961 resultados para Self-diffusion coefficients


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Metals and alloys containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behavior due to a process know as stress-induced ordering. The application of mechanical spectroscopy measurements to diffusion studies in body-centered cubic metals has been extensively used in the last decades. However the kind of preferential occupation of interstitial solutes in body-centered cubic metals is still controversial. The anelastic properties of the Nb and Nb-1 wt% Zr polycrystalline alloys were determined by internal friction and oscillation frequency measurements using a torsion pendulum inverted performed between 300K and 650K, operating in a frequency oscillation in the hertz bandwidth. The interstitial diffusion coefficients of oxygen and nitrogen in Nb and Nb-1 wt% Zr samples were determined at two distinct conditions: (a) for low concentration of oxygen and (b) for high concentration of oxygen.


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The short-range diffusion phenomenon (Snoek Effect) was investigated by mechanical spectroscopy measurements between 300 K and 650 K, in a polycrystalline niobium sample, containing oxygen and nitrogen, using a torsion pendulum. Experimental spectra of anelastic relaxation were obtained under three conditions: as-received sample; annealed sample and subsequently annealed in an oxygen atmosphere for three hours at 1170 K in partial pressure of 5°10 -5mbar. The experimental spectra obtained were decomposed in elementary Debye peaks and the anelastic relaxation processes were identified. With anelastic relaxation parameters and the lattice parameters, the interstitial diffusion coefficients of the oxygen and nitrogen in niobium were calculated for each kind of preferential occupation (octahedral and tetrahedral). The results were compared with the literature data, and confirmed that the best adjustment is for the preferential occupation octahedral model for low concentrations of interstitial solutes, but at higher concentration of oxygen were observed deviations of experimental data for the interstitial diffusion coefficients of oxygen in niobium when compared with the literature data, this could be related to the possible occurrence of a double occupation of interstitial sites in the niobium lattice by oxygen interstitials. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The interaction among heavy interstitial atoms present in metals with bcc structure is studied using anelastic spectroscopy. This technique makes it possible to obtain information on interstitial concentration, precipitation, solubility limit, and diffusion. The diffusion coefficients of nitrogen in niobium were obtained using the relaxation parameters obtained from anelastic spectroscopy measurements for different oscillation frequencies of the system. The results showed the interstitial diffusion of nitrogen present in solid solution in niobium when submitted to different charges of nitrogen at a temperature of 1373 K and a partial pressure in the order of 10-4 Torr. The exponential variation of the pressure experimentally in function of the time was thus obtained.


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Because of their low elasticity modulus, titanium alloys have excellent biocompatibility, and are largely used in orthopedic prostheses. Among the properties that are beneficial for use in orthopedic implants is the elasticity modulus, which is closely connected to the crystal structure of the material. Interstitial elements, such as oxygen, change the mechanical properties of the material. Anelastic spectroscopy measurements are a powerful tool for the study of the interaction of these elements with the metallic matrix and substitutional solutes, providing information on the diffusion and concentration of interstitial elements. In this study, the effect of oxygen on the anelastic properties of alloys in the Ti-15Mo-Zr system was analyzed using anelastic spectroscopy measurements. The diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors, and activation energies of these alloys were calculated for oxygen.


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Ti and its alloys are widely used as biomaterials. Their main properties are excellent corrosion resistance, relatively low elastic modulus, high specific strength, and good biocompatibility. The development of new Ti alloys with properties favorable for use in the human body is desired. To this end, Ti alloys with Mo, Nb, Zr, and Ta are being developed, because these elements do not cause cytotoxicity. The presence of interstitial elements (such as oxygen and nitrogen) induces strong changes in the elastic properties of the material, which leads to hardening or softening of the alloy. By means of anelastic spectroscopy, we are able to obtain information on the diffusion of these interstitial elements present in the crystalline lattice. In this paper, the effect of oxygen on the anelastic properties of some binary Ti-based alloys was analyzed with anelastic spectroscopy. The diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors, and activation energies were calculated for oxygen and nitrogen in these alloys.


