionales suscritos por el Ecuador sobre el tema ayudan, pero no suplen la falta de norma, toda vez que se remiten al procedimiento establecido en la norma nacional. Por lo expuesto, es necesaria una reforma de la ley.


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Los laudos arbitrales consisten en las decisiones que emiten los árbitros al finalizar un proceso arbitral, mismo que se origina en el acuerdo de dos partes que se relacionan comercialmente y convienen en acudir al método de solución de controversias denominado arbitraje, a fin de que esos árbitros sean los encargados de resolver controversias eventuales o futuras. La Organización Mundial del Comercio cuyas siglas son OMC, es una organización establecida para fortalecer las relaciones comerciales que incrementen la producción y el comercio de bienes y servicios. En la OMC existe un Órgano de Solución de Diferencias u OSD, que fundamenta su actividad en el Entendimiento Relativo a las Normas y Procedimientos por los que se rige la Solución de Diferencias o ESD. En este Entendimiento se establece en pocas y no específicas disposiciones, los casos en los cuales los miembros de la OMC pueden acudir a la solución de sus diferencias a través del arbitraje. Los laudos arbitrales que se emiten en el OSD van a reconocerse y ejecutarse en los Estados Miembros de la OMC según procedimientos establecidos en las normas convencionales internacionales y en sus propios ordenamientos jurídicos. La Comunidad Andina cuyas siglas son CAN, es una organización subregional formada por Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Existe una propuesta para instrumentar, o más bien para reglamentar el arbitraje como forma alternativa de solución de controversias entre diversos actores dentro de esta organización, otorgando una nueva competencia que es la arbitral al Tribunal Andino de Justicia y la facultad de organizar la administración del arbitraje a la Secretaría General de la CAN. Esta competencia consistiría en una novedosa facultad que tendrían estos dos órganos del denominado Sistema Andino de Integración o SAI, para resolver conflictos de diversa índole a través de un arbitraje andino que tendría características diferentes del arbitraje comercial internacional. Expreso mi más sentido agradecimiento al Dr. José Vicente Troya Jaramillo por haber aceptado ser el Tutor de mi tesis de maestría, reconociendo su tiempo y el aporte dado para la realización de la misma.


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Problematic trace-antecedent relations between deep and surface structure have been a dominant theme in sentence comprehension in agrammatism. We challenge this view and propose that the comprehension in agrammatism in declarative sentences and wh-questions stems from impaired processing in logical form. We present new data from wh-questions and declarative sentences and advance a new hypothesis which we call the set partition hypothesis. We argue that elements that signal set partition operations influence sentence comprehension while trace-antecedent relations remain intact. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We monitored 8- and 10-year-old children’s eye movements as they read sentences containing a temporary syntactic ambiguity to obtain a detailed record of their online processing. Children showed the classic garden-path effect in online processing. Their reading was disrupted following disambiguation, relative to control sentences containing a comma to block the ambiguity, although the disruption occurred somewhat later than would be expected for mature readers. We also asked children questions to probe their comprehension of the syntactic ambiguity offline. They made more errors following ambiguous sentences than following control sentences, demonstrating that the initial incorrect parse of the garden-path sentence influenced offline comprehension. These findings are consistent with “good enough” processing effects seen in adults. While faster reading times and more regressions were generally associated with better comprehension, spending longer reading the question predicted comprehension success specifically in the ambiguous condition. This suggests that reading the question prompted children to reconstruct the sentence and engage in some form of processing, which in turn increased the likelihood of comprehension success. Older children were more sensitive to the syntactic function of commas, and, overall, they were faster and more accurate than younger children.


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While there has been a fair amount of research investigating children’s syntactic processing during spoken language comprehension, and a wealth of research examining adults’ syntactic processing during reading, as yet very little research has focused on syntactic processing during text reading in children. In two experiments, children and adults read sentences containing a temporary syntactic ambiguity while their eye movements were monitored. In Experiment 1, participants read sentences such as, ‘The boy poked the elephant with the long stick/trunk from outside the cage’ in which the attachment of a prepositional phrase was manipulated. In Experiment 2, participants read sentences such as, ‘I think I’ll wear the new skirt I bought tomorrow/yesterday. It’s really nice’ in which the attachment of an adverbial phrase was manipulated. Results showed that adults and children exhibited similar processing preferences, but that children were delayed relative to adults in their detection of initial syntactic misanalysis. It is concluded that children and adults have the same sentence-parsing mechanism in place, but that it operates with a slightly different time course. In addition, the data support the hypothesis that the visual processing system develops at a different rate than the linguistic processing system in children.