986 resultados para Semiconducteurs III-V-N
BACKGROUND: The use of cardiac output monitoring may improve patient outcomes after major surgery. However, little is known about the use of this technology across nations. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a previously published observational study. Patients aged 16 years and over undergoing major non-cardiac surgery in a 7-day period in April 2011 were included into this analysis. The objective is to describe prevalence and type of cardiac output monitoring used in major surgery in Europe. RESULTS: Included in the analysis were 12,170 patients from the surgical services of 426 hospitals in 28 European nations. One thousand four hundred and sixteen patients (11.6 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, and 2343 patients (19.3 %) received a central venous catheter. Patients with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores were more frequently exposed to cardiac output monitoring (ASA I and II, 643 patients [8.6 %]; ASA III-V, 768 patients [16.2 %]; p < 0.01) and central venous catheter (ASA I and II, 874 patients [11.8 %]; ASA III-V, 1463 patients [30.9 %]; p < 0.01). In elective surgery, 990 patients (10.8 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, in urgent surgery 252 patients (11.7 %) and in emergency surgery 173 patients (19.8 %). A central venous catheter was used in 1514 patients (16.6 %) undergoing elective, in 480 patients (22.2 %) undergoing urgent and in 349 patients (39.9 %) undergoing emergency surgery. Nine hundred sixty patients (7.9 %) were monitored using arterial waveform analysis, 238 patients (2.0 %) using oesophageal Doppler ultrasound, 55 patients (0.5 %) using a pulmonary artery catheter and 44 patients (2.0 %) using other technologies. Across nations, cardiac output monitoring use varied from 0.0 % (0/249 patients) to 27.5 % (19/69 patients), whilst central venous catheter use varied from 5.6 % (7/125 patients) to 43.2 % (16/37 patients). CONCLUSIONS: One in ten patients undergoing major surgery is exposed to cardiac output monitoring whilst one in five receives a central venous catheter. The use of both technologies varies widely across Europe.
Streptococcus agalactiae, ou Streptococcus do grupo B, é actualmente, o principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento de infecção neonatal, seja de início precoce (nos primeiros 7 dias de vida) ou tardio (entre os 7 dias e os 3 meses de vida). O principal factor de risco ao desenvolvimento de doença neonatal precoce é a colonização rectovaginal da mulher grávida. No presente estudo foram caracterizados 179 isolados provenientes de colonização dos tratos genitourinário e gastrointestinal da mulher grávida, obtidos no Hospital Garcia de Orta (Almada) entre 2007 e 2010. A colonização vaginal da mulher grávida neste período foi de 12%, e os serótipos mais prevalententemente detectados foram os serótipos Ia, V, IV, II e III, o que está de acordo com outros estudos efectuados em Portugal, à excepção do serótipo IV que tem sido pouco detectado na Europa. Todos os isolados se revelaram susceptíveis à penicilina, ofloxacina e vancomicina e, apenas 11.8% se revelaram susceptíveis a todos os antibióticos testados. A resistência à tetraciclina, eritromicina e clindamicina, de 2007 a 2010, foi de 86.8%, 14.6% e 9.7%, respectivamente. Não foi encontrado nenhum fenótipo de resistência à eritromicina dominante. Neste estudo o serótipo capsular mais associado à resistência à eritromicina foi o serótipo Ia, seguido pelos serótipos III, V e II. Verificou-se a presença de uma associação entre o serótipo Ia, o fenótipo M e a presença do gene mef(A). Os isolados com fenótipo cMLSB apresentaram o gene erm(B) e o gene erm(A) [erm(TR)] foi detectado em todos os isolados de fenótipo iMLSB, em ambos os casos com diversos serótipos. Os isolados pertencentes à mesma grávida foram considerados geneticamente relacionados com base na técnica de PFGE, excepto em dois casos em que as duas mulheres grávidas aparentemente estavam colonizadas por mais do que uma estirpe. Observou-se uma grande heterogeneidade populacional entre os isolados caracterizados. Relativamente à resistência aos macrólidos, a origem foi multiclonal e não derivada da disseminação de um único clone. Mais estudos epidemiológicos longitudinais são necessários para complementar os já existentes e, conhecer a evolução das estirpes de S. agalactiae em circulação, não só a nível nacional, mas em todo o mundo. Desta forma será possível definir a melhor estratégia para a criação de uma vacina adequada à variabilidade populacional de S. agalactiae.
OBJECTIVE: Comparative analysis of the in-hospital results after primary implantation of stents or coronary balloon angioplasty in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS: CENIC (National Center of Cardiovascular Interventions) gathered data on 3,924 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty (in the primary form, without the previous use of thrombolytic agents) in the first 24 hours after a MI, during the period of 1996-1998. From these 3,924 patients, 1,337 (34%) underwent stent implantation. We analyzed the success of the procedure and the occurrence of adverse cardiac events. RESULTS: In patients undergoing stent implantation there were more males (77% vs 69%, p=0.001), previous by pass surgery (6.3% vs. 4.5%, p=0.01), anterior MI and stent implantation in left descending artery (55% vs. 48% vs. p=0.009), and saphenous vein bypass grafts (3.3% vs. 1.9%). the procedure was more succesful in the group of stents (97% vs. 84%, p=0.001) and reinfarction rate (2.5 vs. 4%, p=0.002). The need for emergency revascularization was similar (1% vs. 1.1%, NS). Total in-hospital mortality was lower in stent group (3.4% vs. 7. 2%, p=0.0001) and this effect was in patients Killip class III/V (19.5% vs. 32.5%, p= 0.002) because there was no difference in patients class I/II (1.7% vs. 2.8%, p=0.9). CONCLUSION: Primary stent implantation in acute myocardial infarction showed better early results than balloon angioplasty alome.
El virus Encefalitis Saint Louis (VESL) (género Flavivirus) experimenta una re-emergencia en la región central del país, con la ocurrencia de un brote en Córdoba y el aislamiento de cepas de distintos genotipos. Está demostrado que los Flavivirus neurotrópicos, como VESL, replican en macrófagos y células dendríticas, tanto en el tejido local como en nódulos linfáticos satélites, para luego llegar a torrente sanguíneo y ser transportados a sistema nervioso central. Es así que el nivel de viremia inicial es regulado por la depuración del virus que realizan los macrófagos. Estas células reconocen a los virus por medio de receptores de reconocimiento de patrones moleculares asociados a patógenos, que incluyen a los receptores Toll-like (TLR). La relación entre los TLR y los virus, se fundamenta en tres aspectos: 1) los TLR al ser estimulados por moléculas derivadas de virus activan vías de señalización que inducen la producción de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias, como TNF- , IL-1, 6, 8 y 18, INF- y , que median la respuesta inmune antiviral; 2) las señales que dependen de los TLR median efectos inmunopatogénicos, como la apoptosis y la patogénesis del virus; 3) algunas estrategias terapéuticas o profilácticas antivirales se basan en la estimulación de los TLR mediante los respectivos agonistas. Como parte de la respuesta del macrófago a la infección viral, hay proliferación, diferenciación y muerte celular. A la hora de morir, estas células pueden seguir el camino que lleva a la necrosis o el de la apoptosis. Durante la activación de la respuesta inmune frente a antígenos extraños, la apoptosis es requerida para eliminar las células efectoras, una vez que han ejecutado su función y así evitar el desarrollo de procesos deletéreos para el huésped. Estudios realizados con distintos Flavivirus documentan el incremento de apoptosis de macrófagos durante la progresión de la infección y también su relación con la severidad de la patología. De acuerdo a los antecedentes expuestos, se formulan las siguientes hipótesis de estudio: 1-El fenotipo de activación del macrófago infectado con VESL está relacionado con el genotipo viral. 2-La clase de inmunomoduladores liberados y el grado de apoptosis de los macrófagos infectados con el VESL dependen del receptor de reconocimiento utilizado por el virus.El objetivo principal es caracterizar la respuesta inmune inducida en macrófagos infectados in vitro con diferentes genotipos de VESL. Para ello se plantean los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1-Determinar la capacidad de replicación de VESL en macrófagos.2-Evaluar la expresión de molécula de superficie, receptores y la producción de inmunomoduladores en macrófagos infectados con VESL.3-Analizar el impacto de la infección con VESL sobre la apoptosis de macrófagos.4-Correlacionar la expresión de antígenos de superficie, receptores, producción de inmunomoduladores, apoptosis y carga viral con el genotipo viral que infecta al macrófago.Se utilizará una línea línea celular mieloide U937 y cepas del VESL genotipo III, V y VII. Se estudiará la infección de las mismas y determinará la expresión de: CD14, CD16, CD54/ICAM-1, HLA-DR, Fas, R-TNF, CD86, IL4R, TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 y TLR7 por Citometría de Flujo. En el sobrenadante de los cultivos infectados se cuantificarán las concentraciones de IFN-, IFN-, TNF-, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-18 y TGF- por técnica de ELISA.Se determinará la apoptosis en los macrófagos infectados mediante marcación con Anexina V-Ficoeritrina y análisis de fragmentación del ADN.La emergencia de esta virosis en nuestro medio amerita abordar distintos aspectos de la respuesta inmune en esta infección. El conocimiento de las características de la activación del macrófago cuando se infecta con VESL, los inmunomoduladores liberados y el impacto de la infección sobre la apoptosis de ésta célula, aportaría posibles blancos para el diseño futuro de estrategias terapéuticas o profilácticas contra esta infección.
