954 resultados para Self-service


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This paper compares the development of the poultry industry in Italy with the UK. Earlier research has suggested that the UK poultry industry developed a symbiotic relationship with the emerging supermarket retailers. Italy had a retarded supermarket sector. Its distribution system favoured small-scale, independent butchers rather than chains of self-service supermarkets. Despite this the Italian poultry industry also modernised, adopting US technologies. The catalyst for this modernisation was technological innovation in refrigeration technologies that enabled Italian consumers and independent retailers to be persuaded of the merits of the new ‘technological’ chicken. While the Italian market has become dominated by AIA and Amadori in recent years, the key innovators were the entrepreneurs that created the company called Arena.


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In managed information technology (IT) support environments, transferring solution-oriented knowledge from an IT service provider to an enterprise customer offers benefits to both firms. However, the process of inter-organisational knowledge transfer is not well understood in such complex settings where Web-based Self-service Systems (WSSs) are increasingly employed. This paper draws on findings from an interpretive study of six large multinational IT service providers to provide a staged model of after-sales knowledge transfer from an IT service provider to an enterprise customer when a WSS is used. The paper also identifies and discusses the key challenges involved at each stage.


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The aim of this study was to empirically test a model of antecedents and consequences of customers’ satisfaction with interactive voice response (IVR). IVR is a commonplace selfservice technology, yet it has seldom been the focus of academic research. As customers’ frustration with IVR is apparent, understanding how customers evaluate IVR and their subsequent behavioural intentions is important. Findings of a study of Australian Football League members who were users of its IVR system indicated that customer satisfaction resulted when it was easy to use, offered fast service and provided customers with feelings of control. Overall satisfaction with the IVR system was related to customers’ intentions to reuse it and their trust in the AFL. Managerial implications of the findings are discussed.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance and complexities of the knowledge transfer process in the provision of effective managed after-sales IT support, when the web is used for service delivery.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper features an interpretive case study of a multinational Managed Service Provider (MSP) and a focus group of representatives from five comparable MSPs.

Findings – The paper finds that MSPs that use web-based channels for the provision of after-sales IT support services need to address a range of important social and organisational issues in order to realise cost and efficiency-based benefits.

Research limitations/implications – The paper provides a four stage processual model of knowledge transfer in the provision of web-based managed after-sales IT support services. The barriers and enablers of knowledge transfer at each stage are identified. The paper adopts a MSP perspective and suggests that further research from the customer perspective is required.

Practical implications – The paper highlights some important social and organisational enablers and barriers, which will guide MSPs when providing managed after-sales IT support using webbased channels.

Originality/value – The paper provides the first staged model of inter-organisational knowledge transfer in a complex multi-organisational and multi-channel web-based context.


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Este trabalho de conclusão tem como seu objetivo principal verificar os serviços que são oferecidos nas Salas de Auto-Atendimento (SAA) para a terceira idade, em uma agência do Banco do Brasil, em Porto Alegre. Interessa saber como é a percepção desse público com relação ao tema proposto para sugerir à instituição bancária melhorias, bem como comprovação em futuros estudos. Diante das impressões dos consumidores dos produtos e serviços oferecidos no ambiente ora analisado, percebe-se que este público tem pouca familiaridade quando lida com a automação bancária, embora outros problemas paralelos foram destacados, como a necessidade permanente de funcionários para auxiliá-los durante as operações, as filas ocasionando cansaço físico, a segurança nas SAA, a pouca privacidade quando utilizam as máquinas e a necessidade de conforto nesse ambiente, como a disponibilização de cadeiras, bebedouros e vasos com plantas. A grande maioria ainda prefere o atendimento tradicional, ou seja, o contato humano. Para este público, este é o caminho mais seguro e agradável para acessar os produtos e serviços bancários. Notou-se a reduzida oferta de estudos sobre o assunto quando se trata de relacionar a automação bancária versus terceira idade, bem como a inexistência de uma política diferenciada de atendimento para esse público.


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Increasing competition caused by globalization, high growth of some emerging markets and stagnation of developed economies motivate Consumer Packaged Goods (CPGs) manufacturers to drive their attention to emerging markets. These companies are expected to adapt their marketing activities to the particularities of these markets in order to succeed. In a country classified as emerging market, regions are not alike and some contrasts can be identified. In addition, divergences of marketing variables effect can also be observed in the different retail formats. The retail formats in emerging markets can be segregated in chain self-service and traditional full-service. Thus, understanding the effectiveness of marketing mix not only in country aggregated level data can be an important contribution. Inasmuch as companies aim to generate profits from emerging markets, price is an important marketing variable in the process of creating competitive advantage. Along with price, promotional variables such as in-store displays and price cut are often viewed as temporary incentives to increase short-term sales. Managers defend the usage of promotions as being the most reliable and fastest manner to increase sales and then short-term profits. However, some authors alert about sales promotions disadvantages; mainly in the long-term. This study investigates the effect of price and in-store promotions on sales volume in different regions within an emerging market. The database used is at SKU level for juice, being segregated in the Brazilian northeast and southeast regions and corresponding to the period from January 2011 to January 2013. The methodological approach is descriptive quantitative involving validation tests, application of multivariate and temporal series analysis method. The Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) model was used to perform the analysis. Results suggest similar price sensitivity in the northeast and southeast region and greater in-store promotion sensitivity in the northeast. Price reductions show negative results in the long-term (persistent sales in six months) and in-store promotion, positive results. In-store promotion shows no significant influence on sales in chain self-service stores while price demonstrates no relevant impact on sales in traditional full-service stores. Hence, this study contributes to the business environment for companies wishing to manage price and sales promotions for consumer brands in regions with different features within an emerging market. As a theoretical contribution, this study fills an academic gap providing a dedicated price and sales promotion study to contrast regions in an emerging market.


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The Future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable Web services accessed from all over the Web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user-service interaction is still an open issue. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. The weakness lies in the abstraction of the underlying service front-end architecture rather than the infrastructure technologies themselves. In our opinion, the best approach is to offer end-to-end composition from user interface to service invocation, as well as an understandable abstraction of both building blocks and a visual composition technique. In this paper we formalize our vision with regard to the next-generation front-end Web technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the Future Internet. We present a novel reference architecture designed to empower non-technical end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications. A tool implementing this architecture has been developed as part of the European FP7 FAST Project and EzWeb Project, allowing us to validate the rationale behind our approach.


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Enabling real end-user development is the next logical stage in the evolution of Internet-wide service-based applications. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. This weakness can be attributed to the fact that the composition model does not satisfy end-user needs rather than to the actual infrastructure technologies. In our opinion, the best way to overcome this weakness is to offer end-to-end composition from the user interface to service invocation, plus an understandable abstraction of building blocks and a visual composition technique empowering end users to develop their own applications. In this paper, we present a visual framework for end users, called FAST, which fulfils this objective. FAST implements a novel composition model designed to empower non-programmer end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications in a fully visual fashion. We projected the development environment implementing this model as part of the European FP7 FAST Project, which was used to validate the rationale behind our approach.


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Outreach is now a prevailing activity in health sciences libraries. As an introduction to a series of papers on current library outreach to rural communities, this paper traces the evolution of such activities by proponents in health sciences libraries from 1924 to 1992. Definitions of rural and outreach are followed by a consideration of the expanding audience groups. The evolution in approaches covers the package library and enhancements in extension service, library development, circuit librarianship, and self-service arrangements made possible by such programs as the Georgia Interactive Network (GaIN) and Grateful Med.


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Technology helps the Human Resources (HR) department drive for strategic relevance. These two departments are successfully collaborating on major projects in such business-critical areas as e-recruiting, self-service, training, compensation and talent management. Technology is critical in helping increase efficiency, increase attraction and retention, reduce administration and cut costs. In recent years, HR information systems (HRIS) have become more important than ever, this time as an essential part of a company's information security and knowledge fields. Ill-suited benefits and disorganized resources are history; now is the time for customized, dynamic plans and connected systems. Employees will appreciate the HRIS, business will benefit from the HRIS and the HR department will no longer have to be the ugly duckling of the company.


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In the current global economic climate, international HRM is facing unprecedented pressure to become more innovative, effective and efficient. New discourses are emerging around the application of information technology, with 'e-HR' (electronic-enablement of Human Resources), self-service portals and promises of improved services couched as various HR 'value propositions'. This study explores these issues through our engagement with the emergent stream of 'critical' HRM, the broader study of organizational discourse and ethical management theories. We have found that while there is growing research into the take-up of e-HR applications, there is a dearth of investigation into the impact of e-HR on the people involved; in particular, the (re)structuring of social relations between HR functions and line managers in the move away from face-to-face HR support services, to more technology-mediated 'self-service' relationships. We undertake a close reading of personal narratives from a multinational organization, deploying a critical discourse lens to examine different dimensions of e-HR and raise questions about the strong technocratic framing of the international language of people management, shaping line manager enactment of e-HR duties. We argue for a more reflexive stance in the conceptualization e-HR, and conclude with a discussion about the theoretical and practical implications of our study, limitations and suggestions for future research. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Az önkiszolgáló technológiák (self-service technologies) használata a szolgáltatóiparban az információtechnológia és a telekommunikáció fejlődésével mindennapi életünk részévé vált. Kevés olyan szolgáltatóágazatot lehet találni, amely valamilyen módon ne alkalmazná a vevői önkiszolgálás lehetőségeit. A szerzők cikkükben bemutatják e technológiák alkalmazásának lehetőségeit, kitérnek előnyeikre és hátrányaikra, valamint egy kutatás segítségével választ kívánnak adni arra a kérdésre, hogy az önkiszolgáló technológiák használata során a fogyasztónak milyen félelmekkel, szorongásokkal kell szembenéznie, s hogy a fogyasztói szerepek pontos meghatározása ezt mennyiben oldhatja. Kutatásuk mintaválasztása lehetőséget ad arra is, hogy megvizsgálják a generációs különbségeket a fiatalabb és az idősebb használók között. Eredményeik alapján elmondhatják, hogy a feltételezett különbség a korcsoportok között nem jelentős, sokkal inkább a fogyasztóhoz köthető egyéni tényezők játszanak szerepet az önkiszolgáló technológiák elfogadásában. A fogyasztó számára a szerepek (szkriptek) pontos meghatározása nagyban segítheti az önkiszolgáló technológiák fogyasztói elfogadását és használati hatékonyságát.