998 resultados para Semideciduous forest
Cytotoxic activity of eight plant extracts, native from the Mid-West of Brazil comprising Cerrado, Pantanal and semideciduous forest, was evaluated for MDA-MB-435, SF-295, and HCT-8 cancer cell strains. A single 100 µg.mL-1 dose of each extract was employed with 72 h of incubation for all tests. Doxorubicin (1 µg.mL-1) was used as the positive control and the MTT method was used to detect the activity. Cytotoxicity of distinct polarities was observed in thirty extracts (46%), from different parts of the following species: Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo, Bignoniaceae, Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Anacardiaceae, Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão, Anacardiaceae, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Anacardiaceae, Gomphrena elegans Mart., Amaranthaceae, Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng., Arecaceae, Eugenia uniflora L., Myrtaceae, and Annona dioica A. St.-Hil., Annonaceae. Extracts of at least two tested cell strains were considered to be highly active since their inhibition rate was over 75%.
O presente estudo foi realizado na Estação Ecológica de Paulo de Faria, região norte do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, visando conhecer a biodiversidade de ácaros associados a plantas em fragmentos de mata estacional semidecidual nativa. Cento e vinte e três espécies das subordens Gamasida, Actinedida, Acaridida e Oribatida (35 identificadas nominalmente), pertencentes a 78 gêneros de 25 famílias, foram coletadas sobre 18 espécies vegetais. As espécies mais freqüentes foram Euseius concordis (Chant) e Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Phytoseiidae), encontradas sobre oito e seis espécies vegetais, respectivamente. A maior riqueza de espécies foi observada em Psicotria cartagenensis (oito espécies), Cecropia pachystachya (sete espécies), Guarea kunthiana e Jacaratia spinosa (seis espécies).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Realizou-se o levantamento quantitativo e qualitativo da comunidade de aves de dois fragmentos de floresta estacional semidecídua no interior do estado de São Paulo de julho de 2004 a julho de 2005. Para o estudo quantitativo utilizou-se da metodologia de Pontos de Escuta. Foram analisados os índices de diversidade e de freqüência de ocorrência dessa comunidade. O levantamento qualitativo registrou 181 espécies na Fazenda Rio das Pedras - FRP (Itapetininga, 350 ha) e 126 espécies na Fazenda Santa Maria II - FSM (Buri, 480 ha), enquanto que o levantamento quantitativo registrou a presença de 73 espécies em 988 contatos e 64 espécies em 1019 contatos para FRP e FSM, respectivamente. O índice pontual de abundância (IPA) variou de 0,01 (1 contato) a 1,32 (132 contatos), para FRP e na FSM variou entre 0,01 (1 contato) a 0,97 (97 contatos). A diversidade do fragmento da FRP foi de H = 3,04 e na FSM de H = 2,85 onde a eqüitatividade em ambas áreas foi de 0,91. A comunidade de aves nos fragmentos estudados mostrou o mesmo padrão encontrado em outros fragmentos de floresta estacional semidecídua de tamanhos relativos. As categorias alimentares mais representativas nos dois remanescentes foram insetívoras (53% na FSM e 50% na FRP) e frugívoras (23% na FSM e 26% na FRP). Dentre os insetívoros, destacaram-se as famílias Tyrannidae na FSM e Thamnophilidae na FRP. Tanto na FSM como na FRP os insetívoros de sub-bosque foram mais representativos (53% e 51,4% respectivamente), seguidos pelos frugívoros de sub-bosque (50%) na FSM e frugívoros de copa (52,6%) na FRP. A importância do estudo de comunidade de aves esta ligada à elaboração do plano de manejo e conservação das áreas naturais.
A Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus possui um dos maiores remanescentes de mata estacional semidecídua ainda presentes no Estado de São Paulo. Poucos estudos foram realizados nessa localidade, extremamente importante no que diz respeito às aves da Mata Atlântica do interior do Estado. Para caracterizar a avifauna da estação com dados recentes e contribuir com novos registros, foi realizado um levantamento da avifauna utilizando-se o método de Pontos de Escuta entre outubro de 2005 e dezembro de 2006. Foram registradas 226 espécies enquanto diversos autores registraram outras 68, para um total de 293. Muitas espécies são endêmicas da Mata Atlântica ou do Cerrado e algumas são ameaçadas no Estado, justificando a existência dessa unidade de conservação e provando a necessidade de inventários em longo prazo e da preservação de fragmentos de mata estacional semidecídua nativa.
Lianas são membros característicos das florestas tropicais, onde são abundantes e de grande importância ecológica. Entretanto, têm sido negligenciadas em estudos florísticos e fitossociológicos. Este trabalho apresenta as espécies de lianas da Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP) e as compara àquelas encontradas em outros fragmentos florestais. A EENP (20º48'36'' S e 49º22'50'' W) está a 468 m de altitude e abrange área de 168,63 ha, composta de três fragmentos de vegetação descontínua, classificada como floresta estacional semidecidual, entremeadas por pastagens. As amostras de lianas foram coletadas realizando caminhadas na periferia e no interior da mata. Foram identificadas 105 espécies; delas, 99 são Magnoliopsida (60 gêneros e 22 famílias); e seis, Liliopsida (três gêneros e três famílias). As famílias mais ricas em espécies representaram 59% do total das lianas. A análise do dendrograma de similaridade mostrou que esta é baixa entre a Floresta Atlântica de São Paulo e aquelas localizadas no interior. Situação semelhante foi observada por outros autores na análise de similaridade com espécies de porte arbóreo, e também, entre florestas do interior e Floresta Atlântica.
Some plants are widely distributed, ranging in different vegetation types. Since bird distribution can be directly associated to vegetational cover, we expect that seed dispersers can also vary following phytophysiognomy for some ornithochorous plants. The purpose of this paper was to describe potential seed disperser birds of Talauma ovata (Magnoliaceae) in semideciduous Atlantic forest and cerrado fragments in south-east Brazil. In 79 h of focal observations we recorded 1085 visits of 25 different bird species consuming T. ovata diaspores. Although most bird species observed consuming T. ovata diaspores present generalist habits, they were potential seed dispersers, presenting high visits rate and do not staying a long time on the plants, favoring seed dispersal efficiency. Fruit consumption was not different between species in the study sites and the time spending on the plants was not different between species in semideciduous forest, but was different in cerrado. Agonistic encounters were observed mainly in the end of fruiting season, but was not relevant to decrease the number of seeds dispersed by birds. The occurrence of different potential seed dispersers between areas, such as Cyanocorax cristatellus (Corvidae), Schistochlamys ruficapillus (Emberizidae) and Mimus saturninus (Mimidae), which are endemic from the cerrado ecosystem and could rarely be found in semideciduous forest, suggests that seed dispersers can vary according to phytophysiognomy characteristics. Our results also indicate that the evolution of a generalist seed dispersal system such as observed for T. ovata can make possible the colonization of different ambients. Furthermore, the high number of visits recorded for both areas suggests that the fleshy arils of T. ovata are important feeding resources for birds.