The nymphal instars I and III - V of Sigara (Tropocorixa) denseconscripta (Breddin, 1897) are figured and described in detail, for the first time, with emphasis on morphometry and chaetotaxy of selected structures. The useful characters to identify the nymphal instars and the nymphs of the species of Sigara are provided.
The first case of Kala-azar in Colombia was discovered in Soledad, S. Vicente do Chucuri, Dept. Santander, by Gast-Galvis who viscerotomized a three year old girl deceased in December, 1943. In 1944, fifty-three Phlebotominae were collected in the chicken pen of the girl's house, two new species included. Mangabeira helped by A. Gast Galvis, Juan Antonio Montoya and E. Osorno Mesa, collected some Phlebotomus in that country. The geographical distribution of the species of Phlebotomus collected in Colombia (P. abonnenci, P. camposi, P. columbianus, P. dubitans, P. gasti, P. montoyai, P. saulensis, P. serranus, P. triramulus) and two species of Brumptomyia (B. beaupertuyi and b mesari), are included. our description of the male P. columbianus is based on some specimens found in association with females. However, doubts exist about such association of sexes. There is no correspondence between the length of the spicules and the ducts of spermathecae. Besides, the specimens were not obtained by raising. The following new species are described and compared with previously known ones: a) Phlebotomus gasti sp. n. differs from the other species by a protruding tubercle in the gubernaculum. It has also fewer setae in the tuft of the basistyle, a different length of the inferior gonapophyses, and a differently shaped clasper. b) Phlebotomus dubitans sp. n. differs from P. walkeri and P. deanei (according to personal information from O. Theodor, who examined the types, they are identical to P. williamsi and P. sericeus respectively), mainly because these species have the inferior gonapophyses larger than the basistyle and fewer setae in the basistyle. P. evandroi is separated by the shape of the claspers and by the tuft of setae of the basistyle. P. marajoensis is the closest relative to P. dubitans. There is a possibility of their being synonymous. On the other hand, they can be differentiated by the existence of three extra distal spines in P. marajoensis. There is also a difference in their palpal indexes: for marajoensis I - II - IV - III - V, and for dubitans I - IV (III - II) - V. We notice, too, that the inferior gonapophyses in P. marajoensis is a little shorter. P. marajoensis has a long seta in the basistyle (clearly shown in the original drawing), not found in the new species. c) Phlebotomus montoyai sp. n.: The closest relatives are P. noguchii, P. peruensis, P. pescei, P. quinquifer and P. rickardi. They differ from the new species by the number and length of the setae of the basistyle tuft which are more numerous and longer in the new species. The shapes of their claspers are also different. Other differences are: the basal portion of the basistyle in P. noguchii is very wide (in montoyai it is narrower); the intermediate spine of the dististyle is located on a protruding tubercle ( in the new species there is hardly a tubercle); the spicules are long, and the inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. P. quinquifer and P. rickardi have a shorter dististyle and narrower wings, with different venation. The main difference, however lies, in the M4, which ends almost at the level of the junction of M1 with M2 (in P. montoyai the M4 ends far behind). In P. peruensis and P. pescei the intermediary spine of the dististyle is closer to the distal spine than to the basal one, whereas in the new species it is situated between the two pairs. Their inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. d) Brumptomyia mesai sp. n. - Closest relatives are: B. hamatus, B. pentacanthus, B. beaupertuyi which are easily separated from the new species because the tufts of their basistyle have thin and differently shaped hairs. Also their claspers are shaped differently. B. avellari is also easily recognized on account of the twisted aspect of its clasper and because the basal tuft of the basistyle has few setae, B. brumpti tuft of setae arise directly from the basistyle; these setae are stronger than those of the new species. It has 8 blade-like setae located on the inner surface of the distal half, whereas the new species has only six setae. In B. brumpti, there are three median and two terminal spines in the dististyle; in the new species, there are two median and two terminal spines and one between them, which is closer to the two median spines. The comparison with B. galindoi is based in a specimen determined by Fairchild and deposited in the entomological collection of the "Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública da Universidade de S. Paulo". The genitalia of the new species is much shorter, in galindoi the inferior gonapophyses is 0,8 mm long whereas in B. mesai it hardly reaches 0,6 mm. The shape of the clasper and the distribution of its setae are different. The sub-median lamellae, besides being longer in B. galindoi are also longer in comparison with the other parts of the genitalia. The gubernaculum of the new species is longer, thinner, and more pointed; in B. galindoi it is shorter and triangular. In the drawing published by Fairchild and Hertig 91947), the basistyle shows 8 blade-like setae on the distal half, whereas in the new species only six are found.
Practice guidelines recommend outpatient care for selected patients with non-massive pulmonary embolism (PE), but fail to specify how these low-risk patients should be identified. Using data from U.S. patients, we previously derived the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), a prediction rule that risk stratifies patients with PE. We sought to validate the PESI in a European patient cohort. We prospectively validated the PESI in patients with PE diagnosed at six emergency departments in three European countries. We used baseline data for the rule's 11 prognostic variables to stratify patients into five risk classes (I-V) of increasing probability of mortality. The outcome was overall mortality at 90 days after presentation. To assess the accuracy of the PESI to predict mortality, we estimated the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values for low- (risk classes I/II) versus higher-risk patients (risk classes III-V), and the discriminatory power using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Among 357 patients with PE, overall mortality was 5.9%, ranging from 0% in class I to 17.9% in class V. The 186 (52%) low-risk patients had an overall mortality of 1.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.1-3.8%) compared to 11.1% (95% CI: 6.8-16.8%) in the 171 (48%) higher-risk patients. The PESI had a high sensitivity (91%, 95% CI: 71-97%) and a negative predictive value (99%, 95% CI: 96-100%) for predicting mortality. The area under the ROC curve was 0.78 (95% CI: 0.70-0.86). The PESI reliably identifies patients with PE who are at low risk of death and who are potential candidates for outpatient care. The PESI may help physicians make more rational decisions about hospitalization for patients with PE.
The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) is a validated clinical prognostic model for patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). Our goal was to assess the PESI's inter-rater reliability in patients diagnosed with PE. We prospectively identified consecutive patients diagnosed with PE in the emergency department of a Swiss teaching hospital. For all patients, resident and attending physician raters independently collected the 11 PESI variables. The raters then calculated the PESI total point score and classified patients into one of five PESI risk classes (I-V) and as low (risk classes I/II) versus higher-risk (risk classes III-V). We examined the inter-rater reliability for each of the 11 PESI variables, the PESI total point score, assignment to each of the five PESI risk classes, and classification of patients as low versus higher-risk using kappa (κ) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Among 48 consecutive patients with an objective diagnosis of PE, reliability coefficients between resident and attending physician raters were > 0.60 for 10 of the 11 variables comprising the PESI. The inter-rater reliability for the PESI total point score (ICC: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.81-0.94), PESI risk class assignment (κ: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.66-0.94), and the classification of patients as low versus higher-risk (κ: 0.92, 95% CI: 0.72-0.98) was near perfect. Our results demonstrate the high reproducibility of the PESI, supporting the use of the PESI for risk stratification of patients with PE.
Neurofilaments are typical structures of the neuronal cytoskeleton and participate in the formation and stabilization of the axonal and dendritic architecture. In this study, we have characterized a murine monoclonal antibody, FNP7, that is directed against the medium-sized neurofilament subunit NF-M. This antibody identifies a subset of neurons in the cerebral cortex of various species including human and in organotypic cultures of rat cortex. In the neocortex of all species examined, the antibody labels pyramidal cells in layers III, V, and VI, with a distinctive laminar distribution between architectonic boundaries. In comparison with other antibodies directed against NF-M, the FNP7 antibody identifies on blots two forms of NF-M that appear relatively late during development, at the time when dynamic growth of processes changes to the stabilization of the formed processes. Dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase unmasks the site, making it detectable for the FNP7 antibody. The late appearance suggests that the site is present during early development in phosphorylated form and with increasing maturation becomes dephosphorylated, mainly in dendrites. This event may relate to changes in cytoskeleton stability in a late phase of dendritic maturation. Furthermore, mainly corticofugal projections and only few callosal axons are stained, suggesting a differential phosphorylation in a subset of axons. The antibody provides a useful marker to study subsets of pyramidal cells in vivo, in vitro, and under experimental conditions.
BACKGROUND: As a consequence of the increase in life expectancy, hepatobiliary surgeons have to deal with an emerging aged population. We aimed to analyze the liver function and outcome after right hepatectomy (RH) in patients over 70 years of age. METHODS: From January 2006 to December 2009, we prospectively collected data of 207 consecutive elective hepatectomies. In patients who had RH, cardiac risk was assessed by a dedicated preoperative workup. Liver failure (LF) was defined by the "fifty-fifty" criteria at postoperative day 5 (POD) and morbidity by the Clavien-Dindo classification. Liver function tests (LFTs) and short-term outcome were retrospectively analyzed in patients over (elderly group, EG) and younger (young group, YG) than 70 years of age. RESULTS: Eighty-seven consecutive RH were performed during the study period. Indication for surgery included 90 % malignancy in 47 % of patients requiring preoperative chemotherapy. ASA grade > 2 (44 vs. 16 %, p = 0.027), ischemic heart disease (17 vs. 5 %, p = 0.076), and preoperative cardiac failure (26 vs. 2 %, p < 0.001) were more frequent in the EG (n = 23) than in the YG (n = 64). Both groups were similar regarding rates of normal liver parenchyma, chemotherapy and intraoperative parameters. The overall morbidity rates were comparable, but the serious complication (grades III-V) rate was relatively higher in the EG (39 vs. 25 %, p = 0.199), particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus (100 vs. 29 %, p = 0.04) and those who had additional nonhepatic surgery (67 vs. 35 %, p = 0.110) and transfusions (44 vs. 30 %, p = 0.523). The 90-day mortality rate was similar (9 % in the EG vs. 3 % in the YG, p = 0.28) and was related to heart failure in the EG. LFTs showed a similar trend from POD 1 to 8, and patients ≥70 years of age had no liver failure. CONCLUSIONS: Age ≥70 years alone is not a contraindication to RH. However, major morbidity is particularly higher in the elderly with diabetes. This high-risk group should be closely monitored in the postoperative course. Liver function is not altered in the elderly patient after RH.
In this work, electrical measurements show that the breakdown voltage,BVDG, of InP HEMTs increases following exposure to H2. This BVDG shift is nonrecoverable. The increase in BVDG is found to be due to a decrease in the carrier concentration in the extrinsic portion of the device.We provide evidence that H2 reacts with the exposed InAlAs surface in the extrinsic region next to the gate, changing the underlying carrier concentration. Hall measurements of capped and uncapped HEMT samples show that the decrease in sheet carrier concentration can be attributed to a modification of the exposed InAlAs surface. Consistent with this, XPS experiments on uncapped heterostructures give evidence of As loss from the InAlAs surface upon exposure to hydrogen.
To explore possible morphological abnormalities in the dorsal and subgenual parts of anterior cingulate cortex in mood disorders and schizophrenia, we performed a quantitative postmortem study of 44 schizophrenic patients, 21 patients with sporadic bipolar disorder, 20 patients with sporadic major depression, and 55 age- and sex-matched control cases. All individuals were drug naïve or had received psychotropic medication for less than 6 months, and had no history of substance abuse. Neuron densities and size were estimated on cresyl violet-stained sections using a stereological counting approach. The distribution and density of microtubule-associated (MAP2, MAP1b) and tau proteins were assessed by immunocytochemistry and quantitative immunodot assay. Mean total and laminar cortical thicknesses as well as mean pyramidal neuron size were significantly decreased in the dorsal and subgenual parts of areas 24 (24sg) in schizophrenic cases. Patients with bipolar disorder showed a substantial decrease in laminar thickness and neuron densities in layers III, V, and VI of the subgenual part of area 24, whereas patients with major depression were comparable to controls. Immunodot assay showed a significant decrease of both MAP2 and MAP1b proteins in bipolar patients but not in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. The neuroanatomical and functional significance of these findings are discussed in the light of current hypotheses regarding the role of areas 24 and 24sg in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and social communication, as well as by the presence of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Brodmann areas 44 and 45 in the inferior frontal cortex, which are involved in language processing, imitation function, and sociality processing networks, have been implicated in this complex disorder. Using a stereologic approach, this study aims to explore the presence of neuropathological differences in areas 44 and 45 in patients with autism compared to age- and hemisphere-matched controls. Based on previous evidence in the fusiform gyrus, we expected to find a decrease in the number and size of pyramidal neurons as well as an increase in volume of layers III, V, and VI in patients with autism. We observed significantly smaller pyramidal neurons in patients with autism compared to controls, although there was no difference in pyramidal neuron numbers or layer volumes. The reduced pyramidal neuron size suggests that a certain degree of dysfunction of areas 44 and 45 plays a role in the pathology of autism. Our results also support previous studies that have shown specific cellular neuropathology in autism with regionally specific reduction in neuron size, and provide further evidence for the possible involvement of the mirror neuron system, as well as impairment of neuronal networks relevant to communication and social behaviors, in this disorder.
RésuméLe PESI (Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index) est un score clinique pronostique s'appliquant à des patients présentant un diagnostic d'embolie pulmonaire. Notre objectif était de démontrer la reproductibilité de ce score entre différents médecins chez des patients présentant une embolie pulmonaire. Nous avons donc identifié, de façon prospective, des patients présentant une embolie pulmonaire nouvellement diagnostiquée aux urgences d'un Hôpital Universitaire (CHUV, Lausanne). Pour tous ces patients, le médecin assistant en charge ainsi que le chef de clinique superviseur ont individuellement collecté les différentes variables permettant d'établir le score selon le PESI. Ils ont, ensuite, de façon indépendante, classifié les patients dans 5 classes de risque (1-V) ainsi qu'en deux groupes à bas risque versus haut risque, respectivement les classes i-ll et les classes III à V.Nous avons examiné la reproductibilité des données entre deux groupes de médecins (médecins assistants vs chefs de clinique), pour chacune des variables constituant le PESI, pour le score total en points, pour l'attribution aux 5 classes de risque ainsi que pour la classification en deux groupes à haut risque versus bas risque. Cette évaluation de la reproductibilité des résultats obtenus par les différents médecins s'est basée sur le calcul du Kappa (K) ainsi sur les Coefficients de Corrélation Intra-classe (ICC).Parmi les 48 patients présentant une Embolie Pulmonaire inclus dans notre étude, les coefficients de reproductibilité entre médecins assistants et chefs de clinique étaient supérieurs à 0.60 pour 10 des 11 variables du PESI. La reproductibilité entre les 2 groupes de médecins, pour le total des points, pour l'attribution à une classe de risque I à V, ainsi que pour la classification en bas versus haut risque était presque parfaite.Nos résultats démontrent la haute reproductibilité du PESI, et appuient donc l'intérêt de son utilisation pour la stratification du risque chez des patients présentant une embolie pulmonaire.
Background: The Geneva Prognostic Score (GPS), the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), and its simplified version (sPESI) are well known clinical prognostic scores for pulmonary embolism (PE).Objectives: To compare the prognostic performance of these scores in elderly patients with PE. Patients/Methods: In a multicenter Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism, we prospectively studied 449 patients aged ≥65 years with symptomatic PE. The outcome was 30-day overall mortality. We dichotomized patients as low- vs. higher-risk in all three scores using the following thresholds: GPS scores ≤2 vs. >2, PESI risk classes I-II vs. III-V, and sPESI scores 0 vs. ≥1. We compared 30-day mortality in low- vs. higher-risk patients and the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Results: Overall, 3.8% of patients (17/449) died within 30 days. The GPS classified a greater proportion of patients as low risk (92% [413/449]) than the PESI (36.3% [163/449]) and the sPESI (39.6% [178/449]) (P<0.001 for each comparison). Low-risk patients based on the sPESI had a mortality of 0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0-2.1%) compared to 0.6% (95% CI 0-3.4%) for low-risk patients based on the PESI and 3.4% (95% CI 1.9-5.6%) for low-risk patients based on the GPS. The areas under the ROC curves were 0.77 (95%CI 0.72-0.81), 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80), and 0.71 (95% CI 0.66-0.75), respectively (P=0.47). Conclusions: In this cohort of elderly patients with PE, the GPS identified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk but the PESI and sPESI were more accurate in predicting mortality.