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Using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, we investigate the Brownian motion of DNA rod-like fragments in two distinct anisotropic phases with a local nematic symmetry. The height of the measurement volume ensures the averaging of the anisotropy of the in-plane diffusive motion parallel or perpendicular to the local nematic director in aligned domains. Still, as shown in using a model specifically designed to handle such a situation and predicting a non-Gaussian shape for the bleached spot as fluorescence recovery proceeds, the two distinct diffusion coefficients of the DNA particles can be retrieved from data analysis. In the first system investigated (a ternary DNA-lipid lamellar complex), the magnitude and anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient of the DNA fragments confined by the lipid bilayers are obtained for the first time. In the second, binary DNA-solvent system, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is found to decrease markedly as DNA concentration is increased from isotropic to cholesteric phase. In addition, the diffusion coefficient anisotropy measured within cholesteric domains in the phase coexistence region increases with concentration, and eventually reaches a high value in the cholesteric phase.


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Realisierung einer 3D-Kreuzkorrelationsanlage zur Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik hochkonzentrierter Kolloide Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige 3D-Kreuzkorrelationsanlage zur mehrfachstreufreien Untersuchung des diffusiven Verhaltens hochkonzentrierter kolloidaler Suspensionen vorgestellt. Hierzu werden zwei Lichtstreuexperimente gleichzeitig am gleichen Streuvolumen und mit dem gleichen Streuvektor durchgeführt. Aus der so gewonnenen Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion kann das dynamische Verhalten der Kolloide bestimmt werden. Für die Diffusion der Partikel spielen neben der direkten Wechselwirkung elektroviskoser Effekt und die hydrodynamische Wechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Insbesondere bei hohen Konzentrationen kann keiner der drei Effekte vernachlässigt werden. Die zu messenden Unterschiede in den Diffusionskoeffizienten sind sehr klein. Daher wurde der experimentelle Aufbau detailliert charakterisiert. Hierbei konnten theoretische Überlegungen hinsichtlich des Nachpulsens und der Totzeit der verwendeten Si-Avalanche-Photodioden überprüft werden. Der Kurzzeitselbstdiffusionskoeffizient hochkonzentrierter geladener kolloidaler Suspensionen wurde gemessen. Um die Daten bei hohen Konzentrationen korrekt zu normieren, wurde der elektroviskose Effekt bei geringen Konzentrationen ausführlich untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass der elektroviskose Einzelteilcheneffekt zu einer monotonen Abnahme des Diffusionskoeffizienten bei abnehmender Ionenstärke führt. Anhand der volumenbruchabhängigen Daten des Kurzzeitselbstdiffusionskoeffizienten konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass die hydrodynamische Wechselwirkung einen geringeren Einfluss auf die Diffusion hat, falls das direkte Wechselwirkungspotential ein Coulomb-Potential anstelle eines Harte-Kugel-Potentials ist.


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Es wird ein neues Konzept für ein protonenleitendes Polymer vorgestellt, das ohne eine zweite, flüssige Phase auskommt. Es beruht darauf, basische Gruppen (Imidazol) über flexible Spacer kovalent an ein Polymerrückgrat zu binden und durch Dotierung mit einer geringen Menge Säure Ladungsträger (Protonen) in dieses System einzubringen.Um die für die Leitfähigkeit und ihren Mechanismus verantwortlichen Größen zu identifizieren, wurde ein Satz von niedermolekularen Modellverbindungen definierter Struktur und hoher Reinheit synthetisiert und im reinen Zustand sowie nach Dotierung mit geringen Mengen Säure umfassend charakterisiert. Untersucht wurden die thermischen Eigenschaften, die Leitfähigkeit, die Diffusion der jeweiligen Modellverbindung sowie ggf. der zugesetzten Säure, das Protonierungsgleichgewicht und die dielektrischen Eigenschaften. Insbesondere wurden durch den Vergleich von Leitfähigkeits- und Diffusionsdaten unter Anwendung der Nernst-Einstein-Beziehung Rückschlüsse auf den Leitmechanismus gezogen.Es wurden Leitfähigkeiten von bis zu 6.5E-3 S/cm bei 120°C erreicht. Der Anteil der Strukturdiffusion (vergleichbar mit dem Grotthus-Mechanismus in Wasser) an der protonischen Leitfähigkeit betrug bis zu über 90%. Als entscheidende Faktoren für die Leitfähigkeit wurden die Glastemperatur und, mit geringerer Priorität, der Imidazolgehalt des Materials identifiziert. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit aller untersuchten Transportgrößen ließ sich durch die Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher-Gleichung exzellent beschreiben.Die vorgestellten Daten bilden die Grundlage für den Entwurf eines entsprechenden Polymers.


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Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a powerful technique to determine the diffusion of fluorescence molecules in various environments. The technique is based on detecting and analyzing the fluctuation of fluorescence light emitted by fluorescence species diffusing through a small and fixed observation volume, formed by a laser focused into the sample. Because of its great potential and high versatility in addressing the diffusion and transport properties in complex systems, FCS has been successfully applied to a great variety of systems. In my thesis, I focused on the application of FCS to study the diffusion of fluorescence molecules in organic environments, especially in polymer melts. In order to examine our FCS setup and a developed measurement protocol, I first utilized FCS to measure tracer diffusion in polystyrene (PS) solutions, for which abundance data exist in the literature. I studied molecular and polymeric tracer diffusion in polystyrene solutions over a broad range of concentrations and different tracer and matrix molecular weights (Mw). Then FCS was further established to study tracer dynamics in polymer melts. In this part I investigated the diffusion of molecular tracers in linear flexible polymer melts [polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polyisoprene (PI)], a miscible polymer blend [PI and poly vinyl ethylene (PVE)], and star-shaped polymer [3-arm star polyisoprene (SPI)]. The effects of tracer sizes, polymer Mw, polymer types, and temperature on the diffusion coefficients of small tracers were discussed. The distinct topology of the host polymer, i.e. star polymer melt, revealed the notably different motion of the small tracer, as compared to its linear counterpart. Finally, I emphasized the advantage of the small observation volume which allowed FCS to investigate the tracer diffusions in heterogeneous systems; a swollen cross-linked PS bead and silica inverse opals, where high spatial resolution technique was required.


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The adsorption of particles and surfactants at water-oil interfaces has attracted continuous attention because of its emulsion stabilizing effect and the possibility to form two-dimensional materials. Herein, I studied the interfacial diffusion of single molecules and nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. rnrnFluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a promising technique to study diffusion of fluorescent tracers in diverse conditions. This technique monitors and analyzes the fluorescence fluctuation caused by single fluorescent tracers coming in and out of a diffraction-limited observation volume “one at a time”. Thus, this technique allows a combination of high precision, high spatial resolution and low tracer concentration. rnrnIn chapter 1, I discussed some controversial questions regarding the properties of water-hydrophobic interfaces and also introduced the current progress on the stability and dynamic of single nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces. The materials and setups I used in this thesis were summarized in chapter 2. rnrnIn chapter 3, I presented a new strategy to study the properties of water-oil interfaces. The two-dimensional diffusion of isolated molecular tracers at water/n-alkane interfaces was measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The diffusion coefficients of larger tracers with a hydrodynamic radius of 4.0 nm agreed well with the values calculated from the macroscopic viscosities of the two bulk phases. However, for small molecule tracers with hydrodynamic radii of only 1.0 and 0.6 nm, notable deviations were observed, indicating the existence of an interfacial region with a reduced effective viscosity. rnrnIn chapter 4, the interfacial diffusion of nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces was investigated using FCS. In stark contrast to the interfacial diffusion of molecular tracers, that of nanoparticles at any conditions is slower than the values calculated in accordance to the surrounding viscosity. The diffusion of nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces depended on the interfacial tension of liquid-liquid interfaces, the surface properties of nanoparticles, the particle sizes and the viscosities of surrounding liquid phases. In addition, the interfacial diffusion of nanoparticles with Janus motif is even slower than that of their symmetric counterparts. Based on the experimental results I obtained, I drew some possibilities to describe the origin of nanoparticle slowdown at water-oil interfaces.


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Biosensors find wide application in clinical diagnostics, bioprocess control and environmental monitoring. They should not only show high specificity and reproducibility but also a high sensitivity and stability of the signal. Therefore, I introduce a novel sensor technology based on plasmonic nanoparticles which overcomes both of these limitations. Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong absorption and scattering in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. The plasmon resonance, the collective coherent oscillation mode of the conduction band electrons against the positively charged ionic lattice, is sensitive to the local environment of the particle. I monitor these changes in the resonance wavelength by a new dark-field spectroscopy technique. Due to a strong light source and a highly sensitive detector a temporal resolution in the microsecond regime is possible in combination with a high spectral stability. This opens a window to investigate dynamics on the molecular level and to gain knowledge about fundamental biological processes.rnFirst, I investigate adsorption at the non-equilibrium as well as at the equilibrium state. I show the temporal evolution of single adsorption events of fibrinogen on the surface of the sensor on a millisecond timescale. Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein with a unique shape that plays a central role in blood coagulation and is always involved in cell-biomaterial interactions. Further, I monitor equilibrium coverage fluctuations of sodium dodecyl sulfate and demonstrate a new approach to quantify the characteristic rate constants which is independent of mass transfer interference and long term drifts of the measured signal. This method has been investigated theoretically by Monte-Carlo simulations but so far there has been no sensor technology with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.rnSecond, I apply plasmonic nanoparticles as sensors for the determination of diffusion coefficients. Thereby, the sensing volume of a single, immobilized nanorod is used as detection volume. When a diffusing particle enters the detection volume a shift in the resonance wavelength is introduced. As no labeling of the analyte is necessary the hydrodynamic radius and thus the diffusion properties are not altered and can be studied in their natural form. In comparison to the conventional Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy technique a volume reduction by a factor of 5000-10000 is reached.


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To determine the inter-patient variability of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) and concurrent micro-circulation contributions from diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DW-MRI) in renal allografts early after transplantation, and to obtain initial information on whether these measures are altered in histologically proven acute allograft rejection (AR).


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Although magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used as a unique tool to study molecular diffusion, it is rarely used to measure the diffusion properties of intramyocellular and extramyocellular lipids. Lipids have very low apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs), which make these measurements difficult and necessitate strong diffusion gradients and long diffusion times. Consequence is that these measurements have inherently low signal-to-noise ratio and are prone to artifacts. The addition of physiological triggering and individual storage and processing of the spectra is seen to be a possible approach to maximize signal intensity and achieve high reproducibility of the experiments. Thus, the optimized measurement protocol was used to investigate the diffusion properties of lipids in human skeletal muscle in vivo. At a diffusion time of about 110 ms, intramyocellular lipids show a significantly lower ADC (2.0 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.10 × 10(-6) to 2.94 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s) than extramyocellular lipids (1.58 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.41 × 10(-5) to 1.75 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s). Because the chemical properties of both lipid pools can be assumed to be similar, the difference can only be attributed to restricted or severely hindered diffusion in the intramyocellular droplets.


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A novel microfluidic method is proposed for studying diffusion of small molecules in a hydrogel. Microfluidic devices were prepared with semi-permeable microchannels defined by crosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Uptake of dye molecules from aqueous solutions flowing through the microchannels was observedoptically and diffusion of the dye into the hydrogel was quantified. To complement the diffusion measurements from the microfluidic studies, nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) characterization of the diffusion of dye in the PEG hydrogels was performed. The diffusion of small molecules in a hydrogel is relevant to applications such asdrug delivery and modeling transport for tissue-engineering applications. The diffusion of small molecules in a hydrogel is dependent on the extent of crosslinking within the gel, gel structure, and interactions between the diffusive species and the hydrogel network. These effects were studied in a model environment (semi-infinite slab) at the hydrogelfluid boundary in a microfluidic device. The microfluidic devices containing PEG microchannels were fabricated using photolithography. The unsteady diffusion of small molecules (dyes) within the microfluidic device was monitored and recorded using a digital microscope. The information was analyzed with techniques drawn from digital microscopy and image analysis to obtain concentration profiles with time. Using a diffusion model to fit this concentration vs. position data, a diffusion coefficient was obtained. This diffusion coefficient was compared to those from complementary NMR analysis. A pulsed field gradient (PFG) method was used to investigate and quantify small molecule diffusion in gradient (PFG) method was used to investigate and quantify small molecule diffusion in hydrogels. There is good agreement between the diffusion coefficients obtained from the microfluidic methods and those found from the NMR studies. The microfluidic approachused in this research enables the study of diffusion at length scales that approach those of vasculature, facilitating models for studying drug elution from hydrogels in blood-contacting applications.