Some 255 birds were recorded between 1982-2001 in and near a 2314-ha Horto of old eucalyptus plantations with native understory and a lake, near Rio Claro, in central São Paulo, Brazil. This is close to the 263 recorded in and around a ten-times smaller nearby 230-ha woodlot of semideciduous forest. Different species were 44, for a total of 307 in both areas. One hundred and fifty nonvagrant forest and border species were recorded in 1982-86, a number close to the 152 in the small native woodlot. With dry years and logging of plots in 1985-93, 21 of the 150 species were lost, 42 species decreased in numbers, 49 were stable, 19 increased (15 being border species), and 5 entered (one of dry forest and 4 of borders), so 129 species remained in 1996-2001 compared to 133 in the native woodlot. Open-area birds were 33, versus 50 in better-checked grassy swales in sugar cane near the natural woodlot, for a total of 53. Several species, like some border ones, did not enter the open but isolated and mowed interior lake area, or took years to do so. Water and marsh birds were 46 versus 40 in smaller creeks and ponds near the natural woodlot (total, 55) but many were migrants or infrequent visitors using distant areas, and perhaps should be counted as 0.1-0.9 local species rather than 1 species. Use of this more accurate method would reduce waterbird totals by 14 species in the Horto and by 11 around the native woodlot. I also recommend longer censusing at the edges in large woodlots or many edge species will be recorded only in small fragments of habitat. Several species increased and others decreased with occasional cat-tail and water-lily cleanups at the lake. A forested corridor between the Horto and natural woodlot is recommended, with old eucalyptus left to provide flowers for hummingbirds.
The purpose of this study was to realize a floristic survey in riparian forest remains of the Upper Paraná River, under domain of the submontane seasonal semideciduous forest, located in Porto Rico, Paraná, Brazil (53°19'3 W e 22°47'37 S). Within and in the neighborhood of 10.000 m2 area (100 m × 100 m), 165 species were surveyed, in 124 genera and 60 families, distributed in arboreous, shrubs, herbs, climbers and hemiparasites. Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae, and Bignoniaceae were the families with the highest species' richness, showing together 33.33%, and the genera more representative were Eugenia, Casearia, Guarea, Inga, Panicum, and Solanum, with 12.73% of the species. Though the perturbations verified in the forest remains, eight species were rare for this type of vegetation and 12 were listed as fishes natural food.
We tried to amplify mitochondrial, microsatellite and amelogenin loci in DNA from fecal samples of a wild Mazama americana population. Fifty-two deer fecal samples were collected from a 600-ha seasonal semideciduous forest fragment in a subtropical region of Brazil (21°20′, 47°17′W), with the help of a detection dog; then, stored in ethanol and georeferenced. Among these samples 16 were classified as fresh and 36 as non-fresh. DNA was extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini Kit. Mitochondrial loci were amplified in 49 of the 52 samples. Five microsatellite loci were amplified by PCR; success in amplification varied according to locus size and sample age. Successful amplifications were achieved in 10/16 of the fresh and in 13/36 of the non-fresh samples; a negative correlation (R = -0.82) was found between successful amplification and locus size. Amplification of the amelogenin locus was successful in 22 of the 52 samples. The difficulty of amplifying nuclear loci in DNA samples extractedfrom feces collected in the field was evident. Some methodological improvements, including collecting fresh samples, selecting primers for shorter loci and quantifying the extracted DNA by real-time PCR, are suggested to increase amplification success in future studies. © FUNPEC-RP.
Bat assemblages in two urban fragments of Maringá city, north of the state of Paraná, southern Brazil, were inventoried. These fragments, Parque do Ingá (48 ha) and Parque Florestal dos Pioneiros (59 ha), are located in a subtropical region covered by semideciduous Atlantic forest. Bats were sampled with mist-nets from August 2006 to July 2007, over 24 nights (12 hours a night), adding up to a total of 30,240 h.m2 of net effort. A total of 839 individuals were captured belonging to 10 species and four families. Artibeus lituratus was the most abundant species (66% of the sample). The observed richness represents 22% of the bat species recorded for the state, 24% of the bat species occurring in the seasonal semideciduous forest of Paraná, 26% of the species previously recorded in urban environments in Brazil, and 83.4% of the estimated richness by Jackknife 1 (n= 12 species). Studies that provide data on richness and abundance of bat species in urban fragments are becoming increasingly important, but are still poorly available in Brazil. This habitat is especially interesting because anthropogenic pressure can be harmful to bat assemblages, reducing their diversity. © 2013 Check List and Authors.